• Published 26th Apr 2017
  • 10,798 Views, 395 Comments

The Mare of the Stars - XYZDreadnought

A story featuring a very lonely little girl, who can only be seen in starlight. A Displaced story.

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Chapter One - The thousandth year.

I sit on my fallen star, in my tower room, looking over the dull monochrome world. The sun will be setting soon, soon the world would return to darkness, colour and noise. What does day even look like? It has been so long I have forgotten. I stand up, and immediately the world loses definition, what was merely colourless, now lost shade as well, a world of black and white. This used to be so unnerving, frightening even, now it’s merely how things are. Without stars, this is what I am.

I walk to the window, my hand resting lightly against the frame, I can’t feel it of course. I cast my gaze over the black and white woods. It’s amazing what you can get used to, given time.

As the black ball that is the sun hit the horizon, I feel that familiar tingling sensation, the first star is about to appear…

It all comes back at once, the feeling of stone under my fingers, the weight on the base of my feet, The sound of the wind in the trees below… And the dazzling light of sunset, I will never tire of it, the feeling of coming alive.

I tear myself away as the sun dips under the horizon, I have business to take care of, tonight is the night. Taking my scythe in hand, I step through the window, and out onto thin air. I vanish.

I reappear, on the outskirts of the little town, does it have a name? It didn’t last time I was here, or maybe it did, and I just never asked. Whatever, doesn’t matter. I look around, apparently the Celebration is going on somewhere around here. A lot of lights and music emanate from the tree shaped building, seems like a good a place as any to start. I peer in through a window, sure enough, some sort of party is going on, but it doesn’t look like a summer sun celebration to me, it’s probably some sort of… pre-celebration party? I shrug, vanish, and reappear on one of the branches near the second story. Reclining, I elect to simply watch the progression of the moon, and wait for the appointed hour. It’s boring, but I’m used to boredom.

As hours pass, I am disturbed by a window opening beside me, I turn to see a purple unicorn looking at me curiously. I recognise her of course, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia sent me to deal with some nightmares of hers back when she was a filly, and Celestia still had misconceptions of what I meant when I said nightmares, I wonder if she remembers me, probably not.

“Hello?” says Twilight, her voice dripping in curiosity.

“Hi.” I say indifferently.

After a little pause, Twilight asks. “I hope you don’t mind, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything like you before, what exactly are you?”

I raise an eyebrow. “Bit quick there, you haven’t even asked my name.”

“Oh, sorry.” Twilight says quickly, “My curiosity got the better of me.”

I don’t respond.

A little awkward silence reigns, then I get impatient. “Well, aren’t you gonna ask?”

Twilight looks blank for a minute, before comprehension catches up. “Oh, right, who are you, please?”

“My name is Mare.” I state flatly. After a pause, I add. “And to your previous question, I am a reaper of nightmares.”

“A reaper of nightmares? That's not something I’ve ever heard of,” says Twilight.

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” I say, shrugging. I am good at shrugging. “I’m the only one I know.”

Twilight looks sceptical for a moment, before something occurs to her. “Wait, nightmares… are you here for Nightmare Mo...!” Twilight tries to say, but the door opens behind her.

“C'mon, Twilight, it's time to watch the sunrise!” says a small purple dragon… wearing a lampshade... to each their own I suppose. He pauses, presumably when he sees Twilight leaning out a window. “What are you doing?”

I take this as my cue to leave. Seeing a crowd of ponies leaving the ‘treehouse’, I vanish from the branch and follow, invisible and unheard. Walking into the tall carousel shaped building, as ponies walk in, making last minute preparations and so forth, I spot the balcony where Celestia is supposed to appear to her audience. I reappear on top, behind a white unicorn who is trying to look important. I slip through the curtains unnoticed, luckily this place has a lot of windows, so there are very few places where I cannot see the stars.

Celestia stands there alone, staring resolutely out the window, watching the moon with sad eyes.

“Feeling moody, Celestia?” I ask, walking up beside her.

“I didn’t think you would be too far away,” Celestia says, not moving her gaze from the moon, “I hope you are prepared.”

“I know what I need to do, I know what you want Twilight to do, but I don’t know what you are going to do, care to share?”

“As a matter of fact I do not know entirely what you plan either, you have not explained to me your plans for my sister.”

“There is nothing more to say, I intend to fulfil my promise to you, nothing more or less.” I say, “But it will make it easier if you tell me what you intend.”

Celestia sighs, obviously troubled. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to open up to me every now and then,” she says before returning her focus to the moon. “I hope to end it before it begins, if maybe, I can get through to my sister, through words alone, to pierce the veil of darkness that surrounds her heart. Maybe, just maybe I can make it all better.”

I shake my head. “You’re hopeless.”

Celestia gives a humourless laugh. “Maybe I am, just an old mare clinging to a false hope, an unrealistic dream.”

“And what will do when it fails?”

Another sigh. “An ‘if’ would have been nice.” She is silent for a moment. “I suppose I would have to try and delay her for as long as possible while Twilight gathers the elements, and you do... whatever you plan to do.”

I take a step back. “I would rather avoid that if at all possible.” I examine my blade.

“Oh? do you have a better idea?” Celestia asks, watching the stars close in on the moon. “If you do, I’m all ears.”

I raise my scythe. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

As it is, when Nightmare Moon storms down from her lunar prison, she does not find Princess Celestia, instead she finds a strange little creature, with a strange weapon, looking through the window with a neutral expression.

“You, creature! where is the sun princess?” Nightmare demands. “I sensed her presence her but a moment previously.”

“Gone,” I say simply, not turning from the window.

“Gone where? Do not try my patience, creature, I have been imprisoned for many years, patience is not something I have to spare.”

“Somewhere you cannot reach her,” I say, turning around. “Don’t worry, you will see her at the break of dawn, after our business is concluded.”

“Why should I worry about her, and what makes you think the sun will ever rise again? Do you know who I am?”

“You are her sister, aren't you?” I say, tilting my head.

“And what of it?” retorts Nightmare Moon, “I have nothing but contempt for my so called ‘sister’.”

“So it is you, then?” I say, raising my scythe, causing Nightmare Moon to take notice of the oversized weapon. “In that case, can I ask a question?”

“What? Why should I answer any question you ask?” Nightmare Moon asks with a sneer.

“It won’t take long…” I say, bringing the scythe into its neutral position, crossed diagonally across my body with the blade to the right of my head. “Would you rather I reap your nightmare now, or later when your back is turned?”

I take some small satisfaction in the fact that this seems to throw Nightmare Moon off balance. I have to get my fun somewhere, after all. She recovers quickly however, and her eyes narrow. “So, my sister has fled, and rather than face me directly, she has sent an assassin in her stead?”

“So is that a no then?” I say, “It's not too painful, for you at least, just one quick slash, and then I’ll be out of your mane.”

“Why would I agree to being attacked?!” Nightmare shouts, “Are you some kind of stupid?”

“I’ll get you eventually, if I do it now it will save both of us a lot of bother in the long run,” I say.

Nightmare sneers again. “It would save me just as much trouble if I end you... right now!”

Nightmare fires a bolt of magic in my direction, which I avoid by stepping backwards and disappearing. I walk forward, through the smug Nightmare Moon, and project my voice into the corporeal realm. “Suit yourself.” I walk through the curtain, and with a little hop, I float down into the crowd, taking a position in the back of the room, before reappearing and leaning against the wall. Tapping my scythe handle, I wait patiently for her grand entrance.

“She’s gone!” exclaims the white unicorn, after the curtains are drawn and they didn’t find Celestia, or for that matter Nightmare Moon, which surprises me, I expected her to make an entrance storming in and- oh, here we go, purple smoke.

I watch her little villain monologue, or more accurately dialog. She is surprisingly good at working the crowd, not that I have many villains to compare her to. After the attempt to detain the ancient powerful alicorn goes predictably pear shaped, she storms off in maniacal laughter. I attempt to follow after her, only to be halted by a voice. “Well ah’ll be darned, it is you! And still not a day older, Ah’ll reckon.”

I turn to face the unexpected voice. An elderly mare stands before me, wrinkled and bent with age, if not for her coat colour and cutie mark, she would have been totally unrecognisable. “Oh... hello.”

The old mare gives a frown. “And a fine hello to you too! Is that any way to greet an ol’ friend?”

I avert my eyes slightly. “Hello Maria.”

Granny’s eyes gain a nostalgic quality. “Maria… Been a long time since ah’ve heard that name, most folks jus’ call me Granny these days.”

I have trouble meeting her in the eye. “You’ve gotten old.”

Granny gives me a wry smile and shakes her head. “Still as blunt as ever ah see, we never did manage to drill any manners inta that head of yours.”

“I need to go, I have made a promise.” I say, shuffling my feet awkwardly.

Granny looks up to where Nightmare Moon stood not too long ago. “Hmm, Ah take it you’re mixed up in all these Nightmare Moon shenanigans?”

I mutely nod my head.

“Well far be it fer me to get in the way of you ‘n’ your promises, but… care to do an old mare a favour?” She continues before I could answer. “Don’t be a stranger, maybe after all this hoo-ha is over, lets say a day or two, you could come over to the Acres fer dinner, so ah can introduce mah gran’kids to ya?”

I shuffle my feet more.

Granny sighs. “I suppose ah’d jus’ like to spend some time with ya. After all, I don’t know fer how much longer ah have, it’d be nice to do a li’l catchin’ up…”

“I’ll come...” I say quietly.

Granny gives me an appraising look. “Is that a promise?”

I hesitate, for maybe just a bit too long, before softly nodding my head.

“Thatta girl.” said Granny, patting me on the back. “Now go on then, show that Nightmare Moony what fer.”

I nod again, then disappear. Walking outside, I spot about five ponies running in the direction of the treehouse. Since I have no idea where Nightmare Moon is, I elect to follow.

I sigh as I follow silently behind the group of six as they take the longest and most windy path possible to the castle. in my opinion it was easiest to just walk in a straight line, it must suck not being able to disappear. To be honest I was just considering overtaking them and waiting for them to arrive. But it seems that Nightmare Moon is also following them, so in order to wait for the right moment, I doggedly follow behind, watching the Nightmare’s repeated attempts to dissuade the ponies from going any further.

Eventually the castle's defensive chasm loomed ahead, broken bridge and all. I sigh as Twilight nearly runs off the edge, and decide to just wait for them inside. I hop down and float to the floor, and climb up the steps on the other side. I always thought that was a bit of a design flaw to have the steps on the inside wall of the defensive pit, but I guess they wanted easy access to the weird crystal tree in the nearby cave, whatever that was about.

I walk through the front door, and frown as I saw that the girls had somehow got ahead of me. I turn to see the bridge had been fixed… huh, maybe I should've waited… patience has never really been my strong suit. I sidle up behind Twilight just as her friends move to give her space. I invisibly look over her shoulder as she is seemingly trying to set the round stones on fire with her horn.

Just as I am about to suggest banging the stones together as a more effective method of creating sparks, I notice the Nightmare clouds welling up and I elect to step back and see if Nightmare Moon will finally actually show herself.

No such luck, as the cloud simply picks up Twilight and the impractically large firelighters, and steals them away, I can spot where they went through, through a window I can see their probable destination. Not that it matters, I know this castle, like anyone who has spent nine hundred plus incredibly boring years living in it.

Appearing in front of an unassuming wall, I stand on my toes and lift my scythe high above my head, and after a few false starts, manage to depress a brick in the wall to open a secret passage. Turning to the still panicking ponies in the room, I shout “Hey!” They all stop to look at me, “Your friend is this way, try to keep up.” Satisfied, I turn on my heels and disappear into the dark passage.

Having arrived well before the rest of team Sparkle, I am able to witness Twilight square up to Nightmare Moon, only to see Twilight fail to do… whatever she was trying to do, and Nightmare breaking the round rocks. I quietly walk to the back of the room, behind Nightmare Moon. I don’t listen much to Twilight's heroic monologue, nor do I take much notice to the lightshow as the glowing stone fragments started flying around. Instead I walk right up behind Nightmare Moon, appear, lift my scythe, and as all the girls close their eyes and started floating, I simply say “Gotcha.” and let the scythe fall.

Suddenly the pain of a thousand years of bitterness, hatred and despair flow into me as the alicorn’s nightmare was severed. Sympathetic tears well in my eyes and I struggle to keep standing as the sheer volume threatens to overwhelm me, but I stand firm and with a final push, send them off. Failing to blink back tears, I watch the now midnight blue alicorn fall in front of me, I don’t dwell on it however as a surge of black streams up the scythe handle and strikes me in the chest. It felt rather unpleasant. It seems the darkness that is Nightmare Moon is not that easy to send off.

I watch black lightning crackle between my fingers, and my hair get several shades darker. I feel... kinda powerful actually, it was a rather novel feeling, I felt kinda… nice.

I am made aware of a sudden glow in front of me. I look up to giant rainbow streaming toward me at speed.

Oh well, what would I do with the power of darkness anyway?” I think, and hold my arms out as the rainbow hit me.

I sit up to a world of black and white, it seems day has broken. I rub my head. Despite the fact that my senses are dead right now, I get the strange feeling that I’m going to be sore come nightfall, oh well. I look over to the silhouettes of six ponies, plus Celestia, all seemingly having a conversation in the distance. Some movement in the corner of my eye makes me notice another pony sitting right next to me, smaller than celestia, larger than most ponies, so this is what Celestia's sister looks like. Celestia approaches, and after a brief exchange, they hug.

I release a breath that I didn’t know I was holding. After some sort of outburst by the energetic one, they all file out, leaving me alone in my thoughts.

I lay back. So this is it then, what's done is done, my promise fulfilled, it took over nine hundred years, but it was finally done.

“I wish for my sister back.”

That had been the promise, a wish upon a shooting star, my shooting star. It was the reason I came into being, that I had awoken. Celestia has her sister back, she doesn’t need me any more, I guess now it's my time to be sent off, but to where? Home maybe? Wherever that is. Maybe I will just return to my star, and sleep for a very long time… I guess that wouldn’t be so bad. I can’t remember the last time I have slept well...

I came to a slow realisation, why am I still here? I sit up and look my silhouette up and down, sure enough I am still here, with no signs of fading away or anything of the sort. Isn’t that how it's supposed to work? I fulfill my promise, then fade away? Does it take awhile? How long will I have to wait? is something stopping me, is there some other promise…

… Oh, right, dinner with Maria, I promised didn’t I?

I get to my feet, teetering slightly, before making my way back to my tower.