• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 5,258 Views, 232 Comments

Crashing Angels - lillytheomegawolf

A story of how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash met as fillies. The joys and hardships of life, friendship, and love and all the surprises that happen along their journey as they become best friends--and much more.

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Chapter 6. Lost & Found

Two fillies were gathered in the headmasters office. Either side of the bleak grey cloud desk stood filing cabinets with papers on top. Behind the desk sat the grey pegasus stallion Dash had first met with her mother. The wall behind him bore many photographs of the students over the last few years along with a couple of staff pictures.

The multicoloured filly shifted uncomfortably in front of the stern looking stallion as he held his silence. Fluttershy had her eyes set on some highly interesting spot on the floor that became increasingly more interesting the longer the silence stretched on.

"As I'm sure you know, yesterday in the playground was a disaster. Do you have anything to add before I continue?" Greymane politely asked.

"They started it!" Dash blurted out.

Fluttershy sank lower into her seat.

"I've heard accounts that tell me you threw the first hoof. But-" Greymane raised a hoof, cutting off the incoming smart reply from the indignant filly in front of him. "I"m willing to give you another chance since you are new."

A cyan mouth opened with a retort on her lips but was silenced by the crash of a powerful aged hoof falling on the desk in front of them.

"Then please don't break school rules. We have them for good reasons. Even if you don't like them."

He turned his tiring gaze to the timid filly. "Fluttershy is it?" A small 'eep' and a nod was all the shy filly managed as she hid behind her mane.

"I can see you have made a good friend. Please try to be more assertive and keep her out of trouble next time."

Fluttershy mutely nodded, relieved by the lack of punishment. The towering stallion broke out into a kind smile, glad that the mean side of role as headmaster finally appeared to over for the day.

“Thank you. Please see that you do. Now, I trust you can find your way to class?"

Two heads nodded in response. Led by Greymane the trio stood and two multicoloured plush balls fled the terrifying room of their headmaster.

Rainbow Dash stepped out of the administration building and breathed deep the cool morning air, relieved that the two of them had gotten off lightly. She boldly trotted off, head held high as if nothing had ever happened. Fluttershy trailed behind her.

Rainbow turned to her quiet companion and grinned, "I think he might okay."

"What?" Fluttershy asked, surprised by the sudden comment.

"Greymane. He’s kinda cool, for an old stallion.”

Fluttershy smiled back, “I agree. Now let’s not be any later to class.”

“Awww, okay. I was gonna milk this a bit harder, you know.”

Fluttershy smiled lightly as she wandered off into the lead. Her new friend was certainly something. But was it even possible to be assertive and make Dash listen? “Please come to class with me?”

“Because he told you to boss me around?”

“Dash…“ Fluttershy’s reprimand failed on her lips as they walked through the cloud hallways, past doors, windows and student artwork on display. “Um… he didn’t- at least I think… I don’t want to boss you around. But if you could maybe listen to me more sometimes, we won’t have to visit his office again. I do want to try to keep you from getting into all these fights. They are bad.”

Dash rolled her eyes, rolling her head away from her friend in the hopes that her cheeky response wouldn’t get noticed. “Okay, fine. But I’m sure I’ll be back there sooner or later.”

“Please, try and make it later..?”

Dash sighed, her gaze returned to her best friend and she felt compelled to respond to the sad filly face. “Whatever you say, Fluttershy. I’ll try, for you.”

The shy filly lit up and gave her friend a quick hug, “thank you, Rainbow Dash!”

The cool speedster shrugged her companion off. “Yea, yea. Anything for you Flutters, no more hugs. We’re nearly at class.” As they trotted onwards, Dash’s pace slowed. “Say… We can’t wait one more minute?”

“No Dash. I mean-“

A blue hoof covered the yellow mouth before the shy filly could continue. “Don’t. You say go, let’s go.”

With her muzzle covered Fluttershy nodded then led the rest of the way to their class.

Rainbow Dash trailed slower, hoping that her decision to follow would be a good one.

As she stood up the front of the class, Ms Breeze chuckled to herself, "Good, then how about our first flying lesson of the term?"

Excitement buzzed through the class, most of whom could hardly contain their wings with excitement. Rainbow Dash felt about to burst from excitement. This is why she was here! She barely noticed her shy friend sinking down into her seat. Fluttershy squeaked in shock as a cyan hoof grabbed her. A rainbow and pink streak exited the class as the buzzing cyan filly propels her companion on, eager at the prospect of a flying lesson.

The youngsters lined up obediently in front of the teacher in the beginners flight course. It was a mostly bare, well carpeted expanse of cloud to safely accommodate foals who are unsure on their wings. Above this layer floated a long white fluffy cloud at the start line, obviously intended to give a raised platform for the youngsters to take off. Aside from the soft clouds underhoof, the hoofmade looking grounds had only sparsely placed cloud obstacles dotting the expanse. Behind them sat the playground in all its glory, several of less confident fillies and colts eyes drift to the fun zone wishfully.

Their teacher was as excited as most of her class. "Alright, class. Now I want one of you to come up to the front and show me how well you can fly. Then I have a few things to show you before you all try."

Several small hooves shot up into the air as several foals, eager to show off, vied for their teacher's attention.

Rainbow Dash almost burst with excitement as she waved her little hooves in the air, barely contained cries upon her lips.

"Okay, new filly, up you come." Mrs Breeze noticed the newest addition to the class who was overflowing with excitement.

Rainbow put on a smile of awesomeness as she waltzed to the front.

"Alright. I would like to hop up on this start line cloud then do your best running take off. Just make sure you flap those wings like you mean it because flying isn't as easy as you might think young filly."

Contrary to instructions, the bold little ball of spectrum trotted up to take her place at the start line. "Watch this." In Rainbow Dash's mind she was performing as the lead mare in the Wonderbolts.

The cocky cyan plush ball stepped back a few paces then sprinted forward and leapt into the sky blue expanse beyond. She worked her wings madly to gain altitude, fighting for every extra hoof she could gain above the cloud padding below. The tiny filly sort of flew several small pegasus lengths before she came crashing down onto the padded white clouds below.

She sprang back up to her hooves with a heroic flick of her spiky mane. Rainbow Dash was met with the appreciative hoof stomping of her class. She smirked at the bullies who glared back at her before she strutted back to her position next to Fluttershy in the line.

"Alright class. There's a good example of what I would like you all to work toward. Although next time I would advise trying not to crash land Rainbow Dash. I will show you how to land if you struggle with it.”

"You got it!" The puffball soaked up the praise.

"Now I would like you all to have a go. There's enough space here for everypony at once so there is no need to push and shove." The easy going mare instructed.

Every filly and colt spaced themselves out along the line and do drills as explained by Breeze. “First. Everypony raise your wings. Feel them. Give me one strong beat down. Now up. Then down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Faster!” She spotted a few foals with mismatched wing beats and turned her attention upon them. “Please try and have both wings working at the same time. You cannot fly if your wings don’t work together in perfect timing.”

While a few of them giggled and set their wing beats into sync while a few other foals continued to struggle.

Fluttershy flushed as she realized she was one of the foals the advice was directed at. She eyed her wings as they continued to slowly rehearse wings beats. It wasn’t easy keeping perfect timing, but after another ten beats, the shy pegasus was sure she had it almost right.

“Okay class, now we will try gliding position.” At her word everypony paused and despite a few mumbled grumbles, they paid attention to their teacher. “I want you all to stick your wings out like this.” Her long wings gracefully unfurled till they were fully extended at her sides. They were ever so slightly curved as if to cup the wind under them. Both wings were otherwise level with the cloud floor below. 

With a rustle of wings the class was quick to try and copy the example they were set.

Rainbow Dash huffed with indignation. This was too easy, it was boring! Dash glanced to her left at her best friend to see how she was doing.

Fluttershy checked her wings to make sure they were level and made small adjustments to both until she thought it looked right. She was thankful that there were a few colts to her left who appeared to be doing similar adjustments as she was.

Their teacher folded her wings and wandered along the line. She closely checked each foals wings. Adjustments were made here and there as she progressed.

Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest as Mrs Breeze moved past her with naught but a nod. She noticed the mare pause to make a few adjustments to her shy friend’s wing positing and some of the pride abated. It appeared she still had to work on a few things with Fluttershy before her friend made it to her level of cool.

Once the assessment was done, their teacher leapt into the air and glided back along the line. “Did everypony see that?” She asked as she tucked her long wings neatly at her sides.

“Yes, Mrs.” The obedient call echoed.

“Good. I would like you all to step to the back of the take off cloud then get a running start for your glide. No attempts at flying yet okay?”

“Yes, Mrs Breeze.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. She wanted flying class, not gliding class.

“Alright. Now, follow my example.” Mrs Breeze took one step to the front of the cloud then with one stroke of her wings, launched herself into the skies where she glided slowly along till her hooves kissed the soft cloud cover. “Alright class, on three, two, one, go!”

The foals charged along till they collectedly leapt off the platform. Several flapped their wings multiple times before they realized they were supposed to be gliding. Three others hardly managed one proper flap before they dovetailed into the soft cloud. The largest bunch, led by the new filly in the class cruised along the sky before they touched down in front of their teacher with big grins.

“Very good. I see most of you have improved from our lessons last term,” Mrs Breeze commented.

Fluttershy hesitated at the platform, realized she would soon be noticed then closed her eyes and rushed off the top. She raised her wings to what she hoped was the right way and felt the cloud under hoof vanish suddenly. Yellow hooves kicked at thin air and a jolt of panic shot through her small system. With a surprised ‘eep’ she sharply nose dived toward the soft cloud and tumbled to a stop alongside Derpy and two other foals who had struggled. Pink obscured yellow as Fluttershy hid behind her mane. That attempt was worse than the final class of last term. Oh dear…

Mrs Breeze spoke up as the class members began judging their peers results. “Alright class, I want you to do this one more time. If those more capable show me once more they can glide well, I will allow them to move onto flight while I work with the others on gliding.”

With a variety of “Yes Mrs,” the youngsters made their way back up to the start line cloud for a second attempt.

“Hey,” Dash whispered to Fluttershy as the defeated filly plonked herself down with resignation. “You can do it, I know it.”


“Hey, I saw some filly close their eyes. Just uh… try keep them open. Look at me or something.”

Fluttershy nodded. Maybe it might help if she kept looking at her best friend and not the other foals who she was sure were laughing behind her back? It was worth a try.

“Alright class, ready? Set. Go!”

At the teacher's words the class sprang into action, Rainbow Dash in the lead.

Fluttershy waited for her best friend to cross halfway to their teacher before she took a deep breath and rushed forward too. This time she kept her eyes on the receding cyan flank and fluttering rainbow tail. Suddenly she found herself going head over hooves and tumbling over and over in a ball of candy yellow and pink. With a moan, Fluttershy cracked an eye open and found herself gazing up into the grinning face of Rainbow Dash.

“Hey, that was pretty good!” Dash smiled happily down at her capsized friend.

“I don’t think it counts if she rolled half the way!” One of the colts called out.

“Hey!” Dash span around to face Hoops. “You come here and say that!”

“Calm down, Rainbow Dash.” Mrs Breeze chastised the hot headed foal. “And Hoops, please try to not put fellow class members down. She made a big improvement and should be proud of herself.”

“Like I would be proud of rolling.” Muttered the colt with a shake of his head.

Fluttershy rolled onto her tummy and lowered her head into the soft cloud. With a reddening muzzle, the shy filly wasn’t sure she wanted to get up quite yet.

Dash poked her friend’s side with her nose as their class members began to group up, directed by their teacher. “Hey. Don’t listen to them, you hear me?”

“But they are right…”

“Not if you keep trying.”

Fluttershy sighed. “Okay.”

Much to the shy filly’s distress, she was put in a different group than her best friend. The group of those who were to work on their gliding. Dash was in the larger group, those who were to move on to flying lessons. Fluttershy shrank down a bit. Now how she supposed to try and enjoy herself or improve?

Class ended for the day. A rainbow streak left the room, a surprised yellow filly was dragged along behind her.

"Dash, why are we going so fast?"

"It's fun!" All the colours of the rainbow flashed past Fluttershy's vision as her friend slowed her gait and flicked her head around to face her. Fluttershy emitted an adorable squeal of surprise as she rammed into her best friend. All the colours left her vision as the speedster stood and extracted her mane. The shy filly felt herself hauled up by a cyan hoof.

"I was thinking, we can go exploring the city ‘cause your mom said she couldn’t pick you up today. No pony will miss us as long as I get you home before dinner time and we'll have a whole lot of fun! Besides, I haven't had a chance to explore around here much. Come on."

Fluttershy couldn’t get a word in against her energetic friend before the excited mini speedster took off with her in tow.

As they left the school, the quick filly, at last, began to slow enough for the quiet pegasus to get a word in. “Dash?”

“What?” Said filly paused.

“What about your mom. Or brother?”

“Oh, mom is busy working, Soarin is busy training with his girl friend and my dad is probably out drinking. Now come on!” The highly eager multicoloured filly grabbed the nearest yellow hoof and began dragging her friend off to explore.

It started off with the bold leading the shy, the nervous yellow filly placed complete trust in her friend as they wandered around gazing at the sights around central Cloudsdale. Being cloud-bound and forced to walk everywhere forced the pair to spend a lot of time gazing up at the magnificent structures that made up the flying city, many of which appeared to disappear off high into the sky.

They wandered for hours, Fluttershy took solace from her friend, knowing she was safe in Dash's presence. She felt herself relax in the company of her energetic friend and the two wandered around cloudgazing.

They went up several ramps and walkways, higher and higher into the central business district. They passed posh cloud homes adorned with rainbows, snowflakes, swirling clouds and more. It was clear that many of those who lived around here had some serious bits!

Rainbow Dash grinned at her best friend as the normally shy pegasus trotted around, her eyes filled with wonder. Rarely was she allowed to see anything beyond the outer sections of Cloudsdale where she lived and so spent most of the time excitedly talking her patient friend's ears off. After an unknown amount of time spent simply enjoying each others company, the sun began to set low on the horizon now. As they were someplace high up the duo settled down beside a ledge and enjoyed the setting sun. But Rainbow Dash could feel it, they were lost. A feeling of creeping dread at being lost among hundreds of pegasi they didn’t know began to fill her till her wings began to quiver with the nerves. She turned toward her friend who was absorbed in the wonder of the sunset. “Say… uh… not that there’s anything wrong, but uh- do you know where your home is from here?”

“No Dash.” Fluttershy softly replied as she relaxed into her best friend’s soft coat, her gaze still upon Celestia’s sunset.

"Fluttershy, how is that you don't know this area?"

“It’s pretty, but I’ve been too scared to go here Dash..."

“Great… now I'm stuck with a scared filly who doesn't know where her home might be…" Dash had a hard time keeping her annoyance out of her voice.

Fluttershy cringed, she had not wanted to let her new friend down but had wound up doing just that. "I'm sorry Rainbow, but... I’m not allowed to go out by myself. My mother worries that I might get lost, or fillynapped or something.”

Rainbow Dash sighed, this shy filly was impossible sometimes. "No Fluttershy. I'm the one who should be sorry. I’m the one who dragged you out around town.”

“Um… do you know your way home?”

Dash snorted. “No.”


An unwelcome silence hung between the two. Overhead a few pegasi flew, most were on their way home by now. Dash could see in her friend’s eyes that she wanted to be at home. Green eyes began to glisten with moisture. The tearful display tugged at the speedsters heart and she felt her own insides twist. What if they couldn’t find their way home soon? What if they were really lost? No! Dash forced herself to try and breath normally then she turned to her friend. "Come here scaredy filly."

Fluttershy apprehensively turned toward her bold friend. Without warning she found herself enveloped in an awkward hug.

Dash pulled away. "Just… Please don't tell anypony else about that. I don't do hugs."

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy huddled up to her athletic friend. "Thank you."

"Let's just get out of here. I think if we just head down and go that way… we should be okay.” A blue hoof indicated the direction off the edge of the clouds into the city below. “Just a shame we can’t both fly, or glide properly.”

Fluttershy nodded while doing her best to ignore her friend’s final comment. She kept close beside her bold friend for moral support as the pair moved out once more.

After wandering for what felt like forever, the pair spotted the small market place near their school. Dash eagerly picked up the pace, while Fluttershy forced her tired limbs onwards.

Fluttershy spotted an older yellow pegasus and quickened her pace. “Mom!”

The mare in question turned and immediately spotted her daughter. “Fluttershy! I’m so glad you’re safe!”

Mother and daughter hugged while the young blue filly stood awkwardly aside. “Uh.. hi, Miss shy…”

The mare turned her attention upon the speedster while she continued to hug her offspring. “Hello to you too. Did you by any chance get my daughter lost?”

Dash shrank under the adult's gaze. “Uh… kinda?”

The older shy sighed, her brief anger already dying down. “Please, try not to do that in future. I was so worried about her... about you both! I’ll take my daughter home, then fly you home. I will have serious words with Gust about this. Okay?”

“Sure. I mean- yea... Thanks for offering to take me home!” Dash had a sinking feeling inside. She was sure to be in trouble for getting Fluttershy and herself lost for so long.