• Published 13th Nov 2016
  • 1,728 Views, 52 Comments

Two Kings And A Queen - Bluecatcinema

Sleight is left standing in the middle when an unwelcome face from Chrysalis's past arrives.

  • ...


Sleight slowly trudged back to the hive, feeling lower than low. He elected to enter through the front gates, seeing no point in hiding his movements any more.

"My King?" One of the Changelings standing guard frowned. "I wasn't aware you'd left."

"Well, I had." Sleight sighed. "Now, if you could open the gate, please? I’m having a pretty rotten day."

"At once, my King." The second guard nodded.

"Thank you." Sleight sighed.

Sleight made his way back to the tower. Night had fallen by then, and all Sleight wanted to do was sleep.

'What a disaster this day turned out to be...' He thought morosely.

Sazh was there to greet Sleight as he entered.

"Hey, Sleight." He smiled. "How are things?"

"You don't wanna know." Sleight said flatly, walking right past him. "It's been a long day, and I need to sleep."

"Um... okay." Sazh frowned.

"King Zzzleight." Char approached. "There'zzz a matter involving the zzzoldier cazzzte I need to dizzzcuzzzzzz with you."

"Tomorrow, okay?" Sleight held up a hoof. "I really need to go to bed."

"Azzz you wizzzh." Char nodded. He turned to Sazh. "What'zzz with him?"

"No idea." Sazh shrugged. "I just hope it won't last..."

Sleight returned to the bedchambers, only to find Chrysalis was not there. Wherever she had flown off to after their argument, it wasn't anywhere in the tower.

'Good.' Sleight thought angrily. 'I don't even want to think about her right now.'

Sleight climbed onto his side of the bed, making sure to not even glance at Chrysalis's side. Despite his anger, he was aware of how empty the bed felt with only one occupant. Shrugging off the feeling, he slowly drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Meanwhile, back in the forest, Thorax was bemoaning what had just happened.

"I'm sorry things turned out so badly today, my King." Scuttle comforted him.

"So am I." Thorax sighed. "I can't help but feel like this is all my fault..."

"You can't think that way, sire." Mandible urged. "Chrysalis said all those terrible things to you..."

"And I didn't exactly help the situation by insulting her like that." Thorax pointed out. "Maybe Sleight was right. Maybe I am letting my resentment towards her color my judgment."

"But we can't give up." Clack declared. "Our hive may not be able to survive without the assistance of this one."

"I know." Thorax bowed his head sadly. "And I can only hope I haven't cost us our one chance at making it a reality..."

Sleight wasn't the only one who had an uneasy sleep that night. Thorax barely slept himself, inundated with guilt.

The next morning, Sleight dragged himself out of bed. He noticed that Chrysalis was still nowhere to be seen.

'Like I care.' He pouted. 'Let her go and sulk. She brought it on herself...'

After having some breakfast, Sleight made his way to the throne room, intent on attending to some royal business, thus taking his mind off things. However, when he opened the door, he found Wizel on the other side, glaring at him.

"...What did you do?" Wizel asked coldly.

"I don't what you're talking about." Sleight countered, unnerved by the look on Wizel's face.

"Don't play games with me, Sleight." Wizel growled. "When I last saw Chrysalis, she said she was going to have a little talk with you. I haven't seen her since."

"...You haven't?" Sleight frowned, concern overriding his anger for a moment.

"That's right." Wizel nodded. "I can only assume something bad went down between the two of you. And I have a feeling it has something to do with Thorax.”

"You could say that." Sleight shrugged. "But it wasn't my fault. She brought it on herself."

“...And how did she bring it upon herself exactly?” Wizel frowned. “What happened?”

"You really want to know?" Sleight asked. "It's not pleasant listening."

"Let me be the judge of that." Wizel urged.

Sleight sighed deeply.

"Okay, don't say I didn't warn you..." He declared.

Sleight told Wizel the whole story, right up to the part where he returned to the hive.

"...And that pretty much leads up to now." He finished.

Wizel was visibly aghast, glaring at Sleight.

“Sleight… how... why…” Wizel gasped. “How could you say such things to Chrysalis?! You, of all ponies!”

"Me?!" Sleight spluttered. "You think I'm in the wrong here?"

“Sleight, there are some things that need to be said about certain ponies. Calling ponies out on their grudges is one thing… but to outright tell Chrysalis that you think she doesn’t care about her subjects?” Wizel glared darkly at Sleight. “That was a disgustingly low blow. I thought that would be beneath you!”

“Well, excuse me, old bug!” Sleight snarled. “But I call them like I see them! Did you know that Chrysalis had a chance to bring peace to his hive long before I came here?! You know, that whole 'hoof of friendship' thing with Starlight Glimmer? All those twenty-some years of suffering this whole hive had to endure! All because she wouldn’t take Starlight's hoof!”

"I am well aware of what happened, Sleight." Wizel declared. "And have been for years."

"You were?" Sleight frowned. "But you weren't there when it happened."

"No, but I heard tell of it when one of my... trysts brought me to Ponyville." Wizel admitted. "I overheard some of Princess Twilight's friends discussing it."

"And you thought it was okay how Chrysalis just rejected the offer?" Sleight demanded. "That she chose to run and hold on to a petty grudge?"

"I wasn't okay with that." Wizel sighed. "But back then, speaking to Chrysalis about it would have been a very poor decision. If she wouldn't allow talk regarding Thorax, she definitely wouldn't allow mention of the pony who helped Thorax overthrow her. Her pride could not let it stand..."

“Her pride… who gives a buck about her pride?!” Sleight growled. “Who knows how many Changelings lost their lives due to prejudice and cruelty because of her pride! Does she even care?!”

"Sleight-" Wizel started.

"Obviously not, if she can't understand how good this merger could have been for all of us." Sleight sneered.

"If you'd just-" Wizel attempted to get a word in edgewise.

"But she doesn't understand." Sleight growled. "None of the important stuff matters to her. Only her own precious pride, her ego, matters. She doesn't care about anything else. Not even her own children..."

"...Is that really what you think?" Wizel frowned. "Is it?"

"Yes, it is." Sleight said coldly.

"With all due respect, my King, you couldn't be more wrong." Wizel declared.

"And how would you know?" Sleight asked.

"Experience." Wizel told him. "You remember the story I told you? Of what happened after Chrysalis was forced from the old hive?"

"Yeah." Sleight nodded.

"There was something I neglected to mention." Wizel admitted. "Something I think will help prove my point. Something that happened the night after Chrysalis was forced to run..."


Wizel wandered through the makeshift camp his group had made, out in the desert by Appleloosa. As he did, he passed Char and Sazh, who were arguing about their sleeping arrangements.

"Thizzz izzz my zzzpot, runt!" Char snarled, pushing Sazh away from a patch of ground.

"What's the difference?" Sazh asked. "It all looks the same! Why not sleep over there?" He pointed to another patch.

"There'zzz too much zzzand there." Char growled. "I don't like zzzand. It'zzz coarzzze, rough and irritating."

"Wonder who that reminds me of?" Sazh muttered under his breath.

"And it getzzz everywhere... like you!" Char shoved Sazh back. "Now beat it!"

"Whatever." Sazh stepped aside. "Sand never bothered me anyway..."

Wizel barely even reacted to that little scene. He was still overcome with the news of what had become of their brethren. It was unnerving to know that he and the others had suddenly become a minority. But he was most disturbed by Chrysalis's reaction to it. Her willingness to simply write off those who had transformed, considering them no longer meaningful to her.

'Do you really think that, Chrysalis?' He thought. 'Regardless of their form or their choices, they are still your children. Would you really disown them so readily?'

Wizel's musings brought him near a small cavern. He would have walked right past it, if he hadn't heard the soft sounds of sobbing.

'What the...?' He frowned, moving in closer to the cavern's mouth.

As he looked into the cavern, he could make out a large shape, shaking harshly.

"Why?" A familiar voice implored.

'Chrysalis?' Wizel realized.

"Why?" Chrysalis wept. "My subjects... my children... why did you do this to me? Why did you reject me, cast me out? After I raised and cared for you, you took the side of the traitor, and forced me away from our home. Why?"

Wizel made his way over to Chrysalis, and placed a hoof on her back.

"Wizel?" Chrysalis turned. "What are you doing here?"

"What any decent uncle would do: comfort his distraught niece." Wizel smiled. "It's going to be okay, Chrysalis."

"Don't lie to me!" Chrysalis smacked away his hoof. "It won't be okay! In one day, I've lost my home, my status, and just about all but a few of my children! It will never be okay again!"

"I know it looks bad." Wizel told her. "But you haven't lost everything. You still have loyal followers. You still have us!"

"A mere dozen." Chrysalis scoffed. "Hardly a mighty force… a mere shambles. A remnant of my mother’s hive...”

“That doesn’t mean we’re finished.” Wizel sagely remarked. “Given time, even the smallest of numbers can grow into a glorious empire. We will rise again, I assure you.”

“That’s not what I am worried about.” Chrysalis sniffed. “...Before Thorax and those fools came along, I believed that my children loved me enough that they would stand by me forever… but no… all it took was that wretched transformation and suddenly, every single one of them was transforming, just so they could be like Thorax! They chose him over me! My own children…” She let out a heavy sob. “Do you know how much that hurts?”

“...I’m afraid not.” Wizel admitted.

“...It was like I was the only one left.” Chrysalis whimpered. “...All alone… loved by no one…”

“But you are not alone.” Wizel insisted. “We are still by your side. And we aren’t going anywhere.”

"And for that, I can't thank you enough." Chrysalis smiled weakly. She was silent for a few moments. "...Wizel? Was I a good Queen? A good mother?"

"...Yes." Wizel nodded. "If you'll excuse my brutal honesty, your parenting did have its flaws at times. You could be harsh and unyielding with your subjects, demanding perfection..."

"Which was to be expected." Chrysalis defended herself.

"But everything you did, you did to strengthen the hive, and protect it against its enemies."Wizel smiled. "Your children were lucky to have you, as am I."

“Are you sure?” Chrysalis challenged. “Because from where I stand, every Changeling seems to think they would be better off with Thorax than they would be with me…”

“Chrysalis…” Wizel whispered.

“It’s only a matter of time before Thorax gets to all of you…” Chrysalis sniffled. “Then… I’ll be left completely alone…”

"That won't happen, I promise." Wizel assured. "I may not know exactly what happened with Thorax and the others, or why they made the choices they made… but what I do know is that I swore to your mother that I would stand by your side for the rest of my life. And I'm going to keep that promise, no matter what."

"You will?" Chrysalis tearfully smiled. "You'll never leave me?"

"Never." Wizel nodded.

"Thank you, Wizel." Chrysalis sniffed, trying to regain some measure of composure. "Your Queen is grateful for your continued loyalty."

"I know it will be a tough road ahead, but I'll be there for you every step of the way." Wizel smiled. "Just as I was for your mother. I'll never leave you, Chrysalis. Never."

Chrysalis placed her hoof on her uncle's shoulder, silently returning the sentiment.

"But if you need a moment to compose yourself, I'd be willing to give you some privacy." Wizel offered.

"No, it's fine." Chrysalis told him. "Please stay. I insist."

"As you wish... my Queen." Wizel nodded.

Wizel stayed with Chrysalis for quite some time, willing to remain by her side until she regained her composure.

'I was wrong about you, Chrysalis.' He thought. 'You care more about your subjects than can ever be said aloud. I can't imagine the pain you're going through right now...'

The present...

"That... that really happened?" Sleight gaped.

“Indeed. I stayed by her side all night.” Wizel nodded. “And I continued to stand by her side for all the years after. Even when I disagreed with her methods, when I tried my best to engineer a peace treaty between ponies and Changelings, I always had faith that Chrysalis's love for her children would win out in the end.”

“...Well…” Sleight frowned. “This is something that could have been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!” He finished with a seething glare.

“In my defense, I didn’t think you would have said something so cruel to Chrysalis.” Wizel glared. “You might as well have driven a stake through her heart.”

“I was only trying to reunite this hive with its lost brethren!” Sleight snarled. “I’m surprised that you haven’t done anything about this yourself! After all, the peace treaty and that whole prophecy thing only happened because of you!”

“There was only so much that I could do, Sleight.” Wizel glared. “I only did those things because the hive depended on it. Chrysalis may not have liked it, but I knew she would thank me for it in the end. But when it came to Thorax… I couldn’t do it. Not after what I promised Chrysalis.”

"So you just let them stay apart?" Sleight asked.

"Yes." Wizel nodded. "To protect Chrysalis's heart from breaking again. She built this hive up over years, birthing new children to replace those who had left her. These children helped fill the hole in her heart that was made all those years ago. But the hole is not entirely filled. The pain of that day is still with her. Because her greatest fear, that her new children could abandon her like the old, is still very much a possibility. That is the true reason she wants nothing to do with Thorax's hive. Because she doesn't to lose any more of her precious offspring."

Sleight felt a sinking feeling in his heart. He was beginning to feel like he had made a terrible mistake.

"I never thought of it like that..." He mused. "Never considered..."

"Are you surprised, Sleight?" Wizel glared at him. "Surprised that Chrysalis cares more deeply for her children than you believed?"

"Well, I..." Sleight mumbled, chastened.

"Make no mistake, Chrysalis has always cared for her subjects." Wizel declared. "She may not always show it, but she cares for them deeply. They are her children, her legacy, her life. Don't ever say or think otherwise, or so help me, I will remind you of that fact by force, my King."

“Aw, crap…” Sleight groaned. “I feel like a world-class heel right now…”

"So you should." Wizel nodded.

“...I gotta find Chrysalis.” Sleight declared. “I have to make things right.” He turned to Wizel. “I know I shouldn’t ask this, but can you-”

“Cover for you?” Wizel finished, “Of course I can. Get out there and find your wife.”

“Thank you.” Sleight sighed. “...And I’m sorry.”

“Don’t tell me, tell her!” Wizel ordered.

“Right… off I go!” Sleight ran off, hoping to find his wife.

Meanwhile, Vito had once again come to the hive to visit Glinda. Glinda was just coming out of Maid's house, having been talking with her and Slinker.

"Hey, G." He smiled, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey, V." Glinda grinned, nuzzling him.

"Up for a little picnic?" Vito held up a basket.

"With pleasure." Glinda nodded. "Come on. I know the perfect place."

As Glinda and Vito made their way to their destination, they briefly crossed paths with Sleight.

"Hello, your majesty." Vito said politely.

"Hi, Sleight." Glinda smiled. "Me and Vito are just going for a picnic. That's okay, right?"

"Yeah, sure." Sleight nodded, his mind clearly elsewhere. "I just gotta go... do something. You kids have fun!"

Sleight dashed away frantically.

"Is he okay?" Vito frowned. "He looked kinda... out of it. Like my dad when he runs out of hair spray."

"Oh, he's probably got some royal business to take care of." Glinda shrugged. "No big deal, most likely. Now, let's get to that picnic."

"With pleasure." Vito smiled.

The happy couple left the hive, and laid out their picnic on a small ridge, not too far away, but providing a magnificent view.

"I got some of your favorites." Vito smiled. "Honey-glazed oat tarts, spicy hay fritatas, and rutabaga smoothies."

"Oh, V." Glinda beamed. "You're such a great coltfriend. I really don't deserve you."

"Sure you do." Vito grinned. "You're the sweetest, kindest filly I've ever met. Some days, I think I'm the one who doesn't deserve you."

"Now you're just talking crazy." Glinda told him. "I'm... not exactly perfect, you know. But I could be closer to it..."

"Say what?" Vito frowned.

"Nothing!" Glinda yelped, realizing what she had just said. "Nothing at all!"

"Glinda, is... something wrong?" Vito surmised.

"Not exactly..." Glinda mumbled.

"Then what is it?" Vito asked.

"I... don't know if I should say." Glinda cringed. "You might think I'm just being silly."

"Try me." Vito declared.

"You really want me to?" Glinda fretted.

"You can tell me anything." Vito assured her, placing his hoof on hers. "You know that, right?"

Glinda took a deep breath.

"Okay. The thing is... I've been thinking about doing what Thorax and his hive did." She confessed. "Of giving out the love within me and transforming."

"You have?" Vito asked. "But... why?"

"Because I've been feeling more and more like I should." Glinda declared. "Like it's what I have to do. I've never felt more strongly about something in my life. But I know how Chrysalis feels about Changelings who go down that path. She wouldn't be happy at all. But a growing part of me is feeling like it would be worth it."

"Worth it how?" Vito asked.

"Because if I transformed, I would be beautiful." Glinda smiled. "More accepted. And I'd be more like the kind of girl you deserve. I know the looks we get sometimes when I'm in my true form, and we're walking down the streets together. What some ponies think. I don't want you to suffer through that, just because of me."

"It doesn't matter what other ponies think." Vito declared. "What matters is how we feel about each other."

"I'm afraid that's part of the problem." Glinda sighed. "I feel like maybe you'd... like me better if I transformed."

"You do?" Vito frowned.

"I know you love me, but maybe you could love me more in that form." Glinda declared.

"Glinda, I wouldn't-" Vito started.

"Wait. What if I end up as a color you hate?" Glinda suddenly realized. "What if you can barely even look at me any more?"

"That's not-" Vito spluttered.

"Or are you thinking that I'm being too superficial, and only caring about how I look?" Glinda frowned. "What if it ruins everything between us?"

"Glinda, please-" Vito started.

"I just don't know what to do!" Glinda despaired, breaking down into tears.

"Hey, hey." Vito comforted her. "It's okay. Just relax."

Vito held Glinda until she stopped crying.

"Sorry about that." Glinda sniffed. "Once it started to come out, I just couldn't stop myself... It's all so confusing. I feel so lost right now..."

Glinda rested her head against Vito's. Vito, spurred on by the desire to help his fillyfriend, began to speak.

"Okay, here's what I think." He declared. "I think you should listen to your heart on this one. Just do what you think is the right thing to do. Don't let worrying about what others might think affect your decision."

"I was kind of hoping for a more precise pep-talk." Glinda admitted.

"The thing is, I can't tell you what the right thing to do here is." Vito told her. "It's your body, your life, and your choice. But no matter you choose, I'll still love you either way."

"...Promise?" Glinda asked.

"Promise." Vito placed his hooves against her cheeks, then pulled her in for a kiss.

"At least I know I'll still have you, even if the worst happens." Glinda smiled.

"Hey, you're not getting rid of me that easily." Vito joked. "Now, how about we forget our worries for a little while and enjoy our picnic?"

"Best idea I've heard all day." Glinda beamed, biting into a honey-glazed oat tart.

Meanwhile, Sleight was still searching for Chrysalis. He didn't mention this fact to his subjects, fearing that the disappearance of their Queen could cause them to panic.

His first stop was the nursery, but it was devoid of Chrysalis. Prometheus was there, however, looking at the larvae.

"Grandpa?" Sleight frowned. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just taking a peek at the next generation." Prometheus smiled. "Never got to look at larvae much before I was exiled. They're cute, aren't they? ...I wonder if the ones at Thorax's hive are as brightly hued as the adult variety..."

"Yeah, probably." Sleight shrugged. "Now, er, have you seen Chrysalis anywhere, by any chance?"

"Not since yesterday." Prometheus admitted. "Why, is there some kind of problem?"

"Well, she may have found out I was talking with Thorax." Sleight cringed.

"Oh, boy..." Prometheus groaned.

"And we may have ended up having a blazing argument that resulted in Chrysalis flying off in tears." Sleight added guiltily. "I haven't seen her since."

"Oh, Sleight." Prometheus sighed. "I was really hoping you hadn't inherited your father's temper..."

"I haven't." Sleight insisted. "But I just got so angry at Chrysalis's stubbornness."

"You may have been right to, kid." Prometheus shrugged. "If Chrysalis is anything like her mother, she's got one heck of a stubborn streak."

"Bottom line, I have to make it up to her." Sleight declared. "But I have to find her first... without panicking the hive by letting them know their Queen is MIA."

"Well, like I said, I haven't seen her." Prometheus repeated. "But she must be around here somewhere."

"And I'm going to find her." Sleight said, determination in his voice.

"Good luck, my boy." Prometheus said solemnly.

"Thanks." Sleight headed out of the nursery.

"Let's hope none of you have to go through anything like that." Prometheus told the larvae.

Sleight searched all over the hive, from the soldiers' barracks to the ruins from the Forefathers' attack, all the while trying to put on a straight face for his subjects.

'This isn't looking good.' He thought, as he finished checking the shattered remains of the Forefathers' airship (which seemed more shattered than usual), which had been empty (aside from a dead body that seemed far too fresh). 'Not many places left to look...'

"Sleight!" A voice called from above.

Sleight turned to see Thorax descending on him.

"Thorax?" Sleight frowned. "What do you want?"

"To talk." Thorax said, a little breathlessly. "I've been hovering around for a while, hoping to catch you by yourself."

"Why bother?" Sleight snorted. "Chrysalis already knows about our little talks, remember? Besides, I haven't seen her since she flew off last night."

"I'm sorry, Sleight." Thorax apologized. "I feel just terrible about what happened-"

"Do you?" Sleight growled. "The way you were ranting at Chrysalis last night, I think you'd enjoy the sight of her in pain."

"I'll admit, there was a lot more antagonism towards Chrysalis inside me than even I knew." Thorax sighed. "Guess we're more alike than I thought... at least, when it comes to holding grudges."

"No kidding." Sleight sneered. "You were like a couple of schoolyard kids yelling at another."

"Not exactly the way for a King to act, was it?" Thorax said, mortified.

"Not even close." Sleight agreed. "You know, I'm starting to think maybe Chrysalis is right about not joining our hives together."

"I don't blame you for thinking that way." Thorax bowed his head. "The way I acted last night was... just wrong. I put my own feelings above the needs of my subjects. That was a terrible, selfish mistake. One that may cost my subjects their lives."

Sleight's anger faded in light of Thorax's sincerity. The look of regret on his fellow King's face was plain to see.

"Well, look on the bright side." He sighed. "At least you're big enough to admit your mistake. Maybe I wasn't completely wrong about you after all..."

"Thank you, Sleight." Thorax smiled. "It's... more than I deserve."

"We'll see." Sleight frowned. "Let's just say the idea of a merger isn't completely off the table yet."

"You mean that?" Thorax asked hopefully. "Even after... all this?"

"Like I said, we'll see." Sleight repeated. "Maybe after I've straightened things out with Chrysalis, we can salvage something from this mess... but that's a big 'maybe'."

"A slight chance is better than no chance." Thorax admitted. "And I can assure you, I'll do my best to remain civil the next time Chrysalis and I meet."

"Good to know." Sleight nodded. "Speaking of Chrysalis, I still need to find her. All these good vibes don't mean squat without her by side."

"Good luck, Sleight." Thorax declared, taking off again.

"Luck." Sleight mused. "That's one more thing that seems pointless with Chrys..."

'Where can she be?' Sleight thought worriedly. 'I've looked everywhere. Where can she possibly hide herself?' His face suddenly lit up with realization. 'That's it! It's gotta be!'

Sleight headed back to the tower, and made his way to a tunnel on the ground floor, once which led to a "basement" area. Using his magic, he pulled away a wooden panel, revealing a hidden tunnel. He then walked down it, heading for a secret room which had once housed a wedding dress Chrysalis had hidden away, to be visited on occasion when she longed for the beauty of a true wedding ceremony. With a pang of nostalgia, Sleight remembered the day he had made that dream a reality, and his guilt grew. He had made Chrysalis so happy that day. But in the night before this present day, he had made her so sad.

'I just hope I've found Chrysalis at last.' He thought. 'I've got to make things right with her...'

To his delight, Sleight was correct; Chrysalis was there. She sat on the ground, facing the wall, her head bowed in sorrow. She was still sobbing miserably. It hurt Sleight to know he had inflicted such pain upon her.

"Chrysalis?" Sleight asked tentatively.

Chrysalis’s sobbing stopped for a moment, recognizing her husband’s voice.

"...What do you want?" Chrysalis growled, not even turning around. The anger in her voice seem overwhelmed by sadness. "To insult me even further? Haven’t you stabbed me in the heart enough times already?”

"I came here to apologize." Sleight sighed.

“Why bother?” Chrysalis grumbled. “You made it clear perfectly how you feel about me. How my very presence disgusts you.”

“Wizel told me what happened the night after you were ousted from your old hive.” Sleight explained. “How heartbroken you were over losing your children to Thorax.”

“...Faust damn it, Wizel. Can’t there be one secret kept around here?” Chrysalis growled to herself.

“The thing is… I get it now.” Sleight admitted. “You do care about this hive… and you cared about those ‘traitors’... and you still do. I shouldn’t have ever questioned that. Not after all these years together.”

"No, you shouldn't have done." Chrysalis turned to face him, her own face set in a scowl. "I can't tell you how much it hurt to hear you say those things. I don't know which hurt more: those harsh words, or you speaking with the traitor behind my back."

"I know it was a rotten thing to do, but I felt like I had no choice." Sleight admitted. "You were so against the idea of even speaking with Thorax."

"Well, what do you expect?" Chrysalis spat. "He betrayed me!"

"I can't help but feel like there's more to this than simple hate." Sleight remarked, remembering Wizel's story. "...Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Absolutely not." Chrysalis insisted.

"Chrys, please." Sleight urged. "I want to understand. Tell me."

"I don't have to tell you anything!!" Chrysalis roared.

"I know." Sleight nodded, unfazed by her outburst. "But I'd like you to. I'm your husband, remember? Your problems are my problems. But only if you're willing to share them, and let me help you through them. I guess that’s part of why I said those things… I was hurt. Hurt that after all these years together, you couldn’t trust me with all of your problems. I know I don’t have any right to ask you this, and I know that you might hate me now. I wouldn’t blame you for not telling me, but… could I at least know the reason for all this hate?"

Chrysalis threw Sleight a hard, hateful glare... which soon dissolved into a fresh bout of tears.

"...I'm sorry, Sleight." She wept. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you last night. I truly am. I just... I don't want to be left all alone."

"Alone?" Sleight frowned.

"Yes alone!" Chrysalis sniffed. "If I allowed Thorax and his followers into this hive, who's to say my subjects won't decide to join his side? They could very easily enact that vile metamorphosis and abandon me, just as their brethren did all those years ago! And I would be back to where I once was: left with nothing, and no-one! And I can't take that chance!"

"I'm sorry, Chryssy." Sleight comforted her. "I never looked at it that way before."

"Of course you didn't." Chrysalis scoffed. "You thought it was all just about some petty grudge."

"To be fair, the evidence was sort of leaning that way." Sleight pointed out.

"Well, the evidence was wrong." Chrysalis declared. "Thorax already stole one hive from me. And the pain was almost too much for me to take. I felt like my heart had been ripped in half."

"Oh, Chrys..." Sleight sighed.

"I can't let it happen again." Chrysalis held Sleight for more comfort. "I just can't. I wouldn't be able to bear it."

"It won't happen again." Sleight stroked her mane lovingly. "You're not the same Queen you once were. Your subjects love you unconditionally. They stay with you out of loyalty, not fear. Loyalty you've earned this time around. They love you... and so do I."

"Do you?" Chrysalis glared. "After what happened last night, I'm not so sure."

"I let my temper get the best of me." Sleight sighed. "I was angry, so I lashed out. I never meant to hurt you like that."

"Well, you did." Chrysalis pouted.

"Boy, did I ever." Sleight agreed. "I don't expect you to forgive me right away, but I'd like a chance to earn your forgiveness."

"...I can give you that chance." Chrysalis sighed. "But it will take some time before I forgive you for those hurtful words."

"I can wait." Sleight placed his hoof on hers. "For as long as I have to. Because I love you."

"And I love you too." Chrysalis sighed. "In spite of everything that's happened. As angry as I still am at you, having you here is... somewhat of a comfort."

"You really know how to make a guy feel special, Chrys." Sleight joked.

"Watch it." Chrysalis glared.

"Sorry." Sleight cringed. "...You think maybe we can get back topside? We still have a hive to run, remember?"

"I could never forget." Chrysalis nodded. "And I suppose I've languished here long enough."

"Wizel will be glad to hear that." Sleight smiled. "He was none too happy to hear about what happened. I've never seen the old guy so angry before."

"That's to be expected." Chrysalis chuckled. "I am his favorite niece, after all..."

"I never really appreciated the importance of that until today." Sleight mused. "Seriously, he was pretty ticked. He probably would have made me look all over the hive for you if I hadn't done it myself."

"And you found me here." Chrysalis noted. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You and I are the only ones who know of this hiding place. I came here because I knew it was the one place I could wallow in my misery undisturbed... mostly."

"I remember when you used to hide that dress in here." Sleight mused. "You really did look good in that thing, you know."

"Save the sweet talk." Chrysalis said bluntly. "We have a hive to run."

"Yes, my Queen." Sleight nodded somberly, as they left the hidden room together.

Though Chrysalis hadn't fully forgiven him, Sleight knew that it would happen in time. Of course, the matter of the union between the hives was still up in the air. But Sleight, emboldened by Thorax's admission of guilt and assurance that Chrysalis's refusals ran deeper than simple pride, had hope that it could still become a reality.