• Published 5th Apr 2017
  • 2,219 Views, 51 Comments

The Elements of Randomness - Razor Blade the Unicron

Amethyst Star (also known as Sparkler) is a unicorn who lives in Ponyville. She's the librarian for the Golden Oaks Library, and loves to read. But when she reads about the possibility of a huge threat to Equestria, she's not one to just sit idly by.

  • ...

Chapter One: Waking

The sun was peaking through the methodically placed clouds as Amethyst Star woke up. She yawned, before getting out of bed and stretching a few times. She quickly ran a brush through her two-tone mane of violet and lavender, and placed it back down next to her bed. The smell of Prench toast (unlike most ponies, she didn't particularly care for pancakes or waffles) wafted up from downstairs made her smile, and she quickly grabbed her to-do list in her light blue magic before walking down the stairs.

"Amy!" called a tiny voice with an unusual accent as she walked past books and towards the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!"

Amethyst walked into the kitchen with a bright smile, and sat down at the table.

"Good morning, Twirly," she said, placing her list down in a clean area of the kitchen. "Thanks for making breakfast."

Carrying over a plate of two pieces of Prench toast was a breezie with an aquamarine mane and a lemon coat. When Amethyst had been in Canterlot visiting a friend, it had been at the same time as the breezie migration. She had found a breezie who had been separated from the others, but she didn't seem upset. Amethyst ended up bringing her back to Ponyville, and Twirly eventually learned the language (as much as one could if they hadn't been speaking said language their whole life) so she could speak with her. She still wouldn't tell Amethyst how or why she had been separated, but the pink unicorn didn't press for the answer.

"It's no problem!" said Twirly, placing down the Prench toast in front of Amethyst. "I love cooking all of this cool stuff, plus it helps me build my wing strength!"

Breezies were unfortunately some the weakest and most helpless creatures in Equestria. They had to rely on pegasus magic just to get them home safely with their pollen, and they always needed wind to fly any long distance. Twirly couldn't fly very far compared to the ponies around her, and she wasn't very strong, but she was amazingly powerful compared to other breezies.

Amethyst gave her number-one (and only) assistant a nod, and started to butter the Prench toast with her magic.

"We have a lot to do today," she said, pouring a bit of maple syrup over her breakfast. "After all, the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration should be the best one yet!" Amethyst started cutting up her Prench toast into assorted polygons.

"Can't you just do what you normally do?" asked Twirly, placing down a miniature plate with her Prench toast on it.

"Twirly, Princess Celestia herself is coming! We should make it as great and perfect as possible for her!" She finally started to eat. "Besides, there's more to check than usual."


"Well, there's this new pony doing the catering, so we need to check in on her. The Wonderbolts are coming to do a show, so the sky needs be cleared at the right time. And there are several ponies who want to set up stands to sell trinkets and such. Other than that, it's just the decorations we need to check on."

"I'm assuming your list includes all of jat."

Amethyst smiled. "You know me so well."

With Twirly on her back holding the list and a breezie-sized pencil (it's amazing what a detailed pony could do with doll toys), Amethyst exited the Golden Oaks Library with a determined look. Most everyone knew that meant she was off to organize something. She organized events quite a bit, actually. Granted, Amethyst only made sure it was the little pieces and such that were organized and not the entire event itself.

"So, where are we off to first?" asked Twirly, as Amethyst didn't put her lists in chronological order, and just kept everything in groups.

"I want to see how the caterer is doing," said Amethyst. "It is quite a bit of food she's making for the celebration."

Twirly quickly turned the list so she was at the correct section. "All set. Let's go see-" She paused to glance at the list. "-Saffron Masala! What kind of food is she making?"

"All I was told was that it's 'exotic'."

"Do you think we'll get to taste any?"

"We just had breakfast!"


Amethyst sighed, and stopped in front of a peculiarly decorated building. The caterer (technically new Ponyville resident, as she had actually bought the building a while ago and was just moving in now) had given it a Neighsian style, which was rather logically considering the peculiar, yet delicious, smells that were wafting out. Amethyst knocked on the door a few times, and then waited.

"Come in!" called a voice with a Neighsian accent.

Amethyst walked inside and viewed what look like an empty restaurant in front of her. However, she saw movement in the kitchen and walked over. A unicorn mare with an orange coat that had slight brown tint and deep purple mane was cooking several things at once, with several more bowls placed on the counters.

"Hello," she said, turning around to face Amethyst, but keeping things going with her magic. "What can I do for you?"

"You're Saffron Masala, right?" asked Amethyst, to which she received a nod. "Okay. My name is Amethyst Star, and I'm just here to check on how the food is coming for the celebration."

"Oh, it's going wonderful!" said Saffron with a smile. "It is a bit more difficult to do it by myself, as my father had to be away for the week, but I know I can finish it all on time."

Amethyst smiled. "That's excellent, so-"

"Can I try some?" asked Twirly, interrupting her.

"Twirly!" said Amethyst indignantly.

"What? It smells so good!"

Saffron looked at Twirly in surprise for a moment, before smiling once more and grabbing a bowl in her magic.

"Of course you can try some!" she said, spooning something that looked like seasoned rice into it.

"Are you sure?" asked Amethyst.

"What's the point in making delicious food if you don't share it with anypony else?"

"Well, then thank you." Amethyst gave Twirly a piece of rice with her magic, and got a spoonful for herself. "Wow, this is really good! Everyone's definitely going to love your food!"

"Oh, thank you!"

Twirly scarfed down her piece of rice in seconds, and smiled. "Jat was great! Can I-"

"You can have some more when the celebration actually starts," said Amethyst, before turning back towards Saffron. "Well, I need to go check on a few other things. Hope I didn't waste too much of your time."

"No, it was a pleasure to meet somepony else!" said Saffron.

Amethyst smiled, and gave Saffron a quick goodbye before she went back to cooking. Amethyst went outside and started walking towards her next destination.

"You know what, Twirly?" asked Amethyst. "I think that today is going to be just perfect."

"Me too!"