• Published 26th Apr 2017
  • 10,800 Views, 395 Comments

The Mare of the Stars - XYZDreadnought

A story featuring a very lonely little girl, who can only be seen in starlight. A Displaced story.

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Chapter Three - Dinner with Maria

I groan as I lie sprawling over my star, thankfully it isn’t as bad as last night. Tonight, everything is simply sore. Last night I was seriously considering running myself through with my scythe, but couldn’t bear moving to even make the attempt.

As much as I am tempted to just continue wallowing in self pity and pain, I had promised Maria that I would come to dinner so, struggling to my feet, I set off for the Apple family farm. I don’t want to be late, after all.

About a minute after Mare leaves, Luna and Celestia creep up the stairwell.

“So this is where she lives?” says Luna, looking around, “I must say, it is rather… bare.”

“Mare does not have much in the way of possessions,” Celestia says, crossing the room, “just an enchanted box of keepsakes. I think she keeps it under a false flagstone… ah, here we are.”

“I know we are trying to help her, but this still doesn’t feel right,” says Luna, as Celestia lifts up a small box from the floor.

“That's because it probably isn’t,” says Celestia, “but we are doing it anyway, now help me prepare.”

“Settle down, I’m comin’.” says Applejack, as the insistent knocking continues, honestly, who can it be at this hour?

Apple Bloom perks up in curiosity from her bored slump and Big Mac looks up from his reading. Applejack opens the door.

“Hello, my name is Mare, I’m a grim reaper, is Maria home?”

Applejack looks at the figure, to her dark clothes, giant scythe, and annoyed expression. “Umm, ‘scuse me for a second.” before politely closing the door.

She turns to her siblings, who both wore confused expressions.

“Any idea who that was?” says Applejack.

“Nnope.” says Big Mac.

“Who's Maria?” says Apple Bloom.

“Ah think that’s Granny’s first name.” says Applejack.


“Whats a grim reaper want with Granny?” says Apple Bloom, with childlike innocence.

Applejack and Big Mac share a glance. “Nothing, I hope.”


Applejack sighs. “Well, better tell Granny she’s got someone to see her, and hope nothing comes of it.”

Applejack walks into the kitchen. “Granny, you’ve got-” Her breath catches in her throat.

“Dinner will be a minute er ten, anything I can getcha to drink?” says Granny, standing by the stove and checking on the stew.

“Juice please.” says the grim reaper, who is sitting nonchalantly on the counter next to the open window.

Granny turns around and spots Applejack standing in the door. “Oh hey there Applejack, Allow me ter introduce Mare, a real ol’ friend of mine, she’ll be joining us fer dinner, be a dear and get her some juice, pretty sure we’ve got some fresh in the fridge.”

Applejack looks at the being called Mare, then back to her elderly, yet spritely Granny, then back again to the grim reaper who is apparently her friend. Then she does what she is told, and then walks back to her siblings.

“This. Explains. So much!” says Applejack, as her siblings share confused glances.

“Hey everypony, wash up, dinners ready, I’ve got someone I’d like you all to meet.” Granny calls from the kitchen.

The Apple siblings all exchange worried looks, before going to the bathroom to wash up.

“Are you sure you have brought enough invisible chalk Luna?”

“I don’t know, I can’t seem to find it…”

“That had better not be a joke or I swear to Faust...”

I sit down at the Apple Family table as Granny sets the table for five. By the time she starts ladling stew into bowls, the other three Apples show up. I assume these are the grandkids Maria was talking about. There aren’t any additional place settings, I wonder where the parents are.

The smallest one bounces up and sits next to me. “Hi, my name is Apple Bloom, is your name really Mare?”

“That's what I call myself, so I guess so.” I say

“Didn’t yer parents give you a name?” asks Apple Bloom.

I shrug. “I never had any, so I don’t know.”

This throws the filly for a little bit, but she rallies quickly. “But, why do you call yourself Mare, isn’t that like a stallion calling himself stallion?”

“But I’m not a mare, I’m a girl, the term mare doesn’t apply to me.”

“But isn’t, like confusing?”

“To other people maybe, I know who I am.”

“How old are you?”

“Grim reapers don’t have an age.”

“Don’t you start that rot missy,” says Granny, giving me a sharp rap on the head. “Come on now, if ya don’t start eatin’, it’ll get cold. There’ll be plenty of time for questions later, Apple Bloom.”

Rubbing my head irritably, I look down at my bowl. While I don’t need to eat, it had been a long time since I have eaten Maria’s cooking, or any cooking for that matter.

Without further ado I dig in.

“This seems like a good spot.”

“It's a bit empty, isn’t it?”

“But it has plenty of large windows and a balcony. We can always acquire some furniture from the guest rooms.”

“What is this room for, anyway?”

“Well I had intended it to be your new study…”


“More please.”

“Whoa settle down girl, some of us haven’t finished our firsts.” says Granny, laughing, “You’d best be careful, you might get some indigestion.”

“Grim reapers don’t get indigestion,” I say, reaching for the ladle. A green hoof smacks my hand away, so I just lean back and pout.

“So you’re a friend of Granny?” says the orange one with the hat, Applejack I think, “Where are you from?”

“Grim reapers don’t have homes.” I say, before getting smacked around the head again.

“If you keep that up you ain't gettin’ any pie,” says Granny scoldingly. She turns to Applejack, “Don’t mind her, one things she’s never had is manners, as fer yer question, she lives out in that ol’ castle in the Everfree.”

“You live out there? Ain’t that dangerous?” says Applejack.

“Not particularly, I’ve never had any troubles.”

“What about all them monsters and such?”

“I ignore them.”

“...And that works?”

“Only if you're me.”

“Wait a minute… I think I remember you, after Twilight disappeared, you showed us a secret passage.”

“Yup,” I say, “I do live there after all.”

“Thanks, I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t shown up there.”

“You’re welcome,” I say, before holding my bowl out to Granny. “More Please?”

Granny rolls her eyes, “Alright, you’ve been patient enough.” She ladles another portion of stew for me. “One day I’ll work out where you put all of it.”

“Tell me if you do, I still haven’t the foggiest,” I say, before tucking in with gusto.

“Luna, don’t you think reupholstering the furniture is a bit much?”


“Just checking.”

With the first course over, Granny brings out the apple pie, I eye it hungrily, even back when I first knew her, her pies were legendary, I wonder what age was done to this already veteran recipe.

But as Granny is dividing the pie, I catch the eye of the last Apple, the big stallion, who was introduced as Big Macintosh, He was the only one who hasn’t tried to talk to me yet. We stare at each other impassively, as the pie is being served.

‘You don’t talk too much.’ came my unspoken words.

’Neither do you.’ came his unspoken reply.

’Not unless I have something to say’


We both nod in mutual understanding before setting about the task of eating, the other Apple siblings looking back and forth in confusion.

“Those curtains are fine Luna… Coincidentally, so are last five pairs you’ve shown me.”

“But what about these…”



“Well, thanks for comin’ Mare, really appreciate it,” says Granny, as we stand on the doorstep.

“Well, thanks for feeding me,” I say. Despite my best efforts I wear a little smile.

Granny gives a laugh before standing to give me an affectionate rub on the head. “Anytime, you rascal.” She drops back to her hooves. “I think you left an impression on the gran’kids.”

“I did?”

“Well it's not everyday some creature they’ve never seen before come to dinner,” says Granny. “Are you sure you don’t wanna stay longer?”


“Well, since you are walking in that direction...” says Granny, her expression softening “I was considering visiting the Mister, you think you could walk me?”

I suddenly have trouble meeting Granny’s eye, I look down at the ground shuffling my feet. “...No.” I say quietly.

“Still not strong enough?” says Granny.

I cast a sharp eye at Granny, but I only see a soft compassionate gaze.

“No,” I say, before vanishing.

I finish the climb up my tower, and fall prone on my star, feeling my energies ebb.

So this is it then, I am starting to weaken. I can feel my grip on reality slipping away slowly.

I turn on my side. Far too slowly for my liking. At this rate it might take all night, my strength slowly fading until I am unable to stand, and then longer, until the sun simply strips my being away.

I roll on my back, I hope not, that sounds terrible. I’d prefer it quick. Maybe if Celestia comes I can ask her to take my scythe…

I am suddenly aware of a network of glowing lines all over the ceiling that weren't there when I walked into the room. “What…?”

Everything went white.

I floated in an indistinct void... there was colour… I think sound… I lift a sluggish hand and hold it to my chest. I find out two things from this; one, I still have touch, and two, I am naked. In my current mind frame I can’t seem to work up the feeling to be worried.

So this is it, I’ve been sent off, and now comes the sleep, I can feel my eyes drooping.

I gently curl into a ball, I wonder how long I will sleep, years, centuries, forever? Who is to say.

My eyes slowly close…

“I wish you were here with us to stay.”

My eyes shoot open.


Everything goes black.

I feel both the familiar feeling of my scythe in my hands, my star under my legs, and an extremely familiar feeling of deja vu. My eyes flutter open.

I am kneeling on my star, it is night, Celestia is standing in front of me. Thankfully before I can start to ponder if my life's on repeat, I notice that A, this isn’t the castle in the everfree, and B, her sister, Luna I think it was, is standing next to her.

I look around, this appears to be a room very similar to my old decrepit tower room, except it wasn’t decrepit, there was glass in the windows, and it appeared to be fully furnished. Most of the windows had an unobstructed view of the stars, except the ones which had a view of what appeared to be mountainside. A door was set into that side of the room, and it it appeared to be the only exit.

“Welcome to Canterlot, Mare.” says Celestia.

I I turn back to Celestia, who is wearing her patented ‘Celestia knows best’ smile as she looks down at me.

I scramble to my feet, (although I’m still shorter), walk up to her and glare. “What did you do?”

“Whatever do you mean?” says Celestia with faux innocence.

“I was done, I was fading away, there was a weird circle and I was sent off, and then…” I stop rambling and my eyes narrow. “You made another wish.”

“Amazing thing isn’t it? I never knew you could make a wish on a fallen star,” says Celestia, “At first I thought it didn’t work, but here you are...”

“Why? What possessed you to do that!?” I say, throwing my hands in the air.

“You know the wish, you tell me,” says Celestia.

My brows furrow, as I try and remember through the haze of just having ‘woken up’. “You want... me?”

“After knowing you for nearly a thousand years, and all you have done for me, do you really think I’d let you vanish, just like that?”

“How did you even know? I didn’t tell you,” I say.

“You are not as secretive as you think,” Celestia says cryptically.

“Did you even think to ask me about how I feel?” I say.

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “You mean like how you ‘asked’ me whether I would mind being ‘sent away’ for the duration of my sister’s return?”

I stare blankly for a moment, before slowly dropping my head into my hands. “Touché,” comes my muffled reply.

“If I may ask, why were you so intent on being sent away?” says Luna.

“I had my reasons,” I say, before picking up my head, “which present circumstances have rendered irrelevant.” I turn on my heels and flop cross legged on my star. “I guess I’m yours now, for whatever reason, should I call you mistress, or I should I just bark?”

It feels nice to dislodge Celestia’s all knowing grin. “That was uncalled for, and you know it.”

“What does she mean by that…” says Luna, but Celestia interrupts.

“It is a joke she is far too young to be making,” she says, dragging Luna out the door, “And I think it is time to leave her as she is clearly grumpy from being woken up. This room is yours now, you’ve got two hours before sunrise. I suggest you use that time to get familiar with your surroundings, we will see you tomorrow evening, after you have calmed down.”

Watching the two of them leave, the door snapping shut behind them, I decide to take Celestia’s advice. I stand and survey my surroundings again. Apart from the aforementioned details, it was furnished in the style of a bedroom, with a large desk, some sofa chairs and couch arranged around a coffee table, some bookshelves, and a bed that I could practically swim in. I resist the urge to start jumping on it. I detect a sort of star theme going through the room, from the chair upholstery, to the curtains, the bed coverings, the carpet, and (tilting my head back) the ceiling are all decorated with stars and constellations, with an almost frightening level of precision.

I vanish in order to walk through one of the windows. I appear to be in a tower again, if the circular shape hadn’t clued me in, but unlike my previous home, it is encircled by a balcony like walkway. Re-appearing, I walk around the outside, I have never seen Canterlot castle up close. It’s… pretty, I guess, twisting towers, grand keeps and halls, all coloured in white gold and purple. A part of me prefers the dark gothic majesty of the old castle in the Everfree, before its fall into disrepair that is, but for the most part, this is still an impressive sight. I find to my surprise that the doorway leads directly outside, and my tower room is reached by stairs imbedded into the walkway and spirals around the outside of the tower. Deciding to leave the exploration of the castle at large to another day, I disappear and walk through the door, re-appearing to slouch on the bed that is apparently mine, although what I would do with a bed is debatable, considering I am awake through the night and sleeping during the day is… difficult.

I have to wonder though, Celestia does seem to know an awful lot about me, things I never had told her. I wonder how…

I catch sight of a basket on the coffee table that I somehow missed on the first pass. I get up to examine it, it seems to have a great deal of apple based products....

I snatch up the ‘housewarming’ card attached to the handle and read the name, confirming my suspicions.

“Maria!” I snarl.

I then notice a few jars of zap-apple jam in the basket.

‘You are forgiven,’ I think as I open one to sample with my finger.

“No seriously, what does she mean by barking?”


Author's Note:

And thus, the scene is set, this will be the setting for pretty much the rest of the story.