• Published 2nd Jul 2012
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The Great and Powerful Trixie - TheCrazyAsian

The Great and Powerful Trixie somehow gets into my house.

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Not so Great, Not so Powerful

The Great and Powerful Trixie

By: TheCrazyAsian A.K.A. Feasttalon

Chapter One: Not so Great, Not so Powerful

It seems foggy, I can see something, it's a person. Maybe it's my boyfriend, no the person's too tall and I would know if it was him. Who could it be, who was the mysterious per, BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Without thinking I jump up and open my eyes as I fling myself across the room, over my bed and next to the alarm clock. I then hit the Alarm Off button. Uhhh, what day is today, after a few moments I piece together that it's Saturday.

Of course I had to forget to turn my alarm clock off, Stupid Stupid Stupid. I always forget to turn off my alarm clock on Friday. I look at clock to check the time 5:22, five twenty two. Uhhh. My eyes begin to close again and I fall forwards onto the foot of my bed. Too early, must fall asleep, too tired to stay awake.

Sleepy Time


Holy shit, I think as a loud boom occurs somewhere to my left. What the hell was that. At this point my tiredness battles with my curiosity in my mind one side saying to keep sleeping and the other to see what happened. In the end curiosity wins out and I decide to get up and see what happens. As I open my eyes I quickly glance at the clock and see the time, 6:34. Then I turn my head to the left and right there I can see a light blue horse laying down and clutching it's head in pain.

What the hell happened, why the fuck is there a horse in my room. This must be a dream, it has to be, there's no other logical explanation. I just sit there staring, half out of fear and half out of shock. Then after a few minutes it begins to get up, standing on all fours. Then it opens its mouth and says,"What the hay are you".

My mind is blank, how is it that this thing is talking. "How the hell are you speaking and why are you in my room?", I ask.

"What do you mean your room, I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, am in my wagon", she now speaks with a rather condescending tone.

"In case you haven't noticed, oh Great and Powerful one, you are no longer in your wagon", I say putting extra emphasis on the "Great and Powerful" part. She is now obviously irritated by my ridicule of her.

"I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, will not be spoken to that way", she replies, turning her head away from me after she finishes speaking.

"I din't care what you are and I can speak to you any way I want. Now, if you don't mind get out of my room!", I shout. Who is this horse thing, to be telling me what to do. At this point she turns her head back towards me and looks around, as if she's trying to find out where she is.

"Oh horsefeathers", I hear her whisper in barely audible voice. Now back in her previous tone, "I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, will leave at once". There's a puff of smoke and I hear her start half walking, half running, out of my room. I assume that she's making a beeline towards the door, but based on the fact that the door remains closed and that she yelps in pain she's still stuck in my room.

Once the smoke dissipates I can't help but laugh at the sight before me, she's on the ground sprawled on all fours with her head against the door. "What, what, what the heck. That's called a door you retard, you have to open it!", I manage to stutter out between giggles.

Apparently the hit didn't effect her so much because she was able to get up from being on the ground and walk over to where I was laying on my bed laughing and punch me on the side of my head. She obviously doesn't like to be ridiculed.

"Do not laugh at me, the Great and Powerful Trixie", she says,"This has only happened because my magic is not working properly".

"What the, what. Do you really think you are magical. What the hell! You are just CRAZY!", I can barely get this out through my fit of laughter. Who the hell does she think she is, Puff the Magic Dragon? "There's no such thing as magic you dumb ass!", this is just too much. A blue unicorn pony thing shows up in my room and tries to convince me not only is it real but it's magical. I would assume that I'm high but I haven't smoked any for a few days.

"I am magical, and I will prove it", she's now yelling loud enough to shake the walls. Then she points her horn at me and grunts, I don't know what to expect. She keeps having a look on her face as if she's constipated. Maybe she needs to take a crap.

"Hey, if you need to take a shit go to the bathroom", I say matter-of-factly. She ignores me and keeps aiming her horn at me and grunting. I just start laughing again, both at the hilarity and impossibility of the situation.

At this point she must realize it's no use as she stops trying and just sits back down. A puzzled look appears on her as she seems to be pondering something in her mind, I couldn't care less. As long as she doesn't mess up my room, I just had it repainted.

"What, what's happening why isn't my magic working, did I hurt my horn. I bet it was her fault, Twilight Sparkle", she puts extra emphasis on the "Twilight Sparkle" part. "I bet she did something to me, maybe she put something in my drinks before I left", she seems very angry just thinking about this "Twilight Sparkle". What a hilarious name, Twilight Sparkle, it just sounds ridiculous.

"I'm being serious, something is wrong. I can't use magic. And, and if I can't use magic than I can't get back to Equestria", she sound's really desperate to go back to this "Equestria" place. It sounds like some sort of theme park or something.

"Well if you were the "Great and Powerful Trixie" before, now you're just Trixie. Not so Great, and not so Powerful", I reply. Hahaha. This is just hilarious some sort of blue pony showing in my bedroom from some sort of other dimension or something, plus it speaks English. What are the odds of something like this happening. I'm probably asleep and this is all just one weird dream. All one weird ass dream.

End Chapter One