• Published 5th Apr 2017
  • 2,222 Views, 51 Comments

The Elements of Randomness - Razor Blade the Unicron

Amethyst Star (also known as Sparkler) is a unicorn who lives in Ponyville. She's the librarian for the Golden Oaks Library, and loves to read. But when she reads about the possibility of a huge threat to Equestria, she's not one to just sit idly by.

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Chapter Seven: Celebration

Amethyst carefully placed down her light blue saddlebags (with clasps that matched her cutie mark) near the door to the library in case she had to quickly grab them. She already had a hiding spot for Twirly in case she need to (it was a small trapdoor behind a few books), and quickly double-checked to see if she had everything she needed in her saddlebags. The Elements of Harmony - A Reference Guide? Check. Dangerous and Mysterious Creatures? Check. Flora of the Everfree? Check. Rope? Check. A beautiful light blue diamond? Check- wait, what?

"Twirly, did you put my lucky charm in here?" asked Amethyst.

"If you're going into the Everfree Forest, then you've gotta have all the luck you can get!" said Twirly. "Besides, its not like it's taking up space for anything else."

Amethyst couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, Twirly. Though, I am really hoping that my research is wrong this time."

She walked out of the library with Twirly on her back, closing the door with her magic. Everypony was already congregating at Town Hall, and were chatting about the celebration. Amethyst's eyes flicked up towards the moon in the sky, where the distinct image of a mare's head was still imprinted on it.

Please... she thought nervously.

"Hey, Amy!" said Flitter, walking up to her. "You excited for the celebration to start?"

"Uh-huh..." she replied vacantly.

"She in research-mode?" asked Flitter to Twirly.

"Yep," said Twirly, before noticing a table of food. "Sweet, jat tasty rice is over there!"

Excited, she jumped off of Amethyst's back and headed towards the food. Amethyst noticed the tiny weight of her friend leave, and quickly turned around.

"Twirly?" she asked.

"Snack table," replied Flitter with a shrug.

"Thanks, Flitter." She slipped through the crowd and over to Twirly, who was already munching on a piece of rice. "You know, the celebration hasn't even started yet."

"Hey, I'm just eating this while I have the time to!"

"Fair enough. Just don't eat too much or you'll have an awful stomach ache."

"But if you do eat too much, don't start flying 'cause you'll get an cramp that's worse than just having a stomach ache," said Fleetfoot, landing next to Amethyst.

"Oh, hello, Fleetfoot."

"Hello to you too, Amethyst." She paused, and briefly glanced outside. "Okay, is it just me or is it weirdly dark out right now?"

Amethyst looked outside, and she couldn't help but frown. It was far darker than usual outside, especially considering that it was going to be the Summer Sun Celebration. She glanced up at the moon, which, though the greater darkness, was shining even more brightly than just a minute ago.

"Yeah, it's pretty dark out," said Amethyst casually. "Maybe-"

"Fillies and gentlecolts!" started Mayor Mare, causing Amethyst to become quiet. "As mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" The crowd cheered happily, but Amethyst's gaze slipped up on to the moon, which was shining even more brightly. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land-" The moon's light dimmed, and the face on it vanished. Amethyst's eyes widened in shock. "-the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria... Princess Celestia!"

The curtain on the balcony that Princess Celestia was supposed to be standing on was pulled away, no reveal nopony whatsoever. Ponies started mumbling amongst themselves, when everything suddenly became darker.

"Oh, my beloved subjects," hissed a sinister voice. "It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces." There was a crack of lightning, and a tall alicorn with a midnight black coat, blue armor, and a mane like the night sky appeared on the balcony.

"What did you do with our Princess?!?" yelled Rainbow Dash angrily, as Applejack struggled to keep her from flying at the alicorn.

"Am I not royal enough for you?" asked the alicorn angrily. "Did you not see the signs? Do you even know who I am?"

"Y-you're the Mare in the Moon!" cried out Amethyst blindly, causing all eyes to briefly turn towards her. "You're Nightmare Moon!"

Nightmare gave an ominous grin. "Well, at least somepony besides my sister and her silly guardspony knows about me. I guess that know also know what I'm going to do?"

She gulped, and her ears flattened down in fear. "You're going to... to cause eternal night..."

She cackled, and there was another crack of lightning. Rainbow finally broke away from Applejack's grip, and flew straight at Nightmare. She got up to a metre away from Nightmare, before she was grabbed in a dark blue magic aura.

"Hey!" cried Rainbow in surprise.

"You dare to stand up to me, your new Empress?" asked Nightmare. "Than perhaps you need to see a better choice." Her horn flared brightly, and Rainbow was engulfed in an orb of magic. A moment later, it vanished, leaving Rainbow hovering in the air with a dark purple outfit and matching goggles.

"Ponies, say hello to the first Shadowbolt," said Nightmare with a grin. "She is loyal to me, and will show you how to also be."

"We'll never be loyal to you!" yelled out Limestone angrily.

Rainbow abruptly flew down at her, and Limestone had to duck to dodge her.

"You will all accept me eventually!" yelled Nightmare. "There is no point in avoiding it! But for those who do resist, you will face not just my Shadowbolt, but my Midnight Warrior!"

A unicorn with armor that matched Nightmare's walked out beside her on the balcony. Amethyst froze when she realized that it was Twilight, and nervously started backing towards the door.

"Show them the consequences of resisting," said Nightmare.

Twilight's horn flared up in a dark magenta aura, and her construct spears and swords began to appear. At that point, everypony broke out into a panic, and Amethyst quickly sprinted out of the building towards the library. She needed to go after the Elements.