• Member Since 20th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago


A man who seeks to conquor his writing demons while also enjoying a show about neon colored ponies.


The world of Equus is at peace. Long after Nightmare Moon was destroyed by the first Knights of Harmony, Princess Luna has returned to rule the nation of Equestria alongside her sister Celestia.

Since her return, Equestria has made great strides in technological advancement, the Elements have gone through many bearers, and new nations have risen.

Throughout it all, Princess Luna has sought an heir to the throne but has remained unsuccessful. Little does she know her prayers will be answered in an unlikely way, one that'll change Equus forever...

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 10 )

Oh boy, I highly doubt that Equestria's peace will last very long. Considering that this is a crossover/inspired by Star Wars.

And I'm going to bet that one or more of the heroic pony characters will turn to the Dark Side eventually.

Khampostel #2 · 1 week ago · · · I. ·

For a moment I thought it was season 10 of the comic, anyway...

You’re right in the money. But not telling you which one(s) will. You’ll just have to keep reading though that may be a while. Slow going re-editing the next 17 chapters

Commenting with an update: the rewrite of chapter two is moving along briskly. It’s going to be a large chapter given the plot so far but I am diligently working on the rewrite section by section and hopefully will get it published in a timely manner.

And chapter 2 is live

Yooo I missed this story!

Well glad you remembered it but tbh I wasn’t happy with how the first one was coming out so I’m re-editing it chapter by chapter.

And in other news chapter threes edit is in the works

Time for the update comment: chapter three is being very carefully written as it’s the science babbley chapter and a lot of other stuff is going to happen so it may be over 2k words but we’ll see in the final writing.

And thanks to the peeps who faved this into their libraries I trust you’ll enjoy the journey of the story.

Update time: Chapter 3 rewrite should wrap up hopefully tomorrow, as I said this is a long one, maybe totaling a smidge over 3k when I’m done but it will be finished so we can move onto the next chapter: which is gathering people in a league of nations to discuss alien life crashing into the planet.

I just hope I can make that an exciting discussion for you all at least unlike the Senator Vallorum proceedings

And we’re live with chapter 3. Think I’ll take a rest before getting into the political shenanigans of chapter 4 so enjoy this new chapter

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