• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 5,257 Views, 232 Comments

Crashing Angels - lillytheomegawolf

A story of how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash met as fillies. The joys and hardships of life, friendship, and love and all the surprises that happen along their journey as they become best friends--and much more.

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Chapter 9: Visits From a Cool Filly

It was a wonderful sunny Saturday in Cloudsdale. All around the city ponies were busy enjoying the spectacular clear weather. All this was lost on one impatient filly who sat in the doorway to her family raincloud home.

“Where are they?” Rainbow Dash rocked back and forth on her hooves as she stared out the open front door.

“I’m sure they are on their way honey.” Gust spoke up from the kitchen.

“Yea, quit the bouncing sis, it makes you look like you’re about to pop or something.” Soarin gave his sister a playful shut as he appeared next to her in the doorway.

The youngster shoved her much older brother back as hard as she could. “You’re worse when your waiting for your girlfriend!”

“She’s not my girlfriend.” Soarin playfully pushed back with a light blue wing.

Dash grinned cheekily up at her brother. “But you want her to be, don’t you?”

“I- no.”

“You’re blushing! See! You love her!” Dash was quick to point out rather loudly.

“No. And shush. I don’t love her, she’s just my best friend.” Soarin was quick to respond as he rubbed at his tinted right cheek. “I just got something on my face, I’ll be right back.”

A smirking filly watched as her brother hurried off. He vanished into the kitchen, presumably headed for the hallway beyond. Gust slipped out of the kitchen and approahced her daughter. The smirking filly did a poor job of wiping the smile off her lips.

“I’m off to work, you can see yourself out when your friend comes, can’t you?” Gust flicked her wings as she strode up to her daughter, ready for flight.

“Yes, mom.”

“Good,” the older mare gave her daughter a quick hug. “Be good and I’ll see you back here before dinner.”

“Okay. Thanks, mom.” Dash settled back onto the front doorstep as her mother made haste into the clear blue sky.

Moments later Soarin returned and sat beside his sister. “See back to normal.”

Dash rolled her eyes. Teenaged ponies were weird.

“Anyway, I’ll see you off and then I’m off to train with Spitfire, Fleetfoot and the others.”

“You should take me and Fluttershy with you one day.”

“Fluttershy and I,” corrected Soarin.

“Soar.” Dash scowled up at her older sibling.

“Yes, little sister?” A light smirk crept across the colt’s muzzle.

“You’re not mom, quit telling me how to talk.” The young filly sulked rather animatedly, her forehooves folded for effect.

The grin became full blown as Soarin enjoyed the show. “But me and Fluttershy is not the right way to say it. If you wanna talk to ponies with a little more class you gotta be able to speak right or they will think your dumb.”

“But why would I wanna talk to a snob?” Dash wrinkled her nose as she stared at her older sibling.

“Well...” The light blue colt trailed thoughtfully off. “Because, they are the kinds of ponies who can help a young group of ponies get seen by the Wonderbolts, or at least by ponies with connections to the Wonderbolts. It’s all about connections out there Dash.”

“Sounds like a really hard, long way of doing it.”

“That's the system.” Soarin nodded.

As Rainbow Dash bemoaned how dumb the system was, a deep sunny yellow mare came into view. The mare rose gracefully over the roofs of some nearby houses. Dash was sure she could spot a lighter speck on her back. “There’s Fluttershy!”

“Where?” Soarin turned his gaze from his sister to the street beyond.

“There!” Dash was quick to point out her best friend.

“I’m pretty sure I told you,” a smirk slid across the colt’s muzzle.

“Told me what?” The little filly shot her brother a stink eye.

“That you would enjoy school once you met that filly. Don’t deny it! I saw how your face lit up there. You see, I know everything.” Soarin waggled his forelegs and wings as if he were creating some kind of voodoo magyk or something.

“No you don’t,” Dash giggled as she playfully pushed her brother.

The russtling of feathers caused the pair to pause their playful banter. It was at that point the two siblings realised the pegasus who had been in the sky was now standing before them shuffling her wings.

“Good morning, Rainbow Dash,” Scarlet Sunset greeted with a light sunny smile.

“Hi Fluttershy! Hi Mrs. Sunset!” Dash rushed down the steps to meet the new arrivals.

“Y-you live in a raincloud?” Fluttershy quivered as she dismounted her mother.

“Yea, isn’t it cool?” Dash grinned back.

“I guess...” Fluttershy trailed off as she hid behind her mother’s foreleg.

“Hi, I’m Soarin, Rainbow Dash’s big brother.” The colt spoke from his place in the doorway.

“And I’m Fluttershy’s mother, Scarlet Sunset.” The dark yellow mare spoke softly.

“Cool, nice to meet you both.” Soarin reclined against the door frame as though it were some kind of leaning post.

“He’s off to go play with his fillyfriend, Spitfire.” Dash grinned pointedly up at her older brother.

“Hey, she’s not my fillyfriend. Now go have fun at Fluttershy’s house, you little troublemaker.” Soarin shooed his sister toward the sunny mare and her daughter.

“Thanks.” Dash leapt beside her best friend and offered a quick, playful nuzzle in greeting.

The teenaged colt turned and locked the door. With a final goodbye to the trio, he leapt into the skies and was gone.

“I see speed runs in the family.” Scarlet Sunset noted softy.

“Yea, we’re both gonna grow up to be Wonderbolts one day, it’s gonna be super cool!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

“Alright little miss speedster, how about I race you to your local dairy? I need to grab something on the way home.” Scarlet Sunset glanced down either side of the street, unsure which direction led to said dairy.

“Okay! Come on Fluttershy, let’s go!” Rainbow Dash urged as she rushed off down the soft cloud street in the direction of Moe’s Dairy.

“Okay.” The timid young pegasus gave the menacing raincloud house one last glance.

Fluttershy felt a light prod from her mother who motioned in the direction of her receding friend. “Quick, you don’t want her to win too easily now do you?”

“Oh, I guess...” Fluttershy hesitantly agreed then took off with an ever increasing speed toward her rainbow maned friend.

With a delighted smile, Scarlet Sunset joined the two foals, careful to keep pace close behind her daughter who was already trailing the speedy blue fuzzball in the lead.

Two fillies walked into a bedroom that looked big enough to comfortably house two or three young ponies. The cloud walls were decorated with a variety of colours, swirls and other patterns. The bed was large enough to fit two sisters and on one side of the bed sat a chest of draws with a small photo of Fluttershy with her family.

“And...well, this is my bedroom...” Fluttershy announced as she trotted into her bedroom. The shy filly leaped onto her bed and settled into the large comfortable cloud. “What do you think?”

“It’s so cool!” The bold filly exclaimed loudly as she gazed with awe at the rather large room that her friend somehow had all to herself.

Dash rushed around the room, eager to check everything out. With a delighted shout, Rainbow Dash leapt onto the bed and tacked her friend. The pair tumbled over and over till they came to rest on one of Fluttershy’s two pillows.

“You like it?” Fluttershy asked, more than a little shocked that her cool friend would like something as plain as her bedroom.

“This is the best bedroom ever! Mine’s just a little cloud in the corner with some Wonderbolts posters.” The energetic filly explained as she continued to gaze about the room from where she sat. “How come you get so much space?”

A distraught look overcame Fluttershy’s face as she beheld her best friend. “I’m sorry...”

“What?” Drawn from the surrounds, pink eyes locked with shy cyan irises below. “Don’t be... my house looks all cool and stuff from the outside, but inside, it sucks! Don’t know what dad spends his bits on...”

“W-What? But...Rainbow...that’s not fair!”

Light blue shoulders shrugged the problem off. “It’s nothing. At least you have a cool place. Can you show me more? I really want to see more ‘cause this house gets better and better the more I see!”

“Okay.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Cool!” The eager blue filly leapt up and hurried out of the room.

“One day....” Fluttershy murmured to herself as she headed out into the hallway once more. “...One day... it could be ours...”

“No way! With our awesome cloud shaping skills, I’m sure we can make a place that’s ten times as cool as this!” LIght blue hooves waved wildly around to illustrate the eager multicoloured fuzzball’s point.

“Meep!” Fluttershy squeaked, embarrassed that her quiet comment had been overheard. ‘I thought she would be down the hallway or something. Not in my face!’ “You didn’t hear that! No! I didn’t mean to say it...out loud...um... nevermind! Come on! Bathroom! Yes, bathroom!” Fluttershy scurried off toward the bathroom.

“Okay.” Dash followed her friend. ‘What could be cool about a bathroom?’

‘No...why did she hear me? Why did I have to say that? Oh, now she’s going to think I’m weird!’ Fluttershy entered the bathroom, too embarrassed to look back at her friend. She took a moment to check out her bathroom. Well, a bathroom she and her baby brother shared. The walls had been pigminted with baby blues and pinks. It had a bath tub at the end of the small room that could comfortably fit two of three foals. Next to the bath were some draws and the wash basin, arranged along the right wall leading back to the door. Oposite the wash basin was a toilet with a booster for young ponies so that they could sit comfortably was off to the shy filly’s left.

The Fluttershy’s train of thought was derailed by the entrance of the bold cyan filly who pounced on her with gusto. “Gotcha ‘Shy!” The grinning speedster gave her friend a quick nuzzle.

“Ah! R-Rainbow...? What are you doing?” The timid filly felt as though her muzzle was on fire as embarrassment met with the surprise of such a sweet, unexpected gesture.

“Giving my best friend a surprise. What else?” Dash picked herself up, bright red eyes on the yellow filly that continued to lie on the cloud floor. “You look cute when you’re like that... Now... where’s this awesome bath?”

Fluttershy ducked behind the wall of pink that was her mane. “Um...well, this is my bathroom, actually. The cool bathroom I told you about is in my mommy and daddy’s room. Do you... want to see it?”

“Na... your one looks cool too!” The bold filly bounded around, quick to check out the rest of the bathroom. She poked her nose into every cupboard, nook and cranny she could find.

“Um... Dash?” Fluttershy sat in the middle of the room while her friend continued to look through the bath toys. “Dash?”

The excited light blue filly tore her head out of the toy drawer. “Hey, you got some cool toys in here. We should have a sleepover one day, then I’ll get to play in the bath with you!”

“That sounds nice.” The shy filly’s heart gave a little flutter at the thought her best friend having a sleepover. Oh, all the fun they could have... A wonderful dinner, playtime in the bath, followed by snuggling up together out on the balcony with the stars above. It was-

“Hey, Equestria to Fluttershy?” A blue hoof waved in front of the spaced out filly’s muzzle.

“Eeep!” The gangly filly jumped back a step and fell over in a mix of pink and yellow.

Dash plonked her rear down on the solid cloudy floor as giggles escaped from behind a light blue forehoof. “You’re funny. You know that?”

“Um... Am I?” The shy filly felt her insides churn and her face burn. She allowed her mane to fall across more of her face to hide her embarrassment.

“Yea.” The speedster caught what she thought was a hint of sadness in her friend’s expression and she immediately straightened. “I mean that in a good way, okay?”

Fluttershy picked herself up and slowly nodded.

“So, like I was saying,” Dash turned to face the bath. “I think it would be really cool if we had a sleepover one night at your place. You look like you have lots of bath toys. We could play so many games during bath time, it will be super cool!”

A light smile erupted across the yellow filly’s muzzle. “I think so too.”

“You do?”

“I do,” Fluttershy confirmed with much vigorous nodding.

“Alright! Let's go, where to next?” Dash leapt up, ready for action.

A larger smile overcame Fluttershy’s face as she lead the way down the immaculate hallway, her destination set. “Well, I’ll show you the basement. It’s the toy room. And then after, my favourite place in the house!”

With a confident grin, Dash followed her friend, totally eager to explore. “Any more fun things to find in this house?”

“Um, not really. It’s not a big house or anything, but we do have to be careful in some of the rooms.”

“Why can’t we explore them then?”

Fluttershy shook her head as she carefully trotted down the stairs. While she took each step one at a time, she noted her energetic companion simply took a flying leap and glided effortlessly past her. Her smile vanished as the blue filly clipped the second step from the bottom with a rear hoof. With a yelp, Dash face planted into the hard cloud at the bottom of the steps.

Fluttershy was quick to rush to her friend’s side. “Are you okay!?” She gently eased the pained filly up into a sitting position.

Dash sat there, eyes closed as she fought back tears of pain. There was no way her pride would let her best friend see her cry over something as silly as tripping on the stairs. “Yea, I’ll be fine... Just oww...”

“Mommy always says, don’t run or fly inside.”

“That’s no fun.”

“But you just hurt yourself?”

“But I won’t next time, okay?”

“Okay,” Fluttershy sighed.

“The playroom is this way?” Dash pointed to the solo door off to the side.

The shy filly nodded. She slowly led the way and opened the door. “This is where my brother and I play.”

Inside the large basement room, there was a collection of clouds to their left, toys to their right and books on the large bookshelf at the end of the room. In the corner between the bookshelf and the toy boxes sat Scarlet Sunset. Between her forehooves played a very young aquamarine colt who looked about two and a half years old. Toys were scattered around the pair. He was currently sucking on a miniature wonderbolt figurine. After an extra long suck, he tore the toy out of his mouth and tossed it as far as he could. The small cloudy blue figure bounced once before it came to rest a few hooves away from the tike. 

Rainbow Dash gasped in shock. “Not Slip Stream!”

Scarlet turned toward the source of interruption, her forehoof was half way between picking up the discarded toy and her son. “Glad you two can join us. Would you like to play with Zephyr Breeze?”

“Uh...” Dash took half a step back as she cautiously eyed the tiny colt as though he was some kind of poisonous creatures. “I dunno.”

“We can do.” Fluttershy offered as she approached her small brother.

The light blue filly shot her reserved companion a look. “But I wanted to play with you.”

“Oh... Um...” A yellow hoof pawed at the cloud floor, half way between her family and her friend.

Scarlet Sunset slowly stood then picked up her son along with two toys which he excitedly accepted. “Have fun you two. Come on Zephyr, I think I might make us all lunch.”

“Thanks,” Dash couldn’t help but grin at the prospect of food.

Fluttershy was quick to delve into a box of toys. The box tipped on its side and a variety of plush toys spilled over the explorer. Dash giggled at the wriggling yellow flank and bright pink tail as it swished about. With much wriggling, the lanky filly withdrew from the box and turned to face her friend. The blue speedster didn’t bother silencing her mirth.

“What?” The yellow filly cocked her head to the side, unable to fathom what her friend could be laughing at.

“What do you mean, what?” Dash shot back amidst her light mirth. “You looked funny. All I could see was your butt and tail sticking out going wiggle-wiggle-wiggle.”

The shy filly withdrew ever so slightly behind her mane as her cheeks grew warm. “O-oh...”

“What do you have there?” Dash bounded up and prodded the two plush dolls held in yellow forehooves.

The timid little pegasus lit up. She held out the plush comical pink bunny and its companion, a purple bear. “These are Moshi Snuggle Bunny and Felicia.”

“Where did you get those names from? They sound weird.”

“Oh... I... heard them somewhere. I thought they fitted?”

“Okay!” Dash bounced once. “Mind if I pick a few then we can play?!”

“Sure.” The quiet answer was followed by a quick duck from Fluttershy as Rainbow Dash leapt over her best friend and landed with a silly pose. The gangly filly giggled at her best friend’s antics as Dash dug into the box of plush toys.

Rainbow Dash searched quickly for a toy to play with. She was also quick to discard any who did not look cool.

Fluttershy looked on as plush toys were thrown here there and everywhere over the tiny speedster’s back. She sighed as one landed at her feet. It was probably better to pick them up now rather than wait. Fluttershy began to wander the corner of the playroom. She snagged as many plushies as she could then turned to head back to the box.

“Ah-ha!” Dash exclaimed as she bolted upright, a well-loved soft toy Wonderbolt in her forehooves. The stallion had a rainbow mane with a rich purple-blue coat and was positioned as though in the middle of pulling off aerial stunts. The small blue filly’s eyes shot wide open. “Wait... this looks like dad.”

“Your dad is a Wonderbolt?”

“No. I mean... Yes, he was. But they only make toys of the bestest most coolest Wonderbolts!” Dash exclaimed as she glanced between her friend and a soft toy that was an exceedingly close likeness to her father.

“My daddy seems to think he was pretty good... He was on the main team or ...something.” The soft reply further perked the young speedster’s attention.

“Your dad gave this to you?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I don’t remember when, but I was very young.”

With a flick of her multicoloured mane the smaller pegasus turned back to the toy in her forehooves. “What? Now I wish I was alive when my dad used to do shows...”

“He stopped?”

With a sigh Dash nodded. “Yea... I think mom said he stopped just before I was born or something.”

“Oh... I’m sorry.”

Rainbow Dash gave her companion a strange look. “Uh... why are you sorry?”

The shy filly scuffed at the soft cloud floor, “oh, um... You know... because you never got to see him at a show.”

Dash gazed at the toy in her forehooves. A sense of longing flooded her system. Sure she had heard some stories about her dad in action. But cool enough to be one of the few Wonderbolts to have a toy made after his likeness? It was hard to picture the drunk stallion who spent so much of his time on the couch as anything close to the cool toy in her forehooves. A ripple of pain was quickly replaced by a more stony outlook. “Oh well... Hey, how about I pretend this is me.”

“A stallion?” Fluttershy eyed her old plush toy.

A giggle escaped the young speedster. “Sure.”

Dash rushed over to the discarded Slip Stream toy. She paused in front of the downed plastic toy. “Uh... can we wash this?”

“Why?” Fluttershy trotted over and spotted the toy her friend was talking about. “Oh, you mean because Zephyr drooled on it?”

Dash nodded, her face scrunched up in obvious disgust. “Yea...”

“Okay.” Fluttershy picked up the toy pegasus then rubbed it on her coat. After a quick once over she offered it to her playmate. “There you go, all clean.”

“Eeeew... now you have colt cooties...”

“He’s just my baby brother...” Fluttershy flushed.

“Can’t we wash it properly?”

Fluttershy sighed and rolled her eyes. “Okay. Follow me.”

With that, the quieter filly led the way back up the stairs and to the bathroom to give the goobered toy a proper wash.

Two young pegasi raced around the expansive playroom. Much laughter and giggles rang out as they ran circles. The occasional soft toy was knocked out of the way of the dashing twosome.

“Keep up super ‘Shy!” Dash cried out as she ran. On her back sat the toy depicting her father from his days as a proud Wonderbolt.

Buzzing with joy at her friend’s words, the yellow filly tossed her soft pink bunny into the air. She leapt up and caught it again only to tumble into the smaller filly. The pair found themselves rolling round and around in a fit of giggles. They slid to a stop, yellow on top of blue.

A giggling filly pile of plush toys and filly lay upon the soft cloud floor of Fluttershy’s playroom. At that moment, they were happy to simply enjoy themselves, together.

“Somepony’s getting excited.” The grinning speedster wriggled around to face the filly on top. She would not admit it, but she was enjoying the close proximity as well as her companion’s boldness.

“Well... you do that to me sometimes.” Fluttershy nuzzled her friend.

“He, he... yea.” Dash quickly extracted herself from her friend. The speedy youngster raced over to the box of toys and quickly picked out a selection of colourful creatures. She tossed a purple, red and white phoenix to the yellow filly. “Here Fluttershy! Let’s try these!”

The bright yellow filly slowly stood. “Okay?”

“Shy!” The tiny voice caused the duo to spin around and face the doorway. “Food!”

“You mean it’s lunch, already?”

The tiny colt nodded briskly.

“Okay.” Fluttershy made her way over to her little brother. “Would you like a ride back to the table?”

The foal nodded.

“Okay, Rainbow Dash, help him up.” Fluttershy knelt and awkwardly began to assist her brother on to her back.

With much trepidation, Rainbow Dash assisted the tiny pegasus on to his big sister’s back. “How’s that?”

“He feels fine up there.” The lanky yellow filly replied as she rose slowly.

“You sure you can carry him all the way?” Dash asked as she stood, her gaze on the baby who stared back with wide eyes.

“Keep an eye on him, I’m sure he will be okay.”

“Uh... sure...” Dash followed her friend as the young pegasus began to carefully make her way upstairs. The small colt on her back continued to gaze at Rainbow Dash with an incredibly awed expression. It almost made Dash want to look away. ‘Why is he looking at me like that?’ “Uh... Fluttershy..?”


“Your brother’s giving me a really weird look.”

The filly in the lead giggled softly. “I think he likes you.”

“Greaaat...” Dash rolled her eyes.

The spacious kitchen that Rainbow Dash found herself in had a large dinner table in the middle of the room. She sat facing the kitchen bench where the cooker, chiller and countertop were. Scarlet Sunset turned from kitchen bench to face the foals at the table. She carried plates filled with a colourful array of fruits and vegetables over then placed them down in front of the three little pegasi. She then placed a glass of apple juice before each of the youngsters. “Enjoy.” The mother of two turned and collected a plate each for herself and incoming husband to enjoy.

The two and a half year old Zephyr Breeze dug in with gusto, seemingly content in his own world. To his right sat Rainbow Dash who looked about as excited as he was to see the meal.

“Thanks, Mis Sunset!” The eager cyan speedster mowed into her meal as though she had not eaten in days.

“Rainbow! Slow down!” Fluttershy squeaks from her place on the other side of her best friend, afraid of what her mother might think.

Between the look of mild shock on the sunny mare’s face and her friend’s own horror, Rainbow forced herself to slow down to a more public friendly speed.

“I see somepony likes their food.” Scarlet Sunset commented softly. “I’m not sure if I should be scolding you for your lack of table manners or feel encouraged by your enjoyment of my meal.”

“Heh... sorry...” Dash sank down a bit. “It tastes really nice Mrs. Sunset!”

“There you two girls are...” The deep voice of a stallion reached their ears as a middle aged pale green stallion with a light autumn red mane entered the room and proudly took the seat beside his wife.

“Daddy!” Fluttershy smiled brightly at her father. “Daddy, this is Rainbow Dash! My best friend!”

“It’s nice to meet this friend I’ve heard so much about.” The turned his stern gaze upon the blue filly, a slight smile upon his lips. “My name is Autumn Sunset, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You too mister.”

The stallion raised an eyebrow at the cheeky reply. Upon seeing the young filly tuck back into her meal he shrugged and began eating.

Despite the rich fruity flavours, Fluttershy couldn’t help but sigh. ‘Oh, what am I going to do with her? ….I guess, she’s just being the same old Rainbow Dash I know and love...’

The pale green stallion paused his eating. He carefully dabbed a cloth to his mouth and once cleaned he turned to his wife. “Say. This a delightful salad dear, thank you.”

“You’re most welcome. I’m glad everypony is enjoying it.”

The head of the house took one more bite of his meal before he paused once more to stare at his daughter’s friend. “Say, you don’t happen to be related to a stallion I know? Tall, he has a sort of muted purple going on blue coat... Rainbow mane?”

“Woat, ma-mptf dad?” Dash managed around a mouth full. She noticed the disdainful look upon the stallion’s face. The speedster quickly chewed, swallowed then grinned innocently up at the adult.

“You sure seem like you might be related to Blaze.” Autumn Sunset commented before he took another bite of his meal.

“Oh yea, he’s my dad.” A yellow hoof poked the blue filly’s side.

Dash turned to her friend. “What?”

Fluttershy withdrew shyly. “Um... maybe you could please try and maybe... finish chewing before you talk. If that’s okay with you.”

Dash snorted. “Of course it’s okay,” she turned to face the stallion who appeared to be quietly judging her. “Oh, right. Uh, sorry about speaking with my mouth full and stuff.”

“Thank you. I would appreciate it if you withhold yourself from doing it again, goodness knows, your father does that enough at work.”

“You work with my dad?”

“Sure do,” Autumn Sunset nodded. “I’m in charge of the finances and he runs the factory floor. I also used to enjoy the Wonderbolt shows while he was among their ranks.”

Dash’s head span. This was huge. Not only did her best friend’s dad know her dad, but he used to go to all his shows. Were they friends or something? “Were you-”

“Da!” The tiny colt cried out as he threw an apple slice at his father.

The pale green stallion blinked a few times as the slice slowly slid down his face then landed with a plop in his bowel. “Son...” He picked the slice up, reached over the table and held the morsel out for the foal to take. “Eat it.”

Zephyr jumped up and down excitedly in his high seat and smacked the apple slice off his father’s outstretched hoof. The small piece of fruit sailed over and landed in the bowel of the pegasus next to him; Rainbow Dash.

With a cry, the little filly lurched up and flicked away the unwanted addition to her plate. Several other items of fruit scattered across the table too. “Ewww, I don’t want that!”

At the eruption of sound, the two and a half year old Zephyr began to cry.

Rainbow Dash cringed.

The wails rapidly quickly grew in volume. Scarlet Sunset wasted no time in hurrying around the table to comfort her son. She picked him up in her right forehoof and held him close. The deep yellow pegasus began to coo softly and whisper to her precious little boy.

“Uh... gotta go...” Dash took a big gulp of her drink then vacated the area as though chased by hungry timber wolves.

Fluttershy sighed. At least she was confident that she could find the silly young pegasus. After sharing a concerned look with her father she continued her meal, her eyes upon the mess her best friend had just made.

Fluttershy entered the playroom with trepidation. She was quick to spot her best friend. The light blue filly carefully threw the light purple wonderbolt toy across the room in a clear attempt at making it simulate flight. It landed with a bounce against the wall that housed various clouds up above foal reach.

“Hi, Dash.”

The young speedster jumped slightly but was quick to reign in her surprise. “Hey... sorry about running out and all. Your brother cries so loudly.”

Fluttershy nodded, “oh I agree. I think it's amazing how much noise one tiny colt can make.”

“Yea,” a slight laugh escaped the light blue filly as she picked up the toy modelled on her dad.

“Do you want to see the balcony?” Fluttershy offered.

“Sure... why not?” Dash went to throw the toy back at the box it came from but paused. She looked carefully at the proud, worn toy. Its wings were out in imaginary flight, hooves outreached as though about to perform an incredible stunt. After a long moment’s contemplation she cantered over the box, carefully placed the toy inside then raced over to her best friend. “Now?”

Fluttershy nodded, unsure what had just happened. Never the less she was glad that her friend had decided to neatly put away one of the toys. She led her companion upstairs, through the kitchen were Scarlet Sunset was busy cleaning up. They came to a stop in front of a massive door that appeared to face the afternoon sun. This clearly lead to the balcony. Fluttershy stood on her hind legs and with a grunt managed to force the heavy door to move.

A grin appeared on the blue filly’s muzzle as she stepped out alongside her best friend and strode up to the railing. “This ... is... like... super cool! You can see all of city!”

“Yep.” Fluttershy agreed as she took her place next to her friend.

Beyond the two fillies lay the grand view of mid Cloudsdale Central. Homes and businesses, all made out of various grades of cloud stretched out toward the horizon. In the center of town, the supports that connected the upper, mid and lower central city were large and indomitable as they stretched up into the sky. A constant flow of pegasi flew up and down between the three major levels. Both flight paths and roads all around the central city were full of activity as pegasi of all hues and colours went about their business. Further, into the horizon, majestic mountains and rolling hills stood, adding to the beauty and charm of the landscape.

Fluttershy sighed dreamily as she enjoyed the dramatic view. A breeze caused their mane to flutter about wildly and she giggled as rainbow sparkles filled her vision. She relaxed into a seated position and her eyes came to rest on the energetic ball of fuzz that continued to lean on the railing.

After many long moments of drinking in the view, Rainbow Dash decided to relax a bit. She sat down next to her friend and was startled by how quickly the yellow filly leaned against her. Her immediate desire was to shove the silly filly aside. This was her personal space. But as the warm lanky filly continued to snuggle up against her side, Rainbow Dash found an overwhelming desire to lean back.

Fluttershy glanced at the prismatic speedster in surprise as she found her cuddle reciprocated. Surprise melted into pleasure and she closed her eyes in bliss. The daydream from once before returned to her. Both she and Rainbow Dash are grown up mares. Together they sat snuggled up on this same balcony together. The last of Celestia’s rays were touching the city lighting it golden. As the sunset deepened she would snuggle closer, then Rainbow Dash would hold her close and never let her go. It was perfect.

A jolt shook the lanky filly from her daydream. “-to Fluttershy. Equestria to- oh, you are listening to me?”

Fluttershy withdrew, her muzzle flushed. “Oh, sorry. What were you saying?” 

Dash sighed. In lacking the warm feeling in her side she decided to settle down on her back, her gaze now upon the sky. “Never mind. Thanks for bringing me out here. It’s cool.”

Fluttershy nodded with delight then lay down next to her friend. “This isn’t as high and scary as your cloud. But that is your special spot. This... is mine.”

“That?” Dash stared at her friend in surprise. “That place is cool.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Fluttershy found herself recalling how high and windy the small tower that Dash enjoyed visiting was. “I- I think it’s very high up, that’s all.”

“Are you afraid of heights?” Dash continued to stare at her best friend in disbelief.

“Um...” Fluttershy suddenly found her forehooves very interesting as they wiggled about in the air.

“But we live in the clouds. Come on.” Dash half rose to better gaze into her timid companion’s eyes.

The yellow filly once again looked away. “It’s just... I- I am. Okay? I’m afraid of heights. The ground is ever so far away. Can you imagine how far it is to fall down there?”

Rainbow Dash sighed as she beheld the quaking filly in front of her. With a dry smile to herself, she leant forward and wrapped the timid pony in a hug. This visit to her friend’s house had certainly not gone as she imagined. Yet as she gazed at the recovering filly in her forelegs, Rainbow Dash could not help but feel somehow fulfilled.

“Alright fillies, pack up. It’s time I take Rainbow Dash home.” Scarlet Sunset softly announced as she entered the play room.

In the toy corner, Zephyr Breeze was playing quietly with some pony and animal toys. The two wonderbolt toys were strangely vacant, however, almost as though one young vigilante had removed them from his reach. At the sound of his mother’s voice, he rose and shuffled over to greet her. She picked him up with a whoosh and he giggled. The mare once again turned her attention to the other two young pegasi in the room. “Did you two hear me?”

On the far left of the room, next to the bookcase sat Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. The pair glanced up from the picture book they had been sharing.

“Five more minutes, please mom? I’ve almost finished reading this to Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy begged.

“Yea, please?” Dash was quick to add.

This mother’s heart melted at the sight of her daughter reading with Rainbow Dash. It was especially encouraging seeing the pair share a book. “Alright. I’ll take Zephyr up to his father. When I return I expect you both to be ready.”

“Okay, Mom.” Fluttershy nodded.

With a final nod, the mare departed with her son. The two fillies in the corner turned to each other.

“Why do I have to go home already?” Dash asked. It was still light outside. What was the problem?

“I think our moms agreed you would be home by dinner, or something.” Fluttershy softly replied. 

“Awwww... but I’ve been having so much fun here with you!”

The gangly yellow filly glowed. She was delighted to hear her friend enjoyed it so much that she didn’t want to leave. Yet she knew their time was soon to come to an end. “We... really should finish this book. I don’t want to keep mom waiting.”

“Why? Your mom seems really nice. Can’t we make this book take a long, long time? Then I get to stay for dinner!” Dash grinned at her cunning plan.

“No.” Fluttershy softly replied, her tone uncertain. “Uh... sorry. But if mom says it’s time to go, we really should finish.”

“Aww... Fine... Let’s go.” Dash stood up and stretched her wings.

“But our book!”

Dash plonked herself on her rump, her tone salty: “We don’t wanna keep your mom waiting, remember?”

“But-” Fluttershy glanced between their book and her friend. What was going on?

“Come on Fluttershy. I’ll finish it with you next time, promise.”

The timid filly sighed, “oh, um... okay.” She rose and placed the picture book carefully back on the shelf. “We were right near the end though.”

“Yea. I know. I just don’t feel like it anymore.”

“Okay.” Fluttershy stood there awkwardly. Some reading was better than none though, right?

“Are we going?” Dash asked after several beats passed in silence.

“Oh, yes!” Fluttershy slipped past her friend and took the lead up the stairs to meet her mother.

With one more glance at the cool playroom, Dash admired the art on the walls, the sheer quantity of toys, books and more, then she turned. With a quiet vow that she would return soon to this awesome place, the young speedster hurried after her best friend. It was home time.

Author's Note:

Greetings. I do hope the rewritten Crashing Angels has been an enjoyable and fulfilling tale so far.

To those who remember the old story, you might remember I also had them boarding at school. While this led to many cute moments, after much consideration over the years I decided this was unnecessary and unrealistic since they were in fact locals in Cloudsdale. How hard would be for their mothers, or Soarin to walk them to school? I felt that could lead to more natural scenes and allow more characters to grow and be featured. While I have had to ditch all the cute scenes of them sharing a room, dinner at school etc. Some elements of that will be making its way into future chapters when they begin to have sleepovers at each other's houses and the like. This removal of the boarding school element quickly turned into more than just a simple removal while I tweaked and updated the story. It has led to many smaller changes and new developments in so many areas that previously were hard to explore.

One of the outstanding lesser changes as far as I'm concerned is a by-product of the removal of boarding school: More time getting to develop Soarin and the family of both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I think its substantially stronger thus far because of the extra ties.
For a long while, I had considered removing Soarin from his place in RD's family. This had been on my mind due to a lack of fan work featuring him as her sister, a position I had long held as a Flutterdash / SoarinFire shipper who began shipping the two couples along with TwiLuna back in the season 2 era when I got into MLP. In the end, I decided to keep it in and instead include more brother / sister moments and even allow Dash to poke fun at her older, teenaged brother and his best friend who is in fact a girl (not yet girlfriend). This, of course, begs the question of what could possibly lead to their interactions in the show when they are grown up. But that's something for the story to address later on.

Then finally, in season 2 when I began this tale, there was no canon brother for Fluttershy. However, as the years and seasons have rolled on, I thought he might fit, even though her later season canon parents (who were simply called Mr. and Mrs. Shy...?) are still replaced by what I imagined her folk would be like back in 2012. I dunno, I think a softly spoken mother and a proud, friendly father work better than the two doormats the show's creators settled on. But maybe that's just me...

From here on in, aside from a couple of stand out events left from the old story, Crashing Angels is set to sail in a new, cute direction. The old lack of direction I had, with only a couple of ideas for points in their relationship I wanted to hit, has been rebooted in a big way and I think it shows.?

Hopefully, the new chapters here on in will bring just as much cuteness, feels and that good old season 2ish feeling from back in the day as the old story did.

Or at least, that's my aim here.

If you have any thoughts, I would be delighted to hear them.
It's nice to say that after many years of inactivity (~2013-2019) this story isn't dead. I want to finish it and I'm confident that with the new additions this can be done.