• Published 21st Oct 2016
  • 1,064 Views, 54 Comments

Legend of the Sirens: Wild Vines - zalla661

Adagio and Rainbow go to Camp Everfree for a school reunion. Trouble lurks close behind.

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Battle of the Atoll

Author's Note:

So here's part one of the update I promised. The Battle of the Atoll, and what a thing it should be! I've never coordinated so many things at once I think. Closest to something like this I've ever done was the Battle of Ponyville in my fic Trixie, Secretary Extraordinaire!! Should be interesting to see how this'll turn out!

So enjoy!

Hours Later Midway Atoll

Far west in the Midway Atoll a small fleet of American naval vessels were on a routine patrol through the Atoll heading south. It was dark, cold, and wet from a heavy storm that raged all around them. The fleet consisted of five vessels. One carrier, three battleships, and a frigate escort. They were trudging through the waters of the Atoll following a series of strange radar readings.

While in pursuit of the strange radar blips they encountered the storm which greatly inhibited their ability to find what they were looking for. Considering the fact it was heading south by southwest, the Captain of the fleet was sure it was a Russian ship, either lost due to the storm or running a border skirmish in their waters. In either case they were ordered to find the source of the radar blips and make contact with US Naval Command after finding the source.

They were now thirteen hours into their search when the storm started to get really bad. The fleet had to keep a loose formation just so they didn’t risk toppling over one another if a powerful enough wave hit the smaller ships. As luck would have it the storm had grounded all planes and restricted all non-essential personnel to below deck.

On the carrier and battleships the storm was a minor annoyance but for the crew of the frigate life was beginning to get miserable. Compared to its larger brethren the frigate was small and easily forced around by the massive waves, limiting not only mobility but their speed as well. The crew was already use to the rigid waters but this storm was putting their stomachs to the ultimate test of endurance and willpower.

To compensate for the storm, the Captain of the fleet on the frigate ordered the helmsman to follow in the carriers wake while the battleships were used as a buffer around them. This helped alleviate some of the stress on the ship but forced them to rely on the other ships for bearings, biotin in combination with the body low visibility weather and the fact vision was out right blocked by the fleet protecting them.

It was now 2210 zulla (10:10 local time in the Atoll) when the radar officer on the carrier caught the signal again, but the storm was hindering her ability to find the reading when she got a huge hit along with the blip from earlier.

“Contact! South 223!” she yelled.

The Captain on average eight turned to face her. His navy fatigues ruffled as he walked over to her.

“What’s the SITREP?” He asked looking at the radar.

He could see the distinct sign of two small blips and one large one easily over running the other two by a great margin before turning around to chase after the other two blips.

“What the hell?”

From next to him another naval officer called to him. He was sitting at a large computer station with several blue panels around him and a large headset on. The man looked up at his CO removing his headset.

“Sir, I have Russian contacts at 223. It a Russian cruiser, Moskva class!” He said pointing at his panel. “They're calling for help!”

The Captain straightened up and adjusted his cap.

“Well then, as the head of our new Naval Task Force, I Captain Ramius order the fleet full speed ahead! Let’s go see you neighbors!”

With the word given the entire fleet diverted full speed towards the location of the Moskva. A short, but very violently bumpy trip later the fleet was closing in on the blip when a loud screeching overrode the sound of the storm for a brief time. Then suddenly the radar officer yelled out in panic.

“CONTACT INBOUND!!” She yelled as the large blip turned and headed towards them.

Before anyone could react the fleet was already firing through the storm. As the frigate slowed its pace and lost sight of its companions, the light from their canons were the only indicator they were there aside from their radar readings.

A few seconds later a few of the blips disappeared from the radar. The only remaining ones were the carrier, one battleship, the unknown large blip and the two smaller Russian contacts. Contact was quickly established with the American Fleet and the Russian Moskva Captain who was in a panic. The Moskva was Captain told Remius about a massive kaiju insectoid that was attacking their fleet. They were able to keep it away with flares from their Hind-D, but the storm limited the Moskva's mobility so they couldn’t get a good bearing on the beast.

Quickly the two sides grouped up. With the storm the carrier made no attempt to launch its fighters, leaving the battleships and the Moskva to defend it with the frigate and Hind. The Hind, a tiny gunship helicopter was struggling through the storm as the kaiju was making a pass. The hind quickly ascended firing two and then three flares making the kaiju dive under the flares and changed its course away from the fleet, but the hinds flares were running low.

Remus came up with a plan. He knew of the Moskva design. It was a long ranged carrier destroyer with powerful long ranged missiles that could snap a ship in two, or obliterate smaller ones.

Remus ordered the fleet to divide into two. The Moskva, one battleship, and the frigate, gathered together with the Hind-d and circled around the carrier and the remaining battleships. Several minutes passed and the radar officer kept track of the flying kaiju who was just out of weapon range but was still circling the two groups of ships. Then, after about thirty minutes of waiting it came hard about and headed straight for the fleet.

The communication officer and several others were scrambling on the various ships relaying instructions in what could only be described as organized chaos.

The Russian missile cruiser repositioned itself by reversing direction while the battleships formed a line and fired their large canons at the approaching beast. Then they saw it. Through the wave torn sea and rain came the shape of a large insectoid kaiju flying over them with a loud screech. The shells from the battleships struck their target only making it flinch slightly as it flew over the fleet. The Hind-D circled through the storm to face the direction the kaiju was coming from on its return pass.

It was easy to identify the creature. Everyone in the world knew who it was, Elechos. Insect kaiju of the Pacific and was wanted dead by several nations. The fleet Captain’s mission sudden turned into an extermination.

He order the fleet to spread apart with the carrier and Moskva behind it. The battleships formed a blockade in front of the carrier and missile cruiser while the Hind landed on the carrier to refuel. The pilot and copilot were praised by the carrier crew for their bravery to fly in such conditions.

While refueling the Hind, the Frigate circled around the clutter of ships acting as an early warning detection point. When the pin pointed Helechos coming towards them, the battleships began a constant barrage of fire on the kaiju, but it was getting smarter with every pass. Elechos screeched as it dodged side to side clumsily making half the shots miss it. What did hit the bug served only to annoy it more with every passing.

This time however the kaiju was not merciful.

Before passing the frigate Elechos dove head first into the closest battleship tearing into the hull before disappearing under water. The remaining vessels remained in place hoping to catch the beast when it came back up. The worry was that i’d come through another ship.

Suddenly a bright blue glow shined through the storm like an otherworldly phenomenon from under the fleet where Elechos disappeared. The breaching the water came a highly concentrated beam of what looked like a blue flame that soared through the sky.

The blue flame slowly descended splitting the two fleets apart without destroying any ships on either side of the flames of death. Silence followed with nothing but the storm and sounds from the consoles to comfort the men and women of the fleet. As time passed they thought the fight was over, but then out of the abyss came Elechos, flapping its bug like wings with all its strength but was gripped by large powerful hands that threatened to drag it down.

The arms soon emerged to a full body of Godzilla who roared shaking the ships in the already uncalm waters. His roar echoed through the storm as he tried to get a firm grip over the insectoid kaiju. Their massive bodies displaced the ships forcing them to retreat a distance or be swept up by the waves caused by their struggle. At first the humans had no idea what to do, the mixed feeling of Godzilla not actually attacking humans versus the potential of killing him now and Elechos had the fleet wondering what to do next. The Moskva however seemed to already know what it was going to do.

From it’s position the Russian Missile Cruiser launched a single large missile from one of its eight forward mounted silos. The missile flew high and fast ascending towards the dark sky until it was nothing more than a faint glow. Then after reaching optimal altitude the missile dove down reaching maximum velocity before impacting Elechos directly on the head.

The missile penetrated deep into the insectoids head as blood rain from its open wound. Godzilla took the opportunity presented to him. He took one massive claw and grabbed hold of the massive wound and bent Elechos head towards him. While the US fleet remained out of this the Moskva fire another missile into the sky. Elechos saw the missile and struggled more to escape Godzilla’s grasp. It swung side to side trying to break free but Godzilla’s grip held true.

To compensate Elechos leaned into Godzilla, which he wasn’t expecting, and bite into Godzilla’s face. A pained roar escaped Godzilla as he continued to hold onto his prey. Elchos quickly realized its folly and tried to claw at its adversary when the second missile hit its shoulder dismembering one wing.

Not allowing the opportunity to pass up the US fleet began a full scale bombardment on Elechos, and indirectly Godzilla due to their close proximity. Godzilla responded to the attack by releasing Elechos and pushing it away from him with a might shove of both his arms. Elechos fell backwards into the water and flailed uselessly as the US and Russian ships continued their attack. The US battleships and frigate fired their cannons and long range missiles focusing on Elechos head and limbs while the Moskva fire two missiles into the air. Elechos managed to right itself only to be drilled in the back my the canon fire and missiles from the Moskva. The concentrated fire drove into the insectoids back cracking it chitinous body weakening it greatly. Godzilla roared watching as the fleet of ships continued their attack.

The king of beats then inhaled as his scutes began glowing with their otherworldly blue glow as a charge built up in his body. Elechos heard the vibrating hums from Godzilla’s body and tried to flee sensing its imminent doom. For the humans it was a sign that the battle was almost over. The fleet backed away as Godzilla puffed his chest, his cheeks bulged, and his throat gurgled with a most feral deep throated growl. The fleet backed away wanting to not get caught in Godzilla’s attack to come, but it never came.

As the insect kaiju flailed about in the water and Godzilla prepared the death blow, massive vine like tentacles shot up around Elechos like a kraken in a movie would a ship before striking. Like a kraken in a movie, the tentacles fell powerfully down on Elechos and wrapped around it. Elechos found itself bound and unable to escape. Slowly as it screeched and roared in panic the vines dragged the beast down into the depths. First down was it’s throat, then its upper body, and as the head slowly descended into the water Godzilla and the fleet watched Elechos get dragged down to its watery grave. Finally submerged Elechos screeching ceased.

The men and women on the ships cheered but Godzilla remained vigilant. He could tell the danger wasn’t over. Something in his primal nature tugged at him, telling him to remain cautious. He was a predator, but this thing that took his prey was more powerful than it. Though he was a water dwelling kaiju he knew he would be at a disadvantage without knowing what he was dealing with. His eyes squinted dangerously at the spot where Elechos disappeared when a torrent of bubbles caught his attention. He immediately fired his blue fire into the water, penetrating deep into the depths.

The humans were startled by his sudden attack and stopped their victory cheers and become defensive at the show of his might. Godzillas attack tore through the water leaving around it a small heated void as it cut through the ocean like a steaming knife to butter. As his breath died down the water receded. For several minutes the fleet and Godzilla remained fixated on the spot when a severed head of Elechos reemerged from the water.

The humans remained on alert scanning the area for any other kaiju activity. Godzilla however sensed that the danger had passed and looked down at the human vessels waiting for them to turn on him. Much to his surprise they didn’t fire their weapons and cannons at him, instead the tiny people stood on the decks of their ships and called out to him. They said things like he was a hero, a savior, a ally. It filled him with joy and confusion. He never expected this kind of reception from the humans, it had been a long time since a human didn’t attack him on sight as well. Sniffing the air Godzilla roared as he dove under the water hearing the lasting and muffled cheers as he departed back into the sea. As he did there was a sound that caught his attention. A voice that sung a song he once heard long ago in a different world.