• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 5,258 Views, 232 Comments

Crashing Angels - lillytheomegawolf

A story of how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash met as fillies. The joys and hardships of life, friendship, and love and all the surprises that happen along their journey as they become best friends--and much more.

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Chapter 13: Joys Of a New Day

Soarin rolled over, yawned and smacked his lips together. Bed was so warm and fuzzy …And confined?

“Woah there, watch where you aim that morning breath…” Spitfire mumbled as she nuzzled into his neck.

Green eyes shot open.

Spitfire was in his bed.


Spitfire was really in bed with him.


Why was his angelic friend in bed with him?

Panic rose rapidly within the colt before he remembered events that had transpired in the middle of the night.

The teen couldn’t help but admire the filly who was cuddled up to his side in a tangled mess of limbs. A lone golden eye cracked open to gaze at the colt who couldn’t help but grin wildly back. “You’re lying on my foreleg… It’s gone numb…”

“Oh…” Soarin stumbled as he hastened to rise.

“Tuck your lower foreleg in and cuddle me back. I’m not yet ready to get up…” Spitfire murmured softly.

The teenaged colt felt compelled to oblige his best friend. With an uncertain smile hovering on his mug he slowly lowered himself back into the cloud bed and awkwardly pulled his buried foreleg as close to himself as he could manage. He felt Spitfire do a similar action and found himself sort of pressed up to her almost tummy to tummy, snout to snout. Soarin froze. What was he to do now?

A lone eye cracked open once more to gaze at the colt who was frozen with a joyful look of mild fear on his face. “Calm down Soar- this is just some cuddles with me…”

“Yea… it’s nice…” Soarin’s voice broke an octave higher.

A light giggle escaped from the fiery filly. “Relax…” She nuzzled up a bit closer under his chin and let out a content nicker.

The poor colt’s brain shorted out and it was all he could do to keep his upper forehoof still while his one free wing stood straight up into the air like a taut sheet. It was nice. Wonderful in fact. ‘But what do I do? What do I do?! What do I do!?!’

Soarin’s thought process was once again broken by a gentle nuzzle. “You’re not relaxing pie face. Come on… I wanna snuggle…”

A beautiful yellow wing fell upon his barrel and Soarin finally found himself relaxing back into her. The smitten colt faltered only a little as he caressed his filly friend’s side awkwardly with his free forehoof. He slowly built up courage as magical moments passed till it was broken by a soft laugh from under his chin.

“I think some pony needs to raise their hoof. Else a certain different pony might get ideas.”

The pale blue hoof shot up to Spitfire’s shoulder height. “Sorry. I-“ 

“Relax, if you wanna feel my flank, it’s okay. Just don’t go any lower…”

As her whispered offer slipped out into the quiet room Soarin’s brain once again malfunctioned. ‘What?!?’ What ever was he supposed to do? Surely it wasn’t right for best friends to go feeling each other up, was it? ‘But you know you want to…

A pleasurable quiver shot through the light blue colt as he imagined what it would be like to allow his hoof down to feel the area around the flames on his friend’s flank. Sure she had a very nice, well toned err… cutie mark area. Wait. Was this some kind of test or did she actually want his hoof down there? 
What if it was a test and he failed? Would she even want to be friends with a perverted colt? He would be no better than some of the rough sex-crazed stallions he had seen his father hang around. No. His hoof would remain on her shoulder.

“Am I making you nervous?” The speedy colt almost shot out of bed at the soft whisper from Spitfire.

“Um. Yeah. I- I really don’t know what to do here. We haven’t really- you know, cuddled-“

“Since we were foals.” Spitfire quietly cut his stuttering off. “I always liked cuddling you.”

“Really?” Soarin tried to reign in his voice and as his free wing as it continued to stand erect.

“Yea. You still are so soft...”

“Hey, I got muscle.”

Spitfire giggled softly, “yea, but what if I like a little bit extra on my colts?”

Soarin remained silent.

“It’s a good thing you like those pies so much… you give me a little more to hug, all that belly fat from too many baked goods. You know?”

‘But, I’m not fat!'

Spitfire giggled rather more loudly at the indignant look upon his muzzle. “I’m messing with you, don’t worry. I like you just the way you are, stud.”

‘Stud? She called ME a stud?’ Soarin couldn’t help but gaze into the half lidded sunny irises before him in the cramped bed.

“What did you think of my kisses last night? Were they okay?” Spitfire whispered, suddenly shy.

“More amazing than pie.” Soarin confirmed. The pie addict suddenly realized what he had just uttered and his free hoof shot to his mouth and a look of utter ‘oops’ shot across his face. “I- I mean. It was amazing. Yea…”

Spitfire grinned ear to ear at the news. “You like me more than pie? Awww, Soar- you really know how to compliment a girl.”


“Breakfast!” The call from Stormy Flare caused both youngsters to jump.

“Coming!” Spitfire leapt out of bed. “It’s been nice snuggling Soar, I hope mom didn’t see or I’m dead.”

“And I won’t be able to come around anymore…”

The filly shot her colt a cautionary look. “You had better keep coming round.”

“Then we can’t let her catch us,” Soarin replied as he advanced, delighted that Spitfire seemed to enjoy the snuggle session as much as he had.

Spitfire shot her best friend a playful smirk as she swatted his muzzle with a wing. “What makes you think I’ll be jumping into bed with you again?”

“Oh-“ Hope faded from the previously delighted colt’s face. “Be- because…”

“How about we see how we go? If mom doesn’t kill us, I’ll give you more cuddles later. Come on, I know you enjoyed it too…” The vibrant filly lent into the light blue coat of her best friend.

Soarin felt his face heat up like a bright lantern. “Sure. I- I would like that. Yea…”

“Sweet. I get to use the bathroom first. You go say hi to mom!” At the completion of her sentence, Spitfire vacated the room with haste.

Soarin shrugged. Food first was fine by him. He wandered out and into the kitchen.

At the table sat a smiling pegasus. The knowing look sent chills down his spine.

“Finished your little cuddle with my daughter have you?”


Stormy nodded slowly as she swirled the remainder of her coffee around in her cup. “Good.”

Soarin continued to stand awkwardly in the middle of the room, pinned under the overly casual gaze of his best friend’s mother.

“Yum mom,” Spitfire grinned at the sight of the food as she entered the room.

“That looks like enough to feed ten pegasi or one Soarin.” Spitfire playfully ribbed her light blue friend as she came alongside him. Quick to spot his expression she turned back to her mother. “What did I miss?”

“Please take a seat, both of you.”

“Okay.” Spitfire suddenly had a sinking feeling.

Soarin followed his best friend’s lead to the table where they both dutifully took their places before the stern adult. “I woke up this morning.”

The statement was followed by a pause. The two young pegasi glanced at each other. Where was this going?

“Then I made breakfast and coffee.”

Spitfire felt like promoting her mother for more but held her silence. There was a growing dread inside that knew where this might be going.

“This in itself is not unusual,” the mare continued casually. “However, I found it most interesting that my daughter was not up and bouncing by the time I had finished the preparations. Even on weekends, you are usually up early like me, aren’t you dear?”

“Yes mom,” Spitfire agreed nervously.

“So, I went to check on you in your room. It was empty, dear.”

Soarin felt about ready to high tail it out of there. This was sure to land them both in big trouble.

“Not unusual for this time of day I guess. But... where else could possibly be left for me to check, you might ask?”

“Uh… I have no idea…” Spitfire shyly responded. “The bathroom maybe?”

“Not a bad answer. However, I spotted something of great interest in the guest room where your best friend was sleeping.”

“Soarin had a nightmare last night! Okay?” Spitfire exploded with embarrassment and pent up terror over being caught. Soarin’s wings shot up in surprise at his best friend’s outburst. “I heard him and -and woke up him then we…”

“Cuddled?” The smile was back on Stormy’s muzzle.

Both young ponies cringed.

“Sort of…” Spitfire admitted as she sank back down into her seat.

“My dear, from where I was standing there is no such thing as ‘sort of’ in this situation. You two looked adorable together.” Stormy Flare smiled brightly with delight as she took the last small sip of her drink.

“We were only- wait what?” Spitfire’s mouth unhinged. This sort of reaction was not one she had even remotely considered from her mother. Was this a dream?

Stormy flare shrugged, “I had hoped that you both might wait a few more years before trying something like this.”

Both youngsters gazed at the casual mother as though she had grown a second head.

Spitfire was the first to break out of her stupor, “seriously mom. Soarin had a bad dream… I was only comforting him. I was gonna ask him more about it this morning, but I kinda got distracted.”

“By a colt in your bed?”

“By this lug,” Spitfire playfully brushed a wing up against the blushing blue colt at her side. “Please don’t kick him out!” The filly finished up fast, her tone panicked by thoughts of what her mother would do.

“You two do leave me in an interesting position. On one hoof, yes I could kick Soarin out for sleeping with you.”

Both young ponies muzzles flushed.

A solo eyebrow rose on the dark yellow mare as she eyed her youngsters. “You got the reference to that, did you?”

“Yea, sleeping… cuddles… What else?” Soarin responded with trepidation.

Stormy Flare broke out into a brief bout of laughter. “We shall go with that, yes. In fact, I rather think I am fine with Soarin continuing to visit as much either of you like.”

“Okay…?” Spitfire's muzzle continued to flush rather animatedly from continued embarrassment over the situation.

“I am pretty sure you both are not up to anything suspicious. In saying that, I expect that regardless of whether or not you start dating now or in three years time, please do not cuddle in a private room away from every pony else. Others might begin to wonder why you require such privacy. Some might even ask if the two of you were having sex together.” Stormy levelled a very serious glare at the pair who quickly shrank backward.

The glare suddenly vanished as she continued sternly: “I have no problems seeing you together as long as you keep it in the open where I can see you both. Kisses and cuddles are fine, but no hanky panky. Not in my house, or anywhere outside. Not even at Soarin’s home, okay?”

Soarin sat there with a vigorous blush on his stunned looking face. ‘Sex? Hanky panky? It’s waaaaayy too early to even think about that kind of thing…’

“Sure mom…” Spitfire glanced at the embarrassed colt by her side. It was somewhat reassuring to see that he looked as shocked by her mother’s talk as she felt. “D-Does that mean that if Soarin came over we could both sleep on the couch together?”

Stormy Flare shrugged, her face level and rather stern. “As long as you keep to the rules, that is fine. Sound fair?”

“Yes, thank you, mom.”

“Oh and Spitfire, one more thing.”

“Yes, mom?”

“For sneaking into a boy’s room and sharing a night together, that I expect you to do all the cleaning for the next week.”

The fiery young pegasus sighed. “Fine…”

“I am only going easy on you because, I’m sure you kept it at cuddles.” The mare of the house continued to sternly eye up the embarrassed pair before her.

“Yes mom, thank you, mom…” Spitfire sank to the bench, her cheeks darker than her mane.

“Hey Spitty, does that mean you’re my fillyfriend?” Soarin whispered, his muzzle burned yet he smiled with playful delight in the hope of a positive answer.

The fiery filly grinned nervously back. “Sure.”

“Wow… Cool…” The lovestruck colt slowly settled back into his breakfast.

“Hey, Soar- How about a flight after breakfast?” 

“Sounds good,” despite his blush, Soarin grinned back at his now fillyfriend.

Fluttershy was thrown from the sweet land of dreams by the vibrations that coursed through her bed. The groggy filly sat up just in time to come face to face with her best friend.

“Good morning Fluttershy! You gotta come, your mom has made the bestest breakfast ever!”

“Dash?” The half asleep filly flopped back down onto her soft pillow.

“Yea, we had a super cool sleepover, remember? Now it’s breakfast time and your mom made pancakes! They smell soo good!” The eager fuzz ball bounced up and down, her gaze locked upon the sleepy pegasus.

“Yes, but what are you doing now?”

“Waking you up for breakfast! Your brother looks like he’s about to eat it all!”

Fluttershy giggled at the thought of her tiny brother demolishing a stack of pancakes. She rolled onto her side and gazed at her best friend. “Okay, let me use the little fillies room then I’ll come too.”

“Quick! Sooner you’re up, the sooner you can eat. The sooner you eat, the sooner we can play!” Dash darted around the room, filled with eager energy.

“What makes you want to play with me so much?” Fluttershy asked softly as she ambled sleepily out of bed.

The over excited blue filly bounded alongside her partly awake friend. “Cause, your fun and stuff! Duh!”

Fluttershy giggled at the response. “Okay, just let me use the little fillies room and I’ll join you.”

“Okay!” Dash rushed off.

As Fluttershy made her way to the bathroom she could not help but wonder if some of the over eagerness her friend displayed was to hide whatever had happened last evening. The thought that something at home was bad enough for Dash to hide here in her house made the shy filly feel sad for her friend.

Untold moments dragged by at snails pace in the Dash family household.

Blaze sat like a sad, defeated blob on his prized couch. Sunlight stung his eyes while his mind wandered like a lost foal. Panic built into an overpowering sense of abandonment. He had reached a critical point and felt about ready to break down.

To make matters worse, his morning flight had not helped the splitting headache.

Driven by the darker parts of his mind, Blaze dragged himself to his hooves and hurried into the kitchen. He eyed his collection of top shelf alcohol. Despite the missing bottle in the middle, he couldn’t help but stare. Before he knew what he was doing, Blaze found himself in front of his booze collection. A light purple hoof reached out and pulled out a small, mostly full bottle of moonshine.

He hastily placed it on the shelf and stumbled backward.

This was a bad idea.

A very bad idea.

He should have a drink of water and sleep. His wife would find him in bed like a good hungover stallion and if he was lucky, she would forgive him and he might even wake up to find her snuggling him. Then they could have some bonding time and everything would be all good again.

But what if Gust really had left him?

Dread clashed with the fear in his heart.

She had never just left him like this.

Or had she? Had he done something that caused her to run away? To leave him...?

A purple hoof shook as he reached out and plucked the mostly full bottle of moonshine off the shelf.

Bloodshot, hungover eyes bored into the crystal blue bottle shaped like a hyena skull. The lonely stallion eyed it with a sense of dread. He knew he was about to do something stupid. Worse, Blaze felt powerless to stop this sensation. He knew something was going to happen and he was the one to do it...

It was a sure thing. Good as done. He may as well be passed out right now or in hospital.

...not a place he planned to ever see again on grounds of alcohol poisoning.

But still...

The distraught stallion wandered to the trash and vigorously threw the bottle in. He took several deep breaths before he somewhat cooled down and hurried to the sink for a drink. He desperately gulped back the clear liquid. His face, neck and mane grew wet yet he continued to slurp till he could drink no more.


That would help.

It had to.

Now he could behave.

With his heart and head pounding, Blaze wandered to the couch and plonked himself down with a groan. That was supposed to be a moment of release.

But... Why then did he feel so awful?

His eyes wandered to the kitchen doorway then the door to the outside world.

“I should look for Gust again. She’s gotta be out flying somewhere. But my head hurts…” Light purple hooves rose to cradle his noggin as he swayed back and forth on the couch. “Oh, you stupid stallion… you should have gone and found Gust last night… Why did you have to go and get drunk? There's only one way to fix this… I gotta wait for Gust to come home. I should go to bed…”

With a grunt Blaze picked himself up and trudged slowly out of the lounge.

Two teenage pegasi tumbled through the sky outside Cloudsdale till they landed with a roll on a large lone cloud. They came to a stop, vibrant yellow atop light blue. Soarin grinned at the angel above. Spitfire, his fillyfriend? That still felt utterly surreal. He lent up and offered a quick cheeky nuzzle.

The bright yellow filly gave her mane a flick and grinned back. “I see somepony likes being more than just best friends.”

“Well, we still are best friends too, right?”

“Of course,” Spitfire smirked back as she reclined beside the starstruck colt. She felt immensely pleased that she had such an effect on him. After a quick glance at the mountains and green plains far below she turned back to the still grinning colt. “So… how long?”

“How long what?” Soarin asked, at a loss.

“How long have you liked me, ya know, as more than just a friend?” Spitfire grinned back cheeky.

“Awww… geez Spitty, I dunno. You’ve always been special. But I guess it was sometime earlier this year after my sister started making those silly jokes that I realized that yes, I did want you to be my fillyfriend.”

Spitfire cocked her head to the side as she inquisitively eyed her colt. “So, why didn’t you say anything?”

“You know me…” Soarin scuffed the soft cloud, embarrassed.

“Yes. I do.” The sunny pegasus playfully shoved her coltfriend. “But I wanna hear it from the horse's mouth.”

“Spit. We’re ponies. Not those… giants.”

Spitfire rolled her eyes, “it’s a saying, okay?”

Soarin shrugged and turned his gaze to the beautiful landscape around them. “I guess, I just had no idea what to say. Besides, I was already your best friend which is super cool and I guess I didn’t wanna risk that. You were- are too important to me to lose.”

Spitfire withdrew a bit and cautiously eyed her companion. “You thought I would say no and leave you?”


“You silly thing! I wouldn’t do that…” Spitfire broke into a fit of giggles and rolled onto her back. “I got the silliest colt in all of Cloudsdale!”

Spitfire turned her cheeky gaze toward the blushing teen who was avidly admiring the landscape. “Don’t worry Soar, I like -like you back.”

A light blue wing tentatively extended. Spitfire noticed and rolled back over so she was lying next to the shy colt once more. Pale blue feathers quivered as they slid across the lithe yellow form of his companion till the strong wing wrapped around her barrel. Soarin chanced a peek to check if his action was acceptable. A big smile broke out when he saw the delighted look upon his fillyfriend’s face. She nuzzled up close but and relaxed into his side. Although she was a little sweaty from their morning flight, the lovestruck colt really couldn’t care less. To his frazzled mind, it was perfect.

“Relax…” Spitfire murmured. “I have no idea what I”m doing either. Just have fun. I’m still your best friend and all…”

“But- what if I do something wrong? And-“

“I’ll be sure to let you know, don’t worry about that.”

“Okay. You seemed so sure of yourself back there at your mom’s house though.”

“Was it too much?” Concern rippled across Spitfire's face as she gazed into bright green eyes that were so wonderfully close.

“Uh… More like- you surprised me. I really didn’t expect any pony to get into bed with me-“

“Dragged. You hauled me in when I tried to wake you. You seemed intent on hugging me to death.”

“Sorry…” The light blue wing that had securely encased the bright yellow pegasus began to recede under its owners' embarrassment. The fiery filly noticed and rolled a little onto her side. With the tips of his primaries snared Soarin had no choice but to leave his wing in place. He cleared his throat rather loudly.

Spitfire grinned back playfully, “well go on.”

“Okay, as I was saying… I didn’t expect you to be so bold. Although I had hoped our first kiss would be uh… a little less salty.” Soarin’s admission brought forth light giggles from his companion who lent into his side.

Spitfire curled up a bit as she rolled half onto her back, her legs out to the side as she firmly pressed up against the warm barrel of her coltfriend. “Awwww… you wanted me to be your first kiss?”

“Err… yeah?”

“You’re so sweet. Hey, I feel like more flying. Wanna race to that small town down there?”

“You’re on.” Soarin grinned as he leapt to his feet.

As his fiery fillyfriend rose he snuck in a kiss to her cheek then took off. The speedy colt chanced a glance back and saw his filly was still there on the cloud. She looked as though she was in a state of shock. ‘Oh no!’ Soarin panicked and raced back. “Was that too much?” He asked in a high state of alarm as he alighted on the cloud.

Spitfire unfroze, smirked at him then delivered a full blown kiss to his lips. After shamelessly mashing her lips against his she took off at full speed. “See you at the town, slow poke!”

Soarin stood there in shock for a few moments. This was what, already their third full on lip lock and they had only been a couple for mere hours. They hadn’t even gotten close to any sort of serious ‘I love you.’ Was this too fast?

Laughter broke the colt out of his stupor and he spotted the rapidly receding form of his cheeky fillyfriend who was performing aerial somersaults. “I’m gonna get you, Spitfire!”

The only response he received was a playful barrel roll from the filly who continued to retain a rather large lead.

Rainbow Dash gazed in awe at the stack of pancakes in the middle of the table in front of her. They looked amazing! 

A gurgle of delight broke the young speedster from her moment and she cast an annoyed look at the pale aquamarine foal to her right. For once he was thankfully gazing at something other than her as he reached out desperately for some of the stacked food. The straps in his foal seat thankfully held him back from consuming everything.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash was thankful for the harness.

Where was Fluttershy!? That silly filly was holding up the show!

Autumn and Scarlet Sunset sat patiently while the two younger pegasi itched to start the feast.

Then, at last, blessed hoofsteps! Rainbow Dash leapt out of her seat and raced over to help her incoming friend. She hurried the surprised yellow filly to the table, helped her to her seat then quickly jumped back onto her own. “There, we’re all here now, can we start, please, please, please?”

Scarlet Sunset smiled pleasantly at the overeager filly. “Now we say grace. Then you can stuff your face.”

A suppressed giggle broke out from Fluttershy.

“I suppose I had better keep it short and simple then,” Autumn Sunset spoke up, “oh Lawd, bless this bunch that’s about to munch.”

“‘Kay, thanks!” Dash leapt up and grabbed the top two pancakes and quickly smothered maple syrup on them.

An offended cry burst from Zephyr’s lips while his forehooves waggled desperately, begging to be served. His father rose swiftly and served him. As the pancake came into contact with his plate, the tiny colt brightened up. Autumn gave him a generous helping of maple syrup. Zephyr was quick to dig in.

Rainbow Dash gave the foal a surprised side eyed glance at his exuberance toward the meal. It was unnervingly close to her own eagerness. She shuffled a little bit closer to Fluttershy who was patiently waiting while her mother served her.

“Thees arb goof!” Dash extolled around her mouth full of what surely must be the most amazing pancakes ever.

“Dash!” Fluttershy turned to her best friend, “please don’t talk with your mouth full.”

“You’rmph- not my mother.” Dash was quick to retort as she swallowed.

“Rainbow Dash.” Scarlet Sunset spoke up. “Please listen to my daughter. I don’t know how you are allowed to eat in your own home, but here we don’t talk with our mouths full.”

“Oh. Okay.” The filly could see no easy way out of that reply and so kept quiet as she mowed into her breakfast with subdued vigour.

The meal progressed quickly, it felt to Rainbow Dash almost as though the tiny colt beside her was competing for who could eat the fastest.

She won.

With a contented belch, Dash settled back victorious.

“What do you say?” Scarlet Sunset promoted softly.

Dash grinned up at the deep yellow mare, “that was amazing, thanks!”

“No. For your little gaseous moment there,” Scarlet responded slowly.

“Oh, that. My dad always says it’s a compliment to the chef! That you did a great... uh...” Dash trailed off under the unimpressed gaze of the motherly mare.

“In our house,” Autumn spoke up as he collected his wife’s plate. “We say ‘pardon me’ after releasing gas.”

“Oh, right. Sorry. My dad and mom always seem to be okay with that stuff.”

Fluttershy daintily poked her best friend with her wing.

Dash shot the shy filly a questioning look before it dawned on her. “Right! Pardon me!”

“Thank you,” Scarlet Sunset softly replied as she stood and circumnavigated the table to collect her son. The foal in question had begun bouncing up and down in his chair, his eyes fixed upon the spectral mane close by. As his hooves reached out toward the tomcolt he found himself freed from his restraints, plucked out of his chair and whisked away.

Dash visually tracked the babe till he vanished. As he vanished down the hall she sighed with relief. “He’s weird.”

A brief laugh escaped the pale green stallion as he settled down opposite the two remaining children. “He’s my son. Of course he’s weird.”

“But you’re not weird dad.” Fluttershy softly spoke up in her sire’s defence.

This got a further chuckle out of the stallion who took a swing of his drink then spat glob of water straight up into the air and caught it in his open maw with a small splash. Then Autumn spat some of the water angled up to his right. Once again, the pegasus caught it with expert precision. He gulped down the mouthful then turned to the two fillies with a grin. “How about now?”

“That’s cool!” Dash declared as she rose eagerly, her wings outstretched with excitement.

“I didn’t know you could do that,” Fluttershy’s reply was much softer although she too found herself smiling.

“That’s because he does not often resort to colt’s tricks and other silly games while I’m around.” The deep yellow mare approached her husband with a playful smile. “I assumed you had grown up, dear.”

“Oh well, you never seemed to approve...” Autumn trailed off as a deep yellow hoof bopped his snout.

“You don’t need my permission to teach Rainbow Dash some of your silly tricks. I guess a stallion needs somepony to pass them on to and our son is not yet big enough.”

Dash bounced up and down eagerly, “what other cool things can you do?” 

“Well,” the pale green stallion flashed the eager filly a grin as his tidy autumn red mane fell across his face. It obscured his eyes much like how Fluttershy would often hide behind her own mane. “While I’m no speedster like your father... I can out play most ponies in cards and I know a lot of fun tricks with water, clouds, thunder, snow and the likes...”

“Cool!” In her excitement, Rainbow Dash’s eyes almost looked like they were about to pop out of her skull. She hopped off her chair then span around to face her best friend. “Hey Fluttershy, you’re gonna join in too, right?”

“Oh, I think I might just watch you.” The shy filly smiled pleasantly as she settled down beside the eager speedster.

“Watch?” Dash scrunched up her muzzle as she eyed her demure friend. “What’s the fun in watching?”

“Maybe I like watching you?” A faint blush covered the bright yellow muzzle as the speaker withdrew behind her pink mane.

Dash cackled at the cute display. Then she pulled a silly face and bounded toward the pale green stallion who now wore an amused grin upon his muzzle.

“Surely you can do better than that?” Autumn asked as he settled down closer to the two fillies level.

The young speedster snapped her attention up to the speaker. “What do you mean?”

Light green wings extended while the dry red mane rustled. Autumn turned his muzzle sideways and contorted his muzzle while his tongue flapped about and he shook as though a loose branch in a rough breeze.

Rainbow Dash cracked up laughing at the display while Fluttershy and her mother giggled softly.

“You’re good!” Dash stomped her hooves on the floor in applause.

“This other one, I like to call, turn your face into a cat's bum!” Autumn announced before he quickly re-squeezed his own face with his forehooves and took on a rather outlandish expression as though having inhaled an entire bag of sour candy.

Through continued giggles, Dash turned to her best friend. “Your dad’s cool Fluttershy!”

“Yes, he is...” The shy filly giggled softly.

“Alright,” Scarlet Sunset spoke up, her husband quick to take notice of her warning tone. “Go have fun elsewhere. I want some peace and quiet.”

“Yes dear, come on girls.” Autumn strode out of the room with so much energy it was as though a colt had taken over the normally serious pegasus.

Dash was quick to follow, her best friend right behind her.

Rainbow Dash eyed the pale green stallion who casually strode through the hallway toward the stairs. He had a bounce to his step. It was really funny now that Dash thought about it. He had seemed so serious before. Who knew a dad could be this much fun?

Blaze stood before his bedroom, his left forehoof rose to take a step in. He was ever so close to making it to bed. However, as his mind continued to war with itself he found his body turning to face the kitchen once more. His torn, desperate mind dwelt on the bottle of moonshine he had thrown in the trash.




But hyena's laughter!

It was the best...


One sip?

Just one...


‘No. It will lead to more pain. I need to rest.’ Blaze half turned to his bedroom once more. He had to wait for Gust. She would come. She could forgive him and give him another chance. ‘I just need just one more chance!’

It will help ease this blasted hangover...’

‘Yea. By giving you one tomorrow. Or... it could even put you in hospital.’

“That can be a problem for future me. Gust can always look after me. She’s better than any doctor.” Blaze shook as he took a step toward where the fallen bottle lay, sad and alone in the trash.

Begging to be enjoyed.

'Calling to me.'

This was a bad idea. A really bad idea. “I- should go bed...”

‘Yes. Yes you should...’

Yet despite everything good in him begging for him to return to the couch or bedroom and await his wife, Blaze wandered into the kitchen. All too soon he stood before the trash basket and eyed the magical bottle. That dangerous bottle.

The bottle that called out to him. It would be so easy to pick it up and open it.

“Last chance...” his own voice shocked him, so shallow and horse.

Before he knew it, a shaky hoof reached out and plucked the discarded crystal blue bottle out.

“Don’t do it .. you know where this is gonna go...”

“One sip…” The sheer amount of longing in his own parched voice terrified him yet he felt helpless, trapped in a body that no longer obeyed its master.

Just one...

Blaze suddenly found himself on the couch. He could not remember how he made it here, yet his hangover felt a lot better. He made to stand but staggered and fell like a sack of unprocessed icicles to the floor. Fear gripped the drunk pegasus as his gaze shot around the room in search of his lost booze bottle. To his shock, Blaze saw less than half a bottle of moonshine beside the couch on the floor.

Although if he was honest, it looked closer to two thirds empty.

Maybe a bit more.


It had been mostly full.

Uh oh...

The ex-wonderbolt sighed. With slow, clumsy motions he sat up on the floor and swiped for the bottle. Oh well. Too late now. He must be drunk as a skunk again. He may as well enjoy what was left…

Far away from Cloudsdale hung a lone cloud over a peaceful forest.

As a greyish-blue mare awoke late in the late morning on this lonely cloud far from anything she found herself high in the skies over the Equestrain country side. The forest below was rather beautiful, all lit up with Celestia's glory. Despite sleeping in late, Gust did not feel well rested. She swiped her black mane out of her vision and her gaze meandered like a lost foal. The lone mare spotted peaceful hills and wide rolling meadows. Cloudsdale hung far away in the distance. Her rogue cloud must have had quite the mind of its own... As Gust eyed the city she called home, a feeling that something was wrong bubbled up in her chest. A sigh escaped the lone mare. She could already tell this day was about to go down the potty…

Would it have been better if she had stayed at home?

Images of her drunk husband flashed across her vision and for a moment she smelt the awful smell of drunk, sweaty stallion as though he were right there on top of her. A shiver wracked her system. What happened to the charming, sweet husband she once had? The stallion who loved her with everything he had? They had been best friends, young lovers for life. He was good. He was sweet. He was wonderful. He was the only one for her. Gust knew it, yet for some reason, right now on this lonely cloud she suddenly wasn’t so sure she believed her own words. Something felt broken. As she rose to her feet, her flank could still feel where Blaze had grappled her in what she could only guess was his best drunken attempt at a hug.

A hug? Sure… Like that was the only thing he wanted from her. When drunk there seemed to be only two things on his mind and Gust felt as though from today, enough was enough.

A sigh escaped the suddenly lonely mother. Maybe it had been a good idea to flee the house soon after entering. Her children were bound to be fine thanks to Stormy. Maybe she should visit before going home?

The lone pegasus shook herself then swooped off the cloud and into the open skies. She angled herself toward Cloudsdale. Gust did not feel ready to face her husband. Yet the greyish-blue mare knew she had to.

Maybe she should find her children first.

Yes, that was a good idea.

Blaze could wait. What was the worst a hungover stallion could do on his own?

He would be fast asleep in bed or on the couch. They had a system, after all. A poor one, but it functioned. Sort of.


Despite her attempt at alleviating the dark feelings, something inside her still felt deeply wrong.

Author's Note:

I'm sure Gust is going to love what she finds, won't she?

I'm feeling the need for more cute Fluttershy and Dash moments, but don't worry more will be coming soon.

Revisions were done while listening to mlp/brony music because it carries that classic pony vibe that I'm after here.