• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 7,598 Views, 275 Comments

Doctor Who: Adventures with Twilight Sparkle - Kickass222urmom

The Doctor and Twilight Sparkle travel across time and space, going on many crazy adventures.

  • ...

Blackout Illusion

This is a simple adventure, just to see how well I’ll be able to do this story. So yes, the problem in this chapter will be fixed very quickly. If you dislike this, don’t worry, this is the only time a chapter like this will happen. The rest from now on will be full length and take much longer to fix the main problem.

Also, the next chapter will have a creature in it that everyone loves. For a hint, the next creature is one of the most dangerous things in the universe, or so says the Eleventh Doctor.

Chapter two

The Doctor pulled a final lever before turning to face Twilight, who was still rubbing her face.

“Mrs. Sparkle, I would like to introduce you to the planet Florana. One of the most beautiful planets in the universe!” the Doctor exclaimed in an excited voice.

Twilight looked up with a confused look on her face. “Huh? But we haven’t even moved yet?”

“Oh, we have,” he stated with a smug look on his face.

“But, we haven’t moved. Therefore, we couldn’t be there and would be the same exact spot as before,” Twilight said, a victorious smile on her face.

“Well aren’t you a smart little bugger,” the Doctor said with a chuckle. “Okay then, Mrs. Smarty Pants. Open the door.”

Twilight smiled slyly and trotted towards the door. When she reached it, she gave it a hard shove, causing it to fly open.

She started to opened her mouth to prove her point, but the sight before her caused her jaw to fall and her mind go blank.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” the Doctor shouted from the center of the room.

“W-We’re,” Twilight stammered, “We’re in a desert?!”

“Desert?” the Doctor said in confusion as he rushed to stand beside her in the doorway.

“This isn’t right. There’s no barren deserts on Florana, everything is supposed to be green and thriving!” The Doctor turned around and quickly made his way back to the controls.

Twilight blinked a few times and turned around to see the Doctor looking at the Tardis’s screens with a confused look on his face.

“Doctor?” she asked in a worried tone.

He ran his hand through his hair and looked at her, “Scratch what I said earlier. Welcome to the planet Freton.”

“Freton?” Twilight said to herself. “What’s that place?”

“Well,” the Doctor began, adjusting his overcoat, “It’s mostly a desert planet, but that’s only in the south. The northern part of the planet is mostly mountainous with the occasional ocean.”

“That’s kind of a simple layout,” Twilight said, tapping her chin.

“Planets don’t have to be complicated. I know of a planet where it’s nothing but water. Strange inhabitants though.”

Twilight looked back at the open doors and furrowed her brow. “Is it safe to go out there?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” the Doctor questioned, strolling over to the open doors.

“Well, there might be...” Twilight began, but when she noticed the Doctor had already left the ship, she let out an annoyed sigh and followed him.

When she stepped outside of the Tardis, she saw the Doctor standing a few feet away on a small hill, looking at something.

Twilight trotted through the sand until she was next to the Doctor. She looked up at him and cocked her head, “What is it, Doctor?”

“That town,” the Doctor said, motioned downward with his head, “There’s no lights, even though it’s night. Isn’t that strange?”

Twilight looked to where he had motioned and raised an eyebrow. The town in question was indeed pitch black, and looked sinister in the moonlight.

“So?” she questioned, trying to figure out why the Doctor thought this was strange.

“So?” the Doctor mimicked, looking down at her. “So, that means we get to pay them a visit.”

“Do we have too?” Twilight asked in a unsure voice.

Without giving a answer, the Doctor began to walk down the hill, whistling a joyful tone.

Twilight sighed and followed him down the hill.


“Where is everyone?” Twilight said aloud as she and the Doctor walked down a deserted street.

“Hmmm, strange. This is a well maintained town, but no inhabitants?” the Doctor mumbled as he kicked a can out of his way.

Twilight stepped over a small pile of ash and looked around, curious as to where the inhabitants were.

After a few seconds, she noticed that the Doctor was no longer next to her.

She looked around quickly, starting to panic. But when she turned around, she saw that he had stopped next to a lamp post and was examining.

She gritted her teeth and stomped towards him and said in a angry voice, “Don’t do that!”

“Do what?” he questioned as he reached into his vest.

“Walk away from me without telling me you were! I thought something had happened to you!”

“I don’t know why you would think that, you could have just turned around,” he stated as he pulled out a strange device, like the one he had used on her desk.

She closed her eyes and let out a stressed sigh. When she opened them, she eyed the strange device, which he was pointing at the lamp.

“What is that thing?”

“This?” he said, holding up the device. “It’s my Sonic Screwdriver.”

“That’s not a Screwdriver,” she deadpanned.

“Yes it is,” he said simply, a smile on his face.

“I’m not stupid, I think I know what a screwdriver is.”

“Oh, but it is. There’s no denying it,” he stated, twirling the device in his fingers.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “So, you’re a time traveler who can have anything in the universe, and you chose a screwdriver that is nothing better than a mini-flashlight?”


“And you’re a Doctor? Do you even have your bachelor’s degree? Did you even go to college?! Now that I think about it, you don’t seem like a Doctor! What are you the Doctor of? Did you...”


“What?” Twilight asked, suddenly losing the fury she had in her voice as confusion took over.

“I’m the Doctor of everything. Just name it, and I know everything about it.”

Twilight gave him a hard glare.

“What is it? Do I have something in my teeth?” he asked, making a show of running his finger over his teeth.

Twilight closed her eyes and let out a few heavy breaths, trying to stay calm. When she opened them, she motioned towards the lamp post, “So, what are you even doing with your.... screwdriver?”

The Doctor chuckled and pointed up at the lamp post, where the bulb would sit.

“Look at the bulb.”

Twilight tilted her head back and looked up. “What bulb? It’s just an empty socket.”

“Actually,” the Doctor began as he crouched down, “It’s not empty. Look at this.”

Twilight looked at what the Doctor was examining and raised an eyebrow, “Broken glass?”

“Percistly! This is the bulb that was originally in that lamp above us. Something must have broken it. But what?”

“A rock? Someone could have thrown a stone at it to...” Twilight began but was hushed by the Doctor.

“No, it wasn’t anything physical. Look at the glass,” he said as he held his Sonic Screwdriver above the glass, “It’s slightly melted, which means something else must have broken it. Something that’s not physical.”

“Doctor,” Twilight said with a sigh, “I don’t actually see why any of this is necessary. It’s just a broken lamp bulb. Nothing else. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Oh, Mrs. Sparkle, you have so much to learn!” he said with a smile.

Twilight shook her head and glanced around once more. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move. A dark figure.

“Doctor, I think I saw something,” she said in a low voice, to which the Doctor immediately jumped to his feet.


“Over there,” Twilight said as she pointed her hoof towards a small house off to the right.

The Doctor suddenly ran past her and towards the house to which she had pointed.

“Wait! Doctor! Don’t just leave me!” she called out as she galloped after him.


The Doctor rounded the corner of the house just in time to see the back door slowly close.

As he started to run towards it, he heard Twilight call out his name.

With a sigh, he stopped and waited for her to catch up. And when she did, she had a angry look on hef face. But before she could scold him, he put a finger to her lips and motioned towards the door.

“What ever you saw just went through that door,” he said in a hushed tone.

Twilight knocked his hand away from her face and looked at the door. “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” The Doctor then walked over to the door and grasped the knob.

“We can’t just walk in there!” Twilight said loudly as she ran to stand next to the Doctor.

The Doctor paused and looked at her, “And why not?”

“Uh,” Twilight said, trying to think of a reason. “They might be armed?”


“So?! That means we could die!” she exclaimed loudly.

“Unlikely that’s going to happen my dear,” he said with a smile as he turned the knob. But, instead of turning, the knob stayed locked in place.

“See?! It’s locked, no way in! So let’s move on, okay?!” Twilight said as she turned to leave.

The Doctor smiled slyly as he held his Sonic Screwdriver on the knob, causing it to click as the tumblers were undone.

“Oh, Twilight, the doors open,” he said in a high pitch voice as he pushed the door open to be greeted by darkness.

“Don’t you dare go in there, Doctor!” Twilight commanded.

The Doctor continued to smile as he casually strolled into the house. He used his Sonic Screwdriver to illuminate the area around him, which helped him make his way down a hall and into what looked to be a living room of sorts.

He looked around the room, trying to figure out where the figure could have gone. But the dim light of his Sonic Screwdriver wasn’t enough to cover the whole room.

“Who are you?” a voice from behind him asked.

The Doctor spun around to see a creature standing in a doorway. The creature was humanoid and looked like a human. But he could easily tell that this creature wasn’t a real human, but a crossbreed of one. The results of interspecies mating between humans and alien races.

“I’m the Doctor,” the Doctor said as he finished examining the creature.

“You’re a doctor?!” the creature said in surprise as it reached forward and grabbed the Doctor’s wrist. “Please, you have to help her!”

“Help who?” the Doctor asked, concern in his voice.

“My wife!” the creature exclaimed in a panic.

The Doctor gave a quick nod, “Where is she?”

“This way, hurry!” the creature said quickly as it began to pull him down the hallway.

“Doctor?” Twilight asked from behind him as she finally came into the room.

As he was pulled down the hallway, the Doctor turned his head and said, “This way, Twilight.”

After a few seconds, the creature turned to the right and into a room that held a single bed. On the bed lay another creature, this one clearly a female based on its breast that were visible under the blankets.

The Doctor walked to one side of the bed and began to look her over, “What happened?”

“That thing attacked her!” the other creature exclaimed loudly.

“What thing?” the Doctor asked, using his Sonic Screwdriver to scan the females body.

“I don’t know! You can barely see it!”

“Then what does it look like?”

The creature groaned loudly before answering, “I guess smoke. I don’t know, I only saw it for a second!”

The Doctor stopped his examining of the female and looked at the male creature in front of him. “Did you say smoke? As in, a cloud of floating smoke?”


“Tell me, how did it attack your wife?” the Doctor asked, putting Sonic Screwdriver back in his vest.

“All I saw was electricity flew from the smoke and hit her in the arm. It did it to a few other Polon’s, but for some reason they all turned to ash. Unlike my wife.”

“What’s a Polon?” Twilight asked from the doorway, probably just arriving at the room.

“His species name,” the Doctor answered before he addressed the Polon in front of him. “The creature that you’ve described sounds like a Kajeat.”

The creature looked up at the Doctor with a strange look on his face. “A Kajeat? What’s that?”

The Doctor tapped his chin, gathering his thoughts. “A Kajeat is a creature of pure energy. They were known to travel the universe billions of years ago, but they were thought to have completely died out. The Kajeat feed on energy, which is how it’s able to retain its form.”

“But, Doctor,” Twilight said as she trotted up beside him, “If they were suppose to have died out that long ago, how is this one even here?”

“I don’t know,” the Doctor answered simply.

“I thought you were suppose to know everything!” Twilight said, a hint of mockery in her voice.

The Doctor sighed and nodded in the dim light, “I do, but I can’t know every little detail.”

“And another thing,” Twilight suddenly said, changing the subject, “Why are all the lights out?”

“Simple,” the Doctor stated, “The Kajeat has already consumed all the energy in this area.”

“Ummm, Doctor?” the creature in front of them said.


“That... Kajeat thing just attacked ten minutes ago...”

The Doctor rubbed his chin, “That means it’s still close.”

“And what are we supposed to do about it?” Twilight asked, giving the Doctor a expectant look.

“We fix the problem of course!” the Doctor exclaimed loudly, patting Twilight on the back.

The creature in front of them cleared his throat, “What about my wife?”

“Oh her?” the Doctor said, “She’ll be fine. Just some minor burns, nothing big. She’s a lucky one, the Kajeat must have been running low on energy if it didn’t kill her in one burst. Otherwise, she’d be a pile of ash right now.”

Suddenly, Twilight let out a small, whining sound.

“Twilight? Are you alright?” the Doctor asked, looking at her in concern.

“You mean...” Twilight said in a low voice, “You mean those piles of ashes outside on the street are...”

“Yes,” the Doctor said solemnly.

“Oh my...” Twilight said quietly, hanging her head.

The Doctor looked at the Polon in front of him and asked, “What’s your name?”


“Interesting name. Nice to meet you, Calank,” the Doctor said in a cheerful voice.

“As is it nice to meet you...”

“The Doctor,” the Doctor finished for him.

“That’s really your name?” Calank asked, sounding slightly confused.

“Uh-huh,” Twilight said as she looked back up, “Don’t worry, I’m still confused on it.”

“I don’t see why though,” the Doctor said, looking between the two.

“Trust me, the name ‘Doctor’ is a strange name to have,” Twilight said with a slight chuckle.

“Okay?” the Doctor said slowly, “Moving on. What are we going to do with this Kajeat? We can’t touch them, or we’ll die. We can’t get too close, or we’ll end up with the same results. Hmmmm, what to do, what to do?”

“It’s made of energy right? Couldn’t we just seal it in something?” Twilight said aloud.

The Doctor shook his head, “No, that wouldn’t work. You can’t trap a being of that much pure energy. You could, but we lack the technology and time to do it.”

“Couldn’t we just send it away?” Twilight poundered, still trying to think of a solution.

“We could, if we could get it on the Tardis and take it somewhere, but that would be a horrible idea.”

Suddenly, a large smile played across Twilight’s face. “Magic.”

“What?” Both the Doctor and Calank said at the same time.

“That’s right!” the Doctor said loudly, slapping his head. “How could I forget that you were a unicorn?! With magic?! I must be losing my touch or something!” After a second of calming himself, he continued, “If you are able to teleport it, we could send it somewhere else. But where could we send it? We can’t just let it roam the universe, doing whatever it pleases.”

As Twilight started to give her input, the Doctor jumped up in excitement.

“Calank! Do you have any rubber gloves and a enclosed glass tube?”

Calank gave him a strange look, but nodded, “I have the gloves, but no glass tube.”

“Doctor, why do you need a glass tube?” Twilight asked, curiosity in her voice.

“Simple, a Kajeat may be pure energy, but it does have a weakness. Glass.”

Twilight gave him a confused look, “I don’t follow...”

“Thanks to their smoke form, they are unable to pass through glass. And if they’re enclosed in glass, they’ll be unable to use electricity to break out of the glass. It’s so simple! Don’t you see?!”

“Not really, but I’ll go with it...” Twilight said in a unsure voice.

“Calank, do you have two glass cups, or anything close to it?” the Doctor asked, holding the Sonic Screwdriver up to provide some light.

“I think, but they’re not that big,” Calank said as he scratched his elbow.

“Doesn’t matter, a Kajeat can be almost any size. I think it’ll fit.”

“And,” Twilight began, “How are we going to put it in the cups? And couldn’t it just escape through the cracks of where the cups are connected?”

“Not if I use my Sonic Screwdriver on them!” he stated, holding up the device, which caused Twilight to exhale loudly. “As for how we’ll get it in there. Magic, as you said. You can teleport it into it them. Couldn’t you?”

Twilight gave a unsure nod. “I think I could, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to...”

“It’s worth a try. Calank,” the Doctor said, addressing the Polon, “Could you get those cups and gloves for me?”

“Sure,” Calank said as he quickly made his way out of the room.

“Lastly, how are we going to even attract this thing?” Twilight questioned.

“Again, easy question. I just have to power the Sonic Screwdriver up, which will be easily noticed by the Kajeat, and it’ll come to us. It’s so easy!”

“I don’t like this plan...” Twilight said in a worried tone.

“Do you trust me?” the Doctor asked all of a sudden.

Twilight looked at him and furrowed her brow, “I don’t know, I haven’t known you more than a few hours.”

“Well, do you trust me from what has happened so far then?”

She shrugged, “I guess...”

“Then this plan will work perfectly. Promise.”

A few seconds later, Calank returned with the needed objects. The Doctor pulled on the gloves and grabbed the two glass cups. He pushed the open parts together and quickly ran the Sonic Screwdriver over the cracks. Which in turn connected the two cups.

“How does it do that?!” Twilight exclaimed, taking new interest in the Doctor’s screwdriver.

“Tell you later,” the Doctor said, giving her a cheeky smile.

Twilight gave him a brief glare before sighing. “Let’s just get this over with...”

“Excellent!” the Doctor exclaimed as he began to leave the room, a smile on his face. “Allons-y!”


Twilight stood in the middle of the street, watching as the Doctor stood off to the side, working on his screwdriver.

After seeing what it could do, Twilight was curious as to how it actually worked. What power source does it use? Who made it? Where could she get one?

One of those would come in handy back home, seeing as so many things were broken. And if it can connect things, what else could it do?

As she stood there deep in thought, the Doctor finished his work on his Sonic Screwdriver and was currently charging it for their little trap.

“Now, Twilight, when the Kajeat gets here, stay calm and focus. Can you do that?”

Twilight gave him a confident nod and said, “Of course! I can focus easily, no matter what’s going on around me!”

“Good,” the Doctor said as he looked at the Sonic Screwdriver.

“We ready, Doctor?” Twilight asked.

“Almost.” The Doctor tapped his foot as he waited for the charge to complete. After a few seconds, it made a buzzing noise, signaling that it was done.

“Ah, we’re ready for action!”

“Ready?” Twilight asked, scuffing her hoof against the sand covered street.

“Oh, we’re ready alright!” the Doctor stated as he pressed a button on the screwdriver and held it up. “Now we wait.”

They looked around, looking for any sign of the Kajeat.

Twenty minutes went by and nothing. Just the sounds of night.

After another ten minutes, Twilight gave the Doctor a strange look.

His response to the stare was a shrug.

“Where is it? Shouldn’t it have attacked or something?” Twilight questioned, clearly worried.

“I don’t know... it should have appeared by now...”

Twilight let out a sigh and motioned to the house, “I think we should work on a new plan.”

“Agreed,” the Doctor responded as turned off the screwdriver and stood up.

The two slowly walked back to Calank’s house and entered in through the front door.

Upon entering, they saw something strange and unexpected.

Calank was sitting in a chair, his wife standing behind the chair, and a dim lamp sat next to them.

“No luck, Doctor?” Calank said in a completely different voice. A more feminine voice.

“That voice...” the Doctor said in a whisper, not believing his ears.

“I guess my dear wife and I just imagined the whole thing,” he said, tilting his head to the side and a creepy smile on his face.

“But, she was hurt!” Twilight said in confusion.

“She? Hurt? How can something that’s not real be hurt?”

Suddenly, the female Polon behind him slowly began to fade away, as if she had never been there.”

“You,” the Doctor said harshly, “How did you escape?! I made sure to lock you away centuries ago!”

“Oh, you did, and I never escaped. You can’t keep a spirit locked away forever, Doctor. No matter the prison they’re encased in.”

“Then how are you here?!” he shouted furiously.

Calank, or the thing that claimed to be him, shook its finger at the Doctor. “I’ll never tell. That’ll just be my little secret.”

“Tell me where you are! Tell me now!” the Doctor yelled, taking a step towards the creature.

“In due time, Doctor. In the meantime, I have a body to create. Ta ta, Doctor.”

“Don’t you dare leave without answering my question!” the Doctor yelled pointing his Sonic Screwdriver at the creature. But, before he could do anything, the creature slowly faded away, leaving behind nothing but a chair and a lamp.

“Doctor?” Twilight asked after a few seconds.

The Doctor turned around and walked out the front door, followed by Twilight.

When she stepped outside, she saw nothing. As in, the town that they had entered was no longer there, just the desert. When Twilight turned to look at the house they had just left, she was shocked to see nothing but sand.

“Doctor?!” Twilight yelled, fear in her voice. “What just happened?! Where’s the buildings?!”

“They were never there,” the Doctor deadpanned.

“What do you mean?”

He sighed and rubbed his face, “I can’t believe I didn’t notice any of it! I should have saw that all this was fake! The Sonic Screwdriver didn’t even pick it up!”

“Doctor, who was that?” Twilight asked, fear still in her voice.

“That, I will have to show you at a later date,” he said simply.

“But, what just happened?”

“An illusion, a very realistic illusion.”

Twilight nodded, but asked, “But why did they do this? Why do an illusion that held no results for either side?”

“Simple,” the Doctor said in a dry tone, “She’s playing with us.”

“She? It’s a girl?”

The Doctor shook his head and began to walk forward, “I wouldn’t call her a girl. I wouldn’t call her any gender. She’s a thing.”

“How do you know her?” Twilight asked as she trotted after him.

“That is a long story, and I’d rather you wait till the time is right for me to tell you.”

Twilight gave a reluctant nod, “Alright, I guess I can wait...”

They walked the rest of the way back to the Tardis in silence.


The Doctor closed the doors on the Tardis and turned to make his way up to the controls, but was stopped by Twilight standing in front of him.

“So, where to next?” she asked, excitement in her voice.

The Doctor smiled and walked around her, “I see you can shrug off things easily. That’s good, very good.”

Twilight smiled proudly and followed him up to the controls, “Nothing really bad happened and no one was hurt. And I learned of two new races! Oh, before we leave, can I please go write down a few things? I want to keep a log of all the species I meet and learn about!”

The Doctor chuckled and nodded. “Go ahead, we have all the time in the universe.”

Twilight smiled happily and ran past him and down the stairs, which lead to the area he had put the office supplies.

Once she was gone, he turned back to the controls and put his hands on either side, deep in thought.

“How did she know about the Kajeat? And why did she use them in her illusion? More importantly, why would she reveal to me that she’s still out there? She’s planning something, but what?” He rubbed his face with one hand and sighed, “What ever it is, it won’t be good. And if things go like last time... let’s just hope that doesn’t happen.”

“Doctor? Who are you talking to?” Twilight called from below.

“Uhh, no one, just talking to myself,” he responded.

“You’re a very strange person, you know that?”

He smiled and let out a low chuckle and yelled, “You have no idea!”

He looked down at the controls smiling and said in a low voice, “You have no idea.”