• Published 4th Jul 2012
  • 1,083 Views, 26 Comments

Bloodline of Flames - Camlio

  • ...

To watch the world burn

"A man can only be pushed so far, before he becomes a monster that only wishes to watch the world burn around him. ~ Unknown Author

-Episode Three, To watch the world burn-

I do not own the rights to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic or anything else I may reference. If I did I would have someone else writing this... they would probably do better.

"Oh my? What's with that look human?" Chrysalis said with a tone filled with mock hurt that soon turned into something more... sultry. "Oh that glare of yours, is so-o intimidating, it's making me shiver... everywhere." She said while licking her lips and advancing on me. Her eyes glowing fiercely as she returned to her regular form. "I believe I'll harvest your energy, personally." She said as she walked past me rubbing me with her wing as she did so.

"If you think I'm going to let you do..." I turned around to continue my rant only to be hit in the face with a sickly green bolt of magic. "You won't get away with this." I said before collapsing my last thought before blacking out was just how lame that sounded. Apparently she thought so to...
"If I'm going to make you my pet, I'll simply have to do something about your choice in one-liners. That one was just... overdone." She said with a chuckle in her voice as she levitated me away.

-A burst of flame crosses the screen for the scene transition.-

"Ow my head... what did I drink last night?" While not the most original thing to say when you feel like you have the entire percussion section of an orchestra holding a concert in your head, I'd like to see you come up with something better.

"Oh look, our guest is awake. I was worried you would miss out on your party." Chrysalis said with a happy tone which strangely didn't sound natural with the creepy grin she was wearing.
"What party? I thought you only throw parties for friends, not prisoners?" While a valid question it's not usually one someone wants answered.
"Why, your re-birthday party of coarse." She said with what looked like a twisted version of a motherly smile. "Oh how I love adding new children to the swarm." And with that she left me hanging in a large glowing cocoon.

"Why am I suddenly wanting to find the fact that Queen Chrysalis placed me in a Chrysalis funny? Probably me trying to make impending doom feel less... doomy." I said with a sigh as I resigned myself to my fate. Well I was about to until my vision was assaulted by Pink.
"Doomy isn't a word silly!" The pink blur said as it stepped back from the cocoon to reveal the form of one pink party pony. "You know... normally my first appearance is on a less serious note. But, oh well. Hold still Mr. trapped by the meanies" She said with a sigh towards an unseen being.

Seven seconds of random antics and a razor sharp rubber chicken and I was free... to fall on my head. "Ouch... right, thanks for saving me but, what are you doing here anyway?" I said standing up and rubbing the back of my head which had started to bleed. The pink pony winced as I checked the blood on my hand it was a darker red than it should be. 'Huh... I wonder why it's like that?' Before I could ponder much on the subject the pink pony answered my question.
"Because someone said Party Duh~! Though I don't think you can hold people prisoner for a party... I tried that once it... didn't end well." When my mind finally connected who I was talking with to what she was talking about I believe my instinctual reaction was appropriate.

"*spical mojka de ve tilek kluchuduuna kothar si geou ti xkhat ir di dout jimva achthend tershai naeck!" For the second time I found myself shouting in a language I didn't understand, but from the sad look the pink mare in front of me was showing she understood all too well seeing as she started sniffling and then full out crying.

"Why does everypony I meet who's read that stupid story think I'm a monster or something! It was an accident, Rainbow was drunk and tripped in my kitchen and when she woke up she thought I was trying to dissect her!" She screamed at me while her tears streamed from her face like waterfalls. "And even seven years after that she still treats me like a baked good that could expire any second! It's not fair!" After her tears dried up her mood brightened considerably. "But thanks for noticing my colors, you'd think more ponies besides rarity could tell the difference between Rose Pink and Hot Pink wouldn't you?"

Sadly her little tantrum didn't leave us much room for a quiet escape as Queen Chrysalis along with several drones entered the chamber. "I thought I heard crying of the pony sort... sadly humans don't have the same knack for expressing themselves as you ponies do." Chrysalis said with a sigh as she fired a similar bolt of magic at my pink rescuer. Who barely dodged out of the way after yelling something about an itchy fetlock.

Chrysalis sighed as she turned to magic me again only for her horn to stop glowing and her eyes to widen. The blood leaking out of the wounds I had sustained during my time being unconscious had started flowing freely from their wounds and coalescing into a ball in front of my mouth. "How in the... no time don't think just act." Was the last conscious thought I had before I bit into the ball of blood.

(Please play this until told to stop.)

Several glowing figures were all I could see, instincts that weren't mine taking over as whatever caused the blood to form like that took control. It's only command it gave to my limbs where to kill them... Kill them all. So I did...

-scene transition of a screen filling with glowing green blood-

The scent of blood was overpowering, whatever was giving me the strength to do what I was doing... was loving this. The snapping of changeling shells, their cries for mercy, their guttural sounds when they bled out. It was like a symphony to the beast that reigned over my thoughts. A symphony of death, blood, and fire. What drove it home that I wasn't doing any of this is that when I spoke it wasn't with my own voice, but a twisted and higher pitched version. "Oh come on! I can't believe I killed all of you... There were two more before I got started! Damn, I guess they fled. Guess they're lucky... for now." And with a snap of my fingers the hive exploded in flames. A sphere of blood colored flames keeping me safe from the blast.

-Scene Transition-

Twilight Sparkle's Point of View

I couldn't believe what Pinkie told us was true and I honestly wouldn't have if she hadn't dragged along the half-dead form of Chrysalis to prove it. She had dragged her away from Camlio just as he started his rampage. But, there wasn't any denying it now. If there were any changelings left in Chrysalis' hive. They were dead now... destroyed by the monster she had captured to use for food. A beast covered in green blood and dying crimson flames. A shard of a changeling's shell turned into a large sword strapped to it's back. Whatever this thing was wasn't human anymore...

And it was coming right towards us.

(Please end song here. Thank you.)

*Back away from me rose colored demon I will not become one of your sick food objects today. Translated from dragon tongue.