• Published 13th May 2017
  • 3,730 Views, 188 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 3 The Art of The Dress - kitsy-chan

Snails and the rest of the mini-6 are selected to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns. The CMCs and Snails find themselves caught in school rivalries, dark magics, and Canterlot fun.

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Part 1: Thread by Thread

Thread by Thread

Snails’ life had become a series of nonstop adventures and little problems. It seemed like every time things settled down for him, something else would be there to shake his world apart. It had been months since the event that changed his life forever, months since his encounter at the cursed pool in the Everfree that left him questioning his life. It had been months, and yet still he suffered from the curse, and even Zecora couldn’t cure it. He was starting to think he was doomed to live a double life forever.

A double life, because when hit with cold water he became a filly. If that wasn’t bad enough, as a filly he was known as Escargot, a magical prodigy, savior of the Crystal Empire, trusted student of Twilight Sparkle, savior of Ponyville, one of the six lesser Elements of Harmony, and, oh yes, Harvest Princess, a nothing title from beauty pageant that seemed to haunt him constantly.

When hit with warm water, he returned to his normal colt form. Still just as strong in magic, yet ignored by most, dismissed as a clumsy and doltish. Oh, for the days when he could just lounge around and play with the other colts. Get messy, and not worry about having any real responsibilities.

Then, however, he had been given a new responsibility- he was to lead his friends as Escargot to the School for Gifted Unicorns, to study the new friendship and harmony magic he had gained. To learn more about how to control it, and his own magical abilities. To keep his secret, and to become…

“Escargot! We’re here!” Dinky called out, bouncing on her seat.

The train chugged along, puffing plumes of smoke as it climbed the hill. The girls leaned against the windows, looking out at the city spires and white castle walls. A large flying yacht was moored, the vibrant colors of its airbag glittering above the silver and gold trimmed yacht.

“Oh my gosh!” Noi said, “This is the first time I’ve really been out on my own.”

“Ah know, ma sister was so proud.” Apple Bloom said. “Just wish she hadn’t cried so much.”

“Why couldn’t I have traveled as myself?” Escargot asked with a sigh.

“Because your father saw you leave by air cart to Canterlot.” Scootaloo said. “The cart couldn’t take all of us and we are supposed to be going as a group.”

Running to the other side of the railcar, the girls oohed as they passed through the train gate. Its whistle tooted twice to announce the train’s arrival. Looking around, the girls could see the stores, restaurants, the wide paths and road, the whole city was a wonder.

“I wanna try everything!” Sweetie Belle said, her tail wiggling in excitement.

Pulling up to the station, the girls grabbed their bags and trotted out onto the platform. Other ponies went about entering and leaving the train for their own trips. The girls even noticed some other residents from Ponyville shuttling to Canterlot.

“Hello, my little ponies.”

Looking over, Escargot saw Raven, Celestia’s aid, who’d helped the first time he was in Canterlot. “Hello, ma’am.”

“Hello Escargot. The princess wishes to convey you her warmest welcome. She will meet you at the school later in the day.” Raven said, smiling. “First, however, your passes.”

The girls looked at each other, blinking, then up at Raven, who was rooting through her pouch. Lighting her horn, she floated a pair of cards to each of the girls. “The first is your Royal Rail Pass. You can use it at any time to ride the rails for free. If you get homesick, you can use it to visit home. Just remember, the morning train arrives too late for classes. That is why you will be put up in the dorms.”

“What’s this card for?” Dinky asked, holding up the second more brightly colored card.

“That, little ones, is your library card. Don’t lose it- you’ll need to present it whenever you want to use the royal library or school library.” Motioning towards the castle, “The royal library limits its visitors, but as students of the school, you will have access, at least to the unrestricted areas. There are a few sections that are off-limits, but they are well-marked.”

Putting the library card in his bag, Escargot sighed, ‘More study. The world hates me- every time I help out, I’m sent to school. Why can’t I be sent to the ice cream shop, or a hoofball game? Just once, I’d like to be sent anywhere but school.’

“But girls, you’re being sent to the shopping district.” Raven said with a smile.

“Shopping?” Sweetie Belle squeaked and perked right up.

Blinking, Escargot looked up, filled with hope.

Jumping forward, Noi looked up, “What are we shopping for?”

“Your school uniforms. You will all be getting new skirts and blouses for your semester!” Raven said, turning, “Now, follow me.”

‘Skirts? Why does it have to be skirts?’ Escargot whimpered. He put on his best smile and followed.

The clothing store was much different than Rarity’s shop. It was very boxy, and didn’t seem to concern itself with just clothing- there were t-shirts and blouses, vests, skirts, and blazers, as well as socks, ties, and neck scarfs. The styles and selections seemed very limited. The store also carried blank books, papers, quills, inkwells, pencils, and other school-related miscellany.

“While the school does not require you to wear uniforms every day, you will be expected to have them for special events and field trips.” Raven said firmly.

Several other first-years were in the store gathering their clothing. Both colts and fillies, giggling about being selected to go to the school, about the prestige and the honor it would bring to their families, about how they were personally selected by-

“The royal court will be covering the accounts for these six.” Raven said, nodding to the attendant, a stout earth green and pink earth pony mare.

Quickly the girls spread out, giggling and choosing different colored books, picking up school supplies that they needed. While there was a basic code, the basic supplies could be personalized and came in different styles.

Walking up, Escargot poked a uniform skirt gently. ‘What have I gotten myself into?’

Lifting a skirt, Raven held it against Escargot’s side. “It doesn’t look that bad.”

“It’s not me, though.” Escargot said, looking up.

“Of course not. You are you, and no matter what you’re wearing, no matter what you look like, that won’t change. The uniform is CSGU- when you wear it, you tell everypony that you have proven that you can do something special with magic.” Raven said softly, smiling at Escargot.

“Did you go to CSGU?” Escargot asked.

“I wanted to as a little filly, but it wasn’t meant to be. While I am ok with magic, my calling was administration.” Raven said, and smiled proudly, “And that calling has had me working with Princess Celestia for years now.”

“So, what do I need?” Escargot asked meekly.

Raven smiled and started helping Escargot pick out the uniform parts, making sure each item fit. While unicorns of Escargot’s stature were extremely rare, the store was able to fit a proper uniform.

Wings, on the other hand…

“Come on, it’s bad enough I have to wear a skirt, but these vests and shirts don’t have wing holes.” Scootaloo complained.

“Don’t worry Miss Scootaloo, we will make alterations. It will only take a few moments.” The store clerk said, “Just don’t struggle, or you will stretch it out too much.”

Escargot couldn’t help but giggle, seeing Scootaloo trying to spread her wings under the vest. The little pegasus really did not like the feeling of her wings being bound. “Relax, Scootaloo, they just need to mark where your wings are. I’ve seen Rarity do it several times.”

“Bah, if you had wings you’d understand.” Scootaloo huffed.

A shiver went down Escargot’s spine, “Don’t even joke. Honestly, even just a horn seems like too much trouble.”

“So, you’re her!” A little white unicorn foal with two-tone pink and peach mane bounded over and sat in front of Escargot, looking at her with awe.

A unicorn colt, brown with a white-tipped muzzle and yellow mane trotted up, “Wow, you really are pretty.”

“Umm, her who?” Escargot asked with a gulp, looking around the store.

“Celestia’s new favorite.” An older filly said, walking by. “Her ‘chosen’ one.” The filly’s voice dripped venom.

The filly shivered, “That’s Galaxy Starbright. Her family has held the top-ranking students almost every class. I only know of five ponies- well, four graduates- who beat them. Sunset would have beat them, but she quit. And of course, the Twilight family is better.”

Galaxy looked over sternly, “But my family will NOT be beaten this time. Right, Star Shine?”

The filly gulped, “No, ma’am.”

As Galaxy paid for her things and left the store, the filly stood up, “As you heard, I’m Star Shine. See you in class!” Gathering her things, she went to the cashier as quick as she could.

Looking sideways at Sweetie Belle, Escargot let out a sigh, “What did I get myself into?”

“Ok girls, let’s get you to the school.” Raven gathered the group and headed out.

It was a short walk as the ponies troted to the school dorms. While most picture the school as a single, old, 3-story building, in reality the school was located on a campus with several buildings, towers, and halls. Though a few buildings had been repaired and replaced over years of test-related accidents, that was the price of training foals to control powerful spells.

Escargot looked up at the towers as he walked, ‘Powerful spells? I’m just a little foal, how am I supposed to do powerful magic?’

“Why am I even here?” Sweetie Belle said, looking up. “I can barely lift a feather.”

“You can do whatever you put your heart to.” Escargot said without thinking, “Just like Dinky, you deserve to be here. I’m the pony that’s the fraud.”

The girls leaned into Escargot as they walked. “Don’t sell yourself short- we’ve learned never to underestimate you.” Apple Bloom said firmly.

The dorm was a two-story building comprised of a central area with reading room, a large kitchen and dining room for the students, then two wings, where the students’ rooms were. The building was decorated with the same marble and limestone motif that made up the rest of Canterlot.

“The left wing is for colts, the right, for fillies. There’s a spell on the doorways to prevent foals from going into the wrong dorms so don’t worry.” Smiling, she walked through the shimmering doorway.

Gulping once, Escargot stopped at the door and reached out with a hoof. While it tingled a little, there seemed to be no alarms, no guards running, no portal opening to tartar sauce. Taking a breath, Escargot stepped through and looked around, before trotting to catch up. ‘Oh, this will not end well.’ Shivering once, Escargot looked up, “That made my horn tingle.”

“Mine to.” Sweetie Belle said. “That just felt strange.”

Raven smiled and stopped by the rooms. “Each room will sleep three fillies. There is a bed, closet, desk, and chair for each girl, as well as a bathroom for the three to share in each room. It will be your responsibility to keep your room clean.”

“And… the colts?” Escargot asked looking around.

“Don’t worry, the colts sleep in the other wing, it’s a school rule that colts and fillies don’t sleep in the same room. The spell was set up to keep mischievous colts and fillies from sneaking into each other’s dorms with alteration spells. The barrier will cancel a spell and alert the staff. So be warned.” Raven said with a smile “Don’t worry, we are careful about that. Now we like to group the students into three’s this lets them build trust and friendships.”

Opening a door, the girls looked in the room, “It’s pretty sparse.” Noi said looking in, seeing the beds without sheets, simple chairs and such.

“That’s part of the fun of it. You will get to spruce it up as you want, add your own touches, and as your magic gets better you’ll be able to change things to suit yourselves.” Raven said, “Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, you will have this room.”

Other girls stepped out of their rooms to see the new entries. While most were first years as well, a few were seniors drawn by curiosity. Moving-in day was always interesting to see what new students would be showing up.

Dinky bounced happily, “So where are me, Noi and Escargot bunking?”

Opening the door across the hall, Raven smiled, “This room will be for Noi, Dinky, and…” Ravens speech was interrupted by a brown streak of fur and feathers charging out of the room. The fluff ball leapt into the air and hit Escargot square in the side.

“PRINCESS! You made it!” Gisa said laughing. “I was worried!”

“Gisa, you know you could have taken the train with us?” Escargot said laughing and hugging the little griffin.

“Too claustrophobic. ‘Sides, the princesses wanted to see me too.” Gisa said.

Poking her head inside Noi giggled, “So Gisa’s bunking with us too?”

“No, Escargot gets her own room. By request of Luna, Escargot has been granted special permission of a single room. You will be solely responsible for cleaning it. However, no others, not even staff are to enter it without permission, by order of Celestia and Luna.” Raven said firmly

Puffing out her cheeks, Galaxy narrowed her eyes, “A private room? Who does she think she is?”

“A princess, and favored by Celestia.” Sparkle Glory said.

“We will see about that.” Galaxy turned and stormed back into her room.