• Published 6th Feb 2017
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Next Generation: The Emotional Spectrum - Thestoryteller

A Darkness has come to Equestria. Raining death and destruction on all. Their only chance if survival is a power both capable to be their salvation. Or their demise.

  • ...

Chapter nine: Hope shines bright

In the beginning there was nothing, there was only the Black.

Then, there was the White.

For 700 years the White waged war against the Black, and in the end the outcome of their battle ended with loss on both sides. Their battle ended severing the universe, splitting it in two. A universe of Life and a universe of Death. The Black was imprisoned in the Universe of death, where it rules to this day. But the White had been splintered, separated into seven lights. The Red, the Orange, the Yellow, the Green, the Blue, the Indigo, and the Violet were all created from the White.

But there was something not mentioned during the war. That in the middle of the war two beings existed, two entities. One of Life and one of Death. These entities exist in every universe, for where there is Life and Death, there will always be entities that represent these powers.


The ring spoke as Sombra’s eyes fluttered open. He looked at the sky but only saw black, he looked at the ground and only saw black, but he could recognize where he was.

Lifting himself up, he stood on the black grass that covered the ground. Sombra observed his surroundings to understand where he was, but all he saw only confused him.

He was in a graveyard, tombstones that stretched as far as the eye could see with names of those forgotten to time engraved on them. Sombra knew where he had gone, for he had left this world when the black ring chose him. This was the land of the dead.

’RECREATION PROCESS: ERROR. Failure to regenerate.’


Sombra whipped his head around and he came face to face with a figure hidden by a hooded cloak with tears and strands sticking out. The figure was a pony that was fairly tall, as tall as Luna, and a black scythe stood beside him.

“Who are you?” Sombra demanded, not fearing the ominous figure.

The figure was silent for a moment before answering with a riddle.

”I am always around, but never seen. I am often avoided, but you can't outrun me. For I will come when you're old and grey, or maybe even the very next day. I will come to you with a cold embrace and give you rest with a chilled kiss on your face. An eternal shadow I do create. Eternal rest, that is your fate. What am I?”

Sombra's eyes widened in shock as he heard the riddle. Involuntarily he answered,


The figure nodded, ”My name is Mortum, I am Death itself. I know who you are, King Sombra. I know that you have died by the Crystal Heart, you entered my realm and you rested. But something awoke you from your rest, something pulled you from the realm of the dead and returned you to the living.” Mortum explained. ”But then you died again, and once more you return to the realm of the dead, and once more, you are being pulled back to the land of the living. How? There is no power that can return the dead to the living. So tell me, how have you returned?”

Sombra showed Mortum his ring. “I can't explain it, but this ring has given me the power to raise the dead, as well as prevent me from dying as well.”

Mortum took a closer at Sombra’s ring.

’ERROR: Unknown energy detected.’

”This ring is a doorway, one between the living and the dead. It opens the door and its wielder enters through it. But it does not return one to life. Instead, it creates a copy, a replica, of the one that wields it. I must know more” Mortum said, removing the ring from Sombra's hooves.


“Hey!” Sombra shouted, charging his horn to strike back at Mortum. Only for his magic to vanish and his body froze.

”You forget, King Sombra. You are in my realm, and all in my realm are mine to command.” Mortum said, redirecting his attention to the ring.

’ERROR: Host lost, unknown Entity detected.’

”Silence. You will reveal to me your secrets, show me everything you know.” Mortum ordered.


Mortum did not know who this “Nekron” was, but he soon learned as a connection was established between Mortum and the ring. He saw everything, the beginning of universe 52, the war waged between Life and Death, the creation of Nekron and the Entity as well as the seven entities of emotion. Then he saw the Corps, Green Lanterns, those who harnessed the light of Willpower. The Sinestro Lanterns and the Yellow Lanterns, those who wielded the light of Fear, but there was two of them. Blue Lanterns, those who wielded the light of Hope, but Hope could only heal and instill hope in others, it required Willpower to truly unlock its full power. Indigo Lanterns, those who wield the light of Compassion, but the light forces Compassion on its wielder, not giving them a choice. Agent Orange, the only Orange Lantern that wields the light of Avarice, but he had the strength of an entire Corps inside his ring. Red Lanterns, those who wielded the power of Rage, but blood magic had been used to tap into the red power of Hate. Star Sapphires, those who wielded the light of Love, much like the power of Hate, they used powerful crystals to tap into the violet light of love. But it seems that only females can become Star Sapphires.

Mortum saw other things as well, the Guardians, the Blackest Night, the Third Army, and the White Lantern. The White Lantern, his name was Kyle Rayner and he was the only one to harness all seven lights and achieve the White Light. But he was missing, believed to be dead, but there was no record of him entering the Dead Zone.

’Data transfer complete.’

Sombra felt his body freed from whatever had kept him frozen, as well as his magic returning to him, from which he proceeded to charge up his horn and aiming it at Mortum.

“Return my ring at once!” Sombra demanded. “It is rightfully mine and it belongs to me and me alone.”

”And you may have it.” Mortum said, turning to face Sombra. ”But in return for your ring you will serve me and obey my commands.”

“I obey no one,” Sombra growled.

”You will if you wish to leave.” Mortum said. ”It is I that allow those to leave, but without your ring, you are forever trapped. So tell me, king, what will you do?”

Sombra opened his mouth to protest, only to quickly shut it. He couldn't deny the fact that Mortum was right, he was at Mortum’s mercy and had no choice but to accept.

“What shall you have me do?” He asked, allowing his magic to disperse.

”Your goal remains the same, you are to destroy all life so that there is only death. However, you will do it differently and accordingly to my will.” Mortum said, holding up his other hoof an inky black liquid swarmed over his hoof. He took this liquid and placed it onto the black ring, the liquid bubbled as it was forced onto the ring but it soon came to rest and imprinted itself onto the ring. ”I have altered your ring and embedded it with magic. It is stronger now, far stronger than before.”

Mortum released his magical hold on Sombra’s ring, causing it to fly onto Sombra’s hoof and making him a Black Lantern once more.


“What am I to do now?” Sombra asked Mortum.

”When you return you must search for the lantern, it will act as a gateway between my realm and the living, then you must raise an army and crush the lights before they grow stronger.” Mortum explained as he created ten new Black Rings and gave them to Sombra. ”Consider these a gift to help you.”

’RECREATION PROCESS: 42% complete.’

“But the lights are already too powerful, my army could not stop three of them let alone seven!” Sombra shouted.

”You needn't worry, the lights cannot destroy these new Black Lanterns. It is only the White that can harm the Black, not the fractured pieces it once was.”

’RECREATION PROCESS: 58% complete.

“Very well, if what you say is true, then what am I searching for?” Sombra asked.

’RECREATION PROCESS: 79% complete.

”Your ring will guide you to the lantern, all you must do is follow my instructions and Death shall triumph.”

’RECREATION PROCESS: 93% complete.

"What lantern? Do you mean the lantern of the Black Lanterns?" Sombra asked, but his question remained unanswered as his ring declared.


’King Sombra of Equestria, RISE.’

It was said that the color blue was the color of sadness and depression. But that couldn't be further from the truth as blue is a color that is uplifting and brings happiness. It is the color of hope, one of the most powerful emotions there is, and Candy now wielded the blue ring of hope. Her body became wrapped in a black tight suit with blue on her shoulders and back, the suit covered her entire body and she wore a blue mask that concealed the top part of her face. The symbol of the blue lanterns rested squarely on her chest.

Meanwhile, both Prism and Whirlwind were staring at Candy in disbelief. Until Prism’s growled and glared at Candy.

“Candy, take off that ring right now.” He demanded.

Candy looked at Prism and replied, “do not be afraid Prism, for all will be well.”

“No, I already let two of my closest friends get caught up in...whatever this is. No more! I'm not letting you get dragged in too!” Prism shot back.

“You don't understand Prism, the blue light of hope is not like that of the Green or the Red. It is a light of healing, a light of goodwill.” Candy said, aiming her ring at Prism. “Here, let me show you.”

“Show me wha-”

’Target locked’

Just as the ring spoke, Prism was blinded by a blue light. His pupils reflected the Blue Lantern symbol as the light engulfed him, and it felt...warm?

The light was comforting, like being wrapped in a tight cozy blanket after flying in the cold weather. His once uncontrollable rage began to fade, slowly dying down from where it once spiked. He felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, and he had been released from his hate.

Prism fell to his haunches, choking on his words as tears began to swell his eyes. Candy lowered her ring and spoke once more.

“You see, we Blue Lanterns do not harm, we heal.” Candy stated, before directing her attention to the shell of the Dragon-pony she once knew as Turquoise, but what she saw was someone consumed by the orange light of Avarice. “But in order to heal T, we're gonna have to give him some tough love. I'm gonna need some help Prism, you up for it?” She asked, giving her friend a devious grin.

Prism wiped away his tears and stood up. “If it means getting my friend back, I'm ready to do anything.” Prism said, his rage growing once more. But he didn't stop it, he knew he was gonna need all the power in the world to help Turquoise.

Speaking of the Dragon-pony, he was beginning to get bored.

”Time is precious, time is fleeting, time is Mine, and you're wasting it!” Turquoise shouted, aiming his ring at Candy and Prism he created two worm constructs with open holes for their mouths. ”Your light is MINE!” Turquoise shouted, the two constructs diving towards Candy and Prism.

“You want my light T?” Candy asked, holding her ring high. ”You can have it.” She said as a blue construct bubble shielded Candy, Prism, and Whirlwind.

Turquoise couldn't help but grin triumphantly as his constructs latched themselves to the shield and began to sap its energy.

”Fool, my light consumes all. Soon all will be MI-” Turquoise was cut off as his constructs shattered like glass. ”WHAT?!” Turquoise shouted, his eyes wide and confused.

“It's true, the orange light of Avarice is capable of sapping the other lights of their power. But it cannot steal the blue light of hope.” Candy explained, lowering the blue shield. “Avarice is weak against hope, it cannot devour my power nor can it devour my belief.” Candy said, her ring glowed brightly as it created a large cannon construct with a cannonball being loaded into it. “Sorry to do this T, but don't worry, for all will be we-”

’ERROR: Willpower, insufficient.’

Just as her ring spoke, Candy’s construct shattered just as Turquoise's constructs did.

“What?!” Candy shouted, trying again she created another giant cannon.

’ERROR: Willpower, insufficient.’

Her ring said once more, and once more her construct shattered. “What the hay is going on?!” Candy demanded from her ring. “Why can't I create anything?!”

’Insufficient Willpower.’


’Hope is the most powerful light of the Spectrum, but it is limited without the green light of Willpower. Unless a Green Lantern is nearby, your power is limited to abilities such as flight, defenses, healing, protection from the vacuum of space, etc.’

”So in other words,” Turquoise gave a toothy grin. ”You're as helpless as a lamb, isn't that right? Well, while I might not be able to consume your light, I can definitely take you down-”

Turquoise was cut off as his face was properly introduced to Prism’s hoof. Turquoise was sent flying until he bounced a couple of times and landed on his feet-claws-hooves, whatever. Turquoise snarled at Prism, a very clear red mark left on his cheek.

“She might not be able to fight, but I sure as hell can.” Prism growled, droplets of red napalm dressed the ground under Prism’s mouth. “I've been holding back all my rage so I don't hurt you, but I realize now that the only way I'm gonna get through to you is if I go all out!” Prism’s rage began to surface, no longer would he let it boil up inside of him. It was time to unleash everything he had. ”Candy, I'm gonna need you to create a bomb.”

“What? Prism, my ring just stated that I can't create any weapons.” Candy explained.

”I'm not asking you to make a literal bomb, just the shell of one. No components, no explosives, just the metal shell, I’ll do the rest.” Prism explained.

Candy didn't argue and used her ring to create the hollow shell of a nuclear bomb with the blue lantern symbol on it instead of the radiation symbol.

”leave a slot open, I'm gonna fill this thing up with something that's gonna be able to hurt T.” Prism ordered, and Candy did so, removing a chunk from the bomb she created an opening.

All that was left was to give the bomb an explosive, and Prism had one boiling inside of him. He opened his mouth and vomited pools of red napalm into the shell. The bomb filled with the red liquid, raising until it reached its peak. Once the bomb was full, Candy put the slot back and lifted her construct up.

“I don't need to tell you what to do next I hope?” Prism asked with a cocky grin, his rage settling.

“Sure don't.” Candy replied with a wink. “FIRE IN THE HOLE T!” Candy shouted as she chucked the bomb at Turquoise.

Turquoise reacted by creating multiple constructs to stop the bomb, but as they came in contact with the blue shell they were destroyed. But Turquoise didn't stop, he poured all of his power into creating constructs to stop the bomb but its advance didn't stop. Soon his constructs became more sloppy and rushed, indicating his panic and fear. He began to see that cracks were starting to form on the blue shell, but it wasn't by Turquoise's attacks, it was by the red napalm eroding the inside of the bomb. It wasn't until the bomb was right on top of Turquoise that the shell exploded.

The blue construct turned into a small bubble that surrounded Turquoise, leaving the top open. The red napalm spread in mid-air and splashed onto Turquoise, the bubble was sealed off and Turquoise wreathed in pain and he screamed and thrashed in the pool of napalm he became trapped in. His movements became slower and weaker until his body froze and he sunk into the still napalm.

“He's gonna be okay, right?” Candy asked.

“He should, that stuff is gonna hurt him but not kill him. With any luck, he'll be knocked out.” Prism explained.

“Well, it won't take long. Whatever that red stuff is, it's already begun to erode my construct.” Candy stated, pointing to her construct as it had begun to crack. “So, I might not know much about my ring, but I don't have a clue as to what's going on.”

“I guess you're apart of this now, might as well explain it I guess.” Prism sat down. “So basically-”

Prism was cut off as the blue shield shattered, pools of red napalm spilled like a rushing wave, and it was on this wave that carried Turquoise's body until the water evened itself out and was a thin puddle. Both Prism and Candy approached Turquoise carefully, but his body lied still. Candy used her ring to check Turquoise's pulse, heartbeat, and any injuries he might have suffered.

“He's gonna be fine, but he's knocked out. So what now?” Candy asked.

“These rings are the source of our power, we take off the ring, we remove the power.” Prism answered, lowering himself down he grabbed the orange ring around Turquoise's hoof. He slowly slid the ring off without any resistance or hesitation, and once the ring was removed Turquoise returned to his normal state.

“Huh, well that was anticlimactic.” Prism stated, holding the ring.

Until it flew into the air and swooped down on Turquoise.

“Spoke too soon.” Prism muttered.

’Temporary Host detected; Turquoise of Equestria, you want it al-’

Prism grabbed the ring and threw it away from Turquoise, it bounced against the rocky floor a couple of times before stopping and flying once more. It soared to Turquoise and hovered just inches away from his right hoof.

’Temporary Host detected; Turquoise of Equestria, you want it-’

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Prism roared, chucking the ring with all his might it flew across a length equivalent to seven football fields.

But the ring returned in seconds and once more it spoke,

’Temporary Host detected; Turquoise of Eques-’

This time Prism unleashed a burst of red napalm onto the ring, the ground sizzled from where the napalm splattered but while it stretched across the orange ring it remained unaffected.

’Temporary Host detected; Turquoise of Equestria-’

Prism grabbed the ring and held in his hoof, “I'm only gonna say this once, so you better listen up.” Prism growled. “That dragon right there, he's my friend, and I'm not gonna let you touch him.”

’Turquoise of Equestria is worthy of the power of Avarice, he must become an Orange Lantern if the Black is to be stopped.’

“I don't give a crap what you need to beat the Black, you're not taking T!” Prism shouted.

’There must be an Orange Lantern.’

“Then chose somebody else, anybody else, I don't care who, just as long as it isn't one of my friends.” Prism growled.

And for once, the ring shined a small green spark for a split second, like its nature had been changed just for a moment. The ring took to the air and hovered there for a second before it spoke,

’Suitable Host detected.’

The ring then took off at unimaginable speeds. Prism wore a smile on his face as the ring took off until it could no longer be seen. For once, Prism no longer felt angry or sad, he felt happy knowing that he had done something good. But that happiness was about to cost him dearly.

’ERROR: power levels decreasing rapidly. 48%

Prism coughed as he collapsed, his chest felt tight and his head felt dizzy as the world around him began to spin and shift.

“What...the...hell?” Prism asked wearily as he fell onto his back.

“Prism!” Both Candy and Whirlwind shouted as they raced to their friend's side.

’ERROR: power levels decreasing rapidly. 32%

“Candy what's going on?!” Whirlwind asked frantically, pressing her ear against Prism’s chest she listened for a heartbeat, but there was only silence. “Candy, his heart’s not beating! Why is his heart not beating?!”

“I don't know, I barely know anything at all about my ring let alone Prism’s. But don't worry, all will be well.” Candy said.

”Typical Blue Lanterns.” A voice from above spoke.

Both Candy and Whirlwind looked up to see a unicorn adorned in a Yellow Lantern's suit and a mask covering her face. The unicorn landed in front of the two mares before continuing,

”You’re all the same, all you do is pray and believe but you never do anything about it. You never get up and do the things you hope for. How can Hope be so powerful when it has such a major flaw?” The Unicorn asked.

’ERROR: power levels decreasing rapidly. 15%

Prism’s breathing began to lessen by the second, his eyes started to flutter shut.

“We're losing him!” Candy shouted, looking at the Unicorn she pleaded, “please, help us save him.”

”You want to save him? To do that you must purge him of his ring.” The Unicorn explained, pointing to the red ring on Prism’s hoof that seemed to be slowly inching off. ”Red Lantern rings replace their host’s heart, therefore if the ring were to ever leave its host or if its power reached zero then the host would die. The only way to cleanse Prism of his ring is with the power of a blue one, but unfortunately, your ring alone cannot do that.” The Unicorn paused as she levitated a blue lantern in front of Candy. ”To save your friend you must make him a ring.”

Candy understood what she had to do and held her ring in front of the blue lantern, she closed her eyes and the words surfaced inside her mind. With pure conviction and faith, she spoke.

”In the bleakest day, in the blackest night
Let our soul's come together and spark the blue light
When all seems lost and our Stars have fell
Expel your fears, for all will be well”

With that, an object emerged from the lantern's opening. It was a blue ring, one shaped exactly like Candy’s. The ring hovered in front of Candy for a moment before it swooped down and slid itself onto Prism’s hoof.

’Prism Bolt of Equestria; All will be well.’

Prism’s eyes shot open as his body glowed blue. The left half of his uniform turned blue, the left side of the symbol on his chest was of the blue lanterns while the right was the red lanterns. Prism stood up and stared at Candy wide-eyed, holding up the two rings he asked,

“Candy, what hAVE YOU DONE?!”

“It's over.” Del exhaled a sigh of relief. “Sombra’s dead.”

“For good this time, I hope.” The Pegasus added as they all approached the skeleton.

“Does anyone else think this was kinda...easy?” Annie asked.

“Who cares if it was easy or not?” Del asked, reaching down he grabbed the Book of the Black from the skeleton. “All that matters is that it's finally over. So let's head home.” Del said as he took off into the air.

Annie looked at the skeleton for a moment before asking the Pegasus, “you gotta admit that this just doesn't feel right, right?”

“I can't deny that this felt too easy, but when you think about it, perhaps we beat Sombra before he could gather his full power.” The Pegasus explained. “But enough of that, let's head home. It's time for some good ol’ fashion R&R.” The Pegasus said as both she and Annie took off into the air.

Once they were gone, the black ring on the skeleton’s bone hoof began to glow. The skeleton began to crack and moan as it stood up. Pieces of flesh started to collect on the bones surface as he stood upright on his legs. Hair grew on the skin forming a main, tail, and coat. His eyes opened to reveal they had become completely black with two grey pupils for eyes. Sombra had risen once more.

However, Sombra received no celebration for his return. Instead, he was greeted with the sight of his demolished army. Rows upon rows of skeletons with remnants of flesh and black liquid, pieces of what they once were was scattered all across the snowy landscape. But with his return, Sombra was greeted with yet another unpleasantry; Black Hand.

”You have no idea how lucky you are right now. If those Lanterns hadn't been so clueless they could've...messed...up…..Sombra, there's something different about you.” Black Hand spoke from within the ring. ”You seem...different, but in a good way. Like your power is more...pure. What happened while you were dead?”

“I met the Entity of Death,” Sombra answered. “And he has agreed to help me with our goal by providing me with more power. He's given me the power to create more rings like mine, but only by a lantern that I must find.” Sombra explained.

”This...is...WONDERFUL!” Black Hand exclaimed with delightful glee. ”Oh this day couldn't get any better!”

“But because this is still your big plan, what would you recommend I do now?” Sombra asked.

”The answer’s simple, the other Lantern’s don't know you're alive still, we can use this to our advantage. Build an army, a stronger army, and once you've done that, launch a surprise attack on the Lanterns.”

Sombra closed his eyes and focused on his magic, his ring and horn glowed a dark black. A stream of a black liquid shot from Sombra's horn and onto the ground. The liquid split apart into ten puddles, swirling like a pool. The puddles formed into black lantern rings, ten new black rings had been created. They floated to his eye level and hovered for a moment before they flew towards the crowd of corpses.


The ring's flew and slipped onto the hooves of ten zombies, causing the copy rings to crack and shatter. The zombies changed, not physically, but mentally. They became more aware of who they were, what they had done, and what was happening.

”What is this?” one of them asked. ”Why are we...how are we...I don't understand.”

Sombra approached them and spoke to calm their nerves. “Do not be afraid, I have brought you back from the dead for but one purpose. You know our purpose, you know our goal, you know because we are all connected by the Black.” Sombra explained as wicked grins began to form on nine of the new Black Lanterns. “Yes, you can see it now. The beauty of Death, the glorious heaven that welcomes all. But we have been given a task, our goal is to destroy all life and allow everyone to embrace death.”

”I will not partake in this madness!” One of the Black Lanterns shouted as he moved through the crowd and approached Sombra, who recognized him right away.

“...Crystalline Jade.” He hissed.

“Hello Sombra.” Jade greeted. ”I can see you're still following evil. No matter what you do, you'll never change huh?”

“You call this evil?” Sombra asked, pointing to the army around them. “This is truth! This is purity at its finest!” Sombra proclaimed.

”YOU CALL THIS PURITY?!” Jade yelled. ”Admit it, you've dug yourself into a hole so deep that you cannot escape. This…this is the only thing you have left now. No friends, no family, nobody but yourself. You think that this will change anything? You really think that anyone will accept you if you do this? Don't you understand? Even if you turn everyone into a monster, you'll always be a demon.”

That word struck a nerve within Sombra. Demon. Oh how Sombra loathed that word, he had memories of when he was a child and the kids would call him a demon because of his appearance. Now, Crystalline Jade dared to use that word against him, only this time, Sombra felt no hate towards him. "I do not hate you," Sombra stated. "Nor do I love you." He said, as he approached the new black lanterns they lined up in a row like soldiers. "I feel no avarice, nor compassion towards any of you." Sombra preached to the lanterns. "Nor do I fear you, nor do I hope for you," Sombra said, his ring and horn became engulfed in a black aura. "Nor do you have the willpower to resist me," Sombra stated firmly and the new lanterns felt a hard amount of pressure on their soul. "Know this, I will make this world equal, I will unite all races under the black banner of death. No longer shall we be separated by mere appearence, nor will we be slaves to our emotions. We will be free at last, as a child this was my dream but now it is my goal, and I will bring it to fruition." Sombra turned his back to the new lanterns and walked away.

“Then, I'll finally get to see her again.”

Author's Note:


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