• Published 5th Mar 2017
  • 4,620 Views, 299 Comments

What If? - Equestrian Avengers: Shattered Dimensions - Maximus_Reborn

Starlight Glimmer unleashes the power of the Tablet of Order and Chaos, and it's up to the Equestrian Avengers to save the very fabric of time and space.

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I Was a Teenage Parker, Part I

Chapter Four “I Was a Teenage Parker, Part I”

A few minutes had passed since Peter landed in yet another alternate reality, but his screams hadn’t ceased, lasting practically the entire time he’d spent there. Meanwhile, in her own hometown, Twilight stared blankly at nothing in particular as her husband’s screams echoed throughout her cranium. Julia had already informed the princess of their current progress, with Peter having retrieved two fragments thus far. However, there seemed to be a roadblock of sorts, with Peter having become inconsolable about his current predicament.

Twilight held her hooves out defensively. “Peter, honey, I’m sure it isn’t that bad.” Peter paused, inhaling deeply before resuming his screams. Twilight’s hoof fell over her face at the sight. “Okay, now you’re just being difficult. Come on now. It’s just high school. It shouldn’t be that bad.”

Gwen watched the image of her father’s turmoil, grinning with oblivious innocence. “Haha! Daddy’s funny.”

Eventually, Peter’s supply of oxygen ran at its zenith and forced the young man to relent his screams. Inhaling deeply before sighing, he glanced around aimlessly with a furrowed brow. “Huh. With all the screaming I just did, you’d think I would’ve caught someone’s attention.” Glancing to the side, Peter retreated within the nearest row of shrubbery, concealing himself behind the leaves. With a blank expression, he shifted his gaze skyward. “All right. I think I’m good.”

Twilight arched a brow. “I’m glad you got that out of your system. Are you really fretting going back to high school that badly?”

“Well, yeah,” Peter stated in a matter-of-fact tone, scratching the back of his head. “High school was only the worst time of my life! I was constantly stuffed in lockers, thrown head-first into toilets, and being the guy that even the local dorks thought was uncool. Yeah. I can’t say that I’m thrilled to be back here.” He paused, removing his thick glasses. Upon noticing his vision remained clear, the young man let out a relieved sigh. “At the very least, I still have my powers and vision, so there’s that.”

Slow to respond, Twilight’s eyes softened. “Oh, I see. I’d actually forgotten that most of your problems started back during your school days.” Her tone was genuine, filled with understanding and care. “Try not to worry about it too much. You’re only back in school temporarily. Once you find the fragment, you’ll be out of that reality. Besides, you’re not even aware of the situation yet. Julia will give you intel on what to expect. For all we know, you overreacted prematurely.”

Julia cleared her throat, stammering slightly. “Sadly, Peter’s suspicions aren’t far off. In this reality, Peter Parker is not the most popular student. He’s intellectually gifted, but usually mistreated by his peers. He has a very small circle of friends. He’s a good kid, and his destiny is tied to the Web of Life.” She paused, her voice growing light. “Magic does not exist in this world. However, when Sunset Shimmer entered this world from Equestria, she brought traces of magic with her. A spider was close to the gateway, and it bit Peter Parker, giving him powers very similar to your own in a considerably smaller capacity.”

“Well, that’s awfully convenient. Sure gotta love the multiverse theory and all of its quirks,” Peter lamely added, furrowing his brow. “So, I exist in this world? Won’t it be strange for people to see two versions of the same guy walking around together? I’m not keen on the idea of clones. It can be very convoluted and confusing.”

“Yes. That’s a good point. This is why I’ve locked this reality’s Peter away in suspended animation thanks to the rifts in time and space around us,” Julia declared, huffing. “He’ll sleep while you walk in his place. So try to act normal, don’t bring any unwanted attention to yourself, and get the fragment back. The sooner you do that, the sooner I can return this Peter to his rightful place.” Julia inhaled deeply before sighing. “Our Peter hasn’t revealed his powers to anyone. If anything, he’s still coming to grips with what he’s becoming. So, I implore you again to keep a low profile. Not for your sake, but for his. This world isn’t as used to the dangers and phenomena of your own.”

Nodding, Peter waved a hand dismissively. “Okay. I’ll make sure to keep a low profile.” Glancing around his surroundings, the young man furrowed his brow. “I can sense the fragment, but everything seems peaceful. If I’m lucky, this can be solved in a few seconds.”

Twilight placed a hoof over her chest. “Yes. We should avoid destruction, but don’t forget. You still have a friend to find in that reality.” The alicorn’s image began to fade, as the filly waved eagerly. “Be careful, Peter. The world may look peaceful at a glance, but you know how much a lone fragment from the Tablet of Order and Chaos can disrupt that delicate balance.”

“Heresy!” the scepter exclaimed, causing Twilight’s brow to twitch involuntarily. “Order in the court! No further questions! This whole court is out of order!”

Twilight growled in response, glaring at the scepter as it cackled wildly. “I will lock you away in a box!”

Gwen smiled widely, oblivious to her mother’s building rage. “Good luck, Daddy!”

Peter waved at the pair before their images faded from sight, and he let out a low sigh afterward. “Thanks, sweetie. I’m gonna need it.” Blinking, he gazed at his slim figure with a furrowed brow. “Technically, I’m a teenager again… and not a parent in this reality. It’s so weird. I’ll have to think and act like a kid again. Oh, responsibility and adulthood. I miss you already.” His eyes widened at a realization. “Madame Web. This is my body, right? How did I regress back to my younger days?”

“It is your power as the Spirit of Order,” Eris declared, her voice echoing in his cranium. “Your body instinctively regressed to fit the situation and create as little chaos as possible. It’s quite fascinating, really. You look exactly like this world’s Peter Parker, but you retain your own abilities. You’ll blend in just fine.”

Peter blinked. “When did this turn into a three-way--?”

“Oh, my…” Eris purred, earning a disgruntled groan from Madame Web. “Peter, you certainly have an open mind. Not that I mind.”

Peter exhaled, ignoring the heat growing in his cheeks. “Call! Three-way call!” The young man glanced off to the side. “Women are the fairer sex, my butt. They’re bigger perverts than guys when the mood suits them.”

Eris whined in mock hurt before her voice grinned. “Thanks to the fragment, I can talk with Julia, and she’s allowing me to give you an explanation.” She trailed off, humming to herself. “At any rate, you are the Spirit of Order. The change you underwent is natural. Once you leave that reality, you’ll return to your normal, handsome, girthy self.”

“Rectify the situation, Peter. You’re on your own for now,” Julia interjected before all extra voices in the young man’s skull exited completely. “You’ll have to obtain more information on your own. Best of luck.”

Exhaling, Peter finally stood upright stretching his limbs high overhead. “Good luck, huh? This shouldn’t be too bad.” The young man folded his glasses before placing them within a case and sliding it into his pocket. “Let’s see how life for this Peter Parker goes!” Sadly, the very second he walked within the halls of Canterlot High, a row of students were waiting. Faster than Peter could react, he was scooped up and carried outside before being hurled headfirst into the nearest dumpster. Once everyone carried on, heading back inside, Peter peeked his head out and sighed. “Now I remember why I hated school so much. Kids are so insensitive.”

“Wow. Three seconds into the door, and you’re already tossed into the trash,” a girl’s voice declared from below, earning the young man’s attention. Peter blinked as he caught sight of an oddly familiar sight. A girl with large violet irises and silver-blue hair stared at him with an arched brow, her skin a bright shade of blue. With a trademark gold and violet star pin in her hair, Peter instantly recognized the girl. Fortunately, Peter climbed out with little difficulty, brushing himself off. The girl brushed off the remnants of unwanted residue from his clothes before reaching out, placing her hands over his shoulders before smiling with an arched brow. “As the saying goes, one girl’s trash is another girl’s treasure.”

“Trixie?” Peter lightly questioned, shaking his head. “How long have you been here?”

Trixie waved her hand dismissively. “Since this morning. That’s an unusually silly question, even for you.” She paused, furrowing her brow as she eyed the boy closely. “Wait. Did you lose your glasses again?”

Slow to respond, Peter stared at the girl for what seemed like eons before clearing his throat. “Oh, right. Yeah. This morning. I must’ve hit my head on the way to the trash.” The young man scratched the back of his head. “This isn’t my Trixie but this reality’s Trixie. Who would’ve thought she’d have my back here, too? It’s funny. As big as the multiverse is, it’s surprisingly small.” Peter shook his head, noticing the girl’s narrowed gaze, and he stammered about, pointing a finger at his face. “I’m trying a new look! Got some contacts. What do you think?”

Playfully pushing the young man, Trixie huffed. “It won’t help your reputation, but I’d say it’s a definite improvement over those cumbersome bifocals you call glasses.” The girl inhaled deeply, pursing her lips. She stared intently at him, never averting her gaze. “You know. Something feels really off about you today. Are you okay?”

“I feel like I’m in a recurring nightmare, but that’s nothing new,” Peter blankly declared, exhaling as he gazed at the backpack in his grasp. As if his answer was satisfactory, Trixie simply shrugged and nodded. Pausing, Peter arched a brow. “I need an exposition dump. How long have we been friends?”

Trixie reached out, plucking the center of Peter’s forehead with two fingers with a surprisingly loud pop. “You’re quite insensitive today, too. We’ve been best friends since preschool. We’re neighbors and practically joined at the hip, or have you already forgotten that, too?” A group of students passed by the pair, with one girl tossing a crumpled piece of paper at Peter’s head while another did the same to Trixie. Once they were out of hearing range, Trixie exhaled. “And as always, we’re also at the bottom of the social totem pole. In spite of my greatness, I’m hardly recognized as such.”

“Girls have better memories than guys. It’s a fact. We just need reminders every now and then,” Peter loosely suggested, earning another content nod from the girl. His eyes softened. “She still has the same confidence as my Trixie. Narcissism can’t be that far off.” He turned around, glancing at his surrounding. “Besides, I know you’re great. That’s all that matters.”

Trixie’s eyes widened at the comment before she managed a smile. “As plucky as you are, you’re still sweet. I suppose that’s why I tolerate you.” She patted the back of her hand against the young man’s chest, but she recoiled, gripping at her hand. Trixie blinked at the sight. “You don’t feel as wimpy as usual. You’re usually quite the noodle of a figure, but you feel really… solid today. What’s that about?”

“Pushups, vitamins, and plenty of juice,” Peter uttered dismissively, readying himself to walk away. However, Trixie grabbed his arm before he could venture too far. “What now?”

Exhaling, Trixie pointed at the clock high above their heads. “You’re going the wrong way, dingus. We have to go to class.”

A sense of dread came over Peter, but he simply sighed before shrugging. “First period. Right. What would that be by chance?”


The nightmare continued as Peter was escorted to the school’s gymnasium. After awkward introductions and a brief change of attire, everyone walked onto the basketball court. Peter wore a simple tank top and gym shorts, dreading the ideas of what were to come. Sadly, gym class started with a tradition that bore harsh memories for the young man. Several of the school’s jocks and even some of the athletic girls reveled in glee once the coaches brought out an array of crimson balls. The students were aligned on two teams, standing across from each other, and to no one’s surprise, the power scaling was lopsided, with the aforementioned jocks and athletes lined up against those lesser in size and skill.

“Dooooodge-baaaaaaall!” the coach screamed at the top of his lungs before blowing feverishly into his whistle.

Everybody immediately scattered, like sharks that smelled blood in the water. Peter stood still, watching as his fellow teammates were taken out one-by-one. One girl was struck squarely in the back by a ball, carrying her momentum into a roll, and the second-to-last tried to catch one of the incoming round objects, only for it to strike his forehead. As quickly as the game began, it was nearly over, with Peter being the lone surviving member of his team. He lifted his widened gaze, eyeing every member of the opposing still intact and with dodgeballs in their possessions respectively.

“Look, guys! It’s our lucky day! We saved Puny Parker for last!” one exclaimed, spinning his ball over a finger.

Another grinned mischievously, squeezing the ball in her grasp with both hands. “Stand still! We’ll be gentle!”

Peter grimaced. “I somehow doubt that.”

The first three students hurled their balls at blinding speed simultaneously, but Peter nonchalantly sidestepped the assault. The group blinked at the sight, prompting the young man to stammer about forcefully. The entire team grabbed their balls this time, with each taking turns hurling their items in rapid succession. However, like before, Peter swayed his body accordingly to each ball. Once the assault ceased momentarily, he let out a relieved sigh. Unfortunately, upon glancing to the side, he spotted several bewildered gazes locked onto him.

“Oh, great. I’m already making a scene,” he thought, pausing as his Spider Sense chimed.

The whole world slowed as the leader of the group hurled his ball with all of his might. Peter watched as the ball slowly soared through the air with a widened gaze. To the world around him, it resembled a fast, round bullet, while to Peter himself, it practically resembled an airborne turtle slothing its way toward him. Letting out a defeated sigh, he simply ignored his sixth sense and allowed the blow to finish him, albeit slowly.

Peter only begged that it’d be swift and painless. To no surprise, there was no such luck. The ball collided into his cheek with a ‘slap’ potent enough to echo throughout the entire gymnasium, and the force of the blow knocked his head back until he landed on his shoulders. As if all was right in the world at witnessing the death of a plucky nerd, the group celebrated their victory and walked by the young man’s corpse.

Peter grumbled under his breath as he blankly stared at the ceiling. “Today's youth. Savages.”

Trixie made her way to Peter’s side, offering her open hand to him. “Sole survivor? You did great today, and I’ll give you credit. It’s not often that I see someone eat a dodgeball at that velocity.”

Peter accepted the gesture, allowing the young girl to help him back to an upright position. “Just don’t ask me to do that often.” The pair made their way to the bleachers before taking a seat. Trixie retrieved a cold cloth, holding it over the welt forming on the young man’s cheek. Peter blinked and stared intently at the auditorium, furrowing his brow. “That's weird. I can sense the fragment, but I can’t pinpoint its location. I wonder if there’s too many people in one location or a disturbance. I can’t waste too much time wandering around.” He glanced to the side once Trixie removed the cloth. “Hey, Trixie. Has anything weird happened lately, by any chance?”

Trixie rolled her eyes, poking Peter’s cheek’s with a finger. “The weirdest thing I can recall lately is you. Ever since that spider bite, you’ve acted a bit differently than usual. Come today, you’re practically unrecognizable.”

Smirking, Peter chuckled under his breath. “Oh, sure. I’m bitten by a spider and get super powers as a result. Plus, I’m not actually the Peter you know. I’m a Peter Parker from a different reality off on a journey to save the multiverse and find my friends.” He arched a brow at the girl. “Does that sound like an answer you wanted?”

Trixie stared blankly at Peter, exhaling harshly. “Stop acting coy, you imbecile. I’m the sarcastic one between us.” She retrieved a brush from her backpack, combing it through her hair dismissively. “Fine. Joke if you want, but something’s different about you. I’ll find out what it is eventually.” Trixie caught something from the corner of her eye, evident by her widened gaze. She let out a low sigh. “Oh, goodie. Look at who just entered the gymnasium, and she’s actually in uniform today. It’s seems everyone is acting a bit differently.”

Peter turned his head in Trixie’s direction, spotting a lavender sight, and his eyes grew as wide as saucers at the familiar sight. She bore a very slim figure, holding a timid expression. A pair of large glasses were placed over her violet irises, and her long violet hair with a purple and pink streak in the middle was pulled back into a ponytail, still reaching her lower back. In a strange sense of irony, she wore a belt that bore a pink star emblem reminiscent to another’s cutie mark of another reality along with a star-patterned designed etched across her dark violet shorts. She hesitantly entered the gymnasium, holding her hands together over her chest nervously.

“Twilight!” Peter uttered, inhaling sharply.

Trixie rolled her eyes and shrug. “Of course you remember her but completely forget me. You have such a one-track mind.”

Peter felt the temperature in his face rise, but he shook his head, clearing his thoughts. “She’s… very pretty.”

“Yes, and grass is green,” Trixie dryly retorted, leaning back into her seat. “Ever since she transferred here last semester from Crystal Prep, you’ve practically been gawking over her every single day, like a dog over a bone. I still don’t understand why you don’t just go talk to her.” Trixie huffed under her breath. “Take it from me. A girl likes a guy that’s willing to approach her. You stay in the background, and she’ll never notice you.”

Peter arched a brow at the girl. “Is that a fact?”

Nodding, Trixie continued to brush her silver blue hair. “Have I ever steered you wrong before?”

“Is water wet?” Peter questioned, earning a blank stare from the girl.

Trixie exhaled, shrugging momentarily. “You really are being far more coy than usual. I can’t say that I like it.”

Peter returned his gaze towards Twilight, eyeing her figure with a warm gaze. “So, the gym shorts are a rare sight, huh? She’s fills them out pretty well. And those glasses. They really add to her cuteness. She’s that dork that really captures the heart.” The young man rested her chin over the palm of her hand as he eyed her slim yet long legs. “Nice socks.”

A girl passed by the pair, scoffing in disgust. “You’re such a loser.”

Blinking, Peter held out his hands in a surprised fashion once the girl walked away. “I’m surrounded by savages. What happened to the kindness around here?”

Trixie waved her hand dismissively. “You and Twilight may have the highest grades in the school, but she has a certain charisma that you sorely lack.”

“Let me guess. I’m the smart and shy guy that nobody likes, and you’re the egomaniac that gets on everyone’s nerves?” he whispered, folding his arms.

“I’d prefer the term ‘confident beauty that nobody but one idiot seems to understand’,” Trixie retorted in a haughty tone, causing the young man to shrug in a hapless manner. After an awkward moment of silence, she glanced to the side and arched a brow at a sight. “My point stands. You really should try to approach Twilight. If not, you’ll miss out on your opportunity. I see a pair of fine gentlemen are trying to earn her attention already.”

Peter’s eyes widened, sharpening into an icy glare at the comment. “What?!”

Just as the young man shifted his gaze, someone approached Twilight. He wore a dark jade skull cap, concealing most of his bright green hair, and his skin tone was a fair tan. With his athletic figure, camp shorts, and bright smile, it was easy to assume he was popular among the masses with his nature outlook. Twilight also seemed to have been captivated by his charms, evident by her flushed features. Just that sight alone sent Peter into an upheaval, with the young man pulling at his unkempt hair.

However, the situation only worsened before it could improve. Suddenly, another male approached Twilight. He wore a black jacket and simple jeans. His bright blue, spiky hair matched his irises, and he had a smile that could rival any rockstar. Fittingly, the blue-eyed wonder carried a guitar around his back, and his fair skin was silky smooth, enough to make any girl drool in ecstasy. Much like the first guy, Twilight blushed in his presence, further adding to Peter’s misery.

As if sensing his utter fall from grace, Trixie arched a brow at Peter. “Are you okay? You’re suddenly pale as a ghost. You can’t be surprised. Flash is one of the most popular guys in the school.” She paused, furrowing her brow after a thought. “In regards to Timber, he’s already graduated. I hear he’s just passing through town before he heads out of state for good. Something about a grand hike.”

“A dude-bro and a jock... all while my wife is gushing over both of them,” Peter murmured under his breath as his complexion paled further.

Trixie furrowed her brow at his inaudible response. “What’d you say?”

Groaning inwardly, Peter stood abruptly. “Nothing. I need some air.” The young man rushed out of the gymnasium, passing by everyone in his path. Eventually, Peter made it outside and reached an alleyway, placing one hand against the wall for support as he lowered into a slouched stance. “Okay. I swear that God has a twisted sense of humor. I don’t know anything about that Timber guy, but that guy with the blue hair reminds me of Flash Sentry. I know that stupid, spiky haircut anywhere! Of all the guys my wife had to have a crush on, it’s a Flash! I think that guy is even wearing the same jacket Flash Thompson used to wear!” With a low sigh, Peter placed a hand over his forehead. “I’ve barely been here a couple of hours, and I already hate this reality!”

“I thought that was you earlier, but I had to be sure,” a female’s voice declared from nearby. Peter’s eyes widened as he glanced around aimlessly, failing to locate the source. Suddenly, a tiny dog emerged from behind the nearest dumpster, bearing a familiar light blue fur coat with diamond-shaped spots scattered about its form. Strangely enough, the dog had large floppy, snow-white ears, orange irises, and dark blue hints of fur that resembled scales of some sort. Peter eyed the dog’s collar, specifically it’s ruby design before the realization struck his mind like lightning would to a rod. The dog nodded feverishly, smiling. “Peter! It’s me! Ember!”

Slow to respond, Peter stared at the toy-sized dog for what seemed like ages. Like pouring water through a weakening dam, the young man stifled his growing laughter with gritted teeth, but his resolve diminished before he burst into wild guffaws. Ember waited for Peter’s laughter to cease with an exasperated glare. Sadly, it never did before Peter lifted her tiny frame with both hands gently.

“Oh, my God! You are literally the most adorable thing ever!” Peter grinned, holding Ember inches away from his face. He took in winded breaths, attempting to recollect his senses, but it proved futile upon noticing the dog’s unamused expression, laughing more uproariously than he already had. “I knew you were loyal, Ember, but I had no idea you were ‘man’s best friend’ kind of loyal! Looks like I was right to make you my second-in-command! Oh, tell me! Do you do any tricks? How about sit? Or heel? Roll over!”

Ember growled. “I am the Lord of Dragons! Treat me with respect!”

“I’m so going to keep you, but I’d better make sure you’re housetrained first! Haha!” Peter laughed, causing the dog to exhale harshly.

Eventually, Peter’s laughter subsided, much to Ember’s relief. “If you’re finished, we need to talk someplace private. It’s about the fragment.”

Unfortunately, just as Peter readied himself to respond, something tapped a can behind their position. “I suggest you listen to the talking dog,” Trixie firmly stated, folding her arms across her chest, “and I think it’s time you told me who you really are.”

Sharing a defeated glance with Ember, Peter could only let out a low sigh. “Ah, applesauce...”

To be continued...