• Published 13th May 2017
  • 3,730 Views, 188 Comments

Snails 1/2: Vol 3 The Art of The Dress - kitsy-chan

Snails and the rest of the mini-6 are selected to attend the School for Gifted Unicorns. The CMCs and Snails find themselves caught in school rivalries, dark magics, and Canterlot fun.

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Part 3: Snip by Snip

Trotting into class, Escargot looked at the other girls with him- Dinky was pronking, her tail wiggling just below supersonic speeds as she looked around the halls. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were talking with each other, while Noi was arguing with Sweetie Belle over Rainbow Dash over Rarity for style. Shaking his head, Escargot found himself a seat at the back of the class. It always felt safer to be at the back- less pressure, no pony looking at you.

The CMCs were quick to take the three seats in the front row, with Noi behind them. Looking beside himself, Escargot sighed- it was strange not be be in class with Snips. Right now, Snips was probably playing hoofball, or in the clubhouse reading comics.

“It’s ok, I’ll stay with you.” Dinky said and smiled, taking the seat beside Escargot. “I know you prefer the back.”

“I’m not good in class.” Escargot said, “It doesn’t come easy like it does for you and the other girls.”

“It’s okay if you need help reading I'm your filly, I help my mom sometimes.” Dinky said smiling, “It’s not that she can’t read, it just hurts her eyes at times.”

“Hello class, my name is Mrs. Hackney.” The purple unicorn had her blue mane done up in a tight bun. “Since today is our first class, we are going to talk about magical strength.”

Escargot gulped, but then saw Sweetie Belle look back at him and smile. At least he had support, this would be as brutal as trying to do this alone.

“To gauge your strength, we are going to do a simple test. I brought some buckets from the gym, all you need to do is lift one up and hold it, while we fill it with these iron pellets. From there, we will find out how much you can actually hold.”

The teacher floated a basket out and sat it down in front of the class. “So, who would like to go first?”

Lots of foals threw their hooves up, as ‘Me’s’ filled the air. The teacher laughed slightly, before picking one foal at random.

Looking around, Escargot blinked, “Why is the class mostly fillies?”

“I’m not sure,” Dinky said softly, “Maybe fillies are just stronger than colts at magic?”

“Sweetie Belle.”

Eeeping, Sweetie hopped out of her seat and walked over. Splaying her legs, she grunted, lifting the basket up, the entire
thing wobbling. “Heavy.”

Scootaloo lifted her head a bit, “How many pellets are in there?”

Groaning softly, Apple Bloom shook her head, “None yet. Remember, Sweetie Belle has trouble with a broom right now. She’s best with small things, like flowers and feathers.”

“Five pounds five, not to bad for somepony so young.” The teacher said, after adding some weight. “Don’t worry, you’ll find you get a lot stronger with practice.”

Dinky let out a giggle, “Escargot’s the strong one, Belle’s the singer.” Getting up, Dinky walked down for her turn. Like Sweetie Belle, she wasn’t the strongest, though she managed a total of nine pounds. Other students had topped out at as much as thirty-five pounds, but most hovered in the twenty-pound mark.

“Escargot, if you would please.” The teacher said.

Walking up, Escargot sat down, and looked at the basket, before looking up at the teacher.

“It’s OK, just pick it up and hold it, concentrate on it and we’ll see how you do.” The teacher said with a soft smile. “Just
focus on holding it up.”

Lifting the basket, Escargot sat, horn glowing bright, ‘Maybe I should just drop it, if I hold to much they will think I’m showing off.’ Escargot thought as the teacher started filling the basket. ‘Yeah, that’s it, I can just drop it when the teacher... but is that the right thing to do? To lie to the teacher and students?’

Closing his eyes, Escargot whimpered, ‘I don’t want to lie, lying is what got me here in the first place, but I’m not really that strong, what should I do? Why can’t I just go back to playing in the summer, why do I keep having to go to school for this?’

“Escargot? Escargot!?!” The teacher said gently.

Blinking, Escargot looked up and dropped the basket quickly, there, it was done. No one would think he was showing off.

“Sorry Ma’am.” Escargot said softly quickly and lowering his head.

The teacher tilted her head, “For what? We’ll have to retest you again when I get more pellets, I’ve never needed more than 300 pounds for a student your age. So for now we list you as 305 plus. You weren’t even concentrating were you?”

“I…I…I…” Escargot stammered and looked around the class again before looking down, ears going bright red.

“It’s fine, we’re done for today.” Mrs. Hackney said, “But for tonight, I want you all to read up on telekinetic focus.”

Standing up, the students headed for the door, giggling about the test.

“Escargot?” The teacher called.

Stopping at the door Escargot sighed, ‘So close, so close to being free.’ Looking over his shoulder Escargot tilted his head, “Yes, Mrs. Hackney?”

“Would you be a nice little filly and return these buckets to the gymnasium for me?” The teacher asked as she sat behind her desk and straightened her glasses.

Walking over, Escargot lit her horn, putting her books on her back, then picked up the pair of wooden half-bushel baskets. A small giggle escaped as she walked down the hall, ‘Applejack would have given a long lecture about the difference
between a bucket and a basket.’

Dinky bounded up beside Escargot, “Need help?”

“I’m fine, just need to take these to the gym, then I can go back to my room and relax. Finally.” Escargot said, turning backwards to open the door with his butt, backing into the gym.

“What about the duel?” Dinky asked, “Galaxy? This morning?”

“I really don’t want…” Escargot moaned as he turned around to see Galaxy standing inside a large circle.

“You really don’t want to what? Are you scared?” Galaxy taunted.

“She’s not scared, and she could kick your tail.” Dinky shot back.

Laying his ears side to side, Escargot whimpered before yawning, “I’m tired, I just want to go back to my room.”

“I just want to see how good you really are.” Galaxy challenged, turning to fire a stun blast at Escargot.

Still holding the pair of buckets in the air, Escargot moved one with blazing speed to catch the stun bolt. “Careful, somepony could get hurt like that.”

Growling Galaxy fired off another quick blast only to see it intercepted again by a bucket.

‘It’s like she’s reading my moves’. Galaxy thought in shock, ‘Like she knows what I’m going to cast and where before even I do.’

Galaxy lowered her stance, rapidly firing off four more bolts, alternating high and low shots. The crimson bolts crackled across the gym, leaving Escargot only moments to react.

Twilight had spent weeks drilling fundamentals into Escargot, building up power, speed, strength and accuracy with her magic. His buckets blurred in a flurry of motion, catching the stun bolts as they flew at him.

Galaxy roared angrily. Gritting her teeth, she let loose a salvo of magic. Something had to get through! ‘I… I can’t even touch her! Who is this filly?’

Spinning the buckets in a swirling dance, Escargot defended against the assault, until finally one of the buckets couldn’t take the impacts anymore and broke. Looking through the hole in the bottom, Escargot sighed, “I hope they don’t make me pay for this.”

“Pay for that? You’re making me look like a foal, and you’re concerned about a bucket?” Galaxy snarled indignantly.

“But… we are foals.” Escargot said, hesitating as he saw Galaxy charging a huge blast. He didn’t want to risk Dinky getting hurt- or Galaxy, for that matter. Winking out, Escargot appeared behind Galaxy, taking the buckets with him. With a quick yank, he broke the metal bands on one of the buckets, opening it up and wrapping it around Galaxy’s neck like a pet cone.

Poking Galaxy’s flank gently with a hoof, Escargot sighed, “Galaxy, stop. Please.”

“Ohhh, the cone of shame.” Dinky said, giggling.

Turning to face Escargot, Galaxy glared, “Take this thing off me. Now.”

Opening the door, Princess Celestia walked in with professor Giddilee at her side. Looking around, she shook her head,

“May I ask what is going on here?”

Squeaking, Dinky turned to face Celestia and bowed deeply, “Princess!”

Spinning around, Galaxy bowed too, the bucket sliding forward till it thumped on her horn causing her to flinch.

Lowering his head, Escargot bowed as well, “Sorry, it’s my fault. I was just trying to stop her, I’ll pay for the bucket, princess.”

Princess Celestia arched an eyebrow.

“You should have seen it Princess, Galaxy challenged Escargot to a duel and started firing bolts at her. But she blocked them with-” Dinky started, her tail wiggling excitedly, ‘til she saw Celestia hold up a hoof.

“You two are not supposed to duel without an instructor present. You should know better then that.” Celestial shook her head and teleported the bucket off of Galaxy.

“Sorry, Princess.” Galaxy started, before turning to Escargot, “At least I was beaten by a purebred unicorn princess. If I’d lost to a lowborn, that would have been embarrassing.”

“I won’t punish either of you for this, this time.” Celestia said firmly, “Galaxy, Dinky, if I can have a moment with Escargot?”

“You two, come with me.” Professor Giddilee said, smiling as she turned and trotted out the door.

Looking up sadly, Escargot whimpered, “I’m so sorry, Princess.”

Shaking her head, Celestia lowered her head, “There’s no need to apologize. You’ve grown so much since the first time we met, since the first time I saw you on stage.”

“Thank you princess, I’m just scared I’m going to let everypony down.” Escargot said as he scuffed a hoof on the ground.

“Let everypony down how?” Celestia sat on the gym floor and tilted her head.

“I’m not very good at school- reading and writing doesn’t come easily to me, I can’t even do math well.” Lowering his head, he traced a figure eight with his hoof on the floor, “I kind of get bored, and want to go out and do things, like explore, or play games instead. Princess Twilight is counting on me to do well, and to show how good a teacher she is, and you and Princess Luna expect me to be something special.”

Shaking her head, Celestia put a wing over Escargot, “You’re trying to walk in the shadow of others. That’s not why you’re here. You’re here to get the practice with your magic that you need, and to find your own place. Once you do….” Celestia pulled her wing back, “You’ll find you don’t need shadows, you will find that you can shine yourself.”

“I… I… I need to go to my room.” Escargot said gulping.

Celestia nodded as she spoke softly, “It has been a long day for you. I gather you want to change back.”

“Uh huh, I need to go to the bathroom bad.” Escargot said.

Celestia blinked, “You know there are bathrooms throughout the school, right?”

“I don’t feel right going into the fillies’ bathroom, and it’s a big risk to change and change back in public bathrooms.” Snails said, thumping a hind leg gently.

“I understand. Why not just go as a filly?” Celestia inquired and tilted her head.

Escargot blushed and looked down, “I… don’t really know how… Well, I kinda know I just don’t feel comfortable with…”

“I think I will let my sister deal with this.” Celestia said, standing up and looking around. “In the meantime, Princess Luna and I brought something from Ponyville for you. It should help.”

Nodding once Escargot looked at the door, “Can I?”

“Go, go, we don’t want you having an accident.” Celestia said, fighting a giggle.

Escargot ran out of the gym as fast as his hooves could carry him. ‘Teeth floating, teeth floating.”

Escargot returned to the room running past the unicorn guard, tired and exhausted. Running into the bathroom, he took a quick shower. Changing back to Snails, he hopped out to do his business panting and sighing, before getting dried off and cleaned up.

Walking out of the bathroom and over to the bed, he turned and fell backwards onto it. Beside it, he saw a stuffed animal. It was old, raggedy, beaten up, with one eye hanging a little loose. The stuffed pony doll still carried the scents of Ponyville on it. The smell of apples and trees, the smell of the old library and new castle, the smell of friends, his mentor. Closing his eyes, Snails hugged the smartypants doll. It may not have been the most stallionly thing to do.

Lighting his horn, Snails curled up and snuggled the doll. Right now, he didn't care. Colt or filly didn't matter, all that mattered was that it reminded him of home.

Author's Note:

art by Skrapbox , best birthday gift ever!