• Published 5th Mar 2017
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What If? - Equestrian Avengers: Shattered Dimensions - Maximus_Reborn

Starlight Glimmer unleashes the power of the Tablet of Order and Chaos, and it's up to the Equestrian Avengers to save the very fabric of time and space.

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Two Sides of the Same Coin, Part II

Chapter Thirteen “Two Sides of the Same Coin, Part II”

Several minutes had passed since the pair of outworlders entered the throne room. They regaled the alternate Celestia elaborate tales of her former star pupil, with each pony highlighting a particular fond moment they had shared with the Twilight they knew. Trixie sat underneath the throne room’s central chair after removing her dress, on a stair to be exact, and Peter took the time to change into his uniform, squeezing into the pair of black and white tights. Celestia fell into a trance, yielding to the building sorrow and admiration welling up in her heart. Yet she listened with a smile, relishing each of the memories being shared with her so freely. Clearing her throat, the alicorn nodded before allowing her chin to rest on an upturned forehoof.

Trixie folded her hooves, humming. “These two found a way to have a child under… unusual circumstances, but they managed to stay together, getting married a few months later.”

Celestia’s smile widened before she shared a glance with the stallion after he finished changing into his uniform. “You said that you two have three children together? What are their names? What are they like?”

Peter brushed his hooves over his uniform several times, chuckling. “Yeah. Mayday is our first child. She’s a pegasus, twenty-four now and just finished college.” Once situated the stallion retook his seat next to Trixie on the stairs. “Mayday’s very intelligent, definitely smarter than her mother and I were at her age. We had to homeschool her seeing as she was too far ahead of the other kids her age. She’s the Avengers’ tech specialist. That girl’s got a sweet side, but a prickly one as well. She’d rather focus on her gadgets and studies before interacting with anypony around her.”

Celestia snorted involuntarily, holding a hoof over her mouth in a vain attempt to stifle her laughter. “The apple truly doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Trixie crossed her legs, leaning back in her seat. “Fortunately, Peter can reach Mayday’s emotional and feminine side. Otherwise it’s a moot point for that mare. She holds no interest in emotional connections with other ponies.” The mare waved a hoof dismissively. “Luckily, his son Ben isn’t quite as emotionally unresponsive. He’s kind to those around him, but he’s very reclusive, as he keeps to his own space. In a couple of years, Ben will graduate from high school. He’s attending your school for Gifted Unicorns, actually.” Exhaling, Trixie rolled her eyes. “I remember how much of a devil that pony used to be as a baby. I oddly miss it at times, admittedly.”

Nodding, Peter grinned. “Gwen is our youngest child. She’s just turned four, and is the second naturally born alicorn in our world’s history.”

Celestia furrowed her brow. “An alicorn at birth? In my long life, I never thought I’d see such a thing.” The alicorn glanced to the side. “Shining Armor and Princess Cadance of my world gave birth to an alicorn a few years ago here. I was stunned, but life always finds a way.”

“Flurry Heart?” Peter questioned, causing the alicorn’s eyes to widen in response. Once Celestia nodded, the stallion chuckled under his breath. “In our reality, Shining and Cadance gave birth to a unicorn son a few months after Mayday was born. They had Flurry for nearly a year before Gwen came around.”

Shaking her head, Trixie huffed. “Those two are practically inseparable. They’re first cousins but act more like sisters. There’s so much positivity between them that it’s nearly impossible not to smile around them.”

“Children are beacons of innocence if raised right. I can tell Gwen and Flurry Heart’s bonds as family, and their boundless love for others, will only grow deeper with age.” Celestia grinned, nodding. Inhaling deeply before sighing, the alicorn sobered at a thought. “So Twilight was able to ascend to another alicorn in your world. It’s almost surreal to believe that she’s a princess, wife, and mother. I couldn’t be more proud of her. It seems like only yesterday that I sent her to Ponyville in order to learn about the importance of friendship.” The alicorn stood from her seat, walking to the nearest window, and as she stared at the grassy plains in the distance, a somber air came over her. “She had so much potential, but it seems her heart wasn’t ready for the task ahead.”

Peter furrowed his brow at the alicorn. “What happened to this world’s Twilight? She was still your student from what I can guess, but Sunset Shimmer was in her home at Ponyville.”

Trixie folded her hooves, frowning. “It’s quite troubling. Every time I asked about Twilight in Ponyville, nopony wanted to talk about it and quickly changed the subject. I even tried to consult with Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie about the matter.” She paused, raised a hoof objectively. “Yes. Pinkie Pie didn’t want to talk about it. I truly thought something was wrong with this reality when that happened.”

Slow to respond, Celestia’s eyes softened. “It’s still fresh in their minds. Twilight didn’t take the news well of you and my sister dating. She isolated herself from everypony, blaming us for what happened. Once I took Sunset Shimmer back under my tutelage, I suppose that was the last straw.” The alicorn turned to face the pair, retaking her seat before letting out a low sigh. “She didn’t understand. I was simply taking a student back with Sunset, not replacing her. Twilight just up and left Ponyville without a trace. We’ve continually searched for her, but she did an excellent job of covering her tracks. We were forced to move on. Sunset managed to bring her friends’ spirits back up once she moved into the Golden Oak Library, but I can tell they still think about Twilight to this day.”

Trixie let out a small sigh, shaking her head. “The multiverse can be a cruel and unfair place sometimes”

The stallion tilted his head to the side. “Golden Oak Library? You mean the Treebrary? I never used the real name. Treebrary was always our nickname for it.” Peter pulled himself to a standing position before walking to the alicorn, placing a hoof over her shoulder. “I’m sorry for your troubles. I can imagine that’s been rough.”

Celestia managed a smile, placing her hoof over the stallion’s own. “I appreciate that. Twilight made her choice, but I can’t help but feel that I didn’t do enough to keep her from straying to such a degree.”

“You can’t blame yourself.” Trixie gently claimed, narrowing her softened gaze on the alicorn. “I always stress this to Peter. As a guardian or parent, you can only do so much for your child. Even if you provide all the care, love, and instruction in the world, there’s always a chance they’ll find a way to rebel.” She brushed the wrinkles from her dress, scoffing. “It sounds like Twilight’s heart was broken for the first time, and she clearly took it horribly. Those types of emotions can be explosive, for better or for worse.”

Slow to respond, Celestia’s eyes widened at the comment but a content smile surfaced on her face. “Trixie Lulamoon. I believe you are a very integral piece of the puzzle. Are you still a traveling magician?”

Trixie nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

“Trixie still travels but her schedule’s light with about three to five shows a year. She’s usually at home with us,” Peter politely interjected, raising a hoof objectively.

Celestia hummed. “I see. You are quite humbled in comparison to your counterpart that resides here. You hold an air of maturity, and I can see you having an influence on those around you.”

Peter involuntarily snorted at the alicorn’s remark. “I’d never thought I’d hear the words ‘humble’ and ‘Trixie’ mixed together-- Ow!” The stallion cut off into a yelp as Trixie delivered a sharp kick to the back of his leg.

Grinning, Celestia nodded. “I mean it. Once Peter decided to move to Canterlot to be with my sister, Trixie left to resume her traveling magician career. I can safely assume that you two have kept Twilight grounded in your reality, but losing both of you pushed her over the edge in this one.” The alicorn smiled widely as her light violet gaze softened. “The bond you share is special. In spite of your quarrels I feel genuine love between you two, and Twilight does as well.”

Trixie glanced to the side, ignoring the blush quickly flaring up in her cheeks. “I wouldn’t call it love. I’m simply inclined to keep that idiot in check. Otherwise he’d just screw everything up.”

Peter blinked at the comment before waving a hoof dismissively, blushing as well. “Right.” He paused, tilting his head to the side after a brief duration. “Speaking of bonds, it seems like you and Peter are very close. If Trixie and Luna are my two best friends in my reality, does that mean Sunset and you are that for this reality’s Peter?”

Nodding, Celestia closed her eyes and smirked. “Your instincts are spot-on. That’s exactly the case. Sunset was a troubled mare with a chip on her shoulder. I had Peter escort her on a year-long pilgrimage around Equestria in order to learn the lessons of friendship and proper socialization.”

Trixie swallowed the lump in her throat down as her complexion paled. “Thank the heavens I wasn’t forced into such a thing. I may be a travelling magician, but having to deal with Peter’s idiocy on the road would have been unbearable.”

“Oh come on. I’m not that bad. I bet she was having the time of her life.” Peter smiled triumphantly.

“Don’t flatter yourself,” Trixie dryly said with a smirk. “She probably wanted to throw herself off a bridge by the third week.”

The alicorn cleared her throat, glancing to the side sheepishly. “To say your relationship was rocky at that point would be understatement. Sunset was initially quite abrasive, and you became very impulsive and impatient as a result of being around my sister for that much time. You two had many disagreements, but you eventually found common ground.” Celestia’s demeanor lightened, evident by her small smile. “You renewed her sense of trust and she became a much needed friend for you, seeing as you didn’t have many to begin with on a personal level. She was even the Best Mare at your wedding.”

Peter held a hoof over his mouth, arching a brow. “You know, a small part of me used to have a weakness for redheads. Maybe that’s where it came from for this Peter.” Shrugging, the stallion faced the alicorn. “What about you? How did you two get to be so close?”

“That’s easy. I’ve spent most of my life as the eldest Princess of Equestria. Ponies have, throughout the ages, seen fit to always hold me in such high regard,” Celestia chimed, shifting her gaze back to the open window. “Peter came into this world as a bit of oddity. He was unorthodox yet genuine. When he and my sister were growing closer, we always chatted in between. Peter spoke with me so casually and lightly. I found it quite refreshing. Only my sister had the courage to speak to me in such a manner, but she finds a way to remain formal… and stuffy. That’s not the case with Peter.”

Trixie huffed, shaking her head. “That certainly sounds like the Peter I know.”

The alicorn chuckled. “I suppose that’s another reason why I guided those two together. Peter’s fun to be around, and my sister’s learning to lighten up again.” Poking her lips out playfully, Celestia held a blank stare. “Sadly, now Peter’s picking up some of my sister’s stuffiness. Something about ‘acting properly like a knight’ or whatnot.”

Peter smiled. “You hang around somebody long enough you might pick up their tendencies, but I believe Luna’s had a strong and positive effect on me here.” Raising a hoof objectively, the stallion hummed. “Luna has eons worth of life experience, and I was a college kid when I came here, right? A girl that mature is going to have an effect on a hyperactive goofball. She kept him grounded no doubt, and that’s not a bad thing.”

“Speaking from experience.” Trixie cleared her throat and brushed a hoof through her silver-blue mane. “I actually wish we could trade Peters. Your Peter doesn’t sound nearly as irritating as mine.” Ignoring the exasperated glare from the stallion, the mare laughed in a haughty tone. “It’s not surprising. Peter’s only a year older than Twilight. While she can keep him under control, it’s impossible for her to fully contain him. If anything, his energetic and positive demeanor is contagious. She’s far more outgoing now because of him.” Exhaling, Trixie sarcastically chuckled. “I suppose Peter has his charm, but I’m the one stuck with keeping him on a leash. I’ve heard enough knock-knock jokes to last several lifetimes.”

“Hey, Trixie. Knock-knock!” Peter grinned, edging closer to the mare with a coy smile.

Slow to respond, Trixie attempted to ignore the stallion, but his smug face was mere inches away from her. Exasperated, the mare exhaled before a blank stare surfaced on her face. “Who is there?”

Peter wrapped a hoof around her shoulder, chuckling. “A broken pencil!”

“A broken pencil who?” Trixie groaned, her brow twitching involuntarily.

Pausing, the stallion tightened his hold and smiled widely. “Never mind. It’s pointless!”

An awkward silence filled the room. Trixie simply arched a brow with a bemused gaze, groaning under her breath. “I hate you.”

“At any rate, I must ask what else is Twilight up to in your world?” Celestia innocently questioned, earning the collective gazes from both ponies. “You two appear to be hiding something. What else happened in your world?”

A low silence filled the air, making the simple act of breathing difficult. Memories of that day were fresh, plaguing their minds with regret and pain. Trixie lowered her head, tipping down her hat until her face was hidden. Peter folded his hooves, frowning while avoiding Celestia’s gaze. Feelings he had long concealed steadily resurfaced, and the stallion let out a low sigh. The alicorn stared at both ponies with an uncertain widened gaze, but she held her silence, giving them time to gather their nerve.

Inhaling deeply before sighing, Peter folded his hooves before frowning. “Twilight isn’t just the Princess of Friendship. She’s… the co-ruler of Equestria alongside your sister.” The alicorn’s eyes widened further at the comment, and Trixie glanced to the side, avoiding Celestia’s concerned gaze. Peter cleared his throat after a brief duration. “Fifteen years ago, you were killed in a grand battle for Equestria. I lost myself to the Nightmare Force and had the Elements of Harmony scattered.”

“Peter was just too powerful. It wasn’t just one Nightmare that possessed him but two. The details are a bit complicated.” Trixie shook her head. “Discord and his female counterpart, Eris, gave you what they called an Order serum, and you willingly charged Nightmare head-on. He... ran you through, but you had predicted this outcome, using the small opening it provided to ensure the serum hit him. You gave your life to see that Peter was freed. He became the Spirit of Order and Harmony as a result of your sacrifice.” The mare held out a hoof, frowning. “Prior to this action, you gave Eris your regalia and essence to pass on to Twilight should things go according to plan. Now, she raises the sun and watches over Equestria in your place.”

“The process was tough at first, but Luna helped Twilight through it. They grew even closer over the years. They’re like sisters now. It helped fill in the void you left with your death,” Peter whispered, straightening his posture before chuckling weakly. “She’s a natural now. You know how Twilight is with her scheduling. Once she got a rhythm started, things fell into place. I just do what I can to help ease her stress. Compared to her workload, I’ve got it easy. Oh, and she’s almost as tall as you now.”

Chuckling, Trixie pulled herself to a standing position before playfully tapping a hoof against the stallion’s chest. “She has very mixed feelings about the growth spurt, if only because her idiot husband is constantly teasing and staring at her.”

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for tall girls,” Peter offhandedly declared, nodding. Sobering, the stallion managed a soft yet genuine smile. “Twilight and Luna put on a strong face, but I can tell that they really miss you. It’s my fault that you’re gone.”

Celestia placed a hoof over the stallion’s shoulder. “If it meant preserving the world’s future, I know I would have had no regrets.” The alicorn reached out and held her free hoof over Trixie’s shoulder as well, smiling as both ponies gazed upon her. “Remember what I said. You two are important to Twilight. I’ll be counting on you to watch over her for me. Is that understood?”

Trixie cleared her throat, managing to reply with a nod and smile. “Yes, Your Highness.”

Peter mirrored her actions, grinning. “Yeah. We’ll… hold the fort.”

Clapping her hooves together eagerly, Celestia smiled. “Good to hear! Now, I believe we have pressing matters to attend to.”

“Speaking of that... what’s taking me so long to grab Luna?” Peter muttered, blinking.

Just as the alicorn readied to respond, the door on the other side of the room slid open. The trio glanced in its direction, catching sight of this world’s Peter removed from his armor holding the door open. He glanced back, allowing a smaller alicorn to enter the room. Her mane was sky-blue, narrowly reaching her shoulders, and her royal blue eyes settled on the stallion bearing an exact resemblance to the one at her side. A black cutie mark rested over her blue fur, holding an emblem of a crescent moon at the center. However, she was considerably smaller than Celestia in stature, standing slightly beneath Peter’s height.

“I pardon taking so long. I just had to personally see this myself to believe it,” the blue alicorn sternly stated, walking until she was mere inches away from Peter. The stallion blinked, holding a widened gaze. After an awkward amount of time, the alicorn huffed. “My husband assures me that you’re not a changeling. Enlighten me. Why should I believe that you’re from an alternate reality, and how can we trust you?”

Peter waved his hooves defensively. “I’m learning our realities are practically two sides of the same coin. So if there are any differences, they are very small in the grand scheme of things. With that in mind I have two ways to prove I can be trusted.”

The stallion opened his mouth to respond but instead he nonchalantly reached out, brushing his hoof swiftly yet gently beneath the crook of her neck. Luna’s world shrank as a sensation overtook her mind. Before she knew it, a loud peal of laughter escaped unbidden from the mare’s mouth, and it grew in volume as the stallion continued his assault, brushing his hoof feverishly against her weak spot. Managing to quickly recollect her nerve amidst her uncontrollable laughter, however, Luna swatted his hoof away hastily. Her features flushed, evident by the pink tint spreading like wildfire across her cheeks, and her embarrassment only grew deeper once she found Celestia stifling her own laughter, Trixie’s blank stare was, all at once, locked on her, and both Peters holding knowing smiles.

Grinning, Peter nodded triumphantly. “I thought so. You’re very ticklish, like my Luna.”

Clearing her throat, Luna edged closer to the stallion as a dark glint flashed in her eyes. “Never do that again.” Sharply turning away, the alicorn desperately shielded her flushed face with a hoof. “I’ve banished ponies for doing far less. If you didn’t look like my husband I would destroy you.”

The other Peter smirked, folding his hooves. “Love you too, honey.”

Blinking at a realization, Luna faced her husband’s counterpart. “What other information do you have? That could have been a lucky guess.”

Peter’s smile widened. “Well, I could tell Trixie your childhood nickname. It’s Moon--”

Stop!” Luna roared, feeling the temperature rise in her face along with a sense of exasperation. “I believe you.”

Peter held a hoof out, pointing it at his face. “Was it my dashing good looks and charm that gave it away?”

“That would be the case if I wasn’t her husband. Between the two of us, I’m the cute one,” the other Peter declared, causing Luna to hit his chest with the back of her hoof. Once his princess stood by his side, the stallion faced the group and nodded. “We’re not here on shore leave. If this fragment is as important as you say, we should be out looking for it at once. I’ve never even heard of this Tablet of Order and Chaos.”

Trixie frowned. “You’ve never heard of it? This is my Peter’s second time dealing with the item,” she glanced to the other stallion with a bemused glare, “and his second time breaking it.”

The other Peter paused, frowning at his counterpart. “Dude, are you serious? I thought my luck was bad.”

Peter shrugged. “What can I say? They just don’t make ancient tablets like they used to.”

Celestia eased back into her seat, arching a brow. “At any rate what can you tell us about the Tablet of Order and Chaos? If a fragment is lost in our world,how can we search for it?”

Slow to respond, Peter pursed his lips. “I’ve already found most of the fragments. Only two remain: the one in this world and the other in Starlight Glimmer’s possession. Madame Web augmented my Spider Sense so that I can locate it.” The stallion hummed, holding a hoof over his mouth. “Just one fragment can augment one’s abilities beyond their imagination, and I just learned that they tend to materialize towards the most chaotic setting or individual of a world.”

Trixie glanced at the stallion. “You haven’t been able to sense it yet?”

Peter shook his head and shrugged. “Not yet. It’s weird. In the previous worlds, I was able to sense a fragment several miles away. Wherever the fragment is, it’s probably being concealed intentionally.”

“That’s possible,” Celestia mused as her brow lowered in thought. “However, I am puzzled by whom the fragment would flock towards. Discord is a natural choice, but we haven’t heard from him in years.”

The other Peter folded his hooves and frowned. “Equestria’s been peaceful for quite some time, outside of a bit of riff-raff occasionally.” The stallion trailed off, shaking his head. “The closest thing to chaos I can recall is…”

Faster than the other Peter could finish his statement, his counterpart’s cranium buzzed at a sensation. “Whoa! My Spider Sense just lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree. I can sense the fragment! It’s northeast of here!” Peter exclaimed, pausing before shifting his head sharply to the side. He clutched at his head. “Hold on. It just moved. The fragment’s… outside of Canterlot,” Peter paused, his eyes widening, “and it’s coming right for us!”

A cloud of smoke rose from underneath Trixie’s form, concealing her entire body. “Then, we have no time to waste,” she stated, her voice echoing. The unicorn emerged from the cloud garbed in her heroic attire, holding her metal mask in a hoof. Sharing a glance with her world’s Peter, Trixie turned her gaze to his counterpart. “We’ll investigate. Knowing Peter’s track record, things won’t go quietly. Change into your uniform and meet us outside. I’ll leave you a signal.”

“Fair enough,” the other Peter stated, nodding before arching a brow. “How will I recognize your signal?”

Peter stepped forward, casually holding his hoof out towards the mare. “Dude, it’s Trixie. A showmare of her caliber and ego isn’t subtle. You’ll know it when you see it.”

Exhaling, Trixie snatched her stallion by the ear via magic and dragged him behind her as they walked to the door. “We’ll see you soon.”

Celestia shared a glance with her sister while walking to the side. “I’ll spread word over Canterlot and ensure the guards protect the town while I do the same for the castle. Best of luck to you all.”

Once everypony exited the castle, the other Peter’s eyes softened before he turned to face Luna. “You should hang behind and rest. You’ve been groggy lately.”

“This is a matter of world security. I’ve slept plenty,” Luna plainly declared, huffing. The stallion edged closer to the mare, taking hold of her hoof. He never averted his gaze from her own, causing the alicorn to glance to the side shamefully. “I am fine. You should stop concerning yourself.”

Peter frowned. “Luna. You can drop your pride. You’re walking for two now.” The stallion’s demeanor softened before he managed a smile. “We’re only a month in. Your body’s going to experience some changes. It’s okay if you just rest.”

Luna inhaled deeply before sighing, managing a smile. “I’m coming with you. I’ll have ten months to rest. I’m a princess, and you could potentially run into danger. Humor me, beloved. A few more weeks and I’ll be forced to remain stationary. Just think of this as my last chance to move freely before restrictions apply.”

Letting out a defeated sigh, the stallion simply nodded and forced a smile. “Okay. Fine. You win. You can come along, but I’m naming the baby.” Both ponies stared lovingly into each other’s eyes, nuzzling their noses together. The mare returned his smile, giggling as their faces burned. Reveling in their conjoined warmth, the stallion and princess shared a smile before he chuckled. “I already have a name in mind. We’ll talk about it later. We’d better change and catch up with me.”

Meanwhile, a cloaked individual marched towards Canterlot, clutching at the fragment in hoof while a crimson amulet hung from their neck. “Soon. I’ll fix all of this.” They removed their hood, revealing a lavender unicorn’s mane. Her violet irises faded behind a glowing red aura, and she bore a wicked smile, cackling wildly as traces of bright yellow energies emitted from her body. “Wait for me… Peter.”

To be continued...