• Published 13th May 2017
  • 3,731 Views, 188 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 3 The Art of The Dress - kitsy-chan

Snails and the rest of the mini-6 are selected to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns. The CMCs and Snails find themselves caught in school rivalries, dark magics, and Canterlot fun.

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Part 2: Cutting out the Pattern

Cutting out the Pattern

Noot, noot.

Snails sighed, pulling the covers over himself- the normality of his good old alarm clock, the warmth of the bed, the soft covers. The smell of sheets still holding that fresh from the wash smell. ‘It’s nice just being a colt.’

Noot, noot.

The normality of a new day, a new chance to explore the world, a new chance to find interesting things. Maybe go down and play in the mud by the river, chasing frogs, or help Snips paint the fence. The comfort of living a life with no responsibilities. Opening his eyes for a moment, Snails saw the pink mane. ‘It’s not like I have-’

Noot, noot!

“SCHOOL!” sitting up and blinking, he shook his head vigorously, ‘Not Snails.’ Escargot thought as he took note of his surroundings again. He looked around the strange dorm room- in some ways it felt too large for a single colt or filly alone, even though the princesses had done their best. A larger-than-normal canopy bed had been brought in to eat up space and better retain heat. The small desk and chair had been replaced with some from the castles stock, giving Escargot an elm writing desk with a rolling cover and a matching, high-backed, cushioned chair. Where one of the other beds once stood, a large bookshelf stood, mostly empty, though a few choice books had been added. Finally, the tea table, a gift from princess Celestia.

Noot, noot!

Reaching over, Escargot turned off the alarm clock and hopped out of bed, running for the bathroom. Being late for school wasn’t the bad thing, being late for breakfast though- he might get stuck eating leftovers, or some unrecognizable fancy dish no one wanted, or worse, gruel. ‘What is gruel anyway?’

Diving into the shower, Escargot got himself cleaned up as fast as he could before dressing himself in the school uniform. It wasn’t needed for everyday classes, but it was the first day, and he figured everyone else would dress the same. It felt strange wearing socks, let alone shoes, on his hind legs.

The short skirt just covered Escargot’s cutie mark, and white blouse and green vest just covered Escargot’s back and met up with the skirt. The strangest, though, was the red ribbon around the neck. Escargot couldn’t figure it out, it seemed to serve no purpose whatsoever. Sitting in front of the mirror, Escargot looked at 'herself' before a shiver went up his spine. “Ugg, I actually look cute like this. Why do I have to look cute?”

Standing, he turned and opened the door to his private room. Other girls were already in the halls already heading for the cafeteria, standing around talking, or running back to their rooms. Noi was standing on her hind legs banging on Apple Bloom’s door, while Dinky was pointing at Escargot.

“Well, at least I’m not the last.” Escargot said as she stepped out.

As soon as Escargot stepped into the hall, there was the loud slam of shoed hoof against the stone floor followed by, “Ma’am!”

Lighting his horn, Escargot threw up a shield spell and cowered against the ground for a moment, before seeing the guard beside the door. A female thestral stood, wearing Luna’s traditional dark blue and purple armor, the eye crest in the center of the armor shining in the morning light.

“Wh…who are… you?” Escargot trembled for a moment, dropping the shield and standing up.

“I was assigned to guard your room at night, Princess Luna has ordered one guard to protect you at night, Princess Celestia will have one guard here during the day.” The thestral said, her head held high with pride. “It is my duty to serve.”

“Protect?” Escargot asked, shaking himself out for a moment.

“Yes, the princesses wanted to ensure that nopony enters your room but you.” The guard said standing at attention. “To protect your privacy and honor.”

Several of the girls in the hall blinked. A private guard was unheard off, even the Galaxy family never had one of those. “This filly must be truly special.” One filly oohed.

“She’s probably the most powerful unicorn and needs special care.” Another said with awe.

Galaxy huffed as she walked by, “Breakfast time, let’s get trotting.”

Bounding across the corridor, Giza leapt onto Escargot’s back, kneading her claws a few times. “Sleep well?”

Flinching at the claws, Escargot nodded, “Yep, but it felt strange. Oddly quiet.”

“Too used to hearing thumping sounds at night?” Giza asked looking at Escargot.

“Yeh, I guess, hearing the wind blowing the shutters and the sounds of the trees was relaxing.” Walking towards the door, Escargot looked over her shoulder, “Hurry up, girls. We don’t want to miss breakfast and be stuck eating gruel!”

The cafeteria seemed more like some fancy restaurant, rather than a school cafe. Dotting the room were round tables, each seating up to six foals. The headmasters’ table was a long square table raised on a platform, with a single row of seats, including those marked reserved for Celestia and Luna. The food was served buffet-style for the students, with several chefs standing behind the counter, though there were waiters for the headmasters table.

Walking up to the breakfast line, Escargot tilted his head, trying to figure out the food. Even with labels, things did not make sense. Sparkling apple cider pancakes with a berry compote, overnight baked caramel French toast with chopped almonds and walnuts.

“Muffin tops with meadowcream and buttercream glaze? What happened to the rest of the muffin?” Dinky said, turning her head sideways, “You’d need three of them just to make one muffin.”

“Oatmeal brulee with ginger cream? Come on how could they ruin perfectly good oatmeal, just put apples on it.” Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie Belle oohed, “Amaretto Crème glazed strawberry pancakes? Yes please!”

“These are the best foods made for the best students.” Galaxy said as she picked up a tray and filled it with selected foods. “Even a common unicorn would find things they enjoy. Might I suggest the water? It should be common enough for you.”

“Oh goody, someone who reads Diamond Tiara’s book on making friends.” Noi said, and looked at Apple Bloom, “Hash browns, toast with apple jam, and orange juice for us please.”

“Me too.” Scootaloo held up her tray.

All the food was so regal, but even the colts were eating it. Shaking his head, Escargot looked down the list, “Can I just get some toast with jam, and some of that porridge please?” Heading over, he took a seat at a table with the rest of her group and stirred. “Oats, millet, and barley in milk- not bad I guess.”

Muffled through a pastry, "Are you kidding? This is almost as good as the cakes stuff!"

Looking across, he tried his hardest not to laugh at the little griffin stuffing her beak with muffin tops, cream all over her face.

Laughing, Noi held up a hoof, “Someone get that griffin a napkin! Stat!”

Shaking his head, Escargot groaned and reached out across the cafeteria, grabbing several napkins from the front of the line and bringing them back. “Hold still.” Smiling, Escargot went to work on both sides of Giza’s beak and face at once.

“Argh! The horror!” Gisa said laughing while holding up her claws defensively trying to fend off the dreaded napkin attack of doom.

“Ok now, that’s showing off.” Sweetie Belle said playfully.

Escargot blinked and finished cleaning off Gisa. “What?” Looking around, Escargot noticed a lot of the other unicorns looking at her. “Ok, now what did I do wrong?”

Dinky smiled, “Nothing. I know you’re not used to using magic in public that much, but most unicorns don’t reach out 100 feet or so and grab things. Most generally find 35 feet or so a stretch.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, “Yeah, sis reaches out that far, but she’s had years of practice and training. Don’t worry, we’ve seen what you can do but others might think you’re trying to be a show off.”

Escargot let his head drop to the table and sighed, “So even here I shouldn’t really use my magic…”

Apple Bloom blinked, “This from the one who rebuilt the colts’ clubhouse for them single hooved? No way…”

Puffing out their cheeks, several other unicorns were trying or pulling napkins over the same distance. Looking around, Escargot realized she had accidentally issued a challenge, and now other unicorns were trying to prove they could do it too.

Clinking her glass several times, Raven smiled at the students, “Quiet please, I wish to introduce you to your headmistress, Princess Celestia.”

Walking in with her head high, Celestia trotted over to the teachers table and stood, looking across at the gathered students. Her eyes settled on Escargot.

Gulping nervously, Escargot looked up at the Princess.

Clearing her throat, Celestia smiled, “From chance meetings, to well known families, from accidental encounters, to students who have applied for years to enter here- I welcome you all. Each of you will find something new here, something special. This school will help you grow and learn, not just about magic, but about yourselves. It will help you grow into the mares and stallions you wish to be, or into the mares and stallions you never knew you could become.”

Looking over the students, Princess Celestia takes a breath before starting, “For the first time ever, my little ponies, we have some non-unicorns who are going to be taking classes here too. They have all demonstrated a special magical talent, and a bond that has allowed them control the Elements of Harmony.”

Escargot gulped and lowered his head trying to hide a little, ‘Please don’t single me out. Please.”

“And their leader, Escargot, who has displayed exception magical talent and ability, so much so that she was chosen to wield the Element of Magic itself.” Celestia bowed her head. “So for her service to Ponyville, the Crystal Empire and Equestria itself, she and her friends will be here for this semester.”

Many of the ponies clapped, though Escargot noticed several sour looks. Keeping his head low, he couldn’t help but blush at the attention. ‘Why me?’

Trotting in, Princess Luna looked around the room, her eyes a touch red and bloodshot as she yawned, “Sorry I’m late, it was a long night.”

“Greetings sister, would you like to say anything to the students?” Celestia asked as she took her seat at the table, lifting a small class of tea in the air.

Grabbing a large cup of coffee, Princess Luna walked over and the foals table beside Escargot. “This year is going to see changes. Changes in how we view each other, and how we deal with each other. You won’t be able to expect ponies like Apple Bloom here to battle with spells, but according to Twilight and Zecora, she’s becoming a master potion brewer. You won’t be able to treat all of them like unicorns, but they can all contribute, just like all ponies contribute to Equestria as a whole.”

Many of the ponies clapped and cheered. Both Princesses giving speeches was something truly special, and the foals looked on with awe and Princess Luna gave Escargot a hug with her wing and gentle nuzzle.

Princess Luna stood and walked back over to the head table to take the seat Raven had actually prepared for her. Looking at the tea with disdain, she chose to stick with her coffee- black, double sugar.

Moving up beside Escargot, Galaxy stalked up the filly one last time before speaking to her in a harsh whisper. “That does it. I challenge you to a duel! The school dueling arena, today after class- unless you’re a coward, of course.” Turning, Galaxy walked back up to the buffet line to get herself something else to eat.

Gulping, Escargot looked up, almost in panic, ‘Oh Celestia, what have you got me into?’