• Published 13th Nov 2016
  • 1,729 Views, 52 Comments

Two Kings And A Queen - Bluecatcinema

Sleight is left standing in the middle when an unwelcome face from Chrysalis's past arrives.

  • ...

How The Other Half Lives

The morning after their partial reconciliation, Sleight was deeply grateful to wake up beside his wife again (though Chrysalis had refused any cuddles the night before, due to still being tepid towards him).

"Good morning." He smiled.

"Morning." Chrysalis yawned. "I must say, I missed sleeping in this bed. Trying to sleep on the hard rock floor just doesn't work for me any more..."

"I missed you." Sleight smiled.

"Of course you did." Chrysalis said flatly. "You wouldn't have come to find me if you hadn't."

"Yeah, well... this big ol' bed was so empty without you." Sleight declared, reaching to put his hoof on hers.

"We should probably get to breakfast." Chrysalis climbed out of bed before Sleight could touch her. "We have a full day of duties to attend to. My absence must have been felt sorely by our subjects."

"Not as sorely as me." Sleight grinned.

"That's nice, Sleight." Chrysalis shrugged, walking away.

'I think she's starting to warm back up to me...' Sleight smiled, as he followed his wife. 'And she'll be even warmer once I spring a few pleasant surprises on her...'

As they made their way to the dining room, Sleight nodded at one of their servants, who quickly rushed away.

"Let's make this quick." Chrysalis urged. "I shudder to think how badly things may have gone with my absence, and you spending all day searching for me..."

"Wizel was more than willing to keep an eye on things until we returned." Sleight shrugged.

"Well, no offense to my uncle, but Wizel wasn't really trained for the responsibility of leadership." Chrysalis declared. "Small matters he can deal with. We should consider ourselves fortunate that no major catastrophes occurred during my absence."

"Yeah, I suppose." Sleight nodded.

Just then, the door to the dining room opened, and the same servant Sleight had nodded to before entered, carrying with him a bowl full of elderberries. Though Chrysalis preferred love, these berries were her favorite tangible food, something she liked to treat herself with on special occasions.

"Are those...?" Chrysalis asked.

"Just a little something we had lying around." Sleight smiled. "Only the best for my Queen."

"Trying to butter me up, eh?" Chrysalis sneered. "So predictable."

"Does that mean you don't want them?" Sleight asked slyly.

"I never said that." Chrysalis declared, using her magic to pull the bowl over. "After the stress of the last few days, I could use a treat. I suppose I should at least thank you for the gesture."

"You're welcome." Sleight smiled. "Anything to make you smile."

"You don't want to know what would make me smile right now." Chrysalis half-joked.

Chrysalis began eating the berries, while Sleight enjoyed some waffles.

'She's cracking wise.' Sleight thought. 'At my expense, but still... that's a good sign.'

Chrysalis finished the berries before Sleight finished his waffles.

"Now, let's get to work." She stood up.

"I'm not quite done here." Sleight declared, a quarter of waffle still left.

"Then I suggest you hurry up." Chrysalis walked away. "This hive won't rule itself, you know."

"Yes, dear." Sleight nodded.

Sleight quickly finished his breakfast and followed Chrysalis, moving into step beside her. As they headed downstairs, they crossed paths with Prometheus.

"Ah, you two made up, then?" Prometheus asked.

"Partially." Chrysalis remarked. "I'm still angry at Sleight, but I'm willing to put that aside for the sake of our marriage, and this hive."

"I see..." Prometheus mused.

"I'm not complaining." Sleight admitted. "The fact that she's willing to be with me at all means a lot after what happened. And I'm willing to take the time to earn her forgiveness."

"Thank you, Sleight." Chrysalis smiled lightly. "It's good to know you aren't trying to push me into full forgiveness... very much, at least..." She rolled her eyes, remembering breakfast.

"I expect it'll all be a matter of time." Prometheus grinned. "If Sleight's anything like I was, no lady can stay mad at him for long."

"Grandpa..." Sleight cringed.

"We must take our leave." Chrysalis declared, sparing Sleight any further embarrassment. "We have much royal business to attend to."

"Of course you do." Prometheus nodded. "I won't keep you."

As Chrysalis and Sleight moved on, Prometheus winked at his grandson, inspiring another cringe.

'Thanks a lot, Grandpa...' Sleight thought. 'Really not what I wanted Chrys to hear right now...'

Over the next couple of days, things were relatively uneventful around the hive. Chrysalis slowly grew more affectionate with Sleight, even wrapping her hooves around him in bed on the third night following their reconciliation. It seemed like things were finally getting back to normal between them.

Of course, there was still the matter of Thorax and his offer, but Sleight was willing to hold off on that for the moment.

'One problem at a time.' He thought one afternoon, as he and Chrysalis walked around the hive, inspecting the new houses. 'Once Chrysalis is back to fully liking me again, then I'll see if I can do something with her and Thorax.'

It turned out that Sleight didn't have the luxury of waiting; Suddenly, there was a commotion amongst their Changeling subjects, who pointed upwards in shock.

"What are they looking at?" Sleight frowned.

Chrysalis looked up, and saw the most unwelcome sight of Thorax descending upon them.

"I have a very good idea what that is..." Chrysalis seethed.

"Oh boy..." Sleight gulped, terrified that Thorax was about to ruin the work he had accomplished concerning getting back on Chrysalis's good side.

Thorax landed right in front of them.

"King Sleight." He said curtly. "Queen Chrysalis."

"You've got a lot of nerve, coming here." Chrysalis growled. "After what you said to me before, you're lucky I didn't simply declare war on you and your hive."

"Chrys, let's not let our tempers get the best of us..." Sleight cringed.

"It's okay, Sleight." Thorax sighed. "Whatever Chrysalis wants to say, I no doubt have coming."

"For once, we are in total agreement." Chrysalis declared.

"It hurts to say this, but you were right." Thorax told her. "Regardless of what happened between us in the past, I had no right to say such things to you. I'm a King, and I have to act like it. I should have spoken to you with respect and acceptance. But instead, I lashed out at you like an abused child. I insulted you, mocked you, and made a fool out of myself doing so."

"...Go on..." Chrysalis leaned forward a bit.

"I wanted to bring our hives together, but deep down, I couldn't stand having you as part of the equation. I realize that now." Thorax sighed. "But I also know that accepting this hive means accepting you, and I am willing to do so if it means our two hives can co-exist as one."

"A pretty speech." Chrysalis snorted. "But I failed to hear an actual apology in there."

"I was getting to that.” Thorax frowned, before clearing his throat. “Chrysalis… I’m sorry. Sorry for holding on to the past for so long. Sorry for acting petty and spiteful. But now, I'm ready to finally start moving forward."

"Hey, that's not a bad apology." Sleight smiled. "Right, Chrys?"

"I suppose it's a start." Chrysalis huffed. "But now what do you suggest we do, Thorax? Are you intending on simply squatting outside this hive for the rest of your life?"

"No. I've realized that there may be a better way to do things than just hang around your hive, hoping you'll accept my offer." Thorax declared.

"And, er... what would that be?" Sleight asked.

"I've come here to invite you both to my hive." Thorax announced.

"What?!" Chrysalis gaped, her voice registering shock more than anger.

"Just hear me out." Thorax urged.

"Yeah, you really should." Sleight agreed.

"If I must..." Chrysalis growled.

"After what happened all those years ago, you've steered clear of our hive." Thorax declared. "That's understandable. But it means you have no idea of how things are over there. Maybe if you saw it for yourself, you might be more open to joining our hives together."

"That's a very big 'might'." Chrysalis snorted. "You honestly expect me to interact with your subjects, after all this time?"

"My subjects were once your subjects." Thorax pointed out. "They are your children, just as all the Changelings in this hive are."

"Until they betrayed me, and cast me out of my home." Chrysalis scowled.

"They chose a different path than you." Thorax declared. "They made their choice without spite. It wasn't an action against you personally."

"He makes a good point." Sleight nodded.

"And just for the record, we didn't cast you out." Thorax declared. "You chose to flee. If you had stayed, perhaps things would have gone differently."

"It's a little late to be thinking about 'what if's'." Chrysalis frowned.

"My thoughts exactly." Thorax smiled. "We should instead focus on what could be. And perhaps once you see how your former subjects are not so different from your new ones, you could see how our two hives could co-exist peacefully. But if you are unable to, I will have no choice but to abandon that goal."

"...So you're saying that if we go to your hive, and I don't like what I see, you'll put an end to all this 'union' nonsense?" Chrysalis smiled fiendishly.

"You have my word." Thorax nodded.

"Very well then." Chrysalis smirked. "Sleight, would you be willing to visit Thorax's hive?"

"Well, I've never actually been to another hive before." Sleight admitted. "Sounds like it could be a very educational experience."

"Wonderful." Chrysalis grinned.

"I and my delegates would be happy to escort you there." Thorax offered.

"No, no." Chrysalis shook her head. "No escort will be necessary. I think I still remember where my former hive is."

"Yeah, why don't you go... get your hive ready for our arrival?" Sleight added. "So we can see the best you have to offer?"

"That does sound like a good idea." Thorax admitted. "And I'm sure my loyal advisors wouldn't mind returning home at last... So, when should we expect you?"

"Let's say about... two days time?" Chrysalis offered. "That should give us all ample opportunity to prepare."

"Thank you, Chrysalis." Thorax smiled gratefully. "You will not regret this, I swear."

"Oh, I'm quite certain of that." Chrysalis grinned.

As Thorax flew away, Sleight took note of the unsettling smirk on Chrysalis's face.

"I know that look, Chrys." He declared. "You aren't going to just pretend to check Thorax's hive out, then say 'no' at the end without even giving it a chance, are you?"

"Why, of course not." Chrysalis's smile remained. "I intend to be completely fair and unbiased in my appraisal of Thorax's hive."

"...Okay..." Sleight frowned, not wanting to press the issue. "Guess we'd better start getting ready..."

Not long after, the two of them relayed the new development to Wizel, Sazh and Char.

"Thorax invited you both to his hive?" Wizel mused. "An... unexpected move."

"What'zzz even more unexpected izzz the fact that you agreed to it, my Queen." Char noted. "Why now?"

"Because I believe the time has come to put all this to rest." Chrysalis declared. "One way, or another... But there is a certain stipulation we wish to speak with you about."

"Which is?" Wizel asked.

"Wizel, Char, Sazh, we'd like you all to come along, too." Sleight requested.

"Us?" Sazh frowned.

"Why?" Char cringed.

"Thorax brought his little 'delegation' to our hive." Chrysalis scoffed. "So we should bring one of our own to his."

"Besides, it might help for some of you guys to interact with some of Thorax's guys." Sleight added. "We could know for sure if having our two hives joining together could really work."

"I suppose it would be nice to see the old place again." Wizel admitted. "I'm in."

"If you need me there, Sleight, then I'm there." Sazh declared. "Always."

"I zzzuppozzze I muzzzt fulfil my duty azzz a zzzoldier." Char said reluctantly. "Zzzo I'll be going too. Maybe I can have a good laugh at what pazzzzzzezzz for a zzzoldier Changeling in their multi-colored hierarchy..."

"Excellent." Chrysalis smiled.

"Thanks, guys." Sleight smiled. "Now, let's all get ready for the big trip."

"I'll pack my traveling hat." Sazh smiled.

"I'll pack zzzome dizzzinfectant..." Char sneered.

The rest of that day was spent making preparations for the journey to Sleight's hive. Sleight requested that Prometheus keep an eye on matters until their return.

"Leaving me in charge?" Prometheus snorted. "There goes the neighborhood."

"I'm sure you can handle any minor issues that might pop up." Sleight declared.

"That makes one of us..." Prometheus said snidely.

"You'll do fine, grandpa." Sleight grinned. "You've got that 'wise old guy' thing going for ya. And technically, you are a King Changeling, just like me. The others will listen to you, no problem."

"I just hope they don't need me to do anything major." Prometheus muttered. "I've got naps to enjoy..."

The following day, Glinda approached Sleight and Chrysalis. She had heard about their impending visit to Thorax's hive, and had come to a decision, one that could either prove prove wondrous, or disastrous... As she neared her mother and surrogate father, she felt as if she was trying to climb a mountain, and a lead weight was being tied around one of her hooves with every step she took.

"Sleight, Chrysalis?" Glinda said nervously. "Can I talk to you for a moment? ...Alone?" She looked away awkwardly. "If you're too busy, I understand. It can wait..."

Sleight and Chrysalis looked at each other, knowing something was bothering her.

"...Sure, we can talk." Sleight noted.

"What troubles you, my child?" Chrysalis asked.

"Well, it's... something big." Glinda confessed. "Really big."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure we can help you through it." Sleight smiled.

"I sure hope so." Glinda sighed. "But a part of me wants to to keep it to myself..."

"It seems like this matter is weighing heavily upon you, Glinda." Chrysalis mused. "You should tell us what it is."

"Yeah, kiddo." Sleight smiled. "You can tell us anything. Any problem, any hang-up, and we'll listen."

"Okay..." Glinda took a deep breath. "The thing is, I want to… I wish to…” She then cringed. “...Go through the transformation, like Thorax and his hive..."

An uneasy silence hung in the air.

"You. What?!" Chrysalis gaped.

"Glinda…” Sleight gasped, suddenly fearing for her well-being. “When… when did you start thinking like this?”

"Ever since I first heard about how it happened." Glinda admitted. "I've been thinking about it non-stop ever since. I want to do it. More than I've ever wanted anything in my entire life."

"...You want to abandon me?" Chrysalis asked. "To go over to Thorax's side?"

"N-no." Glinda shook her head, unnerved by Chrysalis's overly quiet tone of voice. "I don't want to leave this hive. It's my home. But I want to transform. It feels like... something I have to do."

"Are you sure about that?" Sleight asked, hoping to avoid any further blow ups from Chrysalis. "It's not about... I dunno, jumping on the bandwagon, or something? Because I made that mistake tons of times, and most of the time, it wasn’t worth it!"

“I could care less about bandwagons, Sleight.” Chrysalis growled silently, as she glanced at Glinda with a touch of coldness in her eyes. “But I can’t help but feel you are about to jump ships.”

"It's not like that, I swear." Glinda insisted. "I feel like it's what I'm meant to do. It's my destiny. Like it was yours to become King, Sleight."

"You really think that?" Sleight asked.

"Yes." Glinda nodded. "Queen Chrysalis… mother, I know you despise Thorax and his Changelings. And I don't want you to be mad at me. I still love you, as my Queen, and my mother. But I need to do this." She sniffed, tears forming in her eyes. "And if you hate me for it, if you throw me out of the hive afterwards, I'll accept that. But I couldn't bear to live with the thought that you'd believe I'd ever betray you."

Chrysalis was silent, looking upon Glinda impassively.

"S-she's just a kid, Chrysalis." Sleight declared, worried of what might come out of Chrysalis's mouth. "Our kid… please, go easy on her-."

Chrysalis held up a hoof, silencing Sleight. She then approached Glinda, who quivered, terrified of what her mother was thinking.

"Glinda, is this truly what you want?" She asked.

"Y-yes." Glinda nodded. "With all my heart. And I'm sorry if I hurt you by admitting it."

"Hurt?" Chrysalis asked. "Try 'disappointed'. Is your current form really such a burden to you? Such a disgrace?"

"It's not that." Glinda shook her head. "It's just-"

"Just what?" Chrysalis frowned. "Because it seems to me that you are willing to throw away your identity, your very heritage, completely on a whim. Is this the daughter I raised? I think not."

"That's enough, Chrysalis." Sleight stepped forward.

"Watch your step, Sleight." Chrysalis glared. "After what happened mere days ago, do you really think now is the best time to risk incurring my wrath?"

“Look, I am sorry about Thorax and what I said earlier, but this is Glinda, Chrys.” Sleight frowned, gesturing to the quivering young Changeling. “You heard her. She has no intention of deserting this hive, or you.”

"But she does intend on turning her back on our ways." Chrysalis pointed out.

“It’s not like she’s changing sides, Chrysalis.” Sleight declared. “Only her shell. It’s not like she's going to convince the entire hive to…”

Chrysalis glanced coldly at him.

“...Right, still a sore subject.” Sleight cringed. “But the point is, this is Glinda’s decision, and she has the right to choose for herself. I mean, this is a free hive, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but…” Chrysalis frowned. “...Her, of all Changelings? I don’t understand why she would…”

“Well, maybe she's just following your example.” Sleight suggested.

“...What?” Chrysalis glared.

“Hear me out…” Sleight explained. “Do you remember when the other Queens first came here and learned that you married a pony like me? They didn’t think too highly of you for that, did they?”

"No, they didn't..." Chrysalis recalled.

"That's right." Sleight continued. "They thought you were betraying the ways of the Changeling too. But you weren't. You were just trying something different. Something unique. And now, Glinda wants to do the same. Are you really planning on treating her the same way those other Queens treated you? Your own daughter? A young fledgling, trying to find herself? Can you look me in the eye, and tell me you'd let history repeat itself?"

Chrysalis looked between Sleight and Glinda, unsure. She then sighed deeply.

“I...suppose you are right, Sleight.” Chrysalis admitted. “I made a choice to make you my husband, knowing full well that my fellow Queens would not accept it. I followed my heart, and now it seems Glinda is seeking to do the same." She turned to Glinda. "I am many things… but a hypocrite is not one of them.” She then lowered her head, her eyes level with Glinda. “Glinda… if you wish to enact this... metamorphosis, I won't stop you."

"You won't?" Glinda smiled, elated.

"No." Chrysalis shook her head. "Nor will I force you out of this hive. No matter what happens, you are still my daughter, Glinda. And I don't want to lose any of my children ever again."

"Thank you, mother." Glinda hugged her. "You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that."

"You are welcome, Glinda." Chrysalis hugged.

"So, now that you've got permission, when will you be, y'know, making the big change?" Sleight asked.

"Not just yet." Glinda admitted. "I want it to be special, memorable. And especially, I want Vito to be there with me when it happens."

"Perhaps you can hold off on it until our return from Thorax's hive." Chrysalis remarked. "I might not recognize you otherwise..."

"Of course." Glinda nodded. "I've been in this form for quite a while already. A few more days won't hurt."

"At the very least, you're not approaching this matter lightly." Chrysalis admitted. "Unlike certain other Changelings I could mention..."

"Speaking of, we need to finish preparing for our big trip." Sleight declared. "So if you'll excuse us..."

Sleight and Chrysalis made their way back to the tower, having some last-minutes activities to attend to.

'Did that really just happen?' Glinda asked herself, feeling like she was dreaming. 'It did. It really did. And soon, something else will be happening...'

The next morning, Sleight, Chrysalis, and their 'delegates' made their way to Thorax's hive. They elected to fly their way there, Sazh carrying Sleight by assuming the form of a small dragon.

"I still can't believe I'm doing this." Chrysalis sighed. "Returning to the hive of my birth, of my former rule, after so long..."

"If you're worried, I-" Sleight started.

"I am not worried." Chrysalis cut him off. "Though I am looking forward to seeing how poorly my former subjects are doing. With a King as woefully lacking in leadership abilities as Thorax, I daresay they're having quite the rough time under his inadequate rule."

"Yeah, sure..." Sleight frowned.

"So much for this being a goodwill visit." Sazh whispered to Sleight.

"No kidding." Sleight muttered back.

“What was that?” Chrysalis frowned.

“Nothing!” Sleight and Sazh said quickly.

“I thought so.” Chrysalis nodded, as she glanced at Sazh. “Just focus on flying, Sazh.”

"Yes, your highness." Sazh cringed.

"Zzzo much for playing the part of a mighty dragon." Char snorted. "More like a winged newt..."

"Har, har." Sazh pouted.

"Ah, here we go." Wizel smiled, as they passed a familiar thicket of trees. "We're nearly home. Our old home, I mean."

As they neared their destination, the Changelings grew surprised at the appearance of the area before them as they reached Thorax's territory.

"By the firzzt Queen..." Char gasped. "What hazzz happened to thizzz place?"

In years gone by, Chrysalis's old throne had soaked up all magic in the area except for that of the Changelings. As such, the land surrounding the hive had been untouched by the Earth Ponies' more subtle brand of magic, rendering it barren and lifeless. But after the throne had been destroyed, and Thorax's hive had developed a better relationship with the ponies, efforts had been made to help cultivate the land so they could grow their own crops. As such, the land surrounding the hive was now lush and green with vegetation, the grass reviving after the bitter winter.

"Ugh, more vile color." Chrysalis scowled. "I barely even recognize this place."

"Come on, Chryssy." Sleight sighed. "Be nice. At least give the place a chance."

"Make no mistake, I'm only here for one reason." Chrysalis sneered. "And that's to see just how badly these colorful clowns are doing under Thorax's ridiculous rule. I'm surprised they managed to make it this far..."

"Guess that reason's better than nothing." Sleight shrugged.

"My, how things change." Wizel sighed.

"You gotta admit, it looks way better than the old wasteland." Sazh pointed out. "That look was so drab and dreary."

"It wazzz zzztill home to me." Char pointed. "And now look what hazzz become of it..."

The Changelings flew onward, nearing their ultimate destination. From the outside, Thorax's hive hadn't changed much from the way it looked when Chrysalis ruled, still being a gray spire with numerous holes. The top of the spire was flat, as the real upper level had been blasted apart following the Changelings' mass metamorphosis and the subsequent destruction of Chrysalis's throne.

"I will admit, it does my heart good to see such a familiar sight again." Chrysalis smiled.

"Funny shape." Sleight tilted his gaze towards the top. "What happened to the roof?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." Chrysalis scowled.

As they descended on the area outside the tower, they saw that Thorax and his advisors were there to greet them.

"Thanks for the lift, pal." Sleight smiled, as he got off Sazh's back.

"My pleasure." Sazh grinned, as he reverted back to normal (albeit with a sun hat on his head). "It's not often I get to be a dragon. It was really fun."

"King Sleight, Queen Chrysalis." Thorax approached them. "Welcome to our hive."

"Formerly my hive." Chrysalis muttered under her breath.

"And I see you've brought along some company." Thorax smiled. "Wizel, Char, Sazh, welcome."

"Well, I couldn't pass up a chance to see the old homestead again, could I?" Wizel grinned.

"I'm juzzzt here to confirm how inferior your zzzoldierzzz are to ourzzz." Char sneered.

"Don't listen to him." Sazh rolled his eyes. "I never do."

"Please, come in." Thorax urged.

"Sure." Sleight nodded. "Ready, Chrys?"

"As I'll ever be..." Chrysalis scowled.

The visitors entered Thorax's hive. Sleight gazed in wonder at the constantly shifting passageways.

"Whoa, trippy." He mused. "How come we don't have these at our hive?"

"Call it a lack of raw materials." Chrysalis frowned.

"We had planned to replicate this in our new hive." Wizel admitted. "But we never seemed to have the numbers or the time required. And after the peace treaty with the ponies, it seemed pointless, as this kind of structure was intended to confuse and trap enemies, as only Changelings can navigate it."

“I guess I can understand that.” Sleight mused. “It must be Tartarus finding the bathroom through these things.”

"Not exactly." Wizel shrugged. "Though it did make slipping away for a... private excursion a tad difficult. Those passageways had no respect for privacy. All too often, I wound up bumping right into some overly-curious drones. The less said about those occurrences, the better..."

"This way, please." Thorax led them through a newly formed passage.

"Boy, this takes me back." Sazh chuckled, as they slipped through.

"I wouldn't move in juzzzt yet..." Char sneered.

As they entered the next chamber, there was a group of Changelings nearby. They quickly looked upon Chrysalis with looks of fear and trepidation.

"Everyone, relax." Thorax urged. "Remember, Queen Chrysalis is our guest. We must be welcoming, and courteous, just as we would if any other royal would come to visit us."

Thorax's subjects reluctantly bowed before Chrysalis and Sleight.

"Hmph." Chrysalis snorted. "Where was all this respect thirty years ago?"

"Thank you." Sleight told the colorful Changelings. "We're happy to be here, right, Chrysalis?"

"Yes, yes." Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Now, let us get on with the tour."

"Of course." Thorax nodded. "This way, please."

As Sleight's group followed, they couldn't help but hear some mutterings from Thorax's subjects.

"She's even more terrifying than I remember..."

"Can't believe Thorax came crawling to her for help..."

"How could he even allow that monster back here?"

"Zzzuch vile zzzlander." Char spat.

"As if I expected anything else." Chrysalis snorted. "I hold no illusions that any of these colorful fools hold me in high regard."

"Well, it has been a long time." Sleight pointed out. "Can't really blame them..."

"Zzzayzzz who?" Char sneered.

"Now, let's not let old grudges affect our thinking." Wizel declared. "Let's just try and focus on the now."

"Easier said than done." Chrysalis remarked.

They followed Thorax and his subjects around the hive. Many of Thorax's subjects had their own living quarters, decorated with furniture, posters, and all manner of personal touches.

"Boy, this takes me back." Sazh smiled. "There may be a few changes, but this still feels like home to me."

"Yes, you seem to doing alright for yourselves." Sleight admitted.

"At the moment, yes." Thorax nodded. "But as I said before, our food stores are low, and we lost quite a few of our number to the frigid winter. Which is why we need this union so badly."

"So you keep saying." Chrysalis said impassively. "But I still need... time to consider my options. Perhaps once this little tour is over, I may have an answer for you."

"I certainly hope so." Thorax nodded.

As they moved through the hive, they passed a group of younger Changelings. These Changelings had never seen those from other hives before, and were surprised at how the delegates looked.

"Uh... hi, there." Sazh said awkwardly, stopping to talk to them.

"Are you really Changelings?" An impetuous green male asked.

"Well, yeah." Sazh nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"You kinda look a little... weird." A blue female admitted. "Black is so last year..."

"Inzzzolent little..." Char snarled, turning around.

"Now, now, Char." WIzel stopped him, suppressing a snigger. "They're just little ones. They don't know any better."

"Of courzzze." Char scoffed. "Their elderzzz wouldn't want to mention uzzz. We're the black zzzheep to them."

"Emphasis on 'black', apparently." Sazh shrugged.

"Hey guys, try and keep up!" Sleight called, as the trio had fallen behind.

"Gotta go, kids." Sazh smiled. "See you later!"

"Bye, weird guys!" An amber male waved.

"Ignorant bratzzz..." Char snarled.

"Another reason our hive may benefit from the union." Wizel grinned. "It could help raise awareness of our ways for our little cousins here."

"Zzzomeone needzzz to knock zzzome zzzenzzze into them." Char snarled.

"Easy, Char." Sazh declared. "Like Wizel said, they don't know any better. Besides, I thought they were kinda fun."

"Me too." Wizel agreed.

As the trio caught up to the others, they reached the opening to a wide cavern, where numerous colored Changelings, decked out in silver armor, were standing at attention.

"These are our soldiers." Thorax announced.

"Soldiers?" Chrysalis mused. "Considering your long-held peace with the ponies, I didn't think you'd need them."

"There's always some threat out there." Thorax pointed. "Whether the attack is on us, or our pony allies, we will stand ready." He called to the soldiers. "How about a demonstration?"

“At once, your highness!” The lead soldier, a blue Changeling with a broad figure and a scar on his left cheek, nodded. “Guys, you know the drill!”

The soldiers marched forward in tight formation. They stopped, turned, left, then right, in complete unison. They then opened the shells on their backs, exposing their crystalline wings, and took off. They flew around the area, still in formation.

"Hmmm." Char watched closely as the soldiers went through the standard. "I'll admit, there izzz zzzome dizzzcipline here. But thozzze colorzzz really undermine the intimidation factor."

"Nice armor, though." Sazh added. “We oughta invest in that kind of suits.”

“No thankzzz.” Char scoffed. “The zzzilver would contrazzzt greatly with our zzzhellzzz and make uzzz zzztick out more than a Manticore at a dog zzzhow.”

"Well, you gotta admit, it's more creative than just black armor on black bodies." Sazh declared. "So simplistic..."

The soldiers fired blasts of magic at a group of targets set on the far wall. Each blast hit its mark, mostly directly on the bullseye. The soldiers then returned to the ground, landing in the same positions they had been in at the start of the drill, and saluted their King.

"Pretty decent moves, huh, Chrys?" Sleight asked.

"I'll admit, it isn't too bad." Chrysalis shrugged. "More than I expected from this hive, at least..."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Thorax smiled. "Now, shall we move on?"

"Yes, indeed." Wizel nodded.

They continued deeper into the hive. As they did, they saw some Changelings looking quite diminished, and others sickly.

"Guess Thorax wasn't kidding about the lack of food and the cold winter..." Sleight told Chrysalis.

"I suppose not." Chrysalis frowned. She wouldn't admit it, but she found the sight of those Changelings suffering to be nowhere near as pleasant as she thought.

Char was bringing up the rear. As he followed the others, he found himself accosted by a pale green female Changeling, her pink eyes sparkling worryingly.

"Well, if it isn't old Char himself." The Changeling smiled.

"...Do I know you?" Char asked.

“You should.” The Changeling smirked. “Remember back when this was Chrysalis’s hive? You were training the new recruits, and there was that group of girls watching you guys?”

“...Not ringing any bellzzz.” Char admitted.

"You know." The Changeling grinned. "The ones who were giggling and squealing? And blowing kisses?"

“...Oh, you mean the groupiezzz!” Char chuckled. “Wow, after all thezzze yearzzz, I totally blanked about them!”

“Well, do you remember me?” The Changeling asked. “I was an especially big fan of yours…”

“I think I might… Night Flight, right?” Char guessed.

“Silkwing.” The mareling corrected.

“Zzzilkwing!” Char declared, before frowning. “Wow… I hardly recognized you… literally… you’re looking… well.”

“Why, thank you.” Silkwing smirked. “When I heard that you were coming back with the old Queen and the others, I was ecstatic at the thought of seeing you again.”

"Uh... really?" Char cringed.

"Yep." Silkwing grinned. "I remember having the biggest crush on you. Always had a thing for bad boys. The Changeling guards we have nowadays just don’t cut it anymore. From what I've heard, you're badder than most Changelings here.”

"Well, er... once, perhapzzz." Char said awkwardly, not liking the look in Silkwing's eyes. "But I've, azzz King Zzzleight might zzzay, 'mellowed out' over the yearzzz."

"Hey, in these parts, you're still considered a bad boy." Silkwing purred, edging in closer. "And that makes you pretty desirable to some... Me, for instance."

"I-I'm flattered, but I already have a lady friend." Char gulped.

"That's too bad." Silkwing pouted. "But if it doesn't work out, let me know." She gently rubbed her hoof under Char's chin.

"I'll, er, do that." Char stepped back. "Now, if you'll excuzzze me..."

Char dashed back to the group as quickly as he could, unnerved by the female's amorous advances.

"What kept you?" Sazh asked.

"Nothing." Char insisted. "Abzzzolutely nothing..."

"My, the ladies here are certainly enthralling, aren't they?" Wizel waved to two mature females, who smiled coquettishly.

"I wouldn't know anything about that..." Char cringed.

Wizel and Sazh looked at each other, confused, then shrugged and kept following the others.

"...And here is is our nursery hive." Thorax led them into a small room, which contained several multicolored eggs.

"Now that you mention it, I'm kind of surprised you guys could keep going without a Queen to do all the egg-laying." Sazh admitted.

"It's not too uncommon." Wizel shrugged. "All non-Queen females of our, er... base form have the capacity to produce eggs after mating with a suitable male. It's just been tradition for most hives to have the Queen do all the laying."

"Yezzz." Char nodded. "It helpzzz maintain genetic purity. Can't have too many rogue elementzzz in the mix..."

"But we no longer work like that around here." Thorax admitted. "All of our females are free to mate with whomever they chose, then lay their eggs. Though we still keep all the eggs in one place. Tradition, you know..."

"Good to know you haven't abandoned all the old ways." Chrysalis snorted.

"Unfortunately, we don't have too many eggs at the moment." Thorax sighed. "Barely a few. Between the cold snap and the lack of food, it's not a good time for gestating..."

One of the eggs by Sazh started twitching. It cracked open, and a larva emerged. The larva resembled those from Chrysalis's hive, only brightly colored.

"Oh, hey." Sazh cooed. "Welcome to the world, little guy."

"So the kids come out... like you guys?" Sleight asked.

"That's right." Thorax nodded. "Guess it's down to genetics. Their parents have already transformed, so the new form is passed on to them."

"How convenient." Chrysalis frowned.

"I think this little fella likes me." Sazh smiled, as the new larva crawled up his hoof.

"Of courzzze it doezzz." Char rolled his eyes. "Guezzzzzz bad tazzzte izzz hereditary too..."

After the nursery hive, they made their way to Thorax's throne room. Thorax's throne had been carved from a grayish, non-magical rock, and was smaller and more angular than Chrysalis's former one.

"So you have you own throne." Chrysalis mused. "No surprise there..."

"Not too shabby." Sleight admitted.

"It wasn't my idea, actually." Thorax shrugged. "Not long after I became King, my subjects made this throne for me as something of a 'coronation present'."

"Sycophantic suck-ups..." Chrysalis snarled.

"Truth be told, I was a little... embarrassed at first." Thorax admitted. "I was just... thrust into the role of King. I was untrained, unsure of myself..."

"Been there." Sleight smiled. "Remember that, Chrys?"

"Yes." Chrysalis nodded. "But you had me to help you along. And poor Thorax had no-one..." She smirked.

"Actually, I had all of my new subjects to help me." Thorax corrected her. "They gave me all the support and encouragement I needed. With their help, I gained the confidence to truly rule over this hive. To make the right choices for them, and for me. I wouldn't be the King I am today without them."

Chrysalis fell silent, her smug grin fading under the heartfelt warmness of Thorax's words.

"Bit much, don't you think?" Char, far less impressed, whispered to Wizel.

"And now, my subjects are suffering." Thorax sighed. "Our food stores are low, and many have been driven ill by our recent bitter winter. As we no longer need to feed upon love, we require physical sustenance to get by, and it is very scarce at the moment. So many of my subjects are struggling to stay fed. I can barely stand to see them like this. That's why I reached out to you, Chrysalis, in spite of the resentment I still had towards you. Because I felt it was the best way to save this hive. The best way to save my subjects."

"You hear that, Chrys?" Sleight declared. "Sounds like Thorax cares about his subjects just as much as you do for yours."

"I doubt that." Chrysalis retorted, regaining some of her negativity. "He is not a parent to them. They are not his children, as my subjects are to me."

"Well, I'm not really a parent to our subjects either." Sleight pointed out.

"But you do at least count as a step-father." Chrysalis rebutted. "Thorax can't even claim that."

"Can't I?" Thorax asked. "I may not be a parent to them, but as I said, they guided and supported me throughout my reign. And they are still my siblings, nephew and nieces. Still family. Just as we are, Chrysalis. And family is one of the most important things in this world. The last thing I want is to lose any of my family. I'm sure you can identify with that."

"Of course I can..." Chrysalis said quietly, feeling herself being swayed by Thorax's words. Sleight smiled, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

At that point, Mandible entered the throne room.

"Sorry to interrupt, my King." He apologized. "But I'm afraid our supply situation is growing ever more dire. Our young larvae may not have enough food to survive the pupating process."

"But they will." Thorax said suddenly. "Bring them food from my personal store."

"Your own, sire?" Mandible frowned. "But wouldn't that mean-?"

"Going hungry myself?" Thorax finished. "Perhaps. But it's better that the food go to those who need it most. Besides, all that time I spent camping out by Chrysalis's hive means there should be more in there to go around. The extra should go to good use. As for the rest, take what the others need. I can get by without it."

"As you wish, my King." Mandible bowed, then departed.

"You'd really go hungry, so your subjects don't have to?" Sleight asked.

"Without a second thought." Thorax smiled. "Besides, it wouldn't be the first time I went hungry..."

"Well, look at that." Sleight nudged Chrysalis. "Quite a guy, isn't he? Being willing to starve to make sure his subjects don't. That takes real dedication and compassion, doesn't it? He really does care about his subjects as much as you. Do you really want him to have to watch them suffer, when you could something about it?"

Chrysalis sighed deeply.

"Very well." She declared. "You've made your point. It seems I can no longer resist this union."

"You mean it?" Sleight smiled. "You'll do it?"

"On a trial basis at first." Chrysalis declared. "We'll give it a week or two. Our two hives, interacting with each other. If it doesn't work, then that will be the end of it. But if it does, then we'll keep the hives together. Simple as that."

"I suppose I can't ask for more than that." Thorax nodded. "Thank you, Chrysalis. You don't know how much this means to me."

"Ah, but I do." Chrysalis smiled. "For I rule over a hive just as you do. I do not wish for them to suffer any more than your subjects. In spite of what happened between us in the past, I cannot simply allow this hive to die."

"Sleight was right all along." Thorax admitted. "You have become a far greater Queen than I ever could have imagined."

"I really should gloat over how I've proven you wrong so thoroughly." Chrysalis smirked. "But for some reason, I have no wish to. Come, let us discuss the terms of this union."

"With pleasure." Thorax smiled. "Are you in, Sleight?"

"Like you even have to ask." Sleight grinned.

It seemed like the mission had finally been accomplished. But this was just the beginning. The real challenge lay in the two hives interacting with each other. The biggest test was yet to come...