• Published 5th Mar 2017
  • 4,613 Views, 296 Comments

What If? - Equestrian Avengers: Shattered Dimensions - Maximus_Reborn

Starlight Glimmer unleashes the power of the Tablet of Order and Chaos, and it's up to the Equestrian Avengers to save the very fabric of time and space.

  • ...

Two Sides of the Same Coin, Part I

Chapter Twelve “Two Sides of the Same Coin, Part I”

“So, you’re finally down to the last fragment?” Twilight gently asked, earning a small nod from the stallion. Letting out a relieved sigh, the princess managed a smile. “I’m glad. Hopefully, this whole thing will be fixed soon.”

The scepter at her side hummed to life off-key. “My little pony~! I used to wonder what friendship could be~!”

Her brow twitched involuntarily, but the alicorn simply inhaled deeply before sighing, attempting to ignore the scepter’s constant singing. “I can’t wait. Once you get back, I’ll lock this annoying thing in the attic for good.”

Peter chuckled, resting his hooves over his hips. “You just miss my wonderful personality in the flesh.”

Twilight huffed, rolling her eyes. “Sure. You at least can take a hint when I glare at you.”

Feigning mock hurt, Peter held a hoof over his chest. “That’s only because you’re surprisingly mean when you’re grumpy.” Sobering, the stallion shared a glance with the astral image of his wife. “How are things on your end? I’ve been running around nonstop, which means that I haven’t had time to ask how you are doing.”

Slow to respond, Twilight waved a hoof dismissively while holding an earnest smile. “All things considered, I think I can forgive you. Repairing reality takes precedence, but I appreciate you always checking on me during your mission.” The alicorn slowly eased to a sitting position, letting out a low sigh. “Fortunately everything has remained peaceful here, outside of the constant unwanted chirping from a golden item.”

“Don’t hate me because I am beautiful” the scepter chimed, humming a light tune.

Releasing an exasperated groan, the alicorn shrugged. “It hasn’t been all bad. I just received a visitor, and Gwen was thrilled.”

Peter’s eyes widened at the comment before he tilted his head to the side. “Really? Who might that be?”

Just as Twilight readied herself to respond, Gwen trotted into the room while giggling happily. Another filly soon followed, an alicorn filly with a bright pink fur coat and light violet mane with a blue streak at the center. Her luminous cyan gaze held an undeterred innocence, matched only by the hazel sight of her fellow filly. They played feverishly, exchanging pleasantries while struggling to contain their laughter. Both seemed close to the same age, with only minute differences to distinguish them from one another.

Peter smiled at the sight. “Oh, Flurry Heart! I actually forgot that she was supposed to be staying with us for the weekend.”

Twilight nodded, watching the pair run around in circles while shifting her gaze to her husband occasionally. “Yeah. Cadance just dropped her off about an hour ago. I don’t think those girls have sat down yet.” She raised a knowing brow at the stallion. “I hope you haven’t forgotten your promise to have a tea party and sleepover with the girls. They sure haven’t.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Peter chuckled, scratching the side of his cheek with a hoof. Once the fillies were a safe distance away, the stallion’s complexion paled as he held a hoof over his mouth. “Make sure you help the girls bake the cookies next time. I nearly lost a tooth to the last batch they made. Gwen got flour mixed up with one of Mayday’s powder reservations the last time.”

Twilight snorted involuntarily, failing to stifle her laughter. “Duly noted. It was sweet on your part to humor Gwen, but I remember your dentist lacking the same empathy.” The princess watched both fillies for a few seconds with a sweet smile, humming. “It’s funny. Mayday and Diamond couldn’t stand the sight of each other until they were adults. Even now, they’re... acquaintances at best.”

Peter shook his head, sighing. “We can’t help that. Mayday’s just built to be anti-social. She loves her studies and gadgets. Plus, she’s pretty decent with you, Ben, and Gwen.”

“True, but she treats you like a diamond in comparison. You’re really the only one who can get to her emotionally,” Twilight mused, smirking. “You were her prom date, remember? Even then you practically had to bribe her to go. Sadly, that might just be the closest our oldest child ever gets to an actual date.”

Pausing, Peter chuckled. “Mayday’s like you were when we first met. You know, if you had the sexual and emotional response of a rock.” The stallion shrugged, never losing his smile. “It’s not a bad thing. It’s just who Mayday is.”

Twilight nodded, narrowing her gaze on the fillies in the distance. “That’s what makes me smile about Gwen. She and Flurry Heart are practically inseparable. They’re best friends already, and that bond will only flourish as they grow.”

“They’re two peas in a pod. It’s pretty easy for them,” Peter reaffirmed, folding his hooves. “Mayday and Diamond were just too opposite of each other to see eye-to-eye. Ben has friends, but he still keeps to himself.” The stallion’s demeanor softened once Gwen slipped, landing roughly on her stomach. However, Flurry Heart stopped in her tracks, helping her cousin back to a standing position. Once certain everything was okay, both fillies continued to play. Peter extended a hoof, sharing a glance with Twilight. “That’s exactly why. They have a lot in common. They’re both only months apart in age, extremely friendly, overly positive, and caring of others.”

Grinning, Twilight pursed her lips. “We’re blessed with all of our children. Mayday’s quirky, Ben’s soft-spoken, and Gwen is just brimming with affection. It makes me wonder what our fourth child will be like when that time comes... Not that I’m in a rush for another one anytime soon.”

“Once Ben graduates from high school, we’ll make plans for a fourth. I bet it’ll be another girl.” Peter grinned, nodding.

Twilight smirked while arching a brow. “Who says it’s going to be a girl? I’d rather much prefer having another boy. With our track record, I’d say luck is in my favor. Consider it a female’s intuition.” The alicorn’s image steadily faded as Peter stepped back, approaching the last of the unexplored portals. “At any rate, don’t take too long. I’ll take your company over a mouthy scepter any day.”

“We all know I wear the pants in the family! By pants, I mean thong! Have I mentioned my sparkly booty? It’s huge, and my husband loves it!” the scepter chimed, causing a vein to pulsate over the mare’s temple.

Twilight snarled, gritting her teeth as she clutched at the scepter’s neck with both hooves. “Last warning! Shut. Your. Mouth!”

The scepter paused, as if taking the alicorn’s warning to heart, but it hummed once more. “Oh, Twilight…! Don’t you dare be sour! Clap! For your beautifully handsome husband! And feel the power! It's a new day! Yes, it is!”

Peter gestured a friendly wave, oblivious while Twilight held the scepter high overhead and swung it to the ground, as if attempting to destroy it before her image dissipated completely. He gazed upon the portal, shrugging before leaping inside. The stallion soared through the whirling energies before reaching the end, landing amidst the outskirts of a forest. Peter gathered his thoughts as he glanced about his surroundings sternly. However the skies were bright with a sunny gaze, a gentle breeze brushing through the environment. Eventually he settled his gaze on the village in the distance, eyeing the equines chattering casually.

Blinking, Peter furrowed his brow. “This looks like Ponyville... And nothing’s wrong. I can’t even sense the fragment.” He glanced to the side where his castle would have presided, but nothing stood there, only a lush grassy plain. “It’s so weird not seeing our castle here.” Murmuring inwardly, Peter tapped a hoof against his chin. He stared intently at Ponyville with a furrowed brow, inhaling sharply upon spotting a familiar sight. A large tree decorated to resemble a home sat near the center of the village. Peter’s gaze widened as his mouth fell agape. “Is that the Treebrary? I haven’t seen that in years.”

“It resembles your home, but you are within a different reality,” Julia interjected, her voice echoing in the depths of the stallion’s mind. “However, things may not be as they seem. Learn of your surroundings before you venture out. Nothing appears to be immediately out of place, but you must remain vigilant nonetheless.”

Nodding, Peter narrowed his gaze on the village. “Okay. Let’s check out this place. See if it’s familiar or alien.”

Venturing forth, the stallion reached the gates before traveling further into the village. As he anticipated, everything was where it was supposed to be. The Cakes still resided in their rightful place, with the couple gesturing a friendly pair of waves at the stallion. Replying with a smile, Peter pressed on. Derpy flew overhead, nearly colliding with a chimney, but she waved eagerly upon spotting the stallion before continuing her mail route. Fortunately, many of the residents replied similarly, holding familiar smiles while greeting the stallion. Yet, there was a quiet air filling the atmosphere. Some of the villagers were wary of the stallion’s presence, bowing out of respect while staying out of his path.

He eventually reached the Treebrary, pausing to steal a glance at the village once more. “I mean it’s like my Ponyville, but something feels off.” Shrugging, the stallion knocked at the home’s front door before straightening his posture. “I’ll try getting some answers here first. Twilight is usually pretty good about keeping up with what’s happening in the world, unless she’s stuck in a book. Heaven forbid if the latest Daring Do came out. She’d turn into a hermit.” Glancing to the side, Peter rolled his eyes. “Let’s face it. The hermit in Mayday came from her mother.”

The door steadily creaked open, revealing a familiar sight, but it was not the one Peter anticipated, evident by his widened gaze. A mare with bright orange fur and a fiery mane stood within the Treebrary, arching a brow at her guest. Peter blinked, recognizing the sight, but he eyed the wings on her sides as well as the horn on her head with a puzzled gaze. Spike stepped out from behind the alicorn, tilting his head to the side, and the stallion furrowed his brow, noting the baby dragon’s lack of growth.

“Peter?” Sunset Shimmer questioned, managing a smile after a brief duration. “I wasn’t expecting you today. What’s up? It’s not like you to come visit without your armor and shield.”

Slow to respond, Peter frowned before scratching the back of his head. “Hey, uh... Sunset. I was in the neighborhood. I’m taking it easy today.”

Sunset chuckled, turning around while taking a seat. “Taking a break from the castle, huh? You’re usually sleeping at this hour. So, that explains a little bit.” Waving a hoof dismissively, the mare shrugged. “At any rate it’s good to see you.”

“Sleeping? I like sleeping in and all, but it’s three.” Peter muttered objectively, folding his hooves.

Spike arched a brow. “You still work the night shift, the last time we checked. So it’s not surprising if we think you should be asleep right now.”

Peter blinked, rubbing a hoof over his forehead. “Night shift? Now I’m really confused.”

Sunset threw a book across the room, striking the stallion’s head. “What’s with you today? There’s something off. You don’t remember your own job? I know you’re an idiot at times, but I wouldn’t expect that from you.”

Chuckling sheepishly, Peter stammered about. “Ha! Sorry! I was up all night, and I… haven’t fallen asleep yet! Guess I’m a little loopy right now!” Sunset and Spike shared a bewildered gaze while the stallion pointed a hoof behind his position. “I’ll head on back to Canterlot. Maybe a good day’s sleep is what I need.”

As if satisfied with his response, Sunset nodded before placing a hoof over the stallion’s shoulder. “That’s more like it. I know I give you a hard time but I do love you, you know? Besides, what sort of best friend would I be if I didn’t give you at least some grief?” The alicorn turned Peter around, unaware of his now widened gaze, and she gently pushed him away from the Treebrary, waving afterward. “Now, go home. I’m sure your wife would have an ulcer if she found out you haven’t gone to bed after a nightshift.”

Spike chuckled mischievously. “Yeah. Don’t keep Luna waiting. You know how grumpy she gets when you make her worry.”

“Uh, y-yeah,” Peter muttered, hesitantly waving before taking his leave. Once Spike and Sunset closed the door to the Treebrary, the stallion’s brow lowered in thought. “Okay. That was unexpected. Sunset Shimmer is an alicorn in this reality, and she’s my best friend? I mean, nothing wrong with that. Sunset’s always been pretty cool but how is she living in the Treebrary?” Pursing his lip, Peter lifted his gaze. “Plus, Luna? She’s my wife here? It’s surprising, but… expected at the same time. I wonder how that happened?” The stallion slowed to a halt narrowing his gaze on nothing in particular. “If Luna and I are together here, then what happened to this world’s Twilight? There’s a lot I don’t know, and it’s bothering me.”

“Perhaps you should head to Canterlot Castle,” Julia politely interjected, inhaling deeply before sighing. “The princesses keep track of everything that happens in the land. They are your best chance to find answers. If you’re lucky, maybe Trixie considered this option as well.”

Peter’s eyes widened before he nodded in response. “Yeah. If I know Trixie, she’s doing what she can to try to find the fragment already.” Slowly but surely, the stallion sped into a gallop as he raced in the direction of Canterlot. “All right. Let’s hope for the best. If anything they might hear me out, since I’m married to Luna.” Groaning inwardly, Peter’s brow furrowed. “Although, this can get awkward if this world’s Peter is there. They’d assume I’m a clone or a changeling. Considering I haven’t seen a single changeling out in the open yet, that wouldn’t be good.”

“Indeed,” Julia reaffirmed, clearing her throat. “Be ready for anything, Peter.”


The journey to Canterlot was brief, lasting only a few minutes, and upon his arrival, the greeting from the locals was practically similar to those from Ponyville. There was an air of familiarity surrounded by a sense of admiration. However, they seemed more familiar with the stallion, evident by their willingness to greet him in person. It reminded Peter of those in the Ponyville of his reality.

In spite of his royal status he talked with everypony around him openly, and over time there was a sense of trust. He was the prince everypony could approach and chat with, all while still holding a sense of high respect out of instinct. With a nod Peter came to realize that if this world’s version of himself was anything similar, then it was apparent that Canterlot was truly his home.

Peter eventually reached the castle gate, pushing through the door. Most of the guards greeted him in a friendly manner, bowing out of respect before waving. Furrowing his brow, Peter frowned. Even the knights here treated him with more respect. While they were friendly with him in his own reality, it seemed as if they were truly acquainted here on a personal level. In his own reality, authority figures had a knack for disliking his nonchalant behavior. It only left his mind pondering what this reality’s Peter Parker was like.

Freeing himself from his self-induced trance, Peter shook his head upon reaching the throne room. He glanced about his surroundings, eyeing the structure of the interior. However, he paused once his line of sight settled on something familiar. An alicorn with a bright coat and multicolored ethereal mane stood near the center of the room, keeping her light violet gaze focused on the scroll in her grasp via magical telekinesis. The center of his chest tightened once the alicorn faced him, smiling obliviously.

“Princess Celestia?” he gently called out, choking back a sob.

The alicorn sheepishly grinned. “Oh my, hello Peter. I thought you and my sister retreated to your private quarters for the evening.” Pausing, Celestia’s smile widened. “Then again, I know my sister can be inconsolable when the mood suits her. That makes her bedside manner quite sporadic, am I right?” Blinking, Peter offered no response, and Celestia cleared her throat, waving a hoof dismissively. “Oh, pay no attention to me. You know I only speak out of fun. If you’re up, that means you want to talk. What is on your mind exactly?”

Slow to respond, Peter gathered his thoughts before clearing his throat. “Nothing. I’m just… really happy to see you.”

Taken aback, Celestia sobered at the stallion’s soft tone. Her smile remained intact. “I always enjoy your company as well. We’re siblings by law, but you do know that you can talk with me about anything.”

Peter managed a smile, nodding. “Yeah. I know. I just like it when you remind me every now and then.”

“As unusual as ever... But that’s one of the reasons why my sister is so drawn to you,” Celestia gently declared, brushing a hoof through her mane. Once she took a seat, the alicorn closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before sighing. “Now, I’ll ask you again. What’s wrong? Something’s clearly on your mind. It’s practically painted on your face.”

Blinking, Peter chuckled. “I can’t hide anything from you.” The stallion chuckled inwardly. “Wow. It sounds like Celestia and this Peter are really close. I know they’re technically in-laws, but I feel it’s deeper than that. It makes me wish I spent more time with my Celestia. There’s the old saying. We don’t truly miss what’s special to us until it’s gone. There’s so much truth to that.” Clearing his mind, Peter raised a hoof objectively. “Has anything weird happened lately? There’s something I’m trying to find, and it’s really important.”

“That’s... unusually cryptic of you,” Celestia murmured, her brow lowering in thought. The alicorn pondered the thought, humming to herself. “The only thing that comes to mind right off was the sudden arrival of Trixie Lulamoon. She barged into the castle, asking for you while wearing an… unusual outfit to say the least.”

Peter’s eyes widened at the comment, waving a hoof near his face and waist respectively. “Was she wearing a steel-plated mask and star-spangled cape?”

Celestia firmly nodded. “Yes. She was very insistent to talk with you. What’s odd is that Trixie spoke as if she knew you on a deep personal level.” The alicorn frowned. “You haven’t seen her in years, and for her to show up at our doorstep is quite bizarre.”

“Which way did she go?” Peter questioned, relief and concern filling his voice. “I have to find her as quickly as possible.”

Slow to respond, Celestia’s expression stiffened. “What are you talking about? You went after her a few hours ago and came back already after failing to find her.” Peter’s eyes widened at the comment before a long silence filled the air. Celestia stood from her seat, narrowing her gaze on the stallion. “Just who are you, exactly?”

“A fake, that’s who!” a voice exclaimed from the other side of the room.

Just as Peter readied to respond, his sixth sense blared uncontrollably. He managed to duck his head as a shield soared through the air. The object ricocheted across the walls before landing in a stallion’s waiting hoof. Peter turned his gaze, blinking at the sight standing upright on his hind legs. He wore a light suit of dark blue armor bearing a spider insignia over the chestplate, and the bright shield he carried had a symbol of the sun at its center. The stallion lifted his stern gaze, bearing an exact resemblance to Peter.

“Who are you? A changeling? I’m not keen on the idea of clones running around in my place.” the armored stallion grunted, rubbing a hoof over the shield’s surface.

Peter blinked, arching a brow. “Whoa. Are you Captain Equestria? I’m digging the mighty shield. Does that mean I have to yield?” The stallion waved a hoof dismissively. “Anyway, I’m you--but from an alternate reality.”

“Really now? Let’s see if you’re lying,” the doppelganger huffed, clutching his shield before hurling it at the ground.

The item skidded to a halt mere inches away from Peter, and he eyed the bright weapon with an arched brow. However, the shield magnetized towards him at full speed after a brief silence, but Peter managed to lift his hooves at the same second, catching the weapon. His hooves skidded across the marble floor until he ceased. Blinking, the stallion stared at the shield.

“Wow. Nice design! You made this yourself? I can tell Captain America was your favorite hero,” Peter commented while closely examining the armament. He strained, attempting to bend it. After a brief duration, the stallion chuckled and tapped a hoof against its surface. “It’s surprisingly lightweight, and it feels unbreakable. Is it resilient against magic? The coating is pretty similar to a pair of gauntlets I have at home.”

The other Peter furrowed his brow with a frown, catching the item with a hoof as it was tossed back to him. “Yes. It’s my primary weapon. I’m not the best at magic. The shield is meant to deal with troublesome unicorns and other magical items. Sometimes, the best offense is a sturdy defense.”

“Or sometimes the best offense is a giant metal frisbee being thrown that can decapitate heads from shoulders or give moderate to severe concussions,” Peter lightly added, earning a blank stare from his counterpart.

Celestia simply nodded in agreement from a distance, grinning. “In his early years Peter has given many concussions to the local guards during his training hours.” Her stallion shot a glare, causing the alicorn to wave a hoof sheepishly. “Why do you think half of the guards fear you? You’ve hit them over the heads enough times to cause paranoia.”

Scoffing, the other stallion glanced to the side. “Ignoring my trollish sister-in-law, I designed my shield to magnetize towards my specific magical signature. A changeling can mimic my appearance, but it can’t mimic my genetics. You really are me from a different reality.” Pausing, Peter shook his head and sighed. “I’m saying that like it’s normal for a guy to bounce from one reality to the next.”

“It is for me. This is my… fifth time that I recall dealing with multiverse shenanigans. My math may be off. Plus that’s how you got here, right?” Peter simply declared, raising a hoof objectively.

The other Peter blinked, staring at his counterpart. “Five? I only had one incident to speak of, and that was my one-way trip here to Equestria. It sounds like you’ve had more adventures than me. I’ll thank my luck that it was you than me.” Clearing his throat, the stallion straightened his posture. “So. What do you call yourself, fellow Spider?”

“I’m Peter Parker and formerly Spider-Mane in my reality,” Peter cheered, nodding. “Now, I’m the Spirit of Order, believe it or not, and I haven’t thought of a new heroic Spider name yet.”

Cringing, the other stallion shook his head. “Spider-Mane? I love Pinkie and all, but that name was so stupid. I’m known as Spider-Knight here.”

Pausing, Peter stared vividly at his counterpart with a widened gaze. “Spider-Knight?! That’s so cool! Why didn’t I think of that?! It’s so obvious!” Letting out a defeated sigh, the stallion held a hoof over his forehead. “But I guess I can’t use that name now. It’s already taken.”

“We’re getting off-topic here,” this reality’s Peter sternly stated, freeing his doppleganger from his self-induced rambling. “If you’re really from an alternate reality, how exactly did you get here, and what is it that you’re looking for?"

Scratching the back of his head, Peter chuckled nervously. “Well, it’s kind of a long and crazy story. I doubt even you would believe it.”

The other stallion slid the shield over his back before folding his hooves. “Try me.”

Peter raised a hoof, nodding. “Okay. Someone back in my world named Starlight Glimmer took something called the Tablet of Order and Chaos that was previously hidden in a pocket dimension. When she attacked, I ended up breaking it, but that turned out to be a bad idea when the energies within were threatening to tear reality asunder. Bad news, right? Anyway. Several fragments and my teammates were scattered in various realities, and now, I’m trying to find everything. Right now, I’m on my last fragment and teammate. That Trixie that came by here earlier was my Trixie. She took up the mantle of a good Mysterio in my reality. Go figure. So, yeah. A fragment is in this reality somewhere.” Clearing his throat, Peter lamely blinked. “So, does that make sense?”

Exhaling, the other Peter shrugged and rolled his eyes. “That sounds so stupid that it has to be true.” Pausing, he blankly stared at his doppelganger. “You talk so much.” The stallion glanced to princess nearby. “Was I really this annoying at that age?”

“That age? Dude, I’m forty-five, married, and a father of three,” Peter stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

The other Peter stared at his counterpart, slack-jawed. “What?! Mid-forties?! I’m not even thirty yet, and I’m more mature than you.”

Celestia walked next to Peter while holding a coy smile at her brother-in-law. “I think he’s more fun than you. He’s not as… stuffy. Can we keep him? I promise to feed him.”

"Will you take me for walks, too? I hear the Winsome Falls are a great spot. No leash needed! I’ll ride horseback!” Peter chuckled, sharing a laugh with the alicorn.

The other stallion bit down on his lip and groaned. “Bah! I don’t need you encouraging her! Celestia’s a pain in the butt on her own.” Waving his hooves defensively, the other Peter huffed. “Okay. I’ll bite. We’ll help you find this fragment and your Trixie. She said she was heading north. For what? I don’t know, but maybe you will. If we head out now, we might be able to catch up to her.” Nodding, he glanced to the side before sharing a glance with Celestia. “We might be busy for a while. You mind covering the nightshift if need be?”

Celestia managed a smile, chuckling. “Of course not. Do what you have to. I’ll watch over the castle in your absence. Should I tell my sister what you’re doing?”

“No. I’ll do it. If I don’t keep her in on the loop, she’ll castrate me,” the other Peter shared a glance with his counterpart, pointing a hoof before walking from the vicinity. “You stay put. My wife will more than likely want to join us.”

Peter chuckled. “I can imagine. Luna’s one of my best friends in my reality, and she’s super stubborn. It’s not surprising if she’s the same here.”

Huffing, the other Peter’s demeanor faltered. “If I may pry, who are you married to within your reality?”

“Oh, that’s easy. Twilight Sparkle. We’ve been married for nearly twenty five years now,” Peter lightly grinned before glancing to the side questionably. “I’ve been meaning to ask about her. I haven’t seen or heard of her while I asked around. Is this one of those realities where she never existed? If it is, I’m just throwing you off, huh?”

The air in the vicinity grew thick, making the simple act of breathing challenging. The other Peter simply exited the throne room quietly, hiding a somber gaze. Just as Peter readied to question what had transpired, Celestia left her seat and walked towards him. Blinking, the stallion eyed the alicorn’s saddened expression.

Before Peter could utter a response, the main door to the room swung open. Like lightning would strike a rod, Celestia’s mood swung from depression to shock. Peter blinked as a mare with blue fur and silver-blue curled mane stomped into the room, garbed in a colorful dress. A trio of golden belt buckles were wrapped around her pointy hat and waist, matching the boots on her hind legs. Bright blue stars were patterned on both her violet hat and cape.

She marched to the throne chair, raising a hoof objectively. “I have returned, and I demand that you listen to me this time! I will--!”

“Trixie?” Peter politely questioned, poking a hoof at the mare’s chest.

Trixie’s words fell into her throat at the sound of the stallion’s voice. She stared at him with a softened gaze, sobering before releasing a haughty scoff. “You certainly took your time! Here I was, stranded in an unknown world for a whole two hours, and my supposed ‘best friend’ cares not for my safety!”

Frowning as if offended, Peter stood his ground. “Hold on a second! I literally just got here, and you’re already yelling at me!” Exhaling, he tapped a hoof impatiently against the ground. “Sounds like you were already burning your bridges here with your whole ‘Listen to me world’ attitude!” A realization came to mind once Peter eyed the attire the mare was wearing. “When did you have time to change? You were only here for two hours! Where… Where did you even get that?”

“Down the street. They had a lovely shop with a dress my size. I’m fortunate my bits are just as good here as they would be in our world.” Trixie muttered dismissively.

Peter stared blankly at the mare. “Seriously? You were in so much danger that you went shopping?” Blinking at another realization, the stallion arched a brow. “Hold on. You mean the fifty bits I let you borrow?”

“You wouldn’t miss it anyway. You hardly ever spend a dime,” Trixie exhaled, waving a hoof dismissively and ignoring the stallion’s exasperated glare.

Peter threw his hooves high over his head. “I never get to spend anything because I’m always loaning my bits to you and Mayday! We may as well be married! You ponies are like vultures! ”

As the pair bickered with each other, Celestia quietly closed the door to the throne room before retaking a seat. “Trixie Lulamoon?” she gently called out, narrowing her gaze on the mare. The two ponies ceased their argument, with Trixie meeting the alicorn’s line of sight. “What is your history with Peter? He has elaborated on your situation.”

Clearing her throat sheepishly, Trixie lowered her head out of respect. “My apologies Your Highness. This pony is my best friend in our reality.”

“Before you barged in, I was about to tell Princess Celestia about our Twilight,” Peter whispered, causing the mare’s eyes to widen.

Princess Celestia’s eyes softened. “Do you have a history with Twilight in your world?”

Trixie shared a glance with Peter, who simply nodded. After a brief moment, the mare nodded. “Yes. I was Peter’s Best Mare at the wedding. I’m his best friend, and Twilight is the little sister I never had.”

Peter placed a hoof over Trixie’s shoulder while sharing a glance with Celestia. “Trixie’s lived with us during the course of our whole relationship. She’s the glue that holds everyone together.”

“I see. You two are… very close to Twilight,” Celestia whispered, holding a hoof over her aching chest. Tears escaped from the corner of her eyes while the corner of her lips curled into a small smile. “If I may. Please. Can you tell me about my student?”

To be continued...