• Published 5th Apr 2017
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The Elements of Randomness - Razor Blade the Unicron

Amethyst Star (also known as Sparkler) is a unicorn who lives in Ponyville. She's the librarian for the Golden Oaks Library, and loves to read. But when she reads about the possibility of a huge threat to Equestria, she's not one to just sit idly by.

  • ...

Chapter Three: Speed

The fastest way to get to Amber Field where the Wonderbolts were practicing was to go through Sweet Apple Acres. Amethyst casually trotted through the orchard, but kept an eye out for Applejack.

Unlike Rarity, Amethyst didn't dislike Applejack in the slightest. No, she was scared of Applejack. This was because of one simply reason: Amethyst hated apples. And Applejack seemed to hate her for that one reason. It was odd; the rest of Applejack's family didn't dislike her.

"Howdy, Star," said Applejack, walking up behind her. "What'cha up to?"

Amethyst continued walking without looking behind her. "Just checking on everything for the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Hi, Applejack!" said Twirly, distracting her from Amethyst. "What's up?"

"Apples are up on trees," she replied sharply. "Ah reckon you know that, huh, Star?"

Amethyst never really understood most of the insults Applejack said to her, except for the nickname she gave her. She had many different nicknames. Often Sparkler, sometimes Amy, and rarely Clear Cut. But only Applejack ever called her Star. She called Amethyst "Star" to mean that she thought the unicorn was a special star. No matter how many times Amethyst asked Applejack to stop, she just wouldn't.

"Yes, I'm aware that apples grow on trees," said Amethyst. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm busy."

"Busy walkin' through an apple orchard, huh?" asked Applejack. "That's mighty suspicious for somepony who doesn't eat apples."

"I'm just walking to Amber Fields. I need to make sure that their equipment arrived safely."

"If they're missin' stuff made outta wood, what're ya gonna do?"

Applejack really made no sense to Amethyst. "Find someone who can build more equipment quickly."

"But where are ya gonna get that wood?"

"You mean 'jat'," said Twirly with a small smirk.

"It's 'that'," snapped Applejack.

"Jat, jat, what's the difference? Can you tell me what jat difference is?"

"Would you look at that, we're already here!" said Amethyst, pointing the the field in front of her where the Wonderbolts appeared to be taking a break. "Guess we'll have to cut this conversation short, huh?"

"Sure," said Applejack. "You sure you don't want an apple?" She grabbed an apple from a nearby basket and held it in Amethyst's face

"I'm fine," Amethyst replied, taking a step back. "Bye." She quickly walked away from Applejack and towards the Wonderbolts.

"Are we going to head back the long way when we're done?" asked Twirly.


"Yeah, I thought so."

Amethyst walked through the currently green grass and up to a light-blue pegasus with a white mane. She had her Wonderbolt's uniform on, with the goggles currently hanging around her neck. She was staring up at a singular cloud in the sky.

"Excuse me," said Amethyst, catching her attention. "I'm just here to check if you have all of your equipment and such."

"Yeah, we've got everything," the mare replied with a clear lisp. "By the way, do you know who the kid watching our practice is?" She pointed up at the cloud.

Amethyst looked up and spotted the tip of a rainbow-colored tail peeking over the edge of the cloud. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, since she knew that it was Rainbow Dash.

"She's just a super fan," said Amethyst. "Really wants to get on your team."

"Ah. That make sense. But you think she'd try to be more subtle, huh?"

"I'm not actually sure if she knows what subtle means."

The pegasus nodded and then turned back towards Amethyst. "Oh, by the way, my name's Fleetfoot."

"I'm Amethyst. So, you have everything?"

"Well, you might want to check in with Spitfire, since she's the captain and all."

"Being a captain sounds boring," said Twirly before Amethyst could respond.

"Whoa," Fleetfoot looked at Twirly in surprise. "Hey, you've got some cool wings."

"They'd be cooler if I could anything but glide with 'em."

"Gliding isn't something that comes naturally to pegasi."

Twirly blinked in surprise, and was about to speak once again when a cracking sound caught the attention of all three of them. One of the practice rings appeared to have broken off of its base, and had started falling. Amethyst quickly grabbed it in her magic before it could hit the ground and get dented, and gently placed it down.

"Nice catch," said Fleetfoot.

"I've had to catch far too many objects than I should, so I've had practice," said Amethyst. "Well, I'd better get going to check on the decorations."

"Aren't you going to check in with Spitfire?"

"Everything else looks like it's fine, and it looks like you have all of your equipment. Plus, I've got to go back the long way, so I'd better hurry."

Fleetfoot smirked. "Hey, I can guarantee you that I know a faster way."

Amethyst blinked in confusion. "What is it?"

"Jat was so cool!" said Twirly gleefully.

"Thanks, Fleetfoot..." said Amethyst, dizzily getting off the pegasus. "That sure was really fast."

"No prob'!" she replied with a smile. "But I'd better get before break is over. Bye!"

Fleetfoot zipped away with a stormy contrail behind her, and Amethyst took a deep breath.

"Never want to go that fast again..." she muttered.

"I don't know what you're complaining about!" said Twirly. "It was fun!"

"Said the speed enthusiast."

"It was still fun!"

Amethyst rolled her eyes, and started walking towards Town Hall. "Looks like it's time to go check on the decorations," she grumbled. "How many things do you think Rarity will want me to check?"

"Just use your spell to do it quickly!"

"She'll still want me to look at everything closely."

Twirly simply shrugged. Amethyst walked past several of the stands, and noticed Limestone standing at one of them with her rocks neatly set up. While most ponies would just see them as simple rocks, Amethyst saw pristine rocks that were freshly made. She made a mental note to buy one later. She walked into Town Hall and nearly crashed into Rarity, who had just finished putting up some ribbons.

"Why, hello, Amethyst!" said Rarity with a smile. "Did you decide to check on my decorations first?"

"I went and checked on the Wonderbolts first," said Amethyst. "That's what I said I was doing, after all."

"Did you run both ways?"

"Fleetfoot flew me back." Amethyst walked into the center of the room and her horn glowed light blue. "I'm just going to do a quick check."

"Are you sure? Shouldn't everything be absolutely perfect?"

"Perfect seems rather picky."

A light blue glow of magic covered Amethyst's eyes, and she carefully looked around the room. This was her signature spell; it allowed her to see things in far greater detail than with only her eyes. Everything looked fine, and Amethyst's magic flicked out.

"It looks great, Rarity," she said. "We don't need any more decorations."

"Are you sure?" asked Rarity. "Shouldn't you check more carefully?"

"It's. Fine," she said roughly.

"But are you sure?"

"Rarity, I have other things that I need to do." Amethyst walked towards the door. "See you at the celebration." And she left before Rarity could ask the same question yet again.