• Published 22nd Jan 2017
  • 2,607 Views, 115 Comments

Time Problems with the Sun - KingJoltik

Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to visit as well.

  • ...

Meeting the Moon, Love and Breakfast

You know what? Maybe this two month wait won't be so bad. Chrono thought as he stared at the feast before him. He was never the biggest breakfast eater, but he was pretty sure he could change that. After all, three giant stacks of wondrous smelling, freshly baked flakey pancakes stood before him. A tuft of cream and syrup covered the delectable grub as some it sat by some French Toast covered in powdered sugar. Drool gushed out of his mouth as his eyes shined like diamonds from the sight. Oh...that smells good. I can't wait to dig in.

"You like what you see?" Celestia asked as she put a bib around her neck.

"Uh-huh. Oh yeah..." Chrono drooled, his eyes basically drilling into the food. "I'm hungry."

"Heh heh." Celestia giggled. "That's good Chrono. I'm glad you like what you see. I hope you love to eat stuff like this, because we'll be having a lot of it in the future."

"Really?! Yes!" Chrono cheered as he rubbed his hooves in anticipation. "May I have some then?"

"Go ahead." Celestia nodded.

"Alright." Chrono replied as he tried to grab the food with his hooves...and failing. His little colt body tried to crawl up to the top of the table, his hooves almost touching the food. Celestia giggled again at that sight before her horn began to glow, lifting the food towards the colt. Seeing this, he fell back into his chair and watched the grub fall on his plate. "I gotta learn how to do that."

"And I can teach you Chrono. Would you like that?"

"Sure." Chrono said as he licked his lips. "Sounds good to me."

"Good. But first, let's dig-"

"SISTER!" suddenly rang a voice as the slamming of doors could be heard. Chrono almost fell out of his chair while Celestia facehoofed from the noise. The voice's owner was a dark-colored alicorn with a shining white moon as her cutie mark. Her mane looked and flowed like it the night itself as she pranced in. She then let out a what Chrono thought was a half-roar. "We have heard that you have found an alicorn! What madness is this?!"

"Good morning Luna." Celestia replied as a cup of coffee levitated up to her mouth, taking a sip. "Aren't you about to go to bed sister?"

"HA! You expect us to go to sleep after hearing this news?! You should be glad that we had a full night of dreamwalking so we couldn't talk to you about this sooner!"

"That's fine. He's over there." Celestia responded as she pointed to Chrono. "Don't scare him Luna, he's just a colt."

"A colt?! He's not a mare alicorn?!" Luna exclaimed while walking up to Chrono. "Great Moons, he is! And he doesn't have a cutie mark!" She then turned and glared at Celestia. "You're adopting him?!"

"Yes." Celestia nodded. "He needed help and he's an alicorn. I want to help him find his place in the world."

Hearing this, Luna glanced back at Chrono, who just blinked at her in response. In his head though, was a different story. This is her sister? Talk about total opposites. Then again, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. This world is a bit strange...not as much as some I've gone too, but still. Also, what was that about a 'cutie mark'? What's that?

"So..." Luna leaned down and looked at the colt directly in the eyes. "You are the colt."

"Y-yes. I'm Chrono Stream. Nice to meet...you?" Chrono replied in a shaky voice and extended his hoof.

Luna then nodded. "Very well. It is an honor to meet you Chrono Stream. We are Princess Luna, the Princess of the Night." she said as she shook his hoof. "We hope that we have a good future together."

"Er...yeah. Me too. Nice to meet you, Princess Luna."

Celestia chuckled at the response and then spoke up, "You best get used to my sister Chrono. After all, she's going to be your aunt now!"

"My aunt? Oh yeah...that's true, isn't it?" Chrono replied while tilting his head. He shined a small grin. "Alright, nice to meet you Aunt Princess Luna!"

"Indeed." Luna replied, her voice slightly grating. Tch. Looks like this small one is just like a little Celestia. Should have guessed that she would eventually find somepony just like her. And if I'm right... she then saw the colt look back at the breakfast feast as drool reappeared in his mouth. Yup. Just like her.

"So, are you going to bed for the day Luna? I did raise the sun this morning after you lowered the moon earlier."

"Yes." Luna nodded. "We shall retire now. We shall see you much later sister."

Raise the sun and lower the moon?! Chrono thought as she watched Luna leave the room. Are they saying they control the nature of the world here? Wow...that's crazy! Just where did I end up?! I mean, if they can do that, then...no! he mentally slapped himself. Remember why you're here, you idiot! You're here for that scroll time device so you can get rid of it and go home...and have more cake...that isn't as delicious as yesterday's. He slightly slumped over in his seat as that thought settled in his head. Darn. Makes me wanna stay. But...I can't do that. I have a job to do and my bosses would eventually find out if I'm squatting in some weird world just so I could get more sweets into my system.

"Is something wrong Chrono?" Celestia asked as she finished her 25th pancake.

"Huh? Oh, uh...no. Just thinking." Chrono said, shaking his head in response.

"Alright. If you have any problems, just tell me." Celestia then shined her usual calm smile. The expression alone almost made Chrono's heart melt, making him want to tell her his entire absurd situation. Instead, he just took another bite while she spoke up again, "Also Chrono, I was wondering if-"

"Auntie!" yelled another voice as it stumbled in. "I got your message! You said there was a...huh?"

Chrono blinked at the newcomer as she rushed into the room. She was a pink coated alicorn with tri-colored hair and a blue heart as a cutie mark. Chrono could only stare as part of his next pancake fell out of his mouth. Who is this? She looks like she's made to advertise the color pink!

"Ah Cadance! Good morning." Celestia cheered as she gulped down another cup of coffee. "How are you doing this fine morning?"

"Oh, I'm fine auntie." Cadance nodded and turned to Chrono. "And who is this little one?"

Well, she seems calmer than that last alicorn. At least I think that's what the species is called...that I currently am. Chrono thought as he picked up the dropped pancake and gulped it down. He then gave her a cheeky smile, "Hello. I'm Chrono Stream."

"Nice to meet you Chrono Stream! I'm Princess Cadance, Celestia's niece!" Cadance replied as she went over and shook Chrono's hoof. As she continued, a certain thought popped into her head, causing her to turn back to Celestia and ask, "I didn't know there could be male alicorns auntie."

"Er, yes. I didn't know either Cadance, but here we are." Celestia chuckled as she looked back at Chrono. "Though I don't think that really matters. After all, I'm glad to meet another alicorn, wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh yes." Cadance nodded before continuing to talk to Celestia.

As their conversation continued, Chrono just sat there, thinking. Huh. So I'm the first male version of this species? Am I that rare? Chrono glanced at his wings and then tapped his horn, Interesting. Seems this world is even more bizarre than I thought. Ah well, better not get too used to it. Just two months and then I'm off the hook...I hope. As that thought went through, his ears picked up the conversation again.

"Speaking of which Cadance, could I have you foalsit him sometimes? You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"Not at all auntie. Besides, it isn't like I have much else to do around here. You know, besides the basic errands."

Celestia cocked her eyebrow and gave a mischievous grin. "Except have regular make-out sessions with your coltfriend, right?"

Cadance began to blush furiously. "Auntie! That's-"

"I'm kidding Cadance." Celestia interrupted while giggling. "You can do whatever you like. I was just asking if you could watch Chrono for me tomorrow?"

"Sure." Cadance nodded. "Speaking of things to do, I do have an errand or two this morning, so I gotta get going. It was nice meeting you Chrono!"

"Uh, sure. Nice to meet you too." Chrono stuttered in response, his head knocked out of his thinking trance.

As the pink alicorn walked out of the room, Celestia spoke up, "So, what do you think of Cadance? She's the Princess of Love."

"Love? Wait...she has power over Love? Like the emotion?" Chrono was taken back by the title.

"Yes." Celestia nodded. "I'm the Princess of the Sun, my sister is the Princess of the Moon and Cadance is the Princess of Love. All our titles refer to the powers we have dominion over."

"Huh." Chrono wasn't sure how to respond. The very information baffled him. So...that whole moving the Sun and Moon thing wasn't a lie, was it? That's crazy. I should really stop being surprised at all this...

"Is something wrong Chrono?" Celestia asked, seeing the colt's surprised expression.

"Hmm? No! No no no. I was just thinking, that's all." Chrono hastily replied, waving his hooves.

"I see...you're surprised, aren't you?"


"You don't have to hide it from me Chrono. You obviously don't understand your situation." Celestia said, shaking her head as she put down her cup of coffee. She let out a little sigh before staring directly at the colt. "Chrono. Yesterday, you told me you don't know where or what you are, correct?"

"Er...yes." Chrono gulped, his whole body shaking. I had a feeling we were going to get to that eventually. Hope I can bluff my way out of this one.

"Alright. First off, I believe you."


"I said I believe you. I believe you don't know what's going on with you or where you are. Because of this, I'm going to adopt and help you."

"Uh..." Chrono tried to talk, only for muttering to come out. What do I do here? I don't know!

"However, that doesn't mean I should." Celestia continued before getting out of her seat. She began to walk over to the colt, a warm smile on her face. "I want you to decide."

"I...what? What do you mean by that?"

"Simple." Celestia put her hoof on his shoulder. "I am no fool my little pony. You obviously have things you don't want to talk about and I understand that. All I want to do is help you. Will you let me do that?"

Gotta think here. First, find out what happens if I say yes. Chrono took a small breath. "Well...if I said yes, what would happen?"

"Well, I would adopt you into my family as my son. You'll then be turned into a prince. A prince of what, I don't know yet, but a prince all the same." Celestia mused as she tapped the shoulder of the cutie-markless colt. "We can work that detail out later."

Don't say yes. Don't say yes! his brain yelled. If you say yes, you'll get stuck here! You'll be a prince, stuck in this castle and you'll probably end up in every history book this world has to offer! And if that happens, who knows what will happen when that scroll appears! There could be ten million paradoxes! It could pop up and then be transported half across this world and you'll be stuck here even longer! Don't say yes!

"Um...is it okay if I think on it?" Chrono said, his voice shaking as the words mumbled out. THANK **** TIME **** PARADOXING ******* MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS ******* HOLY! You didn't say yes!

Celestia nodded. "Sure. But, before that...could I ask you something?"


"Even if you don't accept, can I still teach you the ways of using your horn and wings? I'm guessing you can't fly either since you seemed to be having trouble walking in here."

"Uh...yeah. Please." Chrono replied, blushing in embarrassment. "I don't know anything about this body."

"Very well. But first..." Celestia leaned down and gave the most devilish grin she could give. "Wanna have some extra cake for breakfast?"

Chrono went wide-eyed as an equal devilish grin popped onto his face. "YES!"

Author's Note:

Wow...I can't believe I wrote this. I literally have no idea what to do next and I'm excited that I don't have an idea.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!