• Published 1st Jul 2012
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My Shy Little Friend - Living in Equestria - ChromeRegios

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Chapter 4 - Two Perspectives

“Ugh…” I moaned slightly, feeling my back had just been trampled by a bull… I opened my eyes, thinking of what just happened… “Oh, right…”

I vividly remember I was defending myself on an assault of a wolf like creature, and killed one of them… and then… I was cornered and thought I was dead for sure, and then a flash of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere…

I quickly looked over my surroundings and noticed, I’m no longer in the forest rather I’m resting in a pile of hay. The smell of herbs suddenly flowed through the air, and the sound of something popping was heard nearby… I groggily got up and started to explore. The room, is quite small, so I needed to bent down a bit just to move around… beyond the door way I saw flasks, and tubes stacked to one table and another, with a huge cauldron in the middle… this was something I expected from Twilight’s lab, but not like slightly primitive such as this… on the walls, were masks and trinkets to which Africans as I recall having them in their tribal houses.

“Where the heck, am I?” Was my first thought giving off my feeling of dizziness even more restless… As I venture further closer to the table I heard a couple of hoof steps coming from outside the place, I didn’t mind it at first, as I tried to remember who owns this place… the word was on the tip of my tongue but I can’t seem to get it out…

As I stood there pondering at this very thought, I felt a slight nudge behind me… Startled, I spun around quickly to see a hooded figure standing at the doorway. I jerked back, and literally fell back first to the table, spilling some of the concoctions on to the floor…

“Holy Sh*t!” I cussed, as I grovel on to my knees, In front of me was the Grim Reaper! “No, please! I don’t want to die yet! Forgive me!” I pleaded and cried to the lord of death, hoping he’d spare my loathing and pathetic soul to remain on earth… but to my surprise… the hooded figure patted me?

“Fear not, my young one… for what you think I am not… I am merely, a simple pony who saved you in majority~”

That voice… those rhymes… this isn’t the grim reaper… It was Zecora!

“Zecora?” I opened one eye, to confirm my suspicion, and I was right… the hooded figure was one of the humble and kindest pony, or rather zebra I met through the show… Zecora, or should I say, the witch doctor.

“Yes, that is my name, and what is yours, for what I mean is your name…”

“Right… Name’s Christian… just call me Chris…” I said formally… though I don’t get the rhyming much… at least I can understand her…

“Ah, you are that one, who helped with the ponies on their daily routes…” She said, looking at my face as she took her hood off…

“Really? Thanks, but… right now… I’m a fugitive…” I said to her, then something popped into my head… a question I needed to ask her for now.“By the way, may I ask how’d you found me in the forest?” I asked directly to the point… which I hope she can tell me.

“Yes… for it is a fact, not fiction…”

“You do realize that doest rhyme…” I said jokingly.

“I know…” She said simply…
“Can you speak straight Engli~ I mean Equestrian instead? I’m not used to the rhyming often…” She nodded and did me the favor.

“Very well… but tell me, why you had not liked my rhyming?” She asked curiously.

“You see, back in my world, rhyming is considered a Rapping or a Rappers language…” I said, remembering those rap music I used to listen back then.

“Rap? What is that?” Zecora tilted her head; clearly she doesn’t know what I was talking about.

“Long story… but please, can you tell me what happened in the forest earlier?” I reminded her; she quickly returns her focus to this question and starts her story…

“You see, I know what happened yesterday, and I saw it with my very eyes… I was invited by Twilight herself to her birthday, I was no mood for games, so I left before it even started… then I went to find me some herbs… after that I took the alley way as a shortcut back to my hut, then I saw you sneaking out and about… I followed you in curiosity, wondering what were you doing, when I was about to turn the corner, I saw you behind some trash bins, looking over to Fluttershy with those two colts… I could clearly see they were hurting her… I recently heard that you were her father, well step-father for what I heard… that aside, I knew you only did that to protect her from those who were bullying her. There is nothing wrong about that…”

I sat down and punched at the floor, slightly making a crater on the ground, I’m not that strong but I managed to do so. “I know that, but do they even understand how a parent feels if they’re child is being treated like that?!”

“It’s not your fault… but by what those two said, they were lying, and they just wanted to save their own flanks… but to do that~”

“They need someone to be blamed in their place…” I continued.


“But, you’re a witness… shouldn’t you help me clear my name? Please, Zecora! I need your help!” I asked, but she refused…

“I am sorry… true I saw the truth, but that doesn’t mean I need to spread it…”

“What? Why!?”

“You see… truth is not gained though another’s eyes… it’s gained by one’s eyes… and information. Though this isn’t that big of a case to be related on to the court, but it’s merely a matter of protecting some pony you love… not by aggression made on purpose.”

“I don’t get it…” I said to her.

“I have nothing to do with family affairs… rather, seek help to the one who really did saw what happened. And you know who I mean, Chris.”

I looked down, reminiscing through my thoughts… I knew who she meant, but do I dare to return despite what happened and what I did to her? What if those mob, get to me first? What will I do if they capture with, and don’t give me any chance to explain?

“What is wrong?” She asked like she doesn’t know what she just said to me.

“You said you won’t help me, then what am I suppose to do? I mean, look at me! Do I LOOK like an Equine? Do I have authority to claim my own innocence to those peopl~ I mean ponies without any sufficient witnesses to back me up..” I said, getting a little frustrated to her mind games.

“In simple terms you can understand… there is another who saw what you really did at that time… and I’m perfectly sure you know who I’m referring to…” Zecora then turned to her broken flask and cleans them up… “Now, for you to have answers to your other lingering questions in your mind… which you may or may not have… search it elsewhere instead of feeling sorry for yourself… noting is accomplished when you sit and cry in a corner…” She said while picking up the glass fragments on the floor.

I stood there thinking what to do next… but since she seems to make sense, I decided to leave her hut and try to find these “answers” she told me about… “Alright… thanks Zecora, though I don’t understand some of what you just said… I think it helped me a little…”

Zecora simply nodded… “Now go, time is off the essence… your daughter might need help…”

I turned to the door and bolted out back to the woods… “That’s strange…” I said to myself… “I could have sworn she said that Shy needed help... but what?” I kept on running with only one thing on my mind for now… to apologize to the towns folk and try to prove my innocence… at least, that’s what, I think Zecora told me…

“Stupid damn, Short Term Memory Loss…”

(Fluttershy’s Perspective)

“Where is he?” I paced back and forth awaiting for my father for almost all afternoon. But no matter how much I waited he didn’t come that afternoon… “Oh, I hope he’s alright…”

Angel tugged me a bit, and told me something in gesture…

“I know Angel… He should not have done that~ but he looks a bit stressed about what happened yesterday… I should have left him alone earlier when he asked me too… Then he wouldn’t have said those mean things… I’m sorry angel, for what he did to you…” I petted Angel, which he seemed to like it so.

“Now, how about some dinner while we’re waiting for my dad…” I offered him, but he shook his head. “Uhm… some carrots perhaps?” I offered but he still refused… “What about that thing you showed me at the magazine?” I asked which he nodded in agreement… “Alright, just this once…” I said as I headed to the kitchen and made him some.

Right as I was making the food, Twilight showed up out of nowhere… it made me, uhm… jumped and clutched at the ceiling… ridiculously enough just like a cat would do…

“Fluttershy!” Twilight seemed worried about something… I glided down to the ground.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” I asked, wondering what made her so worked up about.

“It’s your dad! He’s at Canterlot dungeon!”

“W-what?!” I nearly stumbled back on what Twilight told me… My dad… was in prison.

Before I could react further, Twilight grabbed my hoof and teleported us to her library… Once we got there, my eyes literally swirl out of control… I was not used on teleporting much. When I regained my composure, I saw my friends waiting in Twilight’s Library.

“Good timing… we’re about to go at Canterlot to see your father…” Rarity said, while she put on her scarf.

“Yeah, we’re going to have a Night Twip!!! I mean, Trip!” Pinkie bounced, she seems in a good spirit tonight…

“Girls, why did my father get sent to the dungeons? What did he do?” I asked worriedly.

“We don’t know… but ah thought you would, since y’all his daughter… right?” Applejack, who was coming out of the kitchen, said to me.

“I…I don’t know…” I said to them, I really don’t remember what happened yesterday…

“Shy,” Rainbow started. “Remember that time, me and my dad found you two near the ally?” the next 10 minutes, Rainbow Dash told me what happened earlier that day, which my vivid memory has a little recollection on that event… I was shocked… but dad was just helping me… he’s just trying not to get me hurt by those colts.

“You remember now?” Dash asked as I only gave her a nod “Dad headed out to Canterlot earlier to see how, uncle Chris is doing…” Dash told me, but I couldn’t help shedding a tear… for my father was sent to the prison for no reason…

“Maybe they just misunderstood what happened!” I said to my friends.

“That’s what we thought too, but those colts made something up to save their own skins~” Twilight said in a slightly frustrated tone.

“What should we do then? We can’t just sit here and see Fluttershy’s father being punished for no particular reason… he was just trying to protect Fluttershy… right?” Twilight said, as she looks over to me…

I stood there thinking of what should I do next… until one answer pops out of my mind… “Lets go see him…” I said to them, which they all agreed in unison… We headed to Canterlot even if it was dark… we can’t waste anymore time…