• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 1,064 Views, 54 Comments

Legend of the Sirens: Wild Vines - zalla661

Adagio and Rainbow go to Camp Everfree for a school reunion. Trouble lurks close behind.

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Author's Note:

No notes today, other than next chapter will have lots of action in it. To that end it maybe a week or two before this story is updated again, so stay tuned and keep your eyes open. You don;t want to miss what comes next!

The next morning came with a loud rumble that awoke everyone in Camp Everfree. Adagio screamed falling out of her bed, while Rainbow Dash jumped out of hers and ducked under the desk nearby. From her spot under the desk, Rainbow watched as Adagio cried out in pain and gripped her head rolling in pain. In Adagio’s head a ear shattering screech echoed over and over causing her head to throb, like it was going to explode from a high pressure. The rumbling increased making whatever wasn’t nailed to the floor either topple over or fall from its perch.

After a god minute of violent shaking the tremor stopped leaving everything fallen out of place. Once things settled down Rainbow crawled out from her hiding spot and made her way over to a shaken Adagio. Taking her hands Rainbow rubbed Adagio’s hands with her own gently stroking them to comfort her.

“Hey, love, you alright there? You didn’t hit your head did you?” Rainbow asked looking over Adagio’s head.

“No, I’m fine now,” Adagio said pushing Rainbow away so she could stand. “I just… heard something.”

Not sure what she meant Rainbow cocked a brow which didn’t go unnoticed by the siren.

“Ugh, I heard a strange roar like my fathers, but… different.” Adagio rubbed her head trying to come up with a way to explain what she heard. “It sounded like my father's voice, but if it was synthesize through a mechanical blender mixed with nails on a chalkboard.”

Rainbow Dash just stared blankly at her making Adagio groan. It was clear to the siren that her mate had no idea what was being said.

“Ugh, it was very loud and painful.”

“Oh, why didn’t you just say so?” Rainbow asked shrugging.

Adagio growled and backhanded her mates head with a swift flick of the wrist. Rainbow Dash yelped in pain rubbing the back of her skull glaring back at Adagio.

“Hey! Not cool!”

“Well, maybe next time you’ll think twice before saying something stupid again.” Adagio gave a playful smirk at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow smirked back and slowly placed her hands on Adagio’s shoulders and gently pushed her to the floor and planted her lips to hers, giving her a passionate kiss.

Adagio wrapped her arms around Rainbow and pulled her tightly against her body giving into her primal mating instincts. She gently slipped her hands under Rainbow Dash’s shirt and slowly lifted it revealing her rock solid belly underneath. AShe pulled from the kiss and leaned into Rainbow’s neck and nibbled her collarbone enticing a soft moan from the prismatic haired woman. Gently she tickled Rainbow’s navel and lifter the shirt higher and higher when suddenly the door flung open and Pinkie came rushing in like a madwoman in a full blown panic.

“DAGI! RAINBOW! ARE YOU TWO HERE?!” She screamed running into the room.

Pinkie immediately stopped dead in her tracks as she eyed Adagio and Rainbow. Rainbow was being straddled by Adagio who was lifter her shirt off, both women were red as tomatoes and Rainbow Dash quickly covered herself glaring at Pinkie Pie.

“P-PINKIE! Ever heard of knocking!?” Rainbow stuttered.

Pinkie nodded dumbly but remained silent.

“Pinkie what are you doing?” Outside the voice of Sunset Shimmer calling to pinkie made the pink woman blink.

“Just catching Rainbow and Adagio doing the ‘dirty dance’.”

“PINKIE!” Three voices yelled at her.

Pinkie Shrugged and casually walked out of the room, and soon replaced with Sunset SHimmer. Sunset scowled at Pinkie and looked inside to see Adagio and Rainbow standing apart like nothing happened.

“You two alright? That was some tremor,” Sunset asked them.

“We’re fine Sunset,” Rainbow said.

“Well we just wanted to make sure you two were alright. We had to cancel the mountain climbing so everyone is going to the lake instead.”

Adagio liked that idea. She couldn’t remember the last time she soaked up and sunlight on a nice quiet beach like she did back in Equestria. She was long overdue for a nice sun bath. She then thought of her new bathing suit she got and was waiting for an excuse to show it off to Rainbow, perhaps fortune has shined on her this day.

“That sounds like fun, when is everyone meeting up?” Adagio asked.

“We’re going to eat breakfast in the messhall first then after that we’re going to meet at the lake around 11.”

“Sounds like a plan. We’ll meet you there,” Adagio said to Sunset.

“Yea, and thanks for checking on us. We do appreciate it,” Rainbow added winking at Sunset.

Sunset shook her head and walked off with Pinkie at her heels. Once the two were gone Adagio and Rainbow quickly cleaned up the room from all the fallen things during the quake. Afterwards they decided to just lounge around on the bed until 11, content with being in each others embrace.

On the other side of the camp in a large cabin Sunset was getting ready herself. She had on a two piece red and yellow lined bikini with a sash around her waist. She was tying her hair up when Sonatas blue ponytail poked over her shoulder in a mirror she was looking in. Sunset sighed knowing Sonata would jump on her any moment but managed to crack a smile while she waited for the siren to jump her.

Sure enough as a few seconds passed sonata leaped from behind Sunset and wrapped her arms around her neck screaming ‘boo!’. Chickleing Sonata, despite being over one thousand years old, managed to keep some sort of childhood innocence in herself as was clearly being displayed here. Sunset let her hair down as Sonata spit some of it out.

“Augh ,pfft! Pfft! Ugh, I got hair in my mouth.”

“That’s what you get for jumping me when I’m trying to do my hair.”

Sonata giggled. “Yeah, guess so. Still how are you doing, Sunny?”

Sonata asked looking the young woman up from head to toe. She gave an analytical gaze over Sunset judging her on what she was wearing, no doubt the time she spent with rarity made some of the fashionistas habit rub of the impressionable siren.

Sunset turned to face her swaying her hips to the side and placing her hand on them. Sonata was wearing a large blue sundress courtesy of Rarity, and little sandals with little yellow flowers on them.

“Cute. Is that one of Rarity’s designs?” Sunset asked pointing at the blue sundress.

Sonata nodded with a big smile on her face. “Yeup. She made it just for me! Isn’t it beautiful?”

“You sure are,” Sunset said returning to the mirror and tried tying up her hair.

“Ugh, this stupid hair of mine. I swear I will get it cut first chance I get,” Sunset mumbled trying to fumble her plush hair.

Suddenly Sonata was behind her and pulling the fiery hair up. “Here, let me help,” Sonata offered, pulling Sunsets bangs from her eyes.

“Thanks, Sonata. I really envy your sister Adagio.”

Sonata cocked her head pulling out a hairpin from her large ponytail and snapped it over Sunsets hair. “Why’s that, Sunny?”

“How can she have this much hair and not go crazy?” Sunset asked gesturing to her uncontrollable hair.

“Tee, hee. We’re sirens, duh,” Sonata said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Our hair is a living extension of ourselves. It does as we command.”

“... What?”

“Oh, yeah. We can control our hair like it was an arm or leg!” Sonata said grinning.

Sunset could only stare in disbelief at what she heard. Never once had she heard something so ridiculous as being able to control one's hair. The only time she heard of such a thing was in her old Power Ponies comics with the Mane Iac, but never from a real living creature.

Her thought was cut off by Sonata’s ***t eating grin plastered on her face. It took a moment for Sunset to realize she just been had. Grinning herself she gave a playful swat at Sonata’s arm. The blue siren whined rubbing her arm.

“Ouchies, not cool Sunny.”

Sunset stared blankly at Sonata as she finished pinning up Sunset’s hair. Stepping away Sonata admired her work. Sunset now had a large wavey ponytail with long lengths of hair at each side of her head. Sunset then realized their was a hairpin with her old cutie mark on it holding her hair back. She turned to ask Sonata about the hairpin but found the siren was gone.

Sighing Sunset admired her new hairdo and the lovely sun shaped hairpin. She touched the hairpin and gently stroked it with her fingers watching as the sun reflected off its polished surface. It had been a long time since she received such a gift from someone, or rather somepony. True her human friends showered her with gifts over the years, but getting something with her cutie mark spoke with a certain weight to it she couldn't’ describe. Getting out of her seat Sunset threw on a large straw hat and shades and ran out out of her cabin. She saw Sonata skipping along towards the mess hall. Locking the door Sunset ran after Sonata catching up to her as the siren reached the door and they entered together.

Out in a small cave a young woman crawled through the brush that covered the cave entrance. She was Gloriosa, joint owner of Camp Everfree. She stood alone in a large dark cave where a large pedestal surrounded by large columns of rock with pulsating red masses in them, like large pores with red flesh beneath. Gloriosa had come alone to the cave glancing around before laying her eyes on the pedestal at the center. Gloriosa approached the stone pedestal and glanced down at a few shards of crystal atop of it. One was red, blue, and yellow. Each pulsated with a radiant light that helped illuminate the area.

Gloriosa glanced around picking up the blue shard and held it to her chest. She hummed softly as the crystal resonated with her humming, slowly synchronizing with her. Finally after a few seconds a bright blue light expanded from the crystal and a soft disembodied voice called out from the cave to her.

“Ahh, it’s goo0 to see you alive and well my friend,” it said to her.

The voice was that of a soft spoken man, but had a slight hiss in it’s tone. From bover her in the dark roof of the cave Gloriosa saw a set of aged eyes overhead. The right one had a dark mark of some kind over it, like a tattoo eye patch.

She didn’t flee from the eyes, instead she smiled openly and greeted the eyes like an old friend would.

“I’m glad to hear from you too,” Gloriosa said to the roof of the cave. “I’ve done as you asked. I placed the amber into the altar and felt the quake. What’s next?”

The voice chuckled softly at the woman's eagerness.

“Fret not my friend. In time our intentions will become clear. For now, I want you to go enjoy yourself for the time being,” The male voice said. “There is much to be done in the future. For now, you’ve earned yourself a nice break.”

Gloriosa nodded and giggled happily as she jumped around the cave.

“Yes, so the cmap is saved after all!”

“Now now, the camp isn’t saved yet,” The voice said sternly, as the eyes narrowed at her.

Gloriosa ceased her cheerful banter and sagged slightly. The man's eyes seemed to soften after the young woman managed to calm herself down and continued to speak to her in a gentle tone.

“Please, remember these things take time. Empires weren’t built overnight. This can’t be rushed,” He warned her.

“No you’re right. Sorry I got over excited.”

Gloriosa blushed feeling rather embarrassed by her conduct wishing she could just die on the spot, but a reassuring laughter from the eyes calmed her nerves.

“Thank you for being my friend, sir,” She said to the eyes.

“No, Gloriosa, I should thank you!” The voice said. “Were it not for you our work would have taken decades longer. We owe you our lives.”

“That was nothing. Just trying to help. Anyways I’ll see you later chief!” Gloriosa waved goodbye to the eyes above her and ran out of the cave leaving the eyes alone in the darkness. Once she was gone the soft voice grunted looking off to the side before disappearing from view.

Just outside the cave, Major Spitfire watched in silence as the exchange took place. She watched as her niece left the cave, and heard the conversation she had with the strange man. She wondered who he was and how he knew her niece. No doubt it would be an interesting tale, but Spitfire couldn’t shake this sense that the man or being whatever it was had ill intent for her nice Gloriosa.

Making a mental note, Spitfire snuck off and made her way back to the main part of the camp. Had she stayed a moment more she would have noticed a large branch crawling along the rock face that bloomed into a rose with sharp teeth in its center. A rock in the cave slid to the side and revealed a secret door behind it and a man in silver aluminum looking clothes stepped out with a small pistol in his hand. It was nothing more than a barrel it seems as the man looked down at the rose that hissed at him. The man smirked and pointed his weapon at the tiny rose and fire a blue bolt at it vaporizing it instantly as the rose cried out in pain.

Satisfied with his kill the man walked back into the door. The door slide with a loud hissing noise behind him and the rock that once hid it moved back into place covering the secret door from sight once again.

*They will pay* A deep feminine voice cursed as the vine slowly regenerated.