• Published 4th Jul 2012
  • 1,082 Views, 26 Comments

Bloodline of Flames - Camlio

  • ...

The Exodus/Fall of the Royal Parents

-Episode 6, The Exodus/Fall of the Royal Parents-

I don't own the rights to anyone or anything in this story save the plot and my characters. Though I must admit I'm slightly jelly of those who do.

"Thou are a most unique creature. Obviously similar to a pony yet you are not." King Cosmos said with a sigh.

"I guess I'm not a pony then." I said as if it was obvious. "Though I'll need to figure out what to call this new form of mine... oh well time for that later." I said cheerfully.

"Hey! You in there! Shut up!" A guard walked up to the cell doors and banged a spear against them This creature looked like a centaur/spider cross. Drider I believe their called. "Don't make me drag you out and beat you." The voice identified it as a female.

I chuckled a bit. "Really? I thought I was supposed to be scared... Sorry not working." I said with a chuckle as the alicorn family looked at me like I'd just signed my own death warrant. "What? It's just a big spider... thing with a stick?" I said looking at them while motioning to the now enraged Drider.

"Oh that's it punk, we're going to see the boss. He'll deal with you." The Drider said as she pulled me out of the cage. "Oh I hope your not planning on living long, I heard Digestion is horrible for the body." She chuckled darkly as she drug me through the halls and tossed me down at the feet of the Master of the castle and lord of Chaos... Discord.

Castle Throne Room

"Well... that's new... he's a pony but, not." The Chaos beast said with a smirk. "Greetings creature."

"Yo!" I said with a grin. Something in my head told me to be as strange as possible. As if nothing anyone around me could do would end me. At least not permanently.

The thrown room was deftly silent for several seconds before Discord just started laughing hysterically. "Oh goodness me, that's fun. I haven't laughed like that in... ten minutes when I was listening to mare beg for her life... before I ate her. Don't worry I'll be sure to introduce you both." He said darkly as he picked me up without a second thought and swallowed me.

"I hope that little voice in my head was right..." Was the only thought going through my mind before I landed in the stomach of the beast.

Discords Stomach

The sounds of a crying mare stopped as I landed only to pick up again. "Oh no... he ate somepony else..." She said between sobs. "Please be able to understand me... at least so I won't die alone." She said sadly as she moved closer to me pulling me into a gentle hug.

"Yeah... I hear you. Mind telling me your name?" I asked calmly maybe to calmly looking in the fluids on the floor I saw my eyes had darkened. My body had been pulling energy from the air around me and the strange energy within Discord had caused this apparently.

"Stardust Shine, I'm the Librarian at a small town to the east of here. Well, I guess I was... I was brought here to watch the books for Discord's library and... pleasure him." She started crying softly again hugging me tighter. Ponies who were taken by discord were obviously eaten eventually after being used by the sick creature.

The walls of the stomach started to quake indicating Discord was moving. "You mean they had a foal? Sounds good... I haven't had a foal in years... I guess it should be considered a delicacy." He said his voice echoing around us.

"No... he's going to eat Celestia!" My eyes widened at this before my mind started speaking in a voice that wasn't mine. "No... he won't WE won't let him. Now let ME take control so we can stop him and save the pretty mare in here with us!" I simply nodded as my body changed. The colors of my coat, mane, and tail became darker. My coat an oaken brown and the strange flames for my mane and tail a sickly green. When I spoke the voice wasn't mine this time. "Miss Stardust... Hold on tightly. We'll get you out of here, and protect others from this bastard as well." The not me commanded. Which caused Stardust to cling to me tightly out of fear.

"Hmm? My stomach feels strange? Did they digest already?" Discord thought before doubling over in pain. "GRAHHH! What's going on?!" He shouted before his stomach literally exploded outwards a massive fireball plowing through it. Causing the beast to cry out in pain once more as myself and Stardust escaped within said Fireball.

Three years have passed since the escape

It had been three years... Discord's wounds were extremely severe and all his guards were called to search for the fireball's summoner. Little did they know that I'd escaped alongside all of Discords hostages in the resulting confusion taking refuge in an old castle. I had learned that this wasn't even Equestria... it was another world entirely.

But, never the less the tide of the battle had started to shift all of ponykind had united against Discord and a war had begun. Luna was born only six months before the current day. An ancient spell casted upon the siblings to age them to a more self sufficient age left Celestia and Luna at 12 and 7 respectively. The following was the day the war ended... with Ponykind losing.

Everfree Castle's Throne Room

"Camlio, I see that thou hast arrived at our summons." Queen Gaia said with a sad smile watching me enter and take knee. The young siblings resting beside her.

"I am at your call my lady." I replied with a smile after the escape I was given rank and a new name. "Firebrand, captain of the guard at your service." My bipedal nature required some special work but, the troops managed to come up with some light armor for me to wear that wouldn't hamper my wings. Which I'm still smiling about inside by the way.

She nods. "Good, for I have a task for you... I require you to take my daughters... and flee. Hide them away." Her expression turned grave. "You see, Discords forces draw near, we will surely lose this battle and I will likely fall. I have been informed that my husband has been taken captive by Discord and he plans to execute our family to remove the morale of Ponykind. This cannot happen... I have... placed a spell on my daughters that will place all of Ponykind save for me and Cosmos in an alternate space that Discord cannot reach. Within this space you will all live and thrive yet, only you three will even remember us. "Promise me that you'll defend them. My highest Mage Stardust Shine will accompany you to the land ruled by the Goddess Faust." She said as Stardust appeared from behind her and helped me with the sisters by summoning a large cart for the four of us to sit inside.

I nodded solemnly. She had resigned herself to her fate and I had watched it happen, the reason why Celestia and Luna never spoke of their parents... they had never even seen them properly. "It has been an honor to serve you your highness." I said with a sad smile as the spell washed over us. Each and Every pony falling asleep before fading from existence. To appear on the world of Equis on the continent that would become Equestria.

"Goodbye my children, my ponies, my friend. May the kind Goddess 'Lady Faust' protect you and your Genasi Guardian." Gaia said sadly as Discord entered the throne room. Taking her head in a single swing of his tail before screaming in rage knowing that she had taken his victory from him in death.

Comments ( 6 )

I think I may need to up the rating... what does everyone think?

1252886 Not sure exactly what you're planning, but I actually kinda like this fic, it just needs a little work with the editing...

But honestly, I'm surprised that there aren't more likes, and I'd be happy to help with your editing if you want...:pinkiehappy:

If you want that is...:pinkiesad2::fluttershyouch::twilightsheepish::scootangel:


Yeah... I don't have an editor... Kinda never have, and if you could tell me how to go about that it would be an honor.

1253726 well, if you PM me I'd be happy to help... Just send me a message at some time, K?


Okay then... It's a deal.

amazing:pinkiehappy: also LUCARIO:trollestia:

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