• Published 2nd Jul 2012
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The Great and Powerful Trixie - TheCrazyAsian

The Great and Powerful Trixie somehow gets into my house.

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Short Italian Plumber

The Great and Powerful Trixie

Chapter Five: Short Italian Plumber

By: TheCrazyAsian A.K.A. Feasttalon

Somehow this story has turned into a sad-ish slice of life story, don't ask me how it happened. I don't know how but I will make the comedy return.

Trixie seems relatively calm, at least she isn't curled up in a ball crying or on her back laughing her ass off. So while Trixie's sleeping I might as well take some time to relax. So I walk to the living room and sit in my comfortable chair, that I usually use for gaming. Then I set my MacBook in front of me, on top of a foldable table, and sat there wondering what to do to kill my free time. Then a thought popped into my head, what could be better than playing video games? Apparently anything else as I'm basically yelling at the screen with a rage face on the whole time.

And the game I was playing was Super Mario Bros. I normally see people get this worked up over COD, you know, the people who are yelling into their mics the whole about someone cheating and lag and that kind of stuff. But I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen someone get so worked up over Mario. After about 20 minutes I get past the first level. I then continue my escapades as a short Italian plumber who tries to save a princess that is always in another castle.

I must have been playing for a few hours because on about the fifth level I hear a door creak open behind me, obviously it had to be Trixie. I then hear the sound of hooves beating on the hardwood floor, and after a moment I see Trixie walking down the hall, her hair is all messed up, as if she was tossing and turning a lot when she was sleeping. Maybe she was having a bad dream.

"What's that?" she asks, pointing at my MacBook, which at the moment has Mario being chased by one of those weird mushroom guys plastered on the screen.

"It's a video game, you don't have video games in your world?" I reply. I wonder how different her world is from mine, if you can still make a living as a traveling magician they probably don't have T.V. or radio or anything else to entertain themselves with. Though the very fact that the occupation exists points to their society having a relatively large agricultural surplus. That leads me to believe that they are at least an advanced agricultural society, where people in the top tiers of society have enough free time to the point where they need entertainers.

Then again, she wasn't surprised at the fact that I have a laptop; more curious. That leads me to believe they have technology in a similar area to computers. That would mean they would have modern comforts such as light bulbs and air conditioning. "Yes, we do have video games, I just don't know what that specific one is, and based on your playing you suck at it," she says, interrupting my train of thought.

She just insulted me didn't she, I want to lash out and call her a worthless piece of shit, but I made fun of her when she showed up in my room, so I guess she deserves to take a few shots at me. Karma's a bitch. But she just confirmed what I thought. They have video games, which would mean they have various other inventions that are associated with the 60's - 80's. To confirm my hypothesis I ask "So, do you guys have T.V. and electricity and air conditioning, you know that kind of stuff?"

She justs looks at me as if I'm speaking some sort of foreign language, which is possible because I do occasionally accidentally speak mandarin, though I'm pretty sure I'm still speaking English. Then, with the most confused look on her face, says "What?" Maybe they have a different name for it, after all even different parts of the United States have different names for certain things, this is even more true for another world. So maybe showing her the T.V. would be easier.

I then fumble around and get my remote and turn on the T.V., apparently Hawaii Five-0 is on. I then ask, "Do you have that where you come from," and point to the gunfire going off on the television. She just stares at the screen, almost as if she's debating whether the gunfire is actually going off inside the room of if it's just a magic trick. She obviously has never seen a T.V. before, which is rather weird because that would mean that her world has the technology to build television but chooses not to or is unable to.

"It's a T.V., signals come through a cable and into the T.V. The T.V. then turns those signals into moving pictures that you can see of the screen," I explain. It's like talking to a four year old, I have to dumb everything down to the point where they can understand it.

Then she asks the most stupid question I could ever think of, "Is it powered by magic?". FACEPALM.

"No, Trixie it's not powered by magic. It's powered by electricity. Why do you ask, are things in your world powered by magic?" I reply. This is just too weird, a place were they have video games, but don't have electricity or television. Then again if magic can power things then they would have no need for fuels which is a plus. But that doesn't explain the lack of television.

"Okay, because in my world I can power anything with my magic," she says rather smugly putting extra emphasis on the "I" part. God, this is just, uuuuhhhhh. Imagine trying to deal with a regular egomaniac, now mix in an inferiority complex and the fact that the person is "magical", you see my point.

I think it's time to play Let's Try to Change the Topic game, I turn off the T.V. and ask her, "Do you want anything to eat?" She just stares off into space, as if I'm a college professor giving her a lecture about some mind-numbingly boring topic. I then realize that she's just staring at, the now blank, television screen. I assume she's waiting for it to come back to life by itself so she can find out what happens to Kono.

She then turns her head left and says in a rather bothered tone, "Sure," she seems like she just wants to finish the episode of Hawaii Five-0 so I sheepishly turn the T.V. back on.

I then tell her, "You know why don't I let you finish this episode, I'll just get something to eat first. Then, when you're done, you can come with me to the kitchen to find something that you'd like to eat, okay?"

She responds by waving her hoof in a 'Leave me alone' fashion and says, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," I'll just leave her to watch the show.

I then get out of my chair by jumping over the right side, then walk to the left into the kitchen. Hmmmm. What do I have to eat, I don't really like cooking so most of the time I just get frozen meals or cup noodles and heat those up. Then again today is a special day, a pony teleported into my house from another dimension.

I know what I'm going to eat: I'll have the last pack of the special spicy beef ramen I brought back from vacation. On the side a few shots of vodka. I wonder what ponies eat. I think their vegetarians and I don't have anything that doesn't involve meat to a certain degree anywhere in the house. Maybe she can just eat grass. I'm pretty sure horses eat grass. I'll just ask her what she'll eat later. Right now I have ramen to cook and alcohol to drink.

End Chapter Five