• Published 4th Jul 2012
  • 1,083 Views, 26 Comments

Bloodline of Flames - Camlio

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The power of a Name

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." ~Abraham Lincoln

(Opening theme, play until told to stop)

-Episode One, The Power of A Name-

So, it's another hot summer day in Florida, sun shining, grass growing, fish swimming in perpetual circles in the fish tank in the corner of my apartment. The life of a collage drop out is never dull. Okay that's a downright lie but, hey it's my life... What can I do? Strangely enough the answer is check my e-mail.

Before I continue I should explain a bit about myself. My name is Cody A. ----(Data Not Available), I work at the Game stop in the Baywalk mall in downtown Saint Petersburg Florida. Well I guess all of that should be past-tense now but, I really don't care. I have brown hair and matching brown eyes, someone said my hair looked like the tenth doctor but I don't see it. I'm not exactly fat, but I'm not thin either. At 6 foot 2, I was always the tall guy with not much in the way of muscle or fat.

So how did this all change, you may ask? Well sit your flank down and I'll tell you. You see it all started on July 4th 2012.

(Opening Theme Stops here.)

'That's a cool saying. But, then again this is a cool game.' I thought as I was playing my copy of Infamous on the PS3 for the 17th time, when I suddenly got a message on my PC or as I had affectionately dubbed it 'The Craptacular 2000'. Yeah I know what your thinking, oh I've heard this part before and I'm going to tell you to shut up and sit your flank back down... It gets better.

So I check my Skype and I get a notice from an anonymous source. 'Are you interested in a one-way trip to Equestria? I'm seeking a friend from your world and I hope you will accept. Sadly if you accept you can't go back. ~ Luna of Equestria' Well me being a dumb-ass and thinking it's a prank click yes what happened next will stay with me as long as I live.

"What the fu---" Was all I was able to say as a blast of blue fire shot from my computer screen and enveloped me before I dematerialized and appeared again in front of the one and only Princess Luna, and let me tell you, seeing the Princess of the night in person is no picnic.

"Are you alright? Oh and before you ask your records of our world are somewhat flawed." She said as she pointed to a computer, it had the word Pony written on the monitor and I'll just leave it at that. "Your name obviously isn't Camlio420 so I must ask what is your name human?" Now in case you don't know what Luna looks like I'm just going to state that the rumor about her looking different during the day is true. Her mane only does the Star thing when it's night-time, it looks like it did at the end of the NMM incident during the day.

"Um... It's ____ your highness." She gave me a startled look when I mouthed my name but no words came out. You know the one where their eyes expand and the pupils shrink? Yes that one... "Um... I must be imagining things because I can't hear myself say my own name..." The look on her face fell to a sad one.

"I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean too..." She trailed off and the look on her face made me officially start losing it. It's the same look a Doctor gives someone when they tell them they're going to die.

'Gotta stay calm, can't freak out on an immortal goddess. Not only is that a one way ticket to hell... or is it Tartarus? But, it also wouldn't help me with my name issue. So the best plan of action? It's obviously to crack a joke and hope for the best.' I thought as I stood up. "Okay so tell it to me straight doc, do I have to start wearing a sheet of cloth and stealing people's names?" She laughed, whether it being at the image of me trying to steal names, while dressing in a sheet or the fact that I was making a very poor attempt at a ghost I'm not sure. But, I just got a Goddess to laugh... GO ME!

"That will not be necessary, I think I've figured out your problem... you see in this world name's have power hence why most of the ponies of this land have such odd names." She smiled at her explanation which with Luna as my witness made perfect sense. "Sadly your old name had either no power or was to destructive to pass through the wards between dimensions. So I'm going to have to ask you to think up a new name."

"Well if that's it I've already got one." She looked at me with a knowing smile as I said the name which sealed my fate. "Camlio Delle Fiamme at your service your majesty." And at that my hair changed color to a bright blonde and started to move like an active flame and my eyes changed to a glowing blue color similar to the flames that brought me here, along with this came a tickling in my nose.

Now I'm going to tell you all something, you see dragons have it rough with fire breath. You see sneezing for them is a hazard to others, so I'm still thanking whichever pony figured out how to prevent allergies in dragons and dragon like humans. "AH-AH-AH-ACHOO!!!" FWOOOSH! When I opened my eyes from sneezing what I saw kinda freaked me out, Luna lowering a barrier spell around me and me standing in a circle of bright orange flames which died as I looked at them.

"Bless you." Luna said with a smile. Moon bless that mare is all I can still say about that. "Well let's get you a way to prevent that deadly sneeze of yours and-" Both of our stomachs rumbled. "Get some lunch, shall we?" With the hunger in my stomach pushing me onwards I followed the Monarch of the Moon on our quest for the holy edibles.

"You know the way this day is going I'm somewhat surprised we haven't run into some sort of, Ooph" i said as I fell backwards from colliding with a Lavender Pony and her Scaled companion that were now both staring wide eyed at me. "I just had to open by mouth..." I said with a sigh.

(Ending Theme Play until end of text or song ends)

Well, now you know how my story began, crazy huh? Well it gets better, I'll let you guys get on your way, thanks for listening to my tale for now. Come back next time oh... & here's a preview.

"So you can breathe fire? That's pretty cool." The small dragon said to me eyes still glowing in wonder, Twilight introduced him as spike but, as he was almost Luna's height so I was having trouble believing that.

"More like sneeze fire... But, yeah it is pretty cool. Destructive and crazy but, cool." I responded the childlike wonder in his eyes making me feel like an older brother for some reason. 'Luna said their was powers in names, does my name make me part dragon?' I though to myself as I looked to see the two ponies and one dragon staring at me with open mouths. This caused me to follow their gazes to see I was subconsciously tossing a ball of flames into the air and catching it.

"Now that! Is definitely cool." Spike stated as I dispelled the flames by crushing them in my hand.