• Published 22nd Jan 2017
  • 2,598 Views, 115 Comments

Time Problems with the Sun - KingJoltik

Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to visit as well.

  • ...

Finally telling the Truth. (I need more frosting on my cake!)

Oh ****.

That was the only thought going through Chrono's head as he stared at the sun-wielding alicorn. He knew he wasn't getting out of this one. He knew what he had done, sending his mind through time in an attempt to skip a few weeks ahead, only to end in failure. He knew that if he tried anything at this very moment, it would probably backfire. As he blinked at the sight before him, the alicorn staring directly at him with a 'no-nonsense' look on her face, his mind wanted to cave in.

I am so ******* screwed. I am so ******. he thought as a gulp went down his throat. Why? Why is this happening?! Why is this mission this crazy and stupid?! Why?!

"Oh dear, this isn't good." said a certain voice as it appeared on his shoulder. "We are in some serious trouble now, aren't we?"

"HA! Maybe for you, but not for me!" replied another voice as a puff of smoke appeared on his other shoulder. "We finally got caught! And you know what that means..." his lips curled into an evil grin. "We have to tell her everything!

"You truly are chaotic if you think that's the solution!"

"Hey, I'm Chaos. Its what I do."

"You meanie. Don't you realize what this means?! He mustn't reveal who he is. After all, that is part of his duty and-

Hold it. Both of you stop.

"Oh! Um...yes?"

Why are you two still here? In fact, why am I still acknowledging you?

"Uh, so you can delay yourself from spilling the beans. DUH! Well, that or you're actually going insane. Take your pick."

I hate you both. and with that, the two disappeared from his shoulders. He looked back at Celestia, who still stared at him with the same look. His mind went slight blank this time, knowing that the problem still wasn't solved. Shoot. What do I do? Should I tell her? I mean, she did restore me and...I'd be dead in the water if she didn't save me from my stupid mistake.

"Um...Celestia?" Chrono gulped, twiddling his hooves.


"Uh...if I tell you, could you please promise to not tell anypony?"

"Of course." Celestia nodded before giving her usual calm, kind smile.

As Chrono saw this, he felt like he was slowly melting away at the very sight. It was if he knew she would be understanding about everything. Letting down a gulp his mind began to race. I guess...I guess there's no avoiding this. That's okay. I know I've only spent a little time with her but...I feel like I can trust her.

"Okay...I'll tell you."

"Good." Celestia then sat down on the bed, putting her wing on his side. "Go ahead Chrono."

"Alright, and uh...be prepared, this might take a while to explain."

"That's fine." Celestia nodded.

"Okay...okay." Chrono said as he scratched the back of his head. "Alright, let me start by saying this. I'm...not a pony. Well, at least...I used to not be a pony."

"I had a feeling you were."


"Considering you can't walk at your age and don't understand your wings or your horn, well..."

"Yeah yeah. I get it. There's plenty of signs." Chrono pouted as Celestia chuckled. "Anyways, before I turned into...this, I was something else. I was a Time Magister."

"Time Magister? What's that?"

"Well...that's a long story." Chrono sighed, knowing a long explanation was at hoof. "For starters, Time Magisters are time manipulators. Well, that's a crude way of putting it, its more like...we're the keepers of time. We make sure others don't disrupt the time stream and create paradoxes."

"So...you're a time guard?" Celestia asked, surprised at this reveal.

"Yeah. You could call it that." Chrono laid slightly back. "Our job is mainly two things. One, make sure no one, or...nopony in your case, messes with any time streams that would result in temporal paradoxal phenomenon. This means that any individual who believes they have the right to control time itself is a paradox that must be justified and corrected. Therefore, we-"

"Hold on there Chrono." Celestia interrupted. "That sounds a bit on the absurd side. After all, if you're time manipulators, aren't you that paradox you just mentioned?"

"Yes." Chrono nodded. "But we Time Magisters are...let's just say that we have no choice but to prevent these time anomalies."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, remember when I said I was a keeper of time?" Celestia nodded at this remark. "Well, its more than just that. Time Magisters are...they are born, breed and designed to fulfill this job. It is the duty of our species to carry out this task and fulfill it."

"But...why? You're saying the species you used to be are designed from birth to do this job?"

"Correct. We exist in order to make sure time is safe." Chrono rose back up and stared at Celestia with a deep long gaze. "In our society, time is considered to be a gift. It is something that must be cherished, loved and never abused. It exists as something beyond our full control, but we must use it to make sure none abuse it. We keep time in order for time to continue existing."

"Well..." Celestia tried to reply, only to scratch her head in thought. Wow. I can't believe I'm thinking this, but this sounds a little out of my league. Hmm...what to do here?

"I apologize for being so vague Celestia or that I confused you, I don't mean too."

"I know you don't Chrono. I understand why you hid this..." a bulb went off in Celestia's head. "But if what you said was true, why did you try using a time spell?"

"That...is for my mission." Chrono mumbled, looking down. "I uh...got sent to the wrong part of the timeline here."

"Wrong part? You mean, you wanted to send yourself to a different time in Equestria?"

"More or less..." Chrono looked away as the next words came out. "Let's just say...I got here a bit too early."

"How early?"

"Two months."

"Oh. I see." Celestia replied, going into a thinking pose. So, he's a time traveler tasked with some mission that doesn't happen until two months from now. If I wasn't over ten centuries old, I would say he's crazy but...I know he's telling the truth. I can just tell. If that's the case... Celestia tapped his shoulder, causing him to look back at her. "You can't tell me what your mission is, can you?"

Chrono shook his head in response. "No. I'm sorry Celestia."

Celesta merely nodded. "I understand. If that's the case..." letting out a small sigh, she shined her usual kind smile. "Could I ask you one favor?"

"Sure. After all, you saved me over that...young time spell accident. I would be horrible if I didn't repay you back."

"Very well. If you would Chrono Stream, even though you will probably leave two months from now, would you let me adopt you anyways?"

"Huh?!" Chrono hopped in surprise at the statement. "What are you-why would you ask that? You do realize that I will do what you just said, right? I will leave two months from now."

"I know. And until then, you are stuck here. I can tell you are, because if you weren't, you would have called another time magister. Am I correct?"

"Yeah..." Chrono blushed at this. "You're right about that. I can't contact them unless certain circumstances happen."

"I see. If that is the case, please accept the adoption Chrono Stream." Chrono tried to rebuke, only for a hoof to placed over his muzzle. "Chrono, this is only a formality and it will help you move around in this world. Though I am not against the idea of having a son, a fake one is fine as long as you agree to it. If you agree to this, it will allow you to move freely to wherever you need to go for your mission."


"Okay Order, you gotta admit she has a point. We are stuck in this weird pony form now. We will need to get used to this place for a quite a while."

"True. Maybe it is for the best."

As the two voices went through his ears, Chrono let out another sigh. They're right. Which I really shouldn't be acknowledging...but they're right. Chrono looked back at Celestia. "Okay, I'll be your son. But only if I'm allowed free reign to wherever I need to go when my mission finally happens...and before that too."

"Agreed." Celestia replied before gripping the young alicorn into a hug. "Welcome, my son. My little Chrono Stream."

"Thanks." Chrono hugged back. "And thank you for listening."

"No problem. And I promise not to tell anypony about your secret identity." Celestia said as she released the hug. "Now, you want some cake to go with your adoption?"

"**** yes!"

"Chrono! You do not use that kind of language in front of me!"

"Oh...sorry." Chrono gulped as he watched Celestia's mane turn into a blaze of fire and flames from his swear. "Uh...can I still have some cake?"

Author's Note:

Hi everypony, I'm sorry for this much delay. I uh...had this done for days and I kept forgetting to publish this chapter. That and I'm currently having problems with time and writing. Sorry everypony.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter where a bunch of important stuff happens only for me to forget about publishing it.