• Published 6th Feb 2017
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Next Generation: The Emotional Spectrum - Thestoryteller

A Darkness has come to Equestria. Raining death and destruction on all. Their only chance if survival is a power both capable to be their salvation. Or their demise.

  • ...

Chapter three: It begins

Sombra found himself walking in the frozen tundra, his magic shielding him slightly from the harsh winds.

"Sooooooo...care to enlighten me on our destination?" Black Hand asked from within the ring.

"I'll explain once we get there." Sombra answered with a grumble.

"Mmm-kay. Well can you tell me why you don't just teleport there then?" Black Hand asked

"Can't." Sombra answered. "There's a spell which prevents me from doing so." Sombra added. "Oh wait, you probably don't have magic in your universe do you?"

"Well...I mean we technically do." Black Hand said

"You're universe has magic?" Sombra asked in surprise.

"Yes and no." Black Hand admitted. "In my universe we do have this form of energy known as magic but it's nothing like the magic in yours."

"Explain." Sombra demanded.

"That's gonna be kinda difficult, since I don't really know much on that kind of thing." Black Hand sighed. "Lets just say where I come from things are a bit different. Hell, for all I know your universe is filled with things I could never possibly imagine." Black Hand chuckled.

"Speaking of your universe." Sombra said, redirecting the conversation. "What's your universe like?"

There was a slight pause before Black Hand responded.

"Ex-...excuse me?" Black Hand asked as if he were perplexed.

"Your universe, what's it like?" Sombra asked again. "I'm genuinely curious."

"My universe...huh...truth be told I don't know much about it either." Black Hand admitted. "I do know that my universe is universe 52, it's full of planets which harbor life...there's a planet I live on called Earth, or I used to live there at least. That's all I know really."

"What about that whole speech you gave about the two universes of life and death?" Sombra asked.

"Oh did I say universes? I guess that's the wrong to describe it, how do I put this?" Black Hand paused, thinking. "Okay, perhaps its better if I show you."

The ring glowed as two spheres appeared in front of Sombra. One white, one black.

"I want you to picture the white sphere as, what I like to call, the life zone and I want you to picture the black sphere as the dead zone. Now look closely at the life zone."

Sombra leaned forward, squinting his eyes, he saw what Black Hand wanted him to see. It was a transparent object in the shape of a galaxy, small dots circling around a massive glowing ball. "I'm going to assume that's a universe, correct?" Sombra assumed.

"Correct." Black Hand said, sounding as if he were smiling. "The life zone is full of universes, each different and unique to the other. But if you look at the dead zone."

Sombra leaned in closer to the black sphere, he look as hard as he could but couldn't see anything. Thats when it dawned on him. "The dead zone isn't home to any universe. It is a universe."

"You're smarter than you look." Black Hand said. "Yes, the dead zone is the only universe which is frozen in time, a universe that is never ending."

"Remarkable, and this is where we go when we die?" Sombra asked.

"It doesn't matter what universe you're born in. Eventually we all go to the dead zone-oh look at that."

Sombra came to a halt, his mane flying with the wind like a flag stuck to a flagpole, as he lifted his head to get a better look at what stood in front of him. It was a black metal gate, nearly twenty times Sombra's size, attached to a stone wall which seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. Sombra extended his hoof, intending on touching the gate. But before his hoof could get close enough, a pink spark shot his hoof back.

"So this is the magic that prevents you from entering huh?" Black Hand asked, his tone of voice sounding intrigued. "Okay, here's another thing the black ring can do, the ring is capable of creating energy constructs. To do this, picture something in your mind, anything, and the ring will create it."

Sombra raised his right foreleg, starring at the ring before closing his eyes and thinking. When he opened them two large transparent black hands appeared above him. The hands loomed towards the gate, piercing through the magical seal and wedging themselves into the crevice that separated the two gate doors. The hands pried open the door with full force, causing them to swing open so hard they slammed against the back of the wall. With the gate now open, the spell keeping Sombra out dissipated and vanished. With nothing keeping him back, Sombra walked past the gate, walking along the stone path, he passed multiple stone objects.

"Now I understand why you came here." Black Hand said, his tone of voice sounding excited and giddy. "You've brought us to a graveyard!"

Yes indeed, that was where Sombra had brought them. Stone monuments with names and dates carved into them, each tombstone was a somewhat tall rectangular stone monument. Beneath each tombstone lied the casket of a dead pony. Sombra approached one of the tombstone's and took a knee so that he could get a clear look at it.

Here lies Crystalline Jade
Devoted husband, loving father, and loyal guard

As Sombra looked at the name he felt as though he had heard it somewhere before. As if he knew who the pony was. His mind flash back to the past, back during a time before was the ruler of the Crystal Empire.

Sombra, before he became king, was a unicorn colt who lived in the Crystal Empire. Sombra hated being a unicorn, as a wielder of magic the Crystal Ponies would never play or talk with him. Sombra was alone, but then, one day, she arrived. Radiant Hope, and unlike the Crystal Ponies she was a unicorn. Just like Sombra. The two became instant friends, always going on adventures and playing and laughing. But on days when Sombra wanted to attend the Crystal Fair, he would become sick and feverish. On those days Radiant Hope would stay by Sombra's side. Sombra lived with Radiant Hope because he didn't have a family or home of his own.

Then Sombra remembered. On days he would get sick Radiant's father would feed him medicine which would take away some of the pain. Radiant's father, was a guard who's name was Crystalline Jade.

Sombra's mind flashed further in time, to the time when he was now king.

King Sombra's hoofsteps echoed along the crystal walls, his eyes locked on the black crystal door being guarded by five Crystal guards wearing black armor which covered their entire body and they wore a black helmet where it showed their glowing green eyes. Indicating they were under Sombra's control. As Sombra approached the guards all bowed before their king in unison. Sombra, not showing any interest or point in acknowledging the guards, walked past them and flung the doors open with his magic.

The room inside was dark, pitch black in fact, with little to no visibility. Until now, the open doors allowing Light into the room giving it visibility. At the very end of the room was a Crystal Pony Stallion, his fore and hindlegs held by chains. His head looked up to Sombra, when he caught sight of him his face twisted into one not of hate, but of disappointment.

"When I ask you a question, I expect a direct answer." Sombra stated. "Where is she?"

The Crystal Pony looked at Sombra for a moment before responding.

"Go choke on your cock." He spat.

A crystal pike shot from the ground and halted, barely inches away from the Pony's neck. Sombra took a deep breath, cooling his temper, as the pike slowly receded back into the floor. Sombra needed to keep his anger in check, if he didn't then Sombra would be giving the Pony exactly what he wanted.

"I'll ask again." Sombra repeated. "Where. Is. She!"

The Pony remained silent.

"If you're doing this to protect her then there's no need to worry, I won't hurt her. I would never hurt her." Sombra said.

"You won't hurt her?" The Pony asked. "You don't get it, just the mere sight of you is gonna break her heart."

"That's not true." Sombra growled.

"But it is." The Pony said. "Look at yourself Sombra, who's she gonna see? Her childhood friend? Or the monster who enslaved her home."

Sombra pushed aside the Pony's insults. "Where is she?"

"I suppose it's my fault really." The Pony admitted. "I should've noticed the signs. Tartarus, even your name was a dead give away. 'Sombra', a name that is anything but innocent."

"WHERE IS SHE!!!" Sombra roared, causing the floor and walls to form cracks.

"You can hurt me, you can burn me, you can torture me all you want Sombra." The Pony said. "But for both her sake and yours. I will never tell you where Hope is."

"Is that sympathy I detect?" Black Hand asked.

"It's nothing." Sombra lied, whipping away a single tear which had run down half his cheek. "Lets do what we came here to do."

"Alright, so here's what the ring's special power is, aside from creating constructs of course. This special power is the power to raise the dead."

Sombra stood flabbergasted before giving his response. "Impossible, there's no such magic capable of bring the dead back."

"Well you're half right. Nothing can truly come back from the dead, the black ring just acts as a...preserver, keeping you afloat in the land of the living. All you need to do is summon black rings for these undead guys and they'll return to the land of the living."

Sombra, now interested in this offer, asked, "Very well, what must I do?"

"Well normally what I do is say my oath and the dead are raised."

"Oath?" Sombra asked. "You mean those words you spoke when you resurrected me?"

"The Blackest Night falls from the skies
The darkness grows as all light dies
We crave your hearts and your demise
By my black hand
The dead shall rise."

"Seems easy enough." Sombra shrugged as he held up the ring. "The Blackest night-"

"Woah, woah, woah there buddy. You can't use my oath. You gotta use your own."

"What?!" Sombra shouted. "You expect me to make up an oath?!"

"It's pretty easy actually, the words will just come to you."

Sombra decided to do as Black Hand said and waited. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the ring he had. The power to resurrect the dead, and the goal to kill all light. His eyes opened, completely black with a black haze fuming from them. His ring seemed to glow brightly as he extended his foreleg. He opened his mouth and spoke, only this time his voice and Black Hand's were in complete unison.

"By my power the light shall die
The time has come, the end is nigh
I crave their destruction and demise
Awake from your slumber my kind
By your King's command
I order you to RISE!"

Sombra clutched his stomach as he fell to his knees, his other hoof covered his mouth, his cheeks puffed out as whatever was in his stomach traveled up his body and was mashed together in his mouth. Sombra could no longer bear the weight, his mouth was force open all the way as many black lantern rings flew from his body over towards some of the graves.

Shining Gaze, RISE! One of the rings spoke with a robotic voice as it shined above a grave.

Other ring's did the same, hovering over a grave, speaking the name of who was buried, and commanding them to rise. However there was some ring's who did something differently. One such ring hovered over a grave and spoke

Gemstone RI- the ring paused for a moment. Gemstone at peace. It spoke before leaving the grave and searching for a new one.

Sombra glanced at his ring, as if asking it a question.

"Yeah, see there's a little catch to the ring's power." Black Hand admitted. "See, a black ring can only resurrect someone with unfinished business. So those who have died and have done everything with their life can't be brought back."

Sombra remained silent, averting his gaze away from the ring only to see the disturbed ground as half flesh and half bone limbs erupted from the tombstones. They were ponies, or at least they were, with holes in their body and skin ripped like string cheese. Their body's rotten, and a hollow hole inside of them where their soul should've been. In an instant each black ring jumped onto a zombie and each of them announced.

Welcome to the Umbrum Corps

The zombies were covered in a black suit, each with the symbol of the Black Lantern Corps on them. They approached Sombra and stood in formation like the soldiers they once were. They all kneeled before their new king, ready to serve as his army of the undead.

Power levels at 5%

WARNING: Ring bearers of Willpower and Fear detected!

Before Sombra could process what the ring had said there was a loud boom. All heads turned to the source of the loud noise to see a large crater. From the crater two figures emerged, one with the build of an earth pony stallion wearing a green and black suit along with wearing a green mask that had white eyes. The figure beside the Stallion was a Pegasus Mare who wore a yellow and black suit along with a yellow mask that had white eyes.

The feeling Sombra had when he laid eyes on the seven colored objects returned. The feeling that screamed "They are the enemy! Kill them! " and from the look on all of the zombies faces, or what was left of them, they had the same feeling. All that they were waiting for, was their king's orders.

"By my command, Kill them!" Sombra ordered.

Del's day consisted of work, work, some work, more work, basically nothing but work today. His mom had decided to work overnight and in doing so her body needed a full day of rest. With his dad taking care of his mom, and his uncle busy at tending the school grounds, the responsibility of work fell to Del. It wasn't much really, just half of the east field, should've taken him only till 2:00 to get it done. 3:00, including breaks and lunch. Del was currently resting beneath a tree, his cowboy hat's rim covering the top of his face, and his chest slowly raising and lowering with each breath he drew.

His nose twitched, a sent tickling his nostrils. The sent was familiar, it stunk and reeked. It was the stench of ozone. To avoid direct contact to the stench Del covered his muzzle with his red handkerchief. He raised the brim of his hat to see what the cause of the horrible smell was. The bushes in front of him rustled, twigs snapped and cracked as the creature emerged.

It was the Timberwolf Del had seen yesterday, only this time the Timberwolf was missing its left foreleg. The wolf had its head low, making a soft whimpering sound.

"What's the matter with ya?" Del asked, not fazed in the slightest by the wolf's appearance.

The wolf limped itself over next to Del, cowering behind him. Del looked at the wolf confused before directing his attention to the sound of snapping twigs. From the bushes a new creature emerged, this one was different from the wolf.

Their was five of them, wooden creatures with a similar build to a wolf only these were smaller, about the size of a foal, and they were, laughing?

"Heeheeheeheeheehee." They cackled as they began to circle around Del and the wolf.

These creatures were known as Jakols, spirits who possessed pieces of wood much like a Timberwolf. Only Jakols were completely different from a Timberwolf. For one, Jackols eat everything. It didn't matter what it was, as long as they could fit it in their mouth they would eat it. Del had put the pieces together, this pack of Jakols had attacked the lone Timberwolf and eaten its leg, and once the Jakols eat something, it's gone forever.

One of the Jakol's pounced, mouth opened impossibly wide, showing off its razor sharp long teeth. As the Jakol closed in on Del, he rammed his hoof up its lower jaw, clamping it shut, he then grabbed it by the muzzle and smashed it against the ground, causing it to explode into nothing but splinters. The other Jakols pounced, ready to devour the earth pony, but none of them was able to do the task as one by one they were destroyed by Del. But that didn't stop them, every time they were destroyed they reformed and attacked. Del wasn't even breaking a sweat, his whole life he had been bucking trees which meant that breaking these Jakols was easy as pie.

One of the Jakol's exploded into twigs and splinters, but as it began to reform a black object shot itself inside of the Jakol's body. It prepared to pounce but froze, its cackling replaced by a groan of pain as the sickly green light inside of it turned pitch black.

A Jakol pounced at Del, only to be tackled by the black Jakol while in midair. The black Jakol held the other Jakol down as its mouth opened and it took a massive chunk of the Jakol's body. The Jakol whined, and cried out as its body was devoured. It went limp the moment the black Jakol ate its soul. The Jakol growled as its head rose, its body fatter than before, containing more than it could hold. It eyed the other three Jakols with hunger. It grabbed two of them and gorged on their body's and soul's, causing its size to increase and its body had begun to change.

The fifth Jakol tried to run but was brought to a dead halt as a black frog-like tongue shot from the black Jakol's mouth and wrapped around the Jackol's leg. The Jakol clawed at the dirt, desperately trying to stop its approach to the black Jakol but it was to no avail as the Jakol was swallowed whole. The black Jakol was now the size of the Timberwolf. It's wooden body was now bones, with rotting flesh underneath, four eyes stuck out from its skull, two on the right, two on the left, both completely yellow with a black dot for a pupil. The black Jakol, no, this Abomination let out a cackling laugh as if thinking that eating his brethren was amusing.

Del was awestruck, unable to process what stood before him. But he still kept his stance firm, not showing any sign of fear. The Abomination struck Del with the back of its paw, shooting him through a tree and crashing against the one behind it. His body full of cuts and bruises as the tree in front of him let out a loud groan as it tipped and fell.

"Damn. It's gonna take us forever to plant a new tree." Del chuckled, even in this darkest moment he was still able to joke.

The Abomination slowly made its way towards Del, step after step, crunching the leftovers it didn't eat. But it's approach was stopped as the Timberwolf sunk its teeth into the Abomination's fleshy neck, ripping away the bone and flesh. The Jakol let out a cry, not in pain but in annoyance as it grabbed the Timberwolf by the neck and slammed it against the ground. While pined, the Abomination tore the Timberwolf apart, piece by piece.

"NO!" Del shouted, unable to stop the Abomination from tearing the Timberwolf to shreds, until all that remained was the green orb of the wolf's soul. But before the Abomination could feast on the soul, Del rushed up and grabbed it, shielding it from the Abomination.

The Abomination unleashed a monstrous roar at Del, spitting chunks of bone, flesh, and black ooze. But Del stood firm, refusing to budge an inch.

"Ya want this?" Del asked, glaring at the Abomination. "Well the only way yer gettin' it is over ma dead body."

The Abomination stood on its hind legs, its two claws balled into fists as they were brought down onto Del. But before they could make contact with him, a green light shot from the sky. Knocking the Abomination back as the green light completely covered Del, the source of the light was a green ring with a strange symbol on it. The ring's handle enlarged as it fashioned itself onto Del's right foreleg, causing his eyes and body to glow green.

'Golden Delicious of Equestria. You have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.'

The bright light faded as fast as it had appeared, allowing the creature to get a good look at Del. In his left hoof was the circular sickly green orb of the Timberwolf's soul, and in the other was the green ring on his hoof. Del was now wearing a tight black suit with his top half green, his hooves wore white gloves, and his eyes were still completely green.

"Impurity detected, beginning cleansing procedure."

The Abomination roared, charging its way towards Del. Del raised his ring and a small ball formed above its symbol, sparks shooting out of it. With the Abomination's mouth wide, it lunged at Del.


Only for it explode into pieces as a green bolt shot from the ring and collided with the Abomination. A splatter of bones, black ooze, and decaying flesh covered the area. Where the Abomination once stood, a black sphere floated in place, an ominous hum coming from it. The pieces of bone and flesh slowly vibrated, their shaking increased with each passing second until they were pulled towards the black sphere. Piece by piece, the Abomination slowly reformed its body. It's yellow eyes opened, glaring at Del.

"Subject capable of regeneration, updating strategy." Del spoke in a robotic echo-like voice.

The Abomination roared as it swiped above Del. Luckily he ducked, only losing a few strands of hair instead of his whole head. The Abomination threw blow after blow, only for each blow to collide with a transparent green shield.

"Updated strategy complete, beginning cleansing." Del spoke, still in his robotic voice, as he leaped onto the Abomination's backside, a pair of large transparent green needle-nose pliers appeared. The needle-nose was driven into the Abomination's backside, causing the Abomination to cry out in pain as it reared up on its hindlegs. The pliers were opened, forcing an crevice in the Abomination's spinal area. Del looked inside, taking notice to the black sphere floating in the hollow body. Del aimed his ring at the sphere, a green bubble forming around it ,attached to his ring by a green tail, being careful not to make any contact with it as he pulled the sphere out.

The yellow eyes of the Abomination faded to black, still as a statue for a second before black ooze poured out from the body, then its bones cracked and fell apart along with pieces of flesh peeling off and falling. The Abomination lost its structure and it collapsed into a pile of bones, rotting flesh, and black ooze. Del directed his gaze at the black sphere, setting it on the ground. He aimed his ring over the sphere and spoke,

"In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night.
No evil, shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power
Green Lantern's light."

Once Del was finished speaking, a powerful beam was rained down onto the sphere. Cracks formed on the sphere's surface, until it shattered like glass. Shards scattered across the area of the black impact mark left by the ring's beam. But Del wasn't concerned with the shards, he was more concerned on the black ring in the center of the impact mark. Seeing that the black ring no longer contained any energy he picked it up and brought it to his eye level. The ring had a symbol of an upside down triangle with five pillars shooting up from the flat part of the triangle, the ring also had a series of cracks all over its body. Green energy flowed into the ring, green sparks shooting off it as it slightly hovered, wobbling with each increase in height.

"Return to your master." Del commanded, and the ring took off into the sky. "Threat level's neutralized, disabling security protocol." Del said as his green eyes faded and returned back to normal.

The first thing Del did was raise a hoof up to his head, trying desperately to quell the headache. "Owwww." Del winced. "What the hay just happened?"

While Del fought the Abomination, he could see and feel everything he was doing. But his actions weren't his own, the ring, or whatever it was, somehow possessed him and was able to take down the Abomination. Del looked at the ring and demanded,

"What are you?"

'I am a green power ring that represents the ability to overcome great fear. Or Willpower in other words.'

"But...what the hay are you? And how did ya beat that Jakol?" Del asked, demanding answers.

'To truly explain, I must show you. Brace yourself.'

"Brace myself? Why would I-AAAAAHHHHHH!" Del roared, his eyes returning to the bright green they were when he fought the Abomination.

Deep within Del's mind was a blank empty abyss, except for the green ring.

'For you to understand I must show you the corps history.' The ring said, shining forth a green light, causing a green symbol to appear.

'The green color of the Emotional Spectrum is the power of Willpower. It is the Green Lantern Corps who has harnessed this power and wields it in the form of ring's. You are one of those Lanterns Golden Delicious, because you have the ability to overcome great fear.'

".....okay." Del said. "So...what? Is the Green Lantern Corps trying to take over the world or something?"

'The Green Lantern Corps is a corporation in charge of protecting life. Not ruling it.' The ring said very sternly. 'Besides, you are the only Green Lantern in this entire universe.'

"Wait. If I'm the only Green Lantern, then why is called a corporation?" Del asked.

'The Corps are not from this universe, we traveled to this one in pursuit of a Black Lantern ring.'

"Black ring?" Del thought before continuing. "You mean that thing that possessed that Jakol?"

'No, that was not the ring. It was a copy, sent by the true ring in order to kill you before I could reach you.'

"Oh..." Del paused, imagining his life being snuffed by the Abomination. "What was that ring anyways, and why did it try to kill me?"

'The black ring is the ring of death, its wielder is capable of raising the dead. History reports indicate there has only been one Black Lantern other than the one here. His name is Black Hand, and he is responsible for starting the Blackest Night.'

"What's the Blackest Night? Sounds like a big deal." Del said.

'The Blackest Night was the resurrection of multiple deceased Lanterns, Heroes, Villains, and eventually led to the bringing of the Entity of Death. Nekron. Nekron's plan was to kill a being who's name is the Entity of Life. If the Entity dies, then all life in that universe dies. So you see, Golden Delicious, the Blackest Night wasn't a 'big deal'. It was thee deal. All life in the universe I am from was nearly wiped from existence.'

"Geez." Del cringed. "But you guys won right?"

'If by win, you mean defeated Nekron then yes. Nekron was trapped back in the dead zone and the Entity returned to its slumber.'

"But then that guy, Black Hand, he did something, didn't he?" Del assumed.

'Correct; the Entity returned Black Hand to life so that he could be imprisoned. It took a long time to track him down but eventually the Corps caught him. But before he was arrested, Black Hand had opened up a portal to this universe and sent a black ring into it.'

"Woah, woah, hold on a second." Del said abruptly. "Why didn't the Corps just send a group of Lanterns to this universe?"

'Impossible, Black Hand designed the portal to ensure that only a ring could be sent through. Therefore, each of the seven Corps sent a lantern to this universe till the ring could do any damage. But it appears we were to late.'

"So this black ring...it threatens all of Equestria doesn't it?" Del assumed.

'No Golden Delicious, the ring does not threaten your world.'

Del let out a sigh of relief.

'It threatens your entire universe.'

Del's eyes went wide at the thought of an army of the Abomination's he had fought attacking Ponyville. Killing his friends, family, and loved ones. Del's face twisted into one of determination.

"Ring." Del got the ring's attention. "What do I have to do to protect my home?"

'The course of action required is to acquire the ring sent by Black Hand and send it back to its original universe. Once you have done that, then you will be safe.'

"Alright then." Del said, his eyes returning to normal. "Can you locate this ring?"

'The copy is returning to its master, the ring has left a trail for you to follow.'

"Alright, how am I supposed to follow the trail?" Del asked.


Del's body became completely engulfed in a green aura, his body lifted up above the tree-line.

"Woah nelly!" Del shouted, his body flipped as he desperately tried to regain his balance. "I'm...I'm flying." Del stated in disbelief.

'Affirmative. My powers include the capability of flight, energy constructs, light manipulation-'

"Hold on there." Del cut the ring off. "Why don't we start by dealing with this black ring first."

'As you wish. Adjusting flight pattern.'

Del's body was shifted and aimed north before rocketing off. A green trail being left behind him.

Del thought that today might've been normal, well as normal as things went that it is. When Del got up this morning he expected his day to be filled with work, chores, friends, and family.

Saving Equestria from the bring of destruction, was not one of them.

A million thoughts and questions raced across Del's mind as he flew at sound breaking speed into the north. Green lush grass became white, glittering, snow the further he traveled. The task seemed simple, return a black ring back to the universe it came from, then everything would be fine. Easy, right?

Del's body son began to slow down before landing on the edge of a cliff.

"Alright, so where's this black ring?" Del asked, searching around for something that looked to be capable of destroying Equestria.

'Lo-k do-n t-er-.' The ring sparked.

"Hello? Can you repeat that?" Del asked, raising the ring closer to his ear.

"Don't bother, Lantern."

Del whipped around, his body in a stance ready for battle, to see a Pegasus mare wearing a black suit with yellow armor parts on her chest, hooves, and shoulders, she also wore a yellow mask.

"Let me guess, you're the one with the black ring. Aren't cha?" Del asked, narrowing his eyes.

The Pegasus looked like she did an eye roll as she showed Del the yellow ring on her right hoof. "Sorry to disappoint ya Greenie but I'm a Yellow Lantern."

'Fea-r d-tec-e-.'

"Yellow Lantern?" Del asked, his stance softening. "So you're like me then?"

"No." The Pegasus said flatly. "Unlike a Green Lantern, who wields the emotion of Willpower, Yellow Lantern's wield the emotion of Fear."

"Huh...so you're here to return the black ring to the universe it came from too, right?" Del asked.

"Yep, I'm here for the same reason you are." The Pegasus answered.

"Well then." Del returned to his normal stance, extending a greeting towards the Pegasus. "Nice ta met ya, since we're both Lantern's I guess that makes us partner's."

The Pegasus glanced down at the hoof, looking as though it perplexed her somehow, before pushing it away. "Look Greenie, I know you're new and everything, truth is I'm a bit new myself, but in case you didn't know the Yellow Lantern Corps and Green Lantern Corps aren't exactly what you'd call, 'partners'."

Del blinked, confused for a moment before realizing the emphasis the Pegasus put on the word "partners". "We're enemies, aren't we?" Del assumed.

"Technically our Corps are. But for now we have a bigger problem." The Pegasus said, walking to the edge of the cliff. "The black ring is down there." The Pegasus pointed.

Del leaned over the cliff so that he could see what the Pegasus was pointing at. What he was was a circular shaped stone wall with smaller, hard to see, blocks of stone in it.

"Alright Greenie, here's the plan." The Pegasus said. "We go in, we grab the black ring with our ring's energy, we send it back to whatever dimension it can from, and then we part ways. Sound good?"

"Sounds good ta me." Del slammed his forehooves together as his body glowed with a green aura. "Lets do this."

Author's Note:

Chapter three was supposed to be longer but I got to a point where I told myself, "good enough". The Yellow Lantern's identity will be revealed in the next chapter, its pretty obvious in my opinion though.