• Published 5th Mar 2017
  • 4,620 Views, 299 Comments

What If? - Equestrian Avengers: Shattered Dimensions - Maximus_Reborn

Starlight Glimmer unleashes the power of the Tablet of Order and Chaos, and it's up to the Equestrian Avengers to save the very fabric of time and space.

  • ...

I Was a Teenage Parker, Part II

Chapter Five “I Was a Teenage Parker, Part II”

To say Peter’s journey into this reality was not off to a grand start would’ve been an understatement. Although he’d located Ember, it seemed his secret was already discovered by this reality’s Trixie. They had retreated to his home for a full debriefing, fortunate that Aunt May was away running errands. After hearing a considerable amount of information from both Peter and the talking dog, Trixie eased into her seat.

“So, let me make sure I got this right. You’re not the Peter Parker that I know, but instead, you’re from a different reality taking his place temporarily?” she hesitantly questioned, holding a hand over her forehead. Inhaling deeply before exhaling, Trixie stole a glance at the small dog sitting on Peter’s shoulder. “And you’re actually a dragon from that reality who was transformed into a dog?” Once both Peter and Ember nodded, Trixie shook her head and sighed. “Quite frankly, I feel like I’ve finally lost it and gone insane.”

Ember raised a paw objectively. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but it’s the truth. All of this happened because a powerful relic called the Tablet of Order and Chaos was shattered, and it disrupted the very fabric of time and space.” The dog nodded, furrowing her brow. “We’re working to retrieve the fragments. Once that’s done, we’ll be on our way, and your Peter will be returned to this reality.”

Slow to respond, Trixie furrowed her brow. “Okay. As much as the talking dog should be enough, I believe I need further proof.” She arched a brow. “You’re different from the Peter I know, but just how different are you? Show me.”

Peter scratched the back of his head, as if contemplating his actions. There was much to say, but Trixie made a good point in suggesting that his actions would’ve spoken louder than words. Placing Ember down on the floor, the young man walked up to the nearest wall before scaling it. Trixie dropped her cup of tea, holding a slack-jawed expression once Peter reached the ceiling like a living, human spider.

“Wha-- I mean, huh?!” Trixie blurted out, her mind racing faster than her mouth could process.

Peter flipped from the ceiling, landing gracefully on his feet mere inches away from the girl. “Yeah. In my reality, I’m known as the Spider-Man. I can cling to almost any surface, possess strength and flexibility proportionate to that of a spider, a sixth sense for danger, and greatly enhanced reflexes. Ironically, your Peter already possesses the same abilities, too.”

Trixie blinked, her eyes remaining wide. “What?! How? Since when?”

Placing a hand over the girl’s shoulder, Peter grinned. “You said it yourself. I’ve been acting weird lately, right? You know Sunset Shimmer? When she entered this world through a magical portal, she brought magic into this reality. Turns out, a spider was close to the portal, and it ended up biting your Peter, giving him super abilities.”

“He told me about the spider bite, but never told me anything about that.” Trixie glanced to the side, her eyes softening. “Why didn’t he tell me?"

Ember frowned. “If I had to guess, he’s still trying to figure things out. A body going through that type of change overnight, and it’ll fill anybody with a lot of questions. Besides, would you have even believed him?”

“A magical spider bit me, and I now have super powers! Yeah. That sounds legit,” Peter chuckled, folding his arms.

Ember huffed under her breath, smirking. "When you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous."

Trixie blinked, shifting her furrowed gaze to Peter. “As far as your powers go, what’s the main difference between you two?”

Peter raised a finger. “Your Peter was bitten by a magical spider. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. My origin doesn’t sound nearly as silly.”

Exhaling, Trixie shook her head before whimpering under her breath. “Even so, both sound equally implausible. I think I need a minute to process this.”

“Oh. And please don’t tell anyone about all this,” Peter lightly whispered, taking a seat next to the girl. “We’re taking a big risk by telling you everything. If this gets out, it can really ruin your Peter’s life.”

Trixie scoffed harshly. “As if anyone would believe me anyway. If anything, I’m just upset that idiot didn’t talk to me about it sooner.” She glanced to the side, spotting Peter’s softened, hazel gaze. Letting out a defeated sigh, Trixie shrugged in a hapless manner. “Fine. I won’t say anything. Just stop giving me that look. He knows I can’t say no to that face and those doughy, puppy dog eyes.”

Ember managed a smile. “We really appreciate this, Trixie. My instincts tell me you’re immensely trustworthy.”

Waving a hand dismissively, Trixie forced herself to a standing position and leaned over the nearest counter for support. “So, you’re looking for a fragment from this Tablet, right?”

Peter nodded. “Yeah. Whoever is in possession of one can get powers beyond measure. Has anything weird happened lately? Is there anyone you think might’ve gotten it?” He paused, tapping a finger against the side of his head. “My Spider Sense can track a fragment, but I can’t seem to pinpoint it here. I could use a hint or something.”

Trixie tapped a finger against her chin repeatedly as she shifted her gaze skyward. “Right off, nothing really sticks. As far as I know, you two are honestly the strangest things to happen lately.” However, her eyes widened at a realization. “Wait. There is one thing that’s been a little off. It’s the Crystal Prep’s principal. She’s been hanging around the school a lot lately.”

That’s weird?” Ember questioned, tilting her head to the side. “There shouldn’t be anything unusual about a principal visiting a different school.”

Trixie shook her head. “Yes. But it’s very weird for Principal Abacus Cinch of Crystal Prep. She thinks Canterlot High is an inferior school compared to her’s, and wants the status quo to remain the same. She’s a firm believer in the notion of actual skill over popularity.” She brushed a hand through her silver-blue hair. “Twilight used to be a student of hers. After a… crazy incident last semester, she transferred over to Canterlot High. I imagine Cinch hasn’t taken that too well.”

Ember arched a brow. “Why?”

“Twilight was Crystal Prep’s top student, a regular prodigy. The only person with better grades than her is Peter,” Trixie muttered, placing her hands over her thighs. “Twilight was a bit of a hermit and a pushover. She still is, really, but she’s coming around and slowly opening up. Twilight was closer to Dean Cadance than anybody else. After an incident at the Friendship Games, Twilight chose to change her original plans from going to an independent study program and chose to instead transfer to Canterlot High.”

Peter furrowed his brow. “Let me guess. Was it so she could study and understand friendship?”

Trixie’s eyes widened at the comment before she nodded in response. “Actually, yeah. Sunset Shimmer and her colorful crew of friends are helping Twilight with that.”

Chuckling under his breath, Peter nodded inwardly. “This reality has more in common with mine than I thought.”

Trixie trailed off, closing her eyes. “Anyway, Dean Cadance ensured that the transfer went through, but I imagine Principal Cinch probably still holds a grudge. Sunset and her friends caused Cinch’s prized student and five other of her own prized students to turn traitor, even though they remained at Crystal Prep afterward. That’s perfect motivation for revenge, if I do say so myself.”

Peter nodded. “Okay. So it sounds like Principal Cinch and Twilight are our only leads.” The young man stood from his seat. “Let’s head back to the school. Maybe we can get some answers.” He slid Ember into the confines of his backpack, leaving an opening so she could free her head from inside. Before long, Peter offered the bag to Trixie. “You two keep an eye out for Cinch. I’ll go talk to Twilight. Any idea where she’ll be right now?”

Slow to respond, Trixie glanced at the clock across the room which read 11:05 A.M. “It’s third period right now, so Twilight has a free class. She usually likes to go where it’s quiet.”

“A free class, huh? All right. That’s all I need. If this Twi is anything like I think, I know exactly where she’s going,” Peter declared, managing a small smile. “We’ll meet back in front of the gym by one o’clock.” The young man trailed off, narrowing his gaze. “You know, I just thought about it. I’ll need my costume in case things go south. If I go as myself, everyone will assume it’s your Peter, and he’ll never have a moment’s peace afterward.”

Ember nodded. “Good idea. Can you just bring it up like always?”

“Magic doesn’t really exist in this world, and I can’t really use it without Dream,” Peter groaned, folding his arms. Slowly yet surely, a realization came to mind, and the young man’s eyes widened afterward. “Hold on. Trixie, is Peter’s Uncle Ben still alive?”

Trixie blinked, shaking her head. “Unfortunately, no. He was gunned down by an armed mugger a few weeks ago. Why?”

Faster than anyone could react, Peter ran to the back of the complex until he entered a small room. The young man opened the closet, shaking his head upon seeing nothing of particular interest. Trixie soon entered the room afterward with an arched brow, eyeing the scenery as the alternate version of her childhood friend searched around the room. Pausing, Peter hummed to himself before lifting his gaze, spotting a string concealed within the ceiling. He pulled the thread, causing a secret compartment to open up, and a costume fell to the floor, landing at his feet. Ember climbed onto the bed and narrowed her gaze as the young man removed his clothing.

Trixie cursed under her breath, groaning while she shielded her eyes with a hand. “A little warning would be nice the next time.”

Peter paused as he slid the tights over his body. “You don’t seem surprised. Most girls react a lot stronger to a naked dude.”

“Probably, but Peter and I have known each other our entire lives. It wouldn’t at all be the first time I’ve seen him naked. His Aunt and my mother made us take baths together as children,” Trixie muttered, shaking her head at the memories stored in her mind. “Seeing him naked is no different than me looking into a mirror. Doesn't that unnerve you?”

Peter simply shrugged at the girl’s statement, ignoring her blank gaze. “Not really. In my reality, Trixie’s my best friend and like a big sister to me. We’ve seen each other naked enough times to not really react. I think we’re too close to really react. It’s not a bad thing.”

Trixie smiled. “Maybe you aren’t all that different, after all.” She peeked up after a duration, inhaling sharply. A red and blue costume hugged Peter’s slim yet athletic figure tightly, bearing a spider insignia at the center of his chest. The pits under his arms were comprised of webbing, shaped as makeshift wings. Trixie blinked at the sight. “Peter… had that stowed away?”

Peter hesitantly nodded. “I can’t say the exact details, but your Peter probably feels like his Uncle Ben’s death was his fault. The reason he’s been acting unusual lately is because he’s debating on how to go about redeeming himself. This costume and his powers are a representation of that.” He paused, letting out a low sigh. “With great power…”

“Comes great responsibility. Yeah, yeah,” Trixie gently interjected, waving a hand dismissively and earning an affirming nod from the young man. She walked to the other side of the room. “He’s been muttering that to himself a lot lately. I guess it all makes sense now.” She lowered her head, managing a smile before sharply pointing a finger at Peter. “All right. You can wear that tacky thing you call a costume for now, but don’t get it destroyed before I can give Peter a better sense of fashion direction. I’m so not letting this one go.”

A confident smile formed on Peter’s face as he gripped his mask tightly. “You got it. This Spider’s going old-school.”


Meanwhile, deep within the reaches of the library, Twilight sat in the middle of the room. Her hands trembled involuntarily as she gripped her book with unease. She scrolled through the walls of text, but her mind couldn’t rid the images from her consciousness. Her ex-principal had requested an impromptu meeting of sorts. Sadly, it didn’t go as well as imagined.


“What is that?” Twilight questioned, tilting her head to the side.

Principal Cinch held out a small fragment, gripping it soundly. “I stumbled upon this item in a crater along the outskirts of Crystal Prep. I’m not certain what this fragment is exactly, but it distorts everything around it.” She eyed the stone carefully, smiling. “It’s clearly of magical origin. I would like you to create a special kind of technology and examine it, and if possible, amplify its effects. We must see what this fragment is capable of.”

Twilight’s complexion paled at the woman’s words. “With all due respect, Ms. Cinch, I’d rather not. After the last incident, I never want to lose my mind and body to magic again. I didn’t understand the principles of magic and its combination with the technology I developed. I’d rather not risk another incident.”

“I can understand why you’re hesitant, but think of the breakthroughs we can accomplish!” Principal Cinch exclaimed, a dark glint flashing across her eyes. She placed a hand over Twilight’s shoulder, edging closer until their cheeks were inches apart. “I still haven’t forgiven you for your betrayal, but this is a perfect way to make amends for your mistakes. Join my cause, and I’ll see to it that you’re reinstated at Crystal Prep!

Shaking her head, Twilight gripped her books soundly and hastily walked past the woman. “I-I’m sorry, Ms. Cinch. But I can’t. I actually like the students here. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

Faster than she could react, Cinch reached out and snatched Twilight’s arm. “You would say no to me again?!”

“Let me go!” Twilight reactively pulled her arm away and nodded feverishly. “Of course I would! You never cared about us! You only cared about the status quo! And I’ll never work for someone as cruel as you!”


Inhaling deeply before sighing, Twilight rubbed a hand over her pulsating forehead. “What am I going to do?”

“Ah, so this is where you were,” a soft voice whispered from behind, causing the girl to let out a surprised squeak. That same second, a hand fell over her mouth before the sound could travel throughout the library. Peter lowered his head until the girl could see his face, and her demeanor lightened, evident by the relieved sigh she let out. The young man removed his hand and chuckled sheepishly, brushing the wrinkles out of his jacket and pants. “This is a library. We’re supposed to be quiet here. I didn’t mean to startle you. Mind if I take a seat?”

Slow to respond, Twilight peered up at the young man with a widened gaze, unaware that her glasses were hanging off of her face. “Oh, um. Yes. I’m sorry! I was… just deep in thought. Sure. G-go ahead.”

Peter arched a brow, pointing a finger at the side of his head. “You might want to…”

Twilight inhaled sharply, sheepishly straightening out her glasses as Peter took a seat across from her position. Once she was situated, the girl cleared her throat. “So, what can I do for you?” Blinking, Twilight tilted her head to the side and stared intently at Peter for what seemed like ages. “Oh. Brown eyes. I actually didn’t recognize you for a second. You’re Peter Parker!” She glanced to the side, unaware of the pink tint burning on her face. “I-I’m sorry. That was rude of me.”

Peter waved a hand dismissively. “It’s no problem. I understand, really. I hardly recognize myself, ever since I started wearing contacts.” He leaned over the table, smiling. “Anyway, it’s always easy to recognize you, Twilight. I’ve actually been wanting to talk to you for a while.”

“Really?” Twilight questioned, her expression lighting up before brushing a finger through a strand of her long hair. “S-so, what did you want to discuss?”

Peter smiled widely, nodding. “Let’s talk about you! This is the first time I’ve talked to you directly.” Holding a hand over his forehead, he chuckled nervously. “I’m just sorry that it took so long.”

Twilight straightened her glasses with a hand. “It’s okay. I’m just as much at fault. You see, I’ve always watched you from a distance and wanted to talk with you personally.” She blinked, closing her book before placing it down with a sheepish smile. “ Sorry. That sounded a little creepy. It’s just that you always seemed laser-focused on your studies. I guess, I was… too intimidated to talk to you.”

Peter’s eyes widened at the comment. “Really? Oh, no. That’s not the vibe I wanted to give. If anything, I’m just not good at talking with people. More often than not, I tend to confuse them, whether I’m discussing scientific theories or talking about spilled milk. As they say, the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.”

Smiling, Twilight chuckled and shared a nod. “I can actually understand that. I’ve spent so much of my life studying that social interactions are far harder for me to grasp easily. If not for my new friends, I’d be completely lost.”

“Same thing in my case,” Peter lightly retorted, grinning as he gestured a thumb over his shoulder. “You know that narcissist that I always hang around? She’s got a bit of an ego, but she’s a good person once you get to know her. She’s been pretty good to me. If not for her, I’d be a total hermit. Trixie’s actually been pushing for me to come talk to you sooner.”

Twilight tilted her head to the side slightly. “Did she convince you to be so… direct?”

Chuckling sheepishly, Peter shook his head. “Trixie’s methods are far more discreet than mine. So, this moment was all me. Is that a bad thing?”

The girl’s eyes widened at a realization as she raised her hands, waving them defensively. “N-no! Not at all! It's just that you’ve hardly said a word since I’ve come to this school. I’m just… pleasantly surprised,” she whispered, unaware of the pink tint glowing on her face.

Peter managed a smile before his eyes softened at a thought. “Truth be told, there’s another reason I was hesitant to talk with you.” Twilight’s eyes widened as Peter sobered, folding his arms slightly. “You’re very pretty, and everyone’s taken a shine to you. I saw you this morning talking with Flash and Timber. I thought something might’ve been going on.”

Twilight blushed immensely, shook her head and waved her hands defensively. “Really? I can promise you that nothing’s happening. I hardly even know Flash, let alone like him.”

Peter blinked lamely. “What? Then, what happened earlier?”

“Oh, during gym class? It’s embarrassing, really,” Twilight stammered, raising a finger objectively. “You see, Flash saw that I had my shirt inside out and merely pointed it out.”

As if a sense of relief had come over him, Peter felt a great weight lift from his shoulders, evident by his elated yet embarrassed smile and chuckle. “Huh. Well, what do you know?” he sheepishly whispered, pausing once a realization came into mind. Not wanting fate to deal a fatal blow to his psyche and hope, Peter inhaled deeply and waited for the worst-case scenario. He glanced off to the side shamefully. “What about Timber? You seem a bit into him, not that I blame you.”

Slow to respond, Twilight furrowed her brow at the young man as if contemplating his words. “Timber is nice, and I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t handsome. Plus, I can admit that I’m quite attracted to his nature-loving side. I actually came really close to kissing him once.”

Like a knife cutting deep into an open wound, Peter winced at the girl’s words. “Oh, God. Jam the knife in and put me out of my misery already!”

However, her demeanor shifted, as if all humor had left her features. Her brow lowered in thought, giving the girl a studious expression. “It’s just… that’s all. There’s something missing. I can’t quite place it. If you want the truth, I think it’s something that you have that they don’t.”

“Yes!” Peter exclaimed, causing the librarian in the distance to glare in his direction. Twilight giggled innocently as the young man cleared his throat. Letting out a relieved sigh, Peter returned his gaze to the girl. “Lucky me, huh?”

Twilight nodded, instinctively twirling her hair with a finger. “So, you think I’m pretty?”

“Totally,” Peter lamely answered, before he warmly declared, “Actually, I think you’re beautiful.” Peter scratched the back of his head. “It’s one guy’s opinion, but I mean it.”

Twilight’s thoughts grew fuzzy as her cheeks glowed a bright pink tint, practically burning. “I… Oh… Thank you.” She fidgeted in placed, rubbing her hands together nervously, but her smile remained intact, widening. Twilight eventually glanced to the side. “You’re quite a puzzle. You’re silent one second, and now, you’re a chatterbox. Talking to you personally, it’s actually surprising that you have the highest grade point average out of the entire school.”

Peter smirked, nodding. “Let's just say I’m full of surprises.” Arching a brow, the young man edged his seat closer to Twilight. Surprisingly, she didn’t seem to mind, evident by her knowing smile. Once they were side-by-side in their respective seats, Peter’s smile grew. “Stop me if you heard this one before. Two chemists walk into a bar. The first one says ‘I’ll have H2O.’ The second one says ‘I’ll have H2O, too’-- and he died!”

Meanwhile, behind the pair, Trixie sat out of sight with the backpack containing Ember. The girl exhaled, shaking her head in dismay. “Is he trying to scare her off? That joke was terrible! I don’t even get it.”

Suddenly, Twilight threw a hand over her mouth, stifling her laughter before releasing a high-pitched giggle. “I get it! H2O is the molecular form of water, but H2O2 is the molecular form for hydrogen peroxide, which is lethal to drink!” The librarian in the distance arched a brow, prompting the girl to cease her laughter, but it proved difficult, apparent by her stifled giggles. “Simple, yet genius.”

“You’re the only one who gets that joke. That one usually flies over everyone’s heads,” Peter chuckled, edging closer while holding a hand over the side of his mouth. “I’ve got another. Why can you never trust atoms? They make up everything!”

Twilight inhaled sharply in a quick attempt to catch her laughter, but it was for naught, as the girl snorted involuntarily before bursting into a second fit of giggles. “Atoms are the smallest pieces of matter. They literally make up everything we see! I get it!”

As the row of jokes and laughter continued between Peter and Twilight, Trixie stared blankly at the sight. “I don’t know what I’m seeing. It feels like I’ve lost my sanity, and the whole world is sinking into chaos.”

Ember poked her head out of the backpack, smiling as she shared a glance with the girl. “I happen to see something quite special. Are you listening to Twilight Sparkle? That’s genuine laughter.” She arched a brow, nodding. “I believe it’s universal when I say that most females like a male that can make them laugh.”

Trixie huffed inwardly, staring intently at the pair before her demeanor lightened. “I think Twilight can laugh because she’s comfortable. I’ve never seen her so relaxed around anyone before. She usually fidgets about, but with Peter, she’s acting perfectly… normal.” The girl paused, folding her arms. The corner of her lips curled into a smile after a duration. “I’ve never thought I’d see Peter come out of his shell. Granted, it’s not the same Peter, but I can be practical in understanding the circumstance.” She lowered her gaze, meeting Ember’s once more. “I’ve heard Peter muttering something. So, what’s his history with Twilight in your reality?”

“Twilight Sparkle is a princess in our reality and co-ruler of our land. She’s also married to Peter, and they’ve been together for well over twenty years now,” Ember stated, causing Trixie’s eyes to widen. They watched as the pair continued to laugh, making light yet engaging conversation with each other. Ember turned back to Trixie with a nod. “This Twilight isn’t that different from his own. He’s a kid again, seeing the girl of his dreams in her young days. There’s nostalgia there, and it shows that their love is eternal.”

Trixie rolled her eyes dismissively. “Sounds romantic, I suppose.” Peter stretched his arms high overhead, feigning a yawn before sliding one arm over the girl’s shoulder. Twilight inhaled sharply, glancing at the arm, but she yielded to the warmth exuding from the young man, leaning into his side. Peter peered down, holding a warm smile, and Twilight returned his gaze, giggling contently. Trixie simply nodded afterward, smirking. “Okay. Now, that’s surprisingly smooth. I never thought he had that in him.”

Ember chuckled under her breath. “Don’t underestimate him. While this Peter may not be of this world, I imagine yours isn’t all that different deep down. He’s brighter than one would think.” Peter paused, glancing at Trixie and Ember from the corner of his eye. He coyly gave the pair a wink before returning his gaze to Twilight. Ember simply nodded. “Crafty. I think he’s doing this for your Peter.”

Slow to respond, Trixie furrowed her brow before chuckling under her breath with a smile. “Sometimes, we just need a little push. I just hope that my Peter doesn’t somehow screw it up.”

Meanwhile, Peter and Twilight subsided in their conjoined laughter, much to the librarian’s relief. The young man peeked down at the girl, grinning at her smile. “There you go. You’re much prettier when you smile.”

Pausing, Twilight managed a smile as her cheeks bloomed. “T-Thank you. You keep surprising me. You’re very sweet.”

“It’s a talent,” Peter chuckled, sobering as a stern yet gentle expression surfaced on his face. “What’s up? When I first walked in here, you looked troubled. Did you want to talk about it?”

Twilight inhaled deeply before sighing, glancing to the side. “It’s nothing. My old principal came back earlier today.”

“Principal Cinch?” Peter questioned, earning a small nod from the girl.

Rubbing her hands together nervously, Twilight managed to meet Peter’s concerned gaze. “She was up to her usual ways. Ms. Cinch wanted to recruit me back to Crystal Prep and study a fragment, but I--”

“Did you say a fragment?!” Peter blurted out as he abruptly stood from his seat, causing the girl to stop in her tracks. “It had some kind of power, didn’t it?”

Twilight blinked, managing a nod. “Yes, but I didn’t want to help Ms. Cinch. I’ve had one incident already, and I really don’t want history to repeat itself.”

Peter edged closer to the girl until their faces were inches apart. “Twilight. Where is Principal Cinch? We have to stop her from using that fragment at all costs!”

“You know what it is?” Twilight questioned, never averting her gaze from Peter’s.

Nodding, Peter frowned. “Yeah. It’s a fragment from an artifact known as the Tablet of Order and Chaos. Anyone who holds a fragment will gain powers beyond their imagination, but it’s unstable and could cause some serious destruction.”

Twilight glanced to the side. “Is… that why she wanted me to test it?”

“That doesn’t matter,” Peter firmly declared, shaking his head before reaching out and gently taking hold of the girl’s hand. With a soft yet firm squeeze, his eyes softened into a pleading gaze. “Please, Twilight. You have to tell me where Principal Cinch is. We can’t let her use the fragment.”

Twilight inhaled sharply. “There’s just something in your voice. You’re talking as if we’ve known each other for years, and yet… a part of me feels as if we do. I can’t understand you,” she whispered, pausing before finally squeezing Peter’s hand in return. Twilight eventually sighed before smiling. “I may not understand you completely, but I feel like I can trust you with my life. That’s more than enough. I’ll take you right to her.”


Principal Cinch sat in a private office within Canterlot High as her gaze morphed into a venomous glare. “Such wasted potential.” Her fingers bore into the fragment before some of its energies bore into her body. A bright yellow light illuminated from her irises in a flash. “I’ll return glory to Crystal Prep myself! Sunny Flare! Indigo Zap! Lemon Zest! Sugarcoat! Sour Sweet!” Tremors coursed through the halls of Canterlot while her body levitated from the ground. Cinch cackled wildly as electrical current crackled across the vicinity. Suddenly, five girls morphed into existence, each folding their arms and glaring intently. Cinch sharply pointed a finger forward. “Start by destroying Canterlot High!”

To be continued...