• Published 6th Feb 2017
  • 1,812 Views, 23 Comments

Next Generation: The Emotional Spectrum - Thestoryteller

A Darkness has come to Equestria. Raining death and destruction on all. Their only chance if survival is a power both capable to be their salvation. Or their demise.

  • ...

Chapter seven: Search for the Book of Black (2/2)

Del sat in shock, his mind trying to process two things at once. The first was that his friend was now a Violet Lantern, one who harnesses the power of love, the second was the most bizarre question she had just asked him. Del blinked, slowly regaining his senses before responding.

"Wha-what?" He asked his friend.

Annie turned her head slightly around to get a view of her rump. "I know it's an out of the ordinary question, but this suit feels so revealing ever since I got it, and it's especially difficult to see."

"That's not the point-wait." Del paused, catching on to something Annie just said. "Annie...can you...see?" Del asked.

Annie's gaze left her rear and looked back to Del with a bright gleaming smile. "I can!" Annie squeaked. "It's amazing, I have no idea what this ring is but it's given me the ability to see! Speaking of which," Annie paused closing the distance between her and Del and examining him closely, "anypony ever tell you you really look like a stud?" She asked.

Del's cheeks flushed red as he avoided eye contact with Annie, while she began circling him like a wolf circling its prey. "You look like a stereotypical cowcolt, minus the hat." Annie stated. "You've got green eyes, blonde and brown mane, and a orange looking coat." Annie said while stroking his foreleg muscles. "Not to mention these beefy muscles of yours."

Del pulled his foreleg away from Annie's grasp. "Okay, first. Don't do that." Del glared, reviving a giggle from Annie. "And second. I'm gonna need you to give me that ring." Del said, extending his hoof.

Annie stared at Del's hoof, then at Del, then back at his hoof again, then finally at Del. "You want me to do what?!" She shouted.

"Annie listen-"

"NO!" She roared. "You listen! I've been given a gift, a wonderful gift that's allowed me to see, and you just...just want to take it from me?"

"Annie you don't understand-" Del tried to plea but was cut off by Annie once more.

"No, you don't understand!" Annie shouted. "You have no idea what it's like, okay? You have no idea what it's like to only be able to see nothing but blobs of color, you have no idea what it's like to wake up every morning and not even know what your mother looks like! So no Del, it's you who doesn't understand!"

Del was afraid that something like this would happen. That Annie wouldn't give up the ring, not willingly that is. But Del had to get the ring away from her, Del couldn't let her get dragged into this. No, he wouldn't let her get dragged into this. From what Del had seen Sombra do, there's no way he would let any of his friends face him. Except of Prism, Del knew Prism could hold his own against Sombra. But Annie...Del couldn't imagine what he would do if she ever got hurt.

"Annie listen." Del spoke calmly, lowering his hoof. "I'm your friend, and as your friend I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. Which is why I can't let you have that ring." Del said, eyeing the ring. "That thing, while it is capable of restoring your sight, it's also capable of great power, and there's a bad guy coming after us because we have that power. I can't stand the fact of you getting hurt, so please, give me the ring."

Annie looked at Del's extended hoof once more. She thought about what Del had said and about his offer. But Annie had already made her decision before Del had made his offer.


Before Del could understand what that meant Annie aimed her ring at Del and hit him with a violet beam. The beam struck Del directly in the chest sending him flying through the wall. Del was shot through the wall, busting through it with enough force to break it into splinters.

Del crashed against the ground outside, his ring creating a pillow construct to break his fall. The construct disappeared and Del became adorned in his Green Lantern suit. Annie floated down to the ground before speaking.

"You have a ring too Del." Annie pointed at the green ring on Del's foreleg. "Why do you want mine when you already have one of your own."

"It's not like that Annie." Del pleaded.

"Then what is it huh?!" Annie demanded. "Why do you want to take away my sight?!"

"Because I don't want you to get hurt!" It was Del's turn to shout as it seemed to be the only way for Del to reach his friend. "That ring is a homing beacon for all things bad, and I don't want you to get hurt. I won't allow it!" Del stomped his hoof against the ground, creating cracks in its surface. "So please Annie, as your friend, give me the ring."

"You want this ring Del?" Annie asked, showing off her violet colored jewelry. "Then you're gonna have to come and take it."

Del stood firm as he responded, "I won't fight you."

"That makes things easier." Annie said, her ring glowing brighter than before. From it a large violet wolf construct emerged and charged at Del with its jaws opened wide.

Del countered the wolf's attack by creating a simple rectangle construct that he used as a shield. The wolf clawed and bit at Del's construct, slowly breaking piece by piece off of it. Del receded the energy for the construct back into his ring, he balled that energy up and redirected it towards the wolf. The energy was transformed into a massive blast of Willpower. Exploding the once wolf construct into nothing but violet colored dust.

Del's first mistake was letting his guard down. In doing so, Annie saw an opening and went for it. She closed the distance between herself and Del within seconds. Annie created a spear construct which she held with her magic, and forced the blade towards Del. However, Del saw this attack and countered with his own by creating green construct gloves over his hooves and then halted the spear's blade by pinning it between his two hooves. Annie tackled Del and forced him onto his back where she pushed down harder on her spear, causing it to slowly move closer to Del.

"Annie, stop!" Del grunted, using all his might to push back against the spear. "You're gonna...kill...me!"

But his words fell on deaf ears as Annie just pushed harder onto the spear. Del saw that he no longer had a choice and poured the energy in his ring into a construct. A green boxing glove construct appeared and it rammed straight into Annie's cheek, sending her flying. Annie rolled against the ground for a moment before regaining her balance and got back on her hooves. But when she searched for Del the Earth Pony was nowhere to be found.

Del peered from the tree he was hiding behind to see Annie searching for him. Del slouched against the trunk, letting out a sigh. He thought of how he could handle the situation, how he could somehow get the ring from Annie without hurting her.

Or her killing him.

Del thought about how he could deal with Annie, how he could somehow make her realize that the power she had was too great for her to handle.


Del paused thinking back to how Annie was able to pin Del and almost kill him with a spear, not to mention she had him hiding behind a tree at the moment and she seemed to have a good idea on how to wield her new power. Maybe she wasn't incapable of defending herself, maybe she wasn't as helpless as Del thought.

Del lifted his ring and spoke quietly to it, "Ring...what should I do?" He asked.

'What should you do? That is a question you should be asking yourself, not me.'

"But you're supposed to help me." Del hissed. "Give me advice and stuff like that."

'I am nothing more than a tool created to focus the green light of Willpower. You are the bearer, you are the one who controls and guides. Not the other way around.'

"But...I thought...I can't..." Del's breathing quickened as the stabbing emotion of fear began to crawl up his spine.

'Calm yourself Golden Delicious. You are not alone. Look.'

The ring created small constructs of all of Del's friends. Starburst, Candy, Prism, Clarity, Annie, and Turquoise all standing next to each other giving Del a smile. Del's fear began to disappear at the sight of his friends.

'You are not alone Golden Delicious, you never are. As long as you have those that will stand beside you in times of darkness you will never lose. But one of your friends is in need of your help, so what will you do? Will you run and abandon her?

Del stood up as his entire body glowed bright.

'Or will you stay and fight?'


Annie whipped her head around to see Del walking towards her from the forest. As he got closer Annie readied to defend her ring. Del came to a stop, reached for the ring on his hoof and slid it off. He dropped the ring onto the ground, causing his suit to disappear.

"It's me Annie." Del pointed at himself. "It's Del, your friend and as your friend I only want to help ya. But I would never hurt ya, ever." Del said, closing his eyes. "So if ya really think I'm a threat, then do what ya must, cause I ain't movin'."

Annie glared at Del, aiming her ring towards him. As she did, shards of a violet colored crystal erupted from beneath his hooves. The crystal grew onto Del, covering him in violet crystal so fast that his body was completely covered in seconds. But Del remained still as the crystal continued to grow until it covered his head and stopped.

Del had been completely engulfed in the violet crystal, unable to move or speak. By the time Annie realized what she had done, it was too late. "Del?" She asked the crystallized pony. No response. "Del? Come on Del, quit messing around."

But this was no joke, Del couldn't do anything because he was encased in crystal forever. Annie looked at her ring and demanded.

"Ring, take the crystal down."

'I cannot do that Annie.'

Annie was taken aback by the ring had said. "What do you mean you can't?" Annie demanded once more.

'I detect no pulse or heartbeat. I'm sorry Annie, but Golden Delicious... is dead.'

Annie's eyes went wide, unable to accept the result of her actions she created constructs to try and break the crystal. "Give him back!" She roared. "I didn't mean it! I didn't mean to do it! I just wanted to keep my sight! I never wanted to do this!" She screamed as she threw construct after construct at the crystal and construct after construct broke. Her strikes began to slow, becoming weaker with each strike until she could nothing but lean her head against the crystal and cry. "Give him back." She whimpered. "I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

"Annie." A hoof touched her shoulder.

Annie whipped her head around to see Del, actually Del standing behind her with a small grin on his face. Del opened his mouth to say something but was cut off as Annie tackled him to the ground in a tight hug.

"Del!" She yelled in delight. "Thank goodness you're okay! I thought I...I..."

Del patted her on the back gently, calming her down. "Shhhhhh, it's okay. Look." Del pointed to the other Del trapped in the crystal.

The Del trapped within the crystal slowly transformed into a transparent green construct made by Del. Annie saw this in disbelief as the construct phased through the crystal and stood beside Del and Annie.

"See, it's just one of my construct's. I was never in danger." Del reassured Annie.

Annie got off of Del and sat in front of him, Del sat up and she spoke, "You're right Del, this ring..." Annie held up the ring. "This power...it's too much. I don't think I can handle it so..." Annie paused as she removed the ring from her hoof, causing her suit and goggles to disappear. Especially her sight. "I want you to take it."

Del looked at the ring for a second before picking it up in his hoof. He examined the ring for a while before lifting Annie's hoof and slipping the ring back on. Annie's goggles returned, and with it her sight. She blinked twice and stared at Del in disbelief and confusion, only able to ask a single question.

"Why?" She asked.

Del sighed, "you know how, often time, ponies don't say things but think things about you?" Annie nodded slightly. "Well...the thing is..."

"Ponies think I'm helpless." Annie summed up everything Del was trying to say.

Del avoided eye contact with Annie, "yeah..." Del admitted. "We didn't want to say if but...yeah..." Del cringed, uncomfortable saying these kinds of things to a friend. Especially Annie. "But that ring, and the way you handled it, you've proven that you're more than capable of defending yourself."

Annie was in shock at what she heard Del said and instantly protested. "But I tried to kill you, how could I-"

"You attacked me because I was threatening you." Del cut her off. "I wanted to take away your sight. So you had every right to attack me."

Annie looked at her hoof, "but I don't want to hurt my friends. I don't want to hurt anyone."

"And you don't have to." Del said with a kind smile. "If you let me help, we can work together to help each other. What'd ya say?" Del offered a hoofshake

Annie went a step forward and embraced Del in another hug, saying "thank you" over and over until Del pried her off. "Okay, okay. Calm down Annie." Del chuckled before becoming serious. "Alright, listen, before we talk about controlling our rings, I need to tell you what's going on."

Del went on discussing about the ring's and why they were here. He explained how Sombra has risen from the dead and is gathering an army. He also explained that the ring's were sent in order to defeat Sombra and send the black ring back. He also explained how Prism Bolt was now a Red Lantern and harnessed the power of rage.

"Geez." Annie held her head. "That's a lot to take in."

"I know, I know." Del agreed. "But it's the truth, and we're the only ones capable of stopping Sombra and his army. So we have to gather the other ring's and attack him while we have the chance." Del said.

"Speaking of which, what are the other ring's?" Annie asked.

'I can answer that.'
'I can answer that.'

Both Annie and Del looked at their ring's as they spoke. Del's ring created a green symbol of the green lantern corps.

'As I have already said, the Green Lantern Corps is a group of Lanterns created to uphold justice in the universe. They wield the green light of Willpower, capable of battling great fear.

Annie's ring created a symbol of a six pointed star with a hole in its center.

'The Star Sapphires are a Corps created to spread love throughout the universe. We bring and protect love so that it may bloom.'

Del's ring spoke again, this time creating a new symbol.

'The Blue Lanterns, while currently small, is considered to be the most powerful Corps of the Spectrum for they harness the blue light of hope.'

Annie's ring spoke, creating a new symbol.

'The Indigo Lanterns are bearers who wield the Indigo light of compassion. They are capable of tapping into the Spectrum and understanding the other forms of emotion.'

Del's ring spoke creating a new symbol.

'The Yellow Lanterns, or Sinestro's Lanterns as they're called, is considered to be the enemy of the Green Lanterns as they instill fear.'

Annie's ring spoke creating a new symbol

'The Orange Lanterns wield the orange light of Avarice, there is currently only one Orange Lantern by the name known as Larfleeze. However, after the Green Lantern's stole a second orange ring and battery from him, that number will undoubtedly change.'

'The Red Lanterns harness the power of rage, and are maintained by a creature known as Atrocitus.'

"Oh shoot!" Del exclaimed. "I forgot about Prism!" Del looked at his ring. "Ring, can you contact Prism somehow?"

'NEGATIVE. Prism Bolt's ring is blocking any form of communication, I cannot reach him.'

"Great." Del muttered. "The one time I actually need to speak with him he shuts up."

"Del, what should we do?" Annie asked.

"I don't know." Del admitted. "I don't know what the hay I'm even doing anymore with this stupid ring!" Del shouted. "This whole entire thing has just been one confusing thing after the other, and it makes me so frustrated!" Del roared, striking the ground he caused it to crack and break.

"Del!" Annie yelled, embracing him in a hug to restrain him, "calm down."

Del took some deep breaths before regaining his calm expression. "Thanks Annie, I needed that."

"If you're whining about what you're supposed to do with that ring, I think I can be of some assistance."

Del and Annie drew their attention to the source of the voice to see the Yellow Lantern Pegasus flying. In her hooves was a black book with the symbol of an upside down triangle with five pillars extending from it.

"You again!" Del yelled, readying himself to fight. Annie did the same.

"Calm down Greenie." The Pegasus said as she landed. "I didn't come here to fight, I came here to help."

"Help how?" Del asked, not lowering his guard.

The Pegasus showed Del and Annie the book in her hooves. "See this? It's called 'the Book of the Black', an ancient book that belongs to the Black Lanterns, and something tells me Sombra's on his way here to get it."

Annie lowered her guard, trusting that the Pegasus was an ally not an enemy. "Why is he coming for the book?" She asked.

"Beats me." The Pegasus shrugged, tossing the book at Annie. "All I know Sombra's coming to get it, so it must be important."

"If it belongs to the Black Lanterns then we should destroy it." Del said.

"Use your brain Greenie. If that thing could be destroyed don't you think the Corps would've done it by now?" The Pegasus asked. "If we're gonna do anything with it we should use it against Sombra."

"How are we gonna use a book against Sombra?" Del asked. "Read him to sleep?"

"I don't like your tone Greenie." The Pegasus growled. "I was expecting a lit bit of...what do you call it, 'gratitude' for bringing you a weapon of the Black Lanterns."

"Well I'm sorry you don't like my tone. But the last thing I want is anything that has to do with Black Lanterns." Del said back. "Especially those who are working for them."

"Oh for the love of-" the Pegasus facehoofed before showing her ring at Del. "Does this look like a black ring to you?!"

"You're color could be brown for all I care. I'm not trusting you one bit." Del glared.

The Pegasus grabbed Del by his suits color and glared at him with a murderous look. "You wanna fight mate?"

"What's so important about this book?"

Both Del turned to Annie and their angry faces became one of pure horror as Annie began to open the book.

"ANNIE DON'T!" They both shouted as they dashed to grave the book from the Unicorn's hooves.

But it was too late as Annie opened the book.

And all hell broke loose.

The three Lanterns were sucked into the book, forced to watch as images of things that had passed and things that had yet to pass flashed in seconds. It was so fast that none of them could make out what they were seeing, or what was happening. But one thing was for sure, they were falling. And they were falling fast.

When Del, Annie, and the Pegasus awoke, they were no longer near Fluttershy's cottage. They were somewhere where the shining sun was blocked by dark clouds, where the calm cool breeze became a violent force of harsh winds, where the healthy grass was covered by the thick blanket of snow and ice. They were in the frozen tundra, the frozen north.

The Book of Black stuck out of the snow like a sore thumb, until a hoof grabbed it and picked it up.

"Well. What have we here, hm?"

The three Lanterns looked up to see none other than Sombra and his undead army standing behind him. Sombra looked at the book with interest and curiosity in his eyes. Upon touching the book, Sombra felt a surge of power radiating from the book. But where was his manners? He had three Lanterns to deal with.

"Look alive boys, we have guests." Sombra grinned, and his army did the same. Their thirst for death reached its limit, their restraint held by a thread. They were like ravenous dogs, pulling against their chain as they begged their master to release them. To let the hunt. To let them kill. Sombra turned to his army and with a toothy grin he said,

"Be a good host and take their coats."

And with those eight words, those eight innocent, simple, words, the chain that held back the ravenous dogs that were the dead.

Was released.

"Well?" Whirlwind asked impatiently. "Spit it out already, what important thing do you have to tell me?"

Prism nervously bit his lip as he looked down, racking his brain as he tried to think of the best way to tell her, his mind going through various possibilities on how she'd react, would she hate him for letting his rage transform him into a Red Lantern? Would she be terrified of him? She did have a nasty phobia of fire… 'Shit! I forgot all about that! What if she starts freaking out over this!?’

He was so wrapped in his thoughts however, that he didn't notice Whirlwind getting closer to her until she gently lifted his head up so they were at eye-level. “Prism, whatever you have to say, just say it.” She said in a firm yet assuring tone. “I won't think less of you for it…”

“It… it's just… I don't want you to hate me-”

“I'm gonna stop you right there.” Whirlwind cut Prism off in a serious tone. “You are Prism Bolt, son of Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skys, you are stubborn, hot tempered, frustrating, prideful, funny, and sometimes, really sweet. But most importantly, you're my friend.” She stated with a smile. “I could never hate you, no matter what kind of secret you have. So please, just tell me.”

After hearing this, Prism let out a content sigh as he straightened himself out. “Thanks Dubs, I needed that…” He smiled, causing Whirlwind to blush at her old nickname. "What I need to tell you is that...that I...I-"


Whatever he was about to say was cut off by an enraged roar that shook that both to their core.

“What in Celestia’s name was that!?” Whirlwind gasped as Prism's ring glowed slightly.

'Warning: Avarice detected.'

“Where did that ring come from?!” Whirlwind asked, and blinked in realization. “Did that ring just TALK!?”

Prism mentally cursed as he turned towards the source of the roar, and to his horror it was right in the middle of Ponyvillie.

“That's NOT good…” He growled as his ring began to glow, in a few seconds he was now wearing his Red Lantern uniform. Before bolting out the door, he turned back to Whirlwind who was staring at him with her jaw hanging open. “Look, I'm sure you have a lot of questions-”

“Uh yeah, several!” Whirlwind deadpanned

“And I promise I'll answer them all, but right now I need to stop whatever's attacking Ponyvillie right now!” He stated firmly before taking off.

Whirlwind could only stare at the space Prism had previously occupied, slowly contemplating what she'd just witnessed. But another feral roar snapped her out of her thoughts as she shook her head and immediately took off after him.

“Ring!” Prism yelled at his jewelry. “Get me Del, I need to speak with him.”

No response.

“Helloooo? Is this thing on?” Prism tapped his ring, trying to get a response.

Prism gritted his teeth as he continued to fly, he'd been trying to reach Del… but for some reason his signal had been blocked, at this point he could only hope Del got the signal and was headed towards it as well.

He was immediately out of his thoughts however when he noticed Whirlwind catching up. “What are you doing here?! Don't you know how dangerous it is about to get!?”

“Yeah, and that's exactly why I should be going!” Whirlwind fired back. “I don't know what this is all about, but I do know that there are numerous civilians who could get hurt while you're fighting that thing!” She stated seriously. “I may not be able to help you fight it, but I can at the very least make sure there aren't any casualties! I'm going to help you whether you like it or not!”

Prism sighed in frustration, if there was one thing he and Whirlwind had in common, it was their stubborn nature. He knew she had point give however, and her a confident smile.“Spoken like a true Wonderbolt!” Prism smirked as he bolted towards the center of Ponyvillie, leaving a Crimson Rainboom in his wake while Whirlwind dived downwards into the town to start helping the civilians.

“Be safe Prism…” She smiled.

“No promises, Dubs!” He retorted, earning an unseen blush from the Pegasus.

Ponyville. Prism’s home, his friends, family, and everything that he held dear occupied this large town. But his home was under attack, and Prism couldn't allow that.

Prism landed in the center of Ponyville, where the center building that once stood was no longer there. Prism could see ponies running, scared for their lives, in the opposite direction of something. Prism could see his friend Candy trying her hardest to keep everyone calm. Prism was relieved to see one of his friends was okay and flew next to her.

“Candy, what's going on?” Prism asked.

Candy turned her head and gave Prism her most cheerful, warm, smile. “Hiya Prism!” She said with glee. “Lovely day we're having huh? Cool outfit by the way, red looks...okay on you.”

Prism couldn't help but chuckle. That was Candy for you, smiling even in the bleakest of times. But right now Prism had better things to do than remember the past.

“Candy listen. I don't know what's going on but I need to know what's causing this.” Prism said, pointing to everything that was happening.

“Beats me.” Candy shrugged. “All that I know is some weird orange looking things started attacking. I'm trying to get everyone to safety for the moment, do you think you could help?”

“Trust me Candy, I'm gonna do everything in my power to stop this.” Prism said as he took to the sky.

From the large height he could see all of Ponyville, the city that was nearly as big as Canterlot. Occupied by everything he held dear. This once shining beacon of Harmony was now turned into an atrocity of chaos as some houses were vanishing.

Prism gazed in horror as an orange construct of a large worm looking creature erupted from the ground and swallowed a house whole. The same thing was happening all over the place, as large orange constructs were consuming houses one by one. That's when Prism laid eyes on the source of the orange light. A bright eerie glow shining from the center of this chaos, it was the source of this, it had to be.

Prism wasted no time in flying towards the source, arriving in little to no time. The bright orange light was surrounded by rubble and sat atop a pile of what Prism could only assume was junk. As he got closer he could here someone speaking.

”This is my power, this is my light!”

Prism got closer, his rage increasing with each step. It felt...almost like it was fighting something, some other feeling that was trying to pierce its way into Prism.

”To take everything that falls in my sight!”

Prism didn't know why, but every now and then he would glance at the pile and feel an urge to take it. Like it was the most precious thing in the world to him. Prism shook away those thoughts as they were replaced with anger. Why was he angry? What was causing this?

”Because giving away is such a chore!”

Prism reached the top of the pile and his eyes widened once more at what he saw. There he was, his friend, someone he knew and cared about more than anything, sitting in a throne clutching an orange lantern closely to his chest while wearing an orange ring on his left talon. A black suit with orange shoes and gloves on his claws, and orange like armor covering his chest and shoulders with the symbol of the Orange Lanterns in the center.

Prism realized why he was so angry, it was because he let this happen. He allowed this thing to affect his friends and now he was going to pay the price.

”What's mine is mine!”

The dragon hybrid known as Turquoise stood up from his throne and approached Prism with a livid look as he wrapped his claws around Prism’s neck and brought him close as he screamed in his face.


Author's Note:

"Everything is mine."

"And mine."

"And mine, and mine, and mine."