• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 1,064 Views, 54 Comments

Legend of the Sirens: Wild Vines - zalla661

Adagio and Rainbow go to Camp Everfree for a school reunion. Trouble lurks close behind.

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It has been three days since Godzilla returned to the sea. In that time a lot had happened. A powerful storm hit Canterlot City for the last three days and was still going strong. Godzilla disappeared and hasn’t been seen since, the G-Force was organized into the G-Force Tactical Response Unit, and Spitfire retired to spend time with her family. While that was happening Adagio was recovering from her fight with Aria and the aliens Mechagodzilla. Rainbow Dash in all that time was by her side and refused to leave her at any point until she got better.

On the third day Adagio awoke in her bed with Rainbow Dash at her side. They were in Adagio’s apartment room snug against each other in bed like nothing was wrong. Adagio felt her head was throbbing and gripped it after a sharp pain went through her forehead like a hammer. The constant throbbing annoyed her greatly and caused her to moan in agony. Her groaning awoke Rainbow from her sleep. Rubbing her tired eyes she smiled and reached for Adagio and hugged her gently around her waist.

“Well, well, somebody finally decided to wake up,” Rainbow said leaning in and kissing Adagio.

“Yeah, sorry I overslept. Guess now you can say you don’t oversleep as much as I do now,” Adagio said jokingly.

“Yeah, but you know I only want to spend every moment of my life with you, right?” Rainbow asked with a hint of playfulness in her tone.

Adagio giggled taking a moment to roll over on her other side to face Rainbow. The young woman was under the covers with her and was wearing a black tank top her long messy prismatic hair tied up into a ponytail. She lay there beside Adagio with a big smile on her face, her red gem dangling around her neck. Adagio reached for her lover caressing her cheek with loving hands. Rainbow practically purred at Adagio’s touch feeling a sense of pride being with her like this.

Rainbow returned the gesture by scooting closer and taking hold of Adagio around her waist. The two shared a tender moment rubbing their noses before falling asleep again. The sounds of the city outside became nothing more than back noise as the rested in each others embrace. But Adagio awoke after a few minutes thinking back on the fight with Aria.

“You’re still worried about her aren’t you?” Rainbow asked, startling her.

“Y-yeah. I know she hates humanity, but I still love her. She is my sister after all,” Adagio said petting Rainbow’s hair.

“I know. We’ll keep an eye out for her. For now let’s rest and take some time off for just ourselves. I’ve waited a long time for us to go on a little vacation since all the crazy happened,” Rainbow said softly in Adagio’s ear.

Adagio smiled pulling Rainbow closer. “Yeah, let’s do something with just the two of us,” She said nuzzling Rainbow’s cheek and falling asleep in her arms again.

The next several hours went by in the blink of an eye and in that time the two lovers went undisturbed by the world around them. Both had their phones off and didn’t want anything to interrupt their sleep.

In the darkness of sleep Adagio had a strange dream. It started with her in a black void devoid of any color or life. It was a cold place that chilled her to her soul. She didn’t know where she was but it felt strangely familiar, but it was filled with bitterness and pure cruelty that couldn’t be described. Yet, she felt oddly comfortable here in this dark world. Then a glowing series of red lights caught her attention in the darkness as a figure emerged from the depths.

The figure walked slowly from the void chuckling evilly as a black veil overshadowed them. This left them nearly featureless except for the strong build and feminine curves of the figure. When it approached Adagio felt her blood run cold yet she didn’t fear this person. They stopped just a stone's throw away from her and crossed their arms over the chest leaning to one side with a sharp toothy grin that she’d only seen in movies and sirens.

“Welcome home, sister,” The figure said in a deep raspy voice.

They were definitely female from what Adagio could tell, and their voice only confirmed that. It was somewhere between a New England or Scottish accent from what Adagio could tell. Her hair was short and spiked with long bangs hanging over her right eye with two reverse curled horns on either side of her head. She was wearing a sleek body tight slack pants with a nice leather belt and a dress shirt and business vest. The shirt however was cut showing off her midriff.

Adagio could only stare at the woman waiting to see what she had to say when she noticed the red lights all around the figure. She gasped at their sight. All over this female figure were red gems worn over bands of leather, not unlike how Aria dressed prior to the battle of the bands. Each leather band had three or more siren gems adorning them like a woman would wear fine jewelry. The figured noticed Adagio staring at their left arm and chuckled that same evil laugh and raised their arm to show off their collection.

“Ah, I see you admiring my collection sister. Whatever happened to yours?” The woman asked flexing her tone muscular arm gripping one band over her hand into a fist. “Or, did you abandon all that when you betrayed us?”

The woman sneered hissing as her eyes glowed red and golden lightning shot from her mouth. Adagio rolled to the side barely dodging the attack. Before she had a chance to recover a strong had was strangling her neck. The woman had moved the distance in a blink of an eye to catch her mid roll. Between struggling to break free and gasping for breath Adagio managed to mutter out a few words to her assailant.

“W-who a-are you?!”

“What?!” The woman screeched. “What do you mean who am I?! I’m your sister damn you! Cantana Pulse! Why don’t you remember me!? We use to do everything together with Forte Pulse!!”

“Who is that?” Adagio asked feeling the grip loosen around her neck, but still held firm.

“She’s our elder sister you stupid idiot! How this body has made you soft and weak!” The woman declared arrogantly.

Then she suddenly stopped her rant and glared narrowing eyes at Adagio. She had the look like someone who had just figured something out. She suddenly gasped and released Adagio dropping her to the floor. She then knelt down and placed her hand on Adagio’s shoulders. There was a surprisingly gentle touch to this gesture that Adagio wasn’t expecting.

The woman, Cantana Pulse reached out with one finger pointing at Adagio. Her nails were long and sharp like talons painted jet black. One of the gems glowed as it came closer to Adagio’s forehead. She tried to pull away but was held in place as Cantana continued.

“That bastard,” She hissed under her breath. “He sealed your memories! That’s why you don’t remember! Well, I’ll just have to fix that!”

With a gentle hum the gem on her arm glowed brighter as a deep red pentagram appeared an inch from Adagio’s forehead. Afraid of what might happen Adagio struggled to break free but soon realized her voice isn't working. Her mouth moved but she couldn’t say anything. She suddenly felt it was hard to breath and found herself struggling to stay ‘awake’. The pentagram came into contact with Cantana’s nail and shattered instantly .

When this happened Adagio felt her head ache. A pulsing sensation overcame her as she felt like her head was about to explode. ‘Adagioooo’ a voice called to her from the darkness as she felt her lungs stressing due to a lack of oxygen. The woman let out a feral cry calling for Adagio.

“No! You need to remember us! Remember our song, sister! Remember our song, little star!”

Adagio’s vision blurred and until she was consumed by darkness with Cantana disappearing into the darkness and was overcome with a strong sense of vertigo. It was as if she was falling into the darkness that consumed her.

Moments later Adagio was startled awake as she’d fallen off the bed. She tried to flail and adjust her body to stop herself from falling, despite being in bed and held by Rainbow Dash. After a moment of trying to calm her heart Adagio suddenly realized she was being smothered by Rainbow who was smothering Adagio against her chest. In the time when she awoke from her sleep Adagio had become Rainbows unwitty pillow.

The young woman moaned and smiled as she continued to hug Adagio’s head in her arms. She was still asleep and mumbling her name completely unaware of Adagio’s distress. Finally after a great struggle Adagio managed to free herself from Rainbow’s grasp who lazily turned over and continued to sleep undisturbed. Adagio gasped for breath, her lungs filling with the life giving air she so desperately desired. Once her heart had relaxed she glared at her sleeping lover and thought very hard about pushing her off the bed. In the end she ended up not doing that and just shook her head and rolled onto her back careful to put a large body pillow between them.

As she lay there her thoughts went back to her dream she had. It was beginning to fade as quickly as it came, but she did remember the name Cantana Pulse. Other than that it was gone. The fleeting dream and she couldn’t remember what had happened. It seemed so real to her that she was sure it had happened in real life. Putting this aside she forced herself back to sleep still feeling slightly sore from her fight with Aria. She went to sleep with a smile on her face knowing at the very least Rainbow as there to protect her and it made her feel at ease knowing she’d always be there for her.

No matter what.

*Somewhere in Canterlot City a woman with two large curled ram horn on the sides of her head was sitting at a bar. She was well dressed in a long golden dress that was strapless and hung snug over her large breast. Her hair was long golden and orange that completely covered her back, a black choker was around her neck with a glowing red gem. She drank a cup of fire brandy alone when a figured entered the bar and stomped its way over to her and took a seat right beside her.

“Scotch,” The figured said.

The barkeep served the patron her drink and afterwards went to tend to his other customers, and thus leaving the two women alone. The second woman nursed her drink while the other smirked at her sipping her own drink, as she shifted her legs under the stool.

“So? Where were you Cantana?” She asked the woman.

Cantana snarled rolling up her sleeves and gulping down her drink on one go. She slammed the glass down firmly making the other patrons look at them. They looked at the two as if expecting a fight to break out with two of=r three getting up to leave after paying.

“I saw her today and the old man today Forte,” Cantana snarled almost throwing her glass across the room only to stop at the last second. “She was cursed. I broke the first seal but I didn’t have time to break the other four. She doesn’t remember us.”

Cortana's voice suddenly went very soft and she adopted a sad almost melancholic look. A look that showed great distress and sadness. The woman next to her, Forte, was looking at Canata with concern in her eyes.

“You’ve been obsessed with finding her since we got here. Now, we found other sirens and you want to screw everything up by keeping this a secret from me?” Forte asked baring her fangs.

Cantana returned with a snarl of her own. The two glaring each other down like to apex predators ready to fight at a moments notice. Then as quickly as it started Cantona signed, relenting to fight any further.

“I don’t want to fight you, sis. I just want my little star back. She means the world to us,” Cantana said turning her glass.

Forte glanced at her own glass before taking a long sip. Once she had her fill she set the empty glass down and left it alone giving her full attention to Cantana.

“Listen to me Cantana, what you did was dangerous,” Forte said harshly. “You could have killed her and blown our chances of conquering this world.”

“Don't worry she’s fine. So is your plan for that matter,” Cantana said bitterly.

“Oh? You don’t agree with my plan anymore?” Forte asked.

Cantana chuckled twirling her glass in her hand. She stared at it for a minute before setting it back down and glaring back at her sister once more before getting up and leaving a fifty bill on the table.

“I’m just tired Forte. I want this to end. I’m tired of all the fighting and all the killing. I just want to live the rest of my life in peace. I’ll go through with your plan, but after that we go our separate ways,” Cantana said.

With her piece said she turned and walked out leaving Forte to her whims. The woman turned looking back at her own glass. She was angry at Cantana’s outburst but soon dawned a smile.

“Then I guess I best find a replacement soon,” She said pulling out her phone and making a call.

The phone rang for a good minute before someone answer her call. She smiled hearing the voice of the receiver to her call.

“Ah, yes Kyle! How long has it been darling?” She said greeting the other person. “Yes, I’m doing just fine. . . Listen I need something from you. I need you to keep an eye on someone for me. Mmhmm. Yes, please do. Let me know if her condition worsens. . . Yes, until then darling.”

Ending the call Forte put her phone back in a small purse she had over her shoulder and paid for her drink. After leaving a sizable tip she put on a large golden coat and strut out of the bar feeling her future was going to be bright while humming to herself along the way under the star lit night.

“Twinkle twinkle little star…”

Author's Note:

So ends the second to last story in the Legend of the Sirens Series. Sorry for the lack of quality content everyone. Life has been rough since I last started and I had to make few adjustments before forcing myself to finish this one. Somewhere along the way I lost motivation and decided to wait until I got my mojo back as it were. Now I'm back and ready to finish what I started.

So to those whoa re still around stay tuned for the last installment coming soon!

Legend of the Sirens: Three Golden Sisters

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