• Published 22nd Jan 2017
  • 2,598 Views, 115 Comments

Time Problems with the Sun - KingJoltik

Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to visit as well.

  • ...

To Be Young Again, or Nothing is Wrong as long as Cake exists

"Hooray! Cake-ow! Cake-ow! Cake-ow!" Chrono exclaimed as he kept trying to hop while cheering for free cake. However, his body kept rejecting his hops as his face repeatedly kissed the floor, only to get back up and kiss it again. Since he had basically forgotten everything about Equestria, his body and everything else was new to him due to the recent time spell. Now, he was now a stumbling colt alicorn with the mind of a colt...that wasn't used to the new body even more than usual. So, he kept cheering for cake with his newfound usual happiness. "Cake-ow! Cake-ow! Cake-ow!"

"Um...Chrono? Are you okay?" Celestia asked as her horn began to shine, quickly grabbing the colt with her magic. "You seem...different. You didn't use a spell on yourself, did you?"

"Chrono? Who's that?" Chrono asked, his expression still showing a big innocent smile with some slight confusion in it.

"Um...you know, Chrono Stream. Your name?" she replied as she let him down.

"Uhhhhh...never heard of that before. But..." Chrono looked at his hooves as he got up and tried to walk again, only to fail. As he tried to pick himself up again, he said, "I definitely don't remember looking like this. Eh, guess I'm Chrono then."

Okay. He used a spell on himself...which means I really need to slow down the magic training. I'm also betting I know which spell he used, but first... Celestia thought before magically grabbing him again, quickly putting him on her back. "Let's forget about that and get some cake, shall we?"

"YAY!" Chrono cheered as Celestia galloped down the hallway. As they continued to get closer to the dining room, two certain beings in the back of Chrono's head started to talk to each other.

"Oh great. Now we're stuck in the back of the head of an eight year old! It's almost as bad as being stuck with you!"

"You are stuck with me Chaos. Even since you were born, you've been stuck with me."

"I know. It blows you blue **** ****. I honestly can't believe I'm stuck here right now. I was so close to getting him to stay and eat cake for rest of his life."

"You truly are despicable, you know that?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Say, is there anyway for us to get control while he's like that?"

"Yeah. But you have to go through there." Order deadpanned, pointing to a 'door' in the subconscious. It had large gold letters on top that said, 'DO NOT ENTER'.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. That and the ten-eyed twenty-fanged monster that's behind that stupid door. No need to go there."


"So...what's he up to now?"

"Apparently, more cake." Order replied, pointing to a 'screen' in the subconscious.

"Sounds good to me."

As Order had said, Chrono was currently face deep into another cake, his young mind in true bliss as he devoured the vanilla filling inside. Various slurping noises could be heard as Celestia watched the sight, surprised at the change of Chrono's eating habits. Okay. Just when I thought this kid couldn't keep surprising me, he changes how he eats too. Before, Chrono was very cordial and organized when he ate. He had such good table manners yesterday and now...what did that spell do to him? What did...no. Don't be like that Celestia. Remember, you want to help him.


"Yes?" Chrono asked as he peered out of the cake, his face covered in vanilla and chocolate. His tongue back swirling around, trying to get whatever was on his face.

"Um...er...listen, could I ask you something?"

"Can I get more cake if I say yes?"

"Yes." Celestia giggled as she motioned the guard to get another tray of sweets.

"Okay! What's up?"

"Um...what were you doing in the library?"

"Library? What's that?" he asked, his young mind unable to comprehend such a place since his original home had moved on from books thousands of years ago.

"It was where I found you. You know, before you used some spell on yourself."

"Spell?" Chrono asked, his head tilting in confusion.

"Yes. Don't you remember? I taught you what spells were and even taught you the levitation spell earlier."

"Nope." Chrono shook his head before grabbing a piece of cake with his hoof and stuffing it into his face. "Don't remember that. Then again...how did I get here?"

He's just now asking that? Celestia thought, cocking her eyebrow. Okay, that settles it. Either he used a memory spell or something similar...

"Looks like we won't have to do anything after all..."

"Why's that?"

"I believe Celestia is going to fix it for us."

Celestia fake coughed a few times, getting the colt's attention as he gulped down the last slice of cake. His mouth still full, he tried to talk. "Mmmm...yeah?"

"Um Chrono...would you like to do anything else today? Anything um...fun?"

"Fun? Hmm...." Chrono rubbed his chin, trying to show he was comically deep in thought. "I dunno."

"Don't know huh?" Celestia replied with a weak smile. "Alright...could you tell me what you were doing in the library?"

"Well uh...I don't know." Chrono said as his young mind started to remember his younger years. "I know I was in my room, studying for my first exam into the time registry classes."

Time registry?! Celestia thought, already surprised.

"Then...I was um...huh. I think I was about to have lunch with one of the main time magisters. He was going to show me where I would end up working in terms of my job when I graduated."

Time magister? Job? Graduation?! Wait...is this why he wouldn't tell me anything before?! If that's true...don't tell me the spell he used was- Celestia gulped as she signaled for a guard. She quickly whispered in his ear to have the royal librarian come to her throne room immediately. As Chrono continued to blab on and on about his past life, Celestia stopped him and asked him if he wanted to rest for the remainder of the day. Rubbing his now full belly in response, he agreed and had a guard walk him out. As he went down the hallway, two voices continued to talk.

"Okay, was this part of the plan?"

"No. But it might speed things along if we're lucky."

"Really? Sounded like to me that we might have just messed everything up. Time magister and the adoption plan."

"No...I don't think so."

As Chrono finally got to his room, Celestia entered the throne room. There, the librarian stood there with a small pile of books. Seeing the pile, she let out a sigh as levitated them to the throne. She was in for some heavy reading for the next few hours, determined to find what spell Chrono used.

Meanwhile, Chrono sat on his bed, his tongue stuck straight out as he stared at the ceiling. Weird. This is really weird. I mean, that Celestia lady was really nice but...where am I? What exactly am I? I know she said I was in Equestria and I'm an alicorn colt...but I don't know what that means. If I only I had some time magister tech to help me. Too bad I'm only a student right now. he thought as a sigh left his mouth. That is, till his hoof began to shine. He turned his head and tapped his hoof, curious as to where the light was coming from. That is, till he got his answer. Whoa, this is...

Author's Note:

I really shouldn't have ended the last chapter the way I did. 'Oh! He uses a spell and sends his mind back in time where he now has the mind of a colt, that's cool! That's a great idea!' AUGH! What was I thinking?! Writer's block, that's what! Here's hoping I can fix this stupid mess.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!