• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,053 Views, 14 Comments

My Shy Little Friend - Living in Equestria - ChromeRegios

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Chapter 3 - Hard Work to Dust.

“Dad!” Fluttershy rushed towards me as I was about to plunge the knife through the colts and hugged me from behind,
stopping me from making a very terrible mistake.

I slowly regained my consciousness, and my sight returned… I looked around to witnessed what I have done… then looked
at my own hand only to see that I was holding a knife and was about to kill a pony.

My eyes narrowed to a size of a pea as I dropped the knife and fell back away from the two colts… One managed to get up
and helped its friend up then manages to fly away back to their homes…

I stood there, not believing of what just happened, or what I did for that matter… Fluttershy held me tight and crying…
frightened of what she just witnessed.

The sky turned dark, as rain poured down on the town, Dash flew down above us, and then Rob ran down across the street
towards us…

“Chris! Chris, what happened?!” He asked in concern, but I was mute and can’t say anything at that time.

“Fluttershy, what happened?” Dash said as she leans over to her friend, but Shy just looked at her with raindrops falling
down on her cheeks, hiding the tears that are already falling on her eyes.

“Come on, we’ve got to get these two back to their home… we don’t want them to get sick now, do we Dashie?” Rob said as
he helped me up and escorted me to Shy’s cottage… Dash did the same to her as she carried Shy on her back. The rest of
the afternoon was literally silent, neither I nor Shy uttered a single word after that.

That night, I didn’t sleep for quite a bit… It was around 2:00 in the morning, and I still haven’t got a wink of sleep… I could still
vividly remember what I have just done that afternoon and the past event when I was still at my own home, it was like a bad
record that keeps playing that image over and over and over again, remembering that bloody dog, and my mutilated
chicken… Which is almost as the same as I did to those two Pegasi… when I was finally got a stroke of sleep, the nightmares
returned and haunt me for the rest of the night…

That morning, I wasn’t feeling well… My head was spinning and bumping out of control, my body keeps on jolting and
shaking every now and then, and my eyes kept on wandering around… Fluttershy was worried that I may not be well for a
job that I was suppose to do at the Town Hall, where I suppose to be repairing the bell tower after a freak lightning storm
where a stray lightning bolt struck the bell creating a slight crack on its side… Which is quite funny since I remembered
something like that in the history of the United States, a.k.a the Liberty Bell… were it had a crack similar to the bell on City

“What a load of crap…” I told myself, not saying the proper thing since my mind is jumbled off course.

Fluttershy entered my room, with a worried look on her face. “D-dad?”

“WHAT?!” I said in frustration.

“B-breakfast is r-ready…” She said nearly shaking in fear.

I sighed then responded to her. “No, I’m fine… just go and eat by yourself.” I said to her while shooing her off my door, I

really don’t want to be bothered for now… or any other distractions for that matter.

“B-but, you need to eat, dad…” She said solemnly.

“I said, no…” I told her again, my voice slightly loud.


Before she could continue… I snapped. “I SAID NO! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY FOR IT TO GO TO YOUR


She looked at me while tears ran down her cheeks… then ran out of my room…

In my mind I knew it was a horrible thing to do that to her… then again, it wasn’t right to do that to her… but I just wanted to
be alone for now.

I was expecting any minute now, guards from the castle will come and arrest me for almost killing two Equines yesterday.

This was insane… what was I thinking!?

I mean the worst personality I have got for almost half of my life time that I have got chained and locked up deep inside my
subconscious … and it escaped…

“She watched me as I beat up two colts that was almost my size, and nearly killed them in cold blood…

But I was protecting her…

Is that so wrong?

To protect the one you love, even if you have to kill in order to do so?


I knew that the two colts did to Shy was wrong, and I understand that… but I wasn’t suppose to beat the crap out of those two
and nearly killed one of them. Shy could have defended herself, by using the “Stare” on them, but why didn’t she? I could
have asked the two colts why are they doing that to Shy kindly… Yet they kicked me."


“It was self defense; I just defended myself, no big deal…”


“Yeah, that’s right… they started it, I didn’t do anything wrong…”


I looked out my window, to see who was calling my name.

“WHAT?!” I shouted back, and saw Rob standing there looking at me.

“Come down here, I need to talk to you!” Rob gestures for me to go down and talk to him.

“Look, Rob~ I don’t need…”

“Just come down… you need to see this…” Rob walked off to the edge of the road, and waited for me.

My curiosity aroused itself as I was wondering what he could mean by “You need to see this”. I thought about what he could
mean, until my darn curiosity took the best of me. I jumped off my bed and got out of my room. As I was going out the hall
way, I could faintly hear Fluttershy crying from somewhere. In my heart I wanted to apologize, but my mind wants to know
what Rob means by his last sentence.

I went down to the living room, determined to know Rob’s knowledge that I wanted to know… just then, Angel blocked my way
and starts pointing to the other room…

“What do you want runt?” I said with a gurgling voice. Then he slapped my feet and continued to point to the other room.

“Look I have no time, I need to go somewhere.” Just as I was about to go out, Angel slammed the door in front of me. “What
the buck~?! Open the door you freaking rabbit!” I yelled over the darn rabbit to open the door. But Angel refused.

“Open the door or else!” I threatened, but he refused to budge. I sighed and simply kicked the door open, with one burst kick
I flew the door open and sends Angel flying towards the pond, making a huge splash. “That’s what you get for crossing my
path, Ingrate!” I shouted. With that being dealt, I headed to where Rob was.

Rob was sitting on the shade of a tree at the edge of a small cliff overlooking the town below, then glances over when he
saw me running over. “Well, this better be good.” I said to him.

“Chris, look over there…” Rob pointed to the town, where ponies were gathered at Town Hall, discussing about something.

“So, they’re probably in a meeting… what’s so important about that?” I asked with a smug.

Rob then gave me a telescope to look at them closer, I reluctantly took the telescope and looked closer to the town. There
on the side, I saw the two colts wrapped in bandages and hardly able to move at all, with the Mayor talking to the other
ponies about something while pointing every now and then to the two colts… Twilight seems to be reasoning to the Mayor
but she just shook her head on Twilight… Applejack and Rainbow Dash did the same but to no avail…

“They seemed to be talking about yesterday, of what you just did.” Rob said, as I continue to watch the ponies.

The Mayor kept on talking to the townsfolk as she was getting the ponies all pumped. Just as I was about to leave, one of the
Unicorns spotted me watching them from a cliff and yelled to the other ponies as they turned their attention to where I was.

“The fuck did she know I was here?!” I asked myself as I continued to watch them; they all looked over then started to walk
towards me!

“Go, before they come close…” Rob said, as I glanced at him.


“They’re probably upset about what you did to their kind. Go, I’ll try to stall them.” Rob said…

My mind was yet again racing at full throttle, as I ran towards Fluttershy’s cottage without any second thought. I ran as fast
as I can, heading back to the house, but I was blocked by a closed door on the way.

“Open up, Shy!” I asked, but to no response… Just then Angel peeked through the window. “Angel! Open the door you silly
rabbit!” I asked, but he just closed the window and blocked it with curtains.

“Fuck, ANGEL!!! YOU BETTER OPEN THIS YOU STINKING ANIMAL!” I yelled, but no answer.

“That’s it…” I said losing all my patience at once… I prepared one fatal kick again as I rammed the door with my feet, only to
be rebounded back to my body. I cringed in pain, as I failed to notice a steel blockade enforcing the door in front of me.

“How did that get there?!” I asked in astonishment. Just then I heard voiced from behind, as the towns folk was getting
closer. I had no choice, but to go to the forest for refuge…

I ran across the entrance of the forest, as the light from the sun fades away from me. Not looking back to the once
comfortable feeling of the happy and prosperous place I once loved… Now they are hunting me for almost killing two colts, a
crime I committed on the dream world I once wanted to live with my loving daughter… All those years of hard work, and the
reputation I gruelingly gained… gone to waste. Just because of a demonic blind rage I carelessly unleashed without my own

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy…” Were the only words I said, before disappearing through the darkness


It was around, 12:23 in the afternoon and I was starving to death. I haven’t eaten since this morning and all that running
made me even hungrier… I soon found myself in a clearing at the probable center of the forest… With my slight knowledge
of the outdoors, I checked my surroundings for any edible fruits or mushrooms that I cloud eat… Sadly, this was Equestria…
and it had many, and I mean MANY odd looking shrubs, animals and other various things…

It was a pathetic attempt to forage some food in this forest… The only things are edible to eat was if it was grown on

I tried to walk it off but my stomach says no either way…

“I lived for three days without food and I can do it again!” I said to myself, hoping I can get a little motivation for myself… hold
on… Water!

If I had water, I can survive… even without food as long as I get myself hydrated I can live… but only one problem… I was in
a muddy forest…

“Shit…” I cussed…

I was about to head back to where I came from, but when I looked back… the way completely changed!

“Hey, hold on… Isn’t there suppose to be a path way here just a second ago?” I asked my self… But I just went through the
trees, only to be blocked by a thorny bush… I yelped and jerked back by the prickly thorns of the bush…

“Where did I come from…” I scrathed my arm as those thorns did a little damage on my skin… I turned back to the other way,
but just like the other way… it changed… I was lost.

“Hello!?” I yelled, hoping someone, anyone could hear me… “Helloooo!?”

Just then I heard a slight rustling nearby… “Whos there?!” I called out… Silence… “Hey! Answer me damn it!”

Instead a reply, I heard a distinct growl of some animal… With my brain again at full throttle, I picked up a large wood staff
and prepared to defend myself…

“Come on, come on! You want some of this, huh?!” I swigged the large stick wildly, due to the dark surroundings, I can’t pin
point or see clearly where the growl is coming from… “Damn it, if only I can see better~” Before I can even continue my
sentence, something jumped on me… as it was about to (or at least I think so…) bite me, I jammed the stick to his mouth,
which it bit immediately… I struggled to keep it at bay…

With one burst of strength, I lifted him up and tossed it to a nearby tree… as if by reaction, I jammed the whole length of the
stick down to its throat, killing it on the spot.

Gasping, and out of breath… I let go of the stick, and knelt down as my heart was racing at almost six miles per hour… I
haven’t even gotten my breath back when I start to hear more growling around me…

“Well, fuck…” I cussed…

I sat down the mucky wilderness and observed the dark surroundings, waiting for whatever was growling in the dark… time
seemed to slow down as I hear the growl getting nearer and nearer.

“Come on, you sick bastards! COME AT ME!” I yelled out loud to my hunter, as I hear the leaves on the ground suddenly
rustled followed by the sudden feeling of something leaping at me… I slowly closed my eyes, and awaited my sealed fate.

Just then, as if by cue… My vision turned to white.