• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,053 Views, 14 Comments

My Shy Little Friend - Living in Equestria - ChromeRegios

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Chapter 2 - A good day turned very bad.

After cleaning up the dishes I went for a quick shower put on fresh clothes and went on to Twilight’s. It was 3 in the afternoon, the sun is still up but the air is cool enough for a nap on the grassy fields. As I near the town, ponies greeted me as I walk pass them, I waved back at them in return for their greetings. But this wasn’t always like this… back when I was new in Ponyville, they treated me as a monster, so did Rob when I first met him. We were both cast away from the locals…
But after some hard work and a little luck, it was just a matter of time before I’m discovered as not a threat to them… rather just another person looking for new friends. It took me nearly half a year to build up my reputation, teaching kids my own language, which is highly impossible for them to understand me. Teaching culture to them and showing then new kinds of foods in which case they never seen or taste before. I also helped Rob to be accepted in the herd as we both now new members of the pony society.

I returned to reality as I already spots Twilight’s library, I heard music coming from inside, so I assume the party started.
I opened the door and peeked in, only to be face to face with Pinkie Pie. I immediately jerked back, but only to be dragged back in by her. And before I knew it, I was doing the limbo…

“Come on! Let’s play pin-the-tail-on-the-pony!” Pinkie announced, in which case, Twilight was all giddy.

“I’m glad that you came to my party Chris… It’s really fun when you’re around…” Twilight said to me, while pouring me some Apple Cider.

“Well, thanks I~”

“After you introduced some new games to Pinkie, she had been ultimately happy.” Twilight claimed.

“You see, I~”

“When you told her about the game Charades, Hang men, Scrabble, and that…uhm… what’s it called? Par-tin-terra?”

“It’s Patintero… It’s more like kick the can, but you use your horse shoes…” I explained.

“My gosh, your culture is very different from Rob’s culture…” Rarity said, hearing our conversation.

“Well, we live on different countries… so we have different beliefs.” I said to Rarity.

“Oh I see… It’s like a blue dress different on a purple dress.” Rarity said which I hardly understand why she compared us in dresses.

“Yeeeeeeah, let’s go with that…” I said nearly on a sarcastic tone.

“Though I must thank you for showing me, and giving me the opportunity to make such unique brand of clothes for humans…” Rarity said with sparkles on her eyes. I predicted that whenever her eyes sparkles, she will go on a non-stop fashion talk.

Twilight notices this and asked Rarity for us to be excused. But just to make her not feel bad on leaving her alone as she wants to tell us her ideas. I have prepared a paper with some new designs of clothes for her to make, which made her even more inspired.

After dealing with Rarity… Twilight navigated me around the crowded library where Fluttershy is at. Shy was on the other side of the room, talking to Dash.

“Hi, Dash~” I promptly said while going near them.

“Oh, hey uncle Mist!” Dash called out. I kept telling her not to call me “Mist” every time I’m with her. Even Rob told her so, but she sometimes still call me that. She got that nickname from the “M” in my last name “Mariano” and the “ist” in my
“Christian” which made it “Mist”.

I don’t know how she ever makes those names out of her mind, but it is Rainbow Dash after all… she likes things 20% cooler… but I don’t know if my name turned to be cooler in ways I can’t see but in some cases she can see the coolness in it…

“Come on, Dashie. That’s not my dad’s name…” Shy said for me.

“Fluttershy, lighten up~ it’s a cool nick name for him… Right, Mist?” Dash looked at me for a response.
I nearly twitched and gave a fake smile. I tried to ignore it, but this pony seems to have an effect to my heart and can’t just
say no easily… I gave in and gave my reply to her.

“Yes, it is.” I said simply.

“See, he likes it!” Dash said gloatingly. “One does not simply make his name cooler, I make them 20% cooler.”
Oh great, their doing meme’s now… What have she been watching in the internet when she’s in our world…

“Hey guys! It’s almost time for games~ Again!” Pinkie yelled out, calling the attention of all the ponies, and humans then goes to the living room.

“As the birthday mare, Twilight should pick the first game we should play…” Rarity claimed, then turns to Twilight for her decision.

“Alright, first game is~” Twilight starts to think, giving off a long silence until finally~

“AHA! Lets play…”

I leaned over, waiting for her decision… a bit excited that she might pick a game from my world that originated to my land.


I literally fell face first on the floor, unaware of her decision at all… “WHAT?!” I asked in astonishment... Never in my life she would be interested to play "SharpShooter" (Originally called Sak-Bang in Philippine Children Game) or maybe she simply doesn't know the mechanics of that...

“Yeah, Sharpshooter!” Twilight repeats. All the ponies gawk at her,not knowing the game she announced… only I knew what it meant…

Twilight sighed, and then looks at me, expecting me to explain what the game is just as what I explained it to her… I sighed as well and told the ponies the mechanics of the game.

“Alright, the object of the game is more like of Hide-and-Seek… but with a twist. Whoever is “IT” Must count to fifty to give the others a chance to hide… then once he/she finished to count, She has to seek each and every one of those who are hiding, BUT, once she sees a player she has to say “Bang!” followed by the name of that said player… then she has to repeat the process… BUT, here’s the twist… The hiding players can have a chance to ambush whoever is “IT” but they have to be stealthy in order for the one who is “IT” won’t see them… once the hiding person is near “IT” all she has to do is say… “STAB” then poke her on the back, making the whole game over and will restart with the same person still “IT”. This applies even when “IT” sees you but can’t tell your name, you have a second to react and “Stab” her/him before she/he says your name… The game will end when “IT” is stabbed… or all the ponies have been “Shot”, the next “IT” is indicated who ever had been shot first… remember, you can’t use your magic to shoot other ponies, or use sharp objects to stab… only use your hooves in the game… understand?”

After the long but detailed explanation… the ponies gawk at me, then all of them nodded in approval as they understood my explanation,they cheered all together.

“Since you explained the rules, we think you should be “IT”!” A pony shouts. All of them then starts to chant “IT”! Rob, laughed in the background while Dash laughed even more.

“Do I have a choice?” I said to myself.

All of them cheered and starts to hide as I turned and counted to fifty… then I thought to myself,

“This library is literally small; it would be easy to find them…” I said to myself, with a sense of victory already. A few seconds passed and I yelled “READY OR NOT! HERE I COME!”

I shouted, as I roam the hallways with all of my senses on high alert… It’s like the game “Left4dead” I’m the infected, and their the survivors… I know this reference I made is far from what we’re doing, but it’s the only thing that came to mind. Sometimes I just imagine being that for now…

As I venture further down the seemingly eerie hallway of the library, which is oddly enough became silent… Earlier it was filled with partying ponies, but now… it turned to like a ghost house.

“Hello?!” I asked as my voice echoes throughout the place. “This is certainly creeping me out on high levels that I cannot comprehend right now…” I said to myself, and frankly I sounded like Rarity just now.

As I slowly crept through the first room, I quickly sensed a presence inside the room. My eyes quickly looked everywhere, but I could only see nothing… Then in my mind, something clicked… this is just like that Hidden Object game I played for 3 years, being a master of hidden objects game I could easily find them hands down… I just need to focus.

As I sweep the room with my sight, I carefully examined the place hoping to see who was hiding here… Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw something moved. I diverted my attention to that small movement and saw a slight flash of the color Yellow near the shelves… as I went near it, I saw a tail of a pony, not just a tail, but a braided tail along with the scent of apples.

“Bang! Applejack!” I yelled, as she pops her head out of her hiding spot.

“Dang nab bit~!” She frowned a bit, but then turned to a smile. “Okay, okay~ y’all got me…” She said as she goes
completely out of her hiding spot.

“Okay, Applejack. Go to the living room now and wait till I find the others…” I said to her as I moved on.

“Ah hope y’all can find them!” She said to me, and then lets a slight giggle as she went to the living room.
This time I went to the kitchen, this area has a lot of spaces for ponies to hide… I cautiously entered the kitchen, looking at the back of the door for good measure… as my back was turned away from the kitchen something leaped across me, nearly touching my chin.

“Sta~whoops!” It said then hits the wall hard. It was no other that Scootaloo herself. “Oww~” She groaned.

“Scootaloo, he was right in front of you! How can you not hit him?” Another voice said, which apparently the voice of Sweetie belle.

“Ya really know how ta hit a guy Scoots!” Apple Bloom said in dismay.

“Hey! Well excuse me Princesses!” Scootaloo said sarcastically.

“Don’t worry! He’s there now! Get ‘em!” Apple Bloom said, as they surround me…
But one thing they have forgotten is that they should have hid themselves from me if they’re going to stab me… so I did the obvious thing…

“Bang! Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle…”

The three of them simultaneously fell down the mat… “Aww man!” they said in unison.
I laughed a bit on their silly actions. “Don’t worry girls, you nearly got me…” I said, hoping to raise their spirits and try again next time.

“You bet! We almost did, didn’t we girls?” Apple Bloom said, then the her friends cheered in agreement.

“Well, better luck next time girls… Now go to the living room with Applejack. I’ll see if I can find the others…” I said to them…

“Thanks! Oh and one more thing~” Scootaloo said, as she turns and face me. “Some other ponies are not hiding inside the Library…” She said then went to the living room.

“I knew it…” I said to myself. “I knew they all can never fit to hide in this house.”
I continued along from room to room, to find some of the others who are hiding in the house … within a matter of minutes,
The living room is almost full, as I found Rarity hiding on Twilight’s closet of dresses.

Well that’s it for the inside of the house… I still can’t believe that they could hide in that0 lab where Twilight did her experiments and fit into that tiny space all at once…

“Now, all I need to find is, Rob, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie…” I announced to the other ponies in the room, but they all suddenly giggled at me… why?

“Okay~… so, I’m going outside to look for them, just have fun while I’m looking for them…” I said to the other ponies… They all nodded to me and continued the party.

As I walked out the door, I quickly glanced up on the clouds hoping to find any trace of Rainbow Dash…but to no luck.
“Damn, how hard can you find a rainbow maned pony around this parts?” I said to my self, while my eyes wander around the streets… “Did I forget to say to them that you can’t go out of the playing field?”

At the corner of my eye, I saw movement on one of the clouds… I stopped for am minute and observed the clouds, but they all stood still… I shruged that thought and moved on, then all of a sudden it moved again… At first I thought it was just the wind, but at my second thought… Only Pegasi can move the clouds here.

I pretended I didn’t notice this and just walked aimlessly around the block, seemingly oblivious about the cloud moving out and about.

I headed to an alley way and hid my self out of the clouds view hoping it will go pass me, and sure enough, the cloud hovers on top of a house… with a rainbow tail sticking out of it’s base.

“well whadd’ya know…” I said in already a victorious tone. As I was about to call her name, I heard a slight commotion nearby.

“C’mon, Fluttershy hang out with us~” Said a male voice.

“Yeah, we’ll have a good time together!” Said another male voice.

“N-no, please… I need to get back to~” Fluttershy’s voice was cut off… then I heard a squeak.
I averted my attention on the cloud to where I heard Fluttershy’s voice.

“If you don’t come, we’ll be forced to hurt your animals! Now you won’t want THAT to happen now, would you?” Said the first male voice.

As I walked out the alley, I saw Fluttershy with two Pegasi Colts, flirting with her.

“P-please, I said no!” Fluttershy pleaded.

The two colts were obviously pissed off at her, as they didn’t get what Fluttershy want them to do… The brown colt lets her hoof go then pushed her back, making Fluttershy fall on a puddle of mud, then the two jerks laughed at her… Fluttershy cried under her dirtied face.
That triggered my anger, and then showed my self out of the alley to confront them. “Hey, Bastards! Lay off my Daughter you piece of trash!”

The two looked at me, raising their brow on me. “And tho are you suppose to be?” The brown Pegasi asked.

“I’m her Dad! What of it Punk!?” I said in a furious voice.

“Her, Dad?!” he two of them said in unison, then laughed at me.

“Whats so funny? And why did you hurt her, huh?!” I asked the two laughing idiots.

“It’s none of your business, pops!” The brown colt shooed at me

“Yeah, go back to your cave, hairless ape!” The other Pegasi said, then laughed even more loudly.
This got me riled up, and went closer to confront them face to face. But when I got close enough, one of them kicked me on the gut, as I stumble hear Fluttershy.

“Dad, are you okay? Lets just go…” She pleaded at me, but it was too late…
The Rage I was hoping I would never be able to show had been set ablaze… The Anger that I was suppressing years ago was about to be unleashed… and I was going to hurt another… My sight became black…
Without a second thought, I charged at the two Pegasi Colts and grabbed its neck, with one incredible burst of strength I tossed it down on the ground hard… like in some sort of Hulk, my mind was going full throttle and my body was acting on it’s own.

“Dad, Stop! Please!” Fluttershy said, but I didn’t listened.
I continued to assault the colt who kicked me ultil he was bloodied… His friend was speechless, and doesn’t know how to react… When I was finished with the pathetic colt, I looked over to the other one who pushed Fluttershy to the mud puddle… The colt was about to fly off when I grabbed his hind leg and slammed him to the ground the same I did to his friend. I pounded him without any remorse with a stone, until he was beaten up, then as a final act of retribution, I took out a knife that I was keeping for self defense, and was about to use it for Murder…

“P-p-please… h-h-have m-m-mercy…” The colt begged for his life, his already beaten up state, can't barely move at all.

“Mercy?...” I said in a demonic like voice. “You don’t deserve mercy, coward!” That being said, I plunged the knife, heading towards the colt…

As his fate was sealed within my hands…