• Published 2nd Jul 2012
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The Great and Powerful Trixie - TheCrazyAsian

The Great and Powerful Trixie somehow gets into my house.

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Bat-Shit Crazy

The Great and Powerful Trixie

By: TheCrazyAsian A.K.A. Feasttalon

Chapter Two: Bat-Shit Crazy

FYI: This chapter has a sad part, but I promise that comedy will resume in a few chapter.

"How dare you, I command you to stop insulting me, the Great and Powerful Trixie", she says in a loud voice, though not loud enough to be considered shouting. She's now scowling at me, what's she going to do use her "magic" to beat me up? Maybe she knows karate.

"Watch out guys, we're dealing with a badass over here", I try to copy the expression of Neil DeGrass Tyson from that internet meme while saying so. She just continues giving me this look, a combination of indignation and hatred. I bet she has some sort of inferiority complex, she has all the characteristics. She can't take an insult, she's blaming other people for her problems, and she is arrogant as hell. She's referring to herself in the third person for Christ's sake.

"You know, I don't know what your deal is but you need to get off your high horse", I shout, with extra emphasis on the horse part. It's a little corny but it seems to piss her off none the less. Her face just looks funny as hell, its weirdly contorted and she just has her mouth open; no doubt at a loss for words. At this point I start laughing again, she is just funny as hell.

She now responds to my insults with by yelling, "DO YOU SEE THIS MARK ON MY FLANK? IT'S MY SPECIAL TALENT, AND THAT TALENT IS MAGIC!!!". This has scared me enough to the point where this is no longer funny enough to laugh at. Big whoop, she has a tattoo on her ass, so did one of my friends, though when I saw that one it was just disturbing as hell. The one of her's just looks like a magic wand and dust, not something I would show off tattooed anywhere on me.

"Big shit, you got a tattoo, I'm assuming that like here, anyone in your world can get one too. Though if I were you I would have chosen a spot that wouldn't give guys an excuse to stare at my ass.", this statement must have made something snap because at this point she goes bat-shit crazy.

"Holy Shit!", I shout as she just jumps on top of me, slamming me onto my back. She's holding me down as if she was going to try and have her way with me, but this is much more painful. She begins slamming her hands, no hooves, she starts slamming her hooves everywhere, though in the general direction of my face. Thinking on my feet I weave me head left and right trying to keep it away from her assault. Thanks to a combination of evasive maneuvers on my part and her apparently poor hand-eye, no hoof-eye coordination, I am able to evade most of her punches, with only about 5-7 actually hitting my face.

"I AM GREAT AND POWERFUL AND I AM MAGICAL", she shouts. I don't know what all of this means, the pony, the yelling, the assault. If it's a dream then it means I might be a masochist, if it's a hallucination that means I'm crazy, and if this is real, well... Right about now she stops trying to punch me, and slumps back and collapses, falling from her perch on top of me to to the left and onto the pillows at the head of my bed.

She's crying, but I'm just glad she's stopped, what she lacks in size she makes up for in raw fury. She's punched me twice on my right cheek, two to three times on the left and has hit me on the forehead at least once. At least she missed my eyes, the last thing I need is a black eye. The pain from the blows is beginning to radiate around me face. Though I've been through worse, time to man up. Right now I'm having a hard time believing this is all just some sort of weird dream.

The pain seems too real, too lifelike. I've fallen off skyscrapers, gotten shot and stabbed in dreams, and even then the pain was relatively light. The pain I have from the beating feels just like the time I got beat up in middle school. Ah, middle school, the place where people just don't give a damn. The place to get beat up and made fun of.

The lifelike pain is the one thing that convinces me that all this is real. That no matter how weird this is, she is real. That I have just gotten beat up by a blue pony that is supposedly magical. I've just been making fun of her, thinking that this was some sort of dream, that she wasn't real. She is real, she is alive. I screwed the hell up.

I have just spent that last few minutes doing nothing but ridiculing her. Making fun of her when she's stuck in what she sees as an alien world. I've been doing that while she's probably thinking about when she'll be home, if she can get home. Assuming that she got here by magic, and not some sort of trans-dimensional portal, she might be stuck here forever. I've fucked this up. Nice one dumbass.

Don't get me wrong, I am angry at her for beating me senseless, as if I was just some sort of plaything, but she just seems so helpless. Like a little girl that doesn't know where her mom is, or someone who just lost one of their parents. I can't help but feel sympathy for her. She's stuck here for god-knows-how-long and I've just welcomed her to Earth by calling her retarded. Smooth move. I have to do something, I can't just let her just sob there until she calms down, that could take forever.

This might be a stupid idea, but I decide to scoot up the bed and behind her, she looks so sad. Right now she just looks like a sniveling little girl, using proper terminology I think the word to describe her is filly. A sad little filly who missing everyone that she knows, in a strange new world that she doesn't know anything about. I am still pissed at her for beating the shit out of me, but it's hard to be mad her, she's curled up in a ball with both of her hooves covering her face. She just looks so, so...

I don't know, my reaction when I see someone in pain is to try and help them, and even if they aren't human I'll still help. I try to say it in the most comforting voice I can muster, "It's going to be ok, it's going to be ok. I'm sorry for what I said...", I begin, "If there's anything I can do, let me know". She lowers her hooves and I look into her purple eyes, tears are streaming down her face. This is just...

I just have no idea what to do, I've never had to comfort someone that potentially is cut off from everyone in their lives. It must be difficult, I can imagine it, not seeing my parents, my boyfriend, and my friends. I lean in closer to her and start to stroke her hair, no wait, her mane.

I look into her eyes, which are still releasing tears that roll down her face, still trying to sound as comforting as possible, "It's going to be alright, I don't care what it takes, I'll try to get you home and while you're waiting I'll try to help you as much as possible. You can have the room down the hall if you'd like that". She seems to begin to cheer up, her crying has stopped, or at least slowed down by a significant amount, and she's beginning to let her guard down and get out of the ball.

This brings a smile to my face, although she's not happy she's not as sad as before. I put a slight smile on my face and I inch my way around her and onto the carpet floor of my room. I stand up and look at her, the smile still on my face and I say, "Come on, why don't I get you some water? You must be thirsty".

I extend my hand, she seems to be debate it for a moment, I can't blame her, I wouldn't exactly trust someone who just spent the past few minutes making fun of me. She eventually extends one of her forehooves, it seems to be slightly shaking. I grab it and I help her off my bed, she struggles for a few seconds, but eventually gets onto all fours and starts to walk towards the door and I follow.

"I think maybe I should walk ahead, as this is my house. Plus I don't need you banging your head on the door again", I comment.

She replies, "Yeah", though I think I may be able to see a slight smile on her lips. I then slide my way infront of her and open the door to the hallway. I'll get her some water and show her to the guest room. At this point my door bell rings. Who would be trying to see me at this time?

End Chapter Two