• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 7,598 Views, 275 Comments

Doctor Who: Adventures with Twilight Sparkle - Kickass222urmom

The Doctor and Twilight Sparkle travel across time and space, going on many crazy adventures.

  • ...

The Time Prison

Chapter four

Twilight sat up in bed and rubbed her face. She then stretched out her legs and yawned.

“Doctor?” Twilight called out, expecting an answer. But when she didn’t receive one, she rolled out of bed.

When her hooves hit the floor, it felt off. It didn’t feel like the hard metal floors of the Tardis, instead, it felt like wood.

“Doctor, where are we?” Twilight called out again, a hint of panic in her voice.

As Twilight started to call out again, she heard what sounded to be a door opening, followed by a light switch being flipped.

“Twilight? Who are you yelling at?” Spike asked as he walked into the room, a look of concern on his face.

“Spike, how did you get...” Twilight’s voice came to a sudden stop as she looked around the room she was in. It was her room, the one in the library back in Ponyville.

“What... but I was with... and we were...” Twilight stuttered, falling back on her flank, a look of disbelief on her face.

Spike walked towards her, confused and concerned at the same time. “Are you alright, Twilight?”

Twilight looked at her small assitant and sighed. “It was a dream, wasn’t it?”

“What was?” Spike asked as he stopped in front of her.

Twilight let out a sigh and stood up. “Nothing, Spike,” she muttered as she rubbed his head with her hoof. “Is breakfast ready?”

“Of course!” Spike stated proudly as he followed after Twilight, who was heading for the stairs.

“Thanks,” Twilight mumbled as she began her descent to the ground floor.

“Are you sure you’re alright? You seem kinda down,” Spike stated as he gave her a worried look.

“I’m fine, Spike,” Twilight reassured as she stepped into the kitchen to find her normal breakfast sitting on the counter. “I mean, why wouldn’t I? It was just a dream... a very realistic dream.”

“What was it about?” Spike casually asked, starting to do his usual chores in the kitchen.

“Nothing, just one of those strange dreams that feels real,” Twilight said as she slowly ate her food.

“You’ve said that already, but what was it about?”

Twilight sighed and looked up from her food. “Well, it was about me and this... guy, traveling around in time and space. Visiting different worlds and things like that.”

“What was his name?” Spike suddenly asked.

“The Doctor,” Twilight said as she lifted up her drink to take a sip.

“I see, he goes by the Doctor, huh? Kinda strange.” He then turned and began to leave the room, “I just remembered, I have a few other things to do.”

“But, Spike, I need...” But, before she could finish her sentence, Spike walked out of the room and continued on to the next room.

Twilight raised an eyebrow before returning to her food. “What’s gotten into him?”

She picked up a piece of toast and started to nibble on it while looking out the window.

As she stared out the window, she cocked her head. Because, the scenery outside the window slowly began to fade away, being replaced by static.

Twilight slowly stood up and was about to walk over to the window, but before she could move, the whole window faded away. As in, one second it was showing the beautiful town of Ponyville, then next, nothing at all. Just whiteness.

Suddenly, something leaned into view.

“Ah, there you are, Twilight,” the Doctor said with a smile on his face. “Thought I’d never open the right panel.”

“Doctor?!” Twilight said as she recoiled back in shock.

“Listen, Twilight,” he said, his voice becoming serious, “I don’t have time to explain, but we’re both in danger!”

“We’re in danger? How?” Twilight asked in a worried tone.

The Doctor started to say something, but the window started to display static again.

The Doctor quickly reached into his overcoat and pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver. “Take this, Twilight. Use it to find the black door,” he said as he tossed it to her.

“Black door? What do you mean?!” she said in a panicked tone as she caught the Sonic Screwdriver with her magic.

“You’ll know it when you see it!” he said quickly as the static began to grow larger. “Don’t trust anyone! Everything you see around you is a lie, we’re in a...”

Suddenly, the Doctor was cut off as the window changed back to the view of Ponyville.

“We’re in what?!” Twilight shouted, stepping towards the window.

“What did you say, Twilight?” she heard Spike ask as he walked back into the kitchen.

Twilight froze up, remembering what the Doctor said. ‘Don’t trust anyone!’

She turned around, holding the Sonic Screwdriver behind her back. “There you are, Spike. I, uh, I need you to do something for me.”

“What do you need, Twi?” he asked in a cheerful voice.

She gulped, “I need y-you to go to the store and pick up a... a uhh... few scrolls?”

He raised an eyebrow at her but nodded and began to back out of the room. “Sure thing, Twi. Anything for you.”

Once he left and she heard the front door open and close, she fell to her haunches and let out a heavy breath.

She brought her hooves to her face and rubbed her eyes. After a few seconds, she stopped and levitated the Sonic Screwdriver up in front of herself.

She looked it over and frowned. “How am I supposed to use this to find a black door? And what am I supposed to do when I find it?” She sighed heavily and shook her head. “Why do you always have to complicate things, Doctor?”

After a moment of thinking, she stood up and looked around.

“How is all this fake? It looks real to me.” She raised a hoof and tapped on the table next to her. “And it feels real. How can this all be fake? What if the Doctor is the one who isn’t real?” She closed her eyes and thought for a second. “If this is real, then how did the Doctor take the place of my window and give me this? If he was fake, then I wouldn’t be able to actually feel the screwdriver. So, either everything I see is false, or I’m having a very realistic dream complete with all my senses.”

“Then again, the Doctor did say we were in something, but he wasn’t able to finish his sentence. So, that means something must have happened. Something that would separate us... but what?” she mused as she magically twirled the Sonic Screwdriver.

She looked at the Sonic Screwdriver and brought it closer to her face. The only thing on it that could be used to operate it was a small slider on the side. She couldn’t see anything else upon the device that would be helpful in how the thing worked.

Twilight looked over at the door that lead to the kitchen and grinned slightly. Time for a little experiment!

She trotted over to the door and closed it. She then turned the lock and held the Sonic Screwdriver to the lock. She slowly used her magic to move the slider, which in turn, caused it to emit its normal ringing sound. Suddenly, the lock clicked, signaling that it was now unlocked.

This caused a smile to form on Twilight’s face. “So that’s how it works. Slide it up partly and it’s able to unlock doors. And if you slide it up more...”

A smile appeared on her face as she relocked the door and slide the slider up a little higher. After a second, let the slider go back to its normal position and reached for the lock. But when she tried to turn it, she found she was unable to do so. The lock was now stuck in its position, unable to be turned.

Twilight jumped up and down a few times in excitement, “Turning it higher on a lock can make it impossible to unlock! No wonder the Doctor loves this thing! Oh, I have to get one of those sometime!” She continued to smile happily as she thought about all the things that could be done with this amazing device.

But then, she remembered the situation she was currently in and the smile on her face faded away.

She looked at it and bit her bottom lip. “But how am I supposed to find a black door?” She tapped her hoof against her head a few times. “Think, Twilight, think. What has the Doctor done with this in the past? Ummm, he’s unlocked doors, hacked a few computers, uhhh, he’s repaired a few things, used it to track technology, and he... Wait, track technology! That must be it!” Her smile then returned to her face as she began to have a breakthrough in her thought process. “There is next to no actual electrical devices in Ponyville. Just a few small machines, but if the Doctor told me to find a door and gave me the screwdriver, then he must know that the door is made of some kind of technology... that sentence could have came out better, but I get the idea! Use the screwdriver to find the door, which means...”

She lifted it up again and nodded, “All I have to do is set it to the right setting.”

She then began to slowly slide the slider up again, this time higher.

Suddenly, the light on the top began to glow brighter and the ringing died down a bit.

“Now what?” she asked herself as she pointed the Sonic Screwdriver in different directions.

As she cast it about, the ringing would increase and decrease. It took her a few seconds, but she finally realized that when pointed in the direction that caused it to increase in volume, that meant that was the direction of the technology.

Once she figured it out, she smiled proudly. “And the Doctor said I wasn’t smart enough to use the Sonic Screwdriver.”

She went to open the door but the knob wouldn’t turn. She looked at it with confusion on her face, but then chuckled when she remembered what she had done.

She quickly brought the Sonic Screwdriver up to the lock and unlocked it. She then opened the door and walked into the main part of the library.

She thought about bringing a few things with her, but decided against it when she remembered that the Doctor said everything around her was fake.

So instead of grabbing her saddlebags and filling them with necessary items, she moved to the front door and went out it.

Upon stepping outside, she could instantly tell something was off. The sunlight didn’t feel like it usually did. While the sun in equestria would warm her and fill her with a sense of peace, this one just felt plain. As if it were just a light in the sky, and nothing else.

Twilight gulped as she realized she really was in a artificial Equestria. She looked around and saw that all the ponies around her were doing as they normally did, but it all still felt off.

She took a deep breath and raised the Sonic Screwdriver again. After moving the slider, she waved it around until she was able to tell she had the right signal. When she looked up to where she was pointing, she couldn’t help but laugh. The place where the black door should be is none other than Sugar Cube Corner.

“I should have saw that one coming,” she said to herself, trying to stop her laughing, which wasn’t really laughing but uncontrollable giggling.

Once she was able to stop, she began to trot across the open road. She forced herself to hold her smile, seeing as she didn’t want to seem out of place.

But none the less, as everyone started to notice she was heading for Sugar Cube Corner, they all turned their head towards her and watched her trot by.

She gulped and said hello to two ponies who were staring at her blankly.

“This is weird...” Twilight thought to herself as she continued to walk towards the building, a smile on her face.

When she reached the door, she walked inside and was greeted by more stares.

She forced herself to stay calm and walked up to the counter. After a second, Mr. Cake walked out of the back and stood at the counter, a slight glare on his face.

Twilight took a small breath and smiled happily. “Hello, Mr. Cake. I-I want to try and make a cake of some kind. But don’t have the right stuff... I mean ingredients. And was wondering if I could buy some here?” she said in a slightly shaky voice. She wanted to facehoof at the way her sentence came out, but hopefully he wouldn’t call her out on it.

After a second, he smiled, “You want to bake a cake? Well isn’t that nice! I’m sure we have everything you need in the back.”

She gulped slightly and nodded, “Thank you...”

As he left to get the ingredients, she turned around and noticed that everyone had gone back to what they were doing, as if they’d lost interest in her.

She let out a sigh of relief and turned around and almost screamed in surprise at the face that was in front of hers.

“Hey, Twilight! How you doing?!” Pinkie Pie said in her usual tone of voice.

“Great!” Twilight said a little too fast.

Pinkie Pie cocked her head, “Are you alright, Twilight? You seem like you’re in a rush or something? Oh, are you doing something top secret?!”

Twilight didn’t like how Pinkie Pie was acting, sure it was normal for her, but right now, it seemed like she was forcing herself to be happy.

“Uhh, yes! I’m doing something top secret,” Twilight said as an idea popped into her head.

“Oh! What is it?!”

Twilight looked around to add effect and leaned up to Pinkie Pie. “I’m planning a surprise party for Spike.”

Pinkie Pie gasped and smiled happily, “A surprise party?! Can I help?! Please!”

“Yes!” Twilight said, “I need you to go to the library and get it ready. Can you do that?”

Pinkie Pie nodded and saluted at the same time, “Sure can! I’ll turn that library into a super duper awesome party machine!”

“Uh-huh, but you have to be fast! Or we’ll run out of time!” Twilight said in a fake excited voice.

Pinkie Pie nodded and instantly sped off and out the doors, leaving Twilight with a smile on her face.

“That removes one problem, now two more...” she thought as she watched Mr. Cake return with a bag.

“Mr. Cake?” she asked.


She nodded her head for the stairs. “Is it alright if I go upstairs and grab something from Pinkie’s room?”

“Sure,” he said with a smile. “Just stay out of mine and Cup Cake’s room, okay?”

“Okay,” Twilight said with a smile as she walked towards the stairs.

Once she had climb them, she looked down the hallway. When she saw no one, she pulled out the Sonic Screwdriver and began to wave it around. When it pointed down the hall, she let out a relieved sigh.

“Oh, good. I thought the door would be down stairs.” She then walked down the hall, waving the Sonic Screwdriver around until it landed on a plain wall.

She cocked her head in confusion, but soon realized that it was in the room behind the wall. And sure enough, when she looked to the side, she saw a door leading into the room on the other side of the wall.

Upon walking into the room, she could clearly tell that it was the Cake’s bedroom. She looked around and saw it. The black door. Or, as it was right now, a closet door.

She smiled happily and ran around the bed to stand in front of the door. She then yanked it open, a triumphant smile on her face. But her smile quickly faded away when she saw what was inside.

Inside the closet was clothes, nothing else.

Twilight’s heart sank at this and she leaned into it. “But the Doctor said to find the black door! And this is it!”

She then quickly leaned out and pointed the Sonic Screwdriver at the door. The ringing of the device clearly told her this was the door. But it was just a door, not what she had thought it was.

“What are you doing, Twilight?” A sinister sounding voice said behind her.

Twilight turned around to see Pinkie Pie standing in the doorway, her hair deflated and a angry glare on her face.

“Oh... hey Pinkie Pie, I was...”

But before Twilight could continue, Pinkie Pie stomped her hoof and walked in. “OH! I know what you were doing! You’re trying to break out, aren’t you?!”

“Break out?” Twilight thought to herself.

“No! Pinkie, I wasn’t...”

“Quiet! When a prisoner tries to escape, the guards are to execute that prisoner. IMMEDIATELY!” Pinkie Pie suddenly screamed as she galloped forward.

Twilight quickly used her magic to grab Pinkie Pie and throw her out of the room, slamming the door behind her as she flew past it. Twilight then jumped over the bed and put her body against the door, just as Pinkie Pie slammed into it.

Twilight quickly brought the Sonic Screwdriver to the door and locked the it.

She stepped back and watched as the handle turned, but was unable to open the door.

“I definitely need to get one of these...” Twilight said to herself as she ran back to the closet door.

She closed it and looked over it. It looked like any normal door, nothing out of the ordinary.

Twilight pushed the slider up on the Sonic Screwdriver and ran it over the door. Suddenly, after she slide the slider higher, the door began to hum. Like a metallic hissing sound.

Behind her, she could hear more yelling as more ponies joined in on trying to open the door.

Twilight ran the Sonic Screwdriver over the door again, which caused it to start vibrating. It then began to slowly change its shape. After a few seconds, it was no longer a wooden door, instead, it was now a larger metal door.

Twilight started to try and pull open the door, but soon realized it was a sliding door. When she pushed it to the side, she was surprised to see nothing but whiteness. This confused her for a second before she realized the whiteness was actually walls. She ran through the open doorway and turned to close it, but did a double take at the sight of the room she just left.

The room she that she was now seeing was no longer the Cake’s bedroom, but instead a small pure white room with another door on the opisite side.

“Wha-What?!” Twilight exclaimed in confusion as she looked at the room with wide eyes. “But how?!”

“Who are... We have an escaped prisoner on Cell Block H!” Yelled a rough voice off to the right.

When Twilight looked to the right, she saw two creatures in what looked to be navy blue armor running towards her. One of them yelling into what looked to be a communications device.

Acting on instinct, Twilight turned and began to run down the hallway, away from the two creatures.

As she was galloping down the hall, she could hear what sounded like sizzling. She was confused on what it was until a laser like beam flew past her and hit the wall, burning it.

“They’re shooting at me?!” Twilight said to herself, her eyes wide.

After a few seconds, she came to a turn and upon turning down it, she saw another one running towards her.

She started to panic, but stopped herself and forced herself to focus.

All along the walls were more doors, which means a way to escape. She quickly ran to the closest one and tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. She looked around and saw that they were getting closer. She quickly used the Sonic Screwdriver to unlock the door and ran it, slamming it shut behind her and relocking it.

But, as she started to turn, she heard someone yell in surprise.

“What the hell just happened?!” a man yelled as he looked around, “I was with my wife and now...”

“Sorry!” Twilight exclaimed as she jumped past him and unlocked the door behind him. She ran through it and looked around, now she was in a completely different hallway, this one a dark blue.

Twilight closed the door and quickly galloped down it. She ran through a few more cells, breaking the inhabitants out of their false lives in the process. She continued to do this till she came to a yellow hallway, this one with only a few doors.

As she started to run down the right side, she heard a door behind her open.

“Finally! I thought you would take forever getting here, Twilight!”

Twilight smiled and turned around to see the Doctor standing in an open doorway.

“Doctor!” she yelled as she galloped towards him.

When she reached him, he motioned for her to walk into the room. Upon entering the room, she saw that the Doctor had somehow opened the walls and was messing with the wires and gadgets that were inside.

“Uh, Doctor? What are you doing?”

He smiled and closed the door, “Oh, just trying to figure out how this all works.”

“Ah, but where are we?” she asked, curious as to where they were.

“Well, how do I put this?” the Doctor said, rubbing his chin. “Simply put, we’re in Time Prison.”

“Time Prison?” Twilight asked with raised eyebrows.

“Yes, Time Prison. It’s run by a group who believe time is sacred and should not be tampered with. And seeing as both of us have traveled through time, they saw us as criminals.”

“But how did they catch us?”

“Ah, good question. How did they?” he said as he bent down to examine the mess of wires. “I don’t know how, but somehow they were able to get through the Tardis and teleport us both here.”

Twilight nodded but continued with her questioning. “Alright, but what about the fake Ponyville? What was that for?”

The Doctor chuckled at this. “Ah, that’s what makes this prison the nicest one in the universe. Instead of putting you in a cell, it lets you live out your life. Well, a fake life, but still better than the alternate.”

“So, how did you escape?” she asked curiously.

The Doctor looked up at her, “They made a mistake on where they put me.”


“They put me on Earth with Rose,” he said in a serious voice as he looked back down at the wires.

Twilight nodded before asking, “Doctor, you never told me who Rose was exactly...”

“A friend, that’s all you need to know,” he said as he stood back up and looked at her. A smile suddenly appeared on his face. “Enough of that. Could you give back my Sonic?”

Twilight smiled and levitated it up to him, “I have to have one of those! They’re so useful and great to have around!”

“Coming from the girl who said it was just a worthless tool,” he said with a sly grin on his face.

“Oh ha ha, that was before I actually got to use it! Is it possible for me to get one?!” she asked in an excited voice.

“Maybe,” he said as he put the Sonic Screwdriver back in his overcoat. “But probably not.”

“Aww,” Twilight said as she lowered her head.

“Now then!” the Doctor said as he turned around and examined the wall. “As far as I can tell, this place isn’t as big as you’d think. Sure, it’s fairly large, but that’s only if you go the direct routes. If you take a few short cuts here and there, you could get from one side of the facility to the other in only twenty minutes. Which is good news for us, seeing as we’re now escaped prisoners on a prison planet.”

“How are we going to get away though? Where’s the Tardis?”

“Oh, I know where the Tardis is,” he said happily, “It’s in the most guarded part of the facility. The evidence locker, where all the ships and transports are taken.”

“Most guarded? Oh, this is going to be a walk in the park...” Twilight muttered in an unhappy tone of voice.

“Oh, you better believe it’ll be a walk in the park!” the Doctor exclaimed happily as he pulled out the Sonic Screwdriver. “Shall we make hast, Mrs. Sparkle?”

Twilight facehoofed and looked at the Doctor, “Okay, I can’t take it anymore. I’m not a Mrs, Doctor! I’m a Ms! I’m not married!”

The Doctor laughed at this, “Oh come now, Twilight. What sounds better? Ms. Sparkle? Or Mrs. Sparkle? I kinda like Mrs. Sparkle, it just has a better sound to it than Ms. Sparkle. You have to agree that Mrs. Sparkle has a better ring to it than the other, right?”

“I’m Ms. Sparkle, Doctor,” Twilight deadpanned.

The Doctor shrugged and held the Sonic Screwdriver to the door, “Moving on, Mrs. Sparkle, are you coming?”

Twilight let out an annoyed sigh and followed after him as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway.

Once they were in the hall, they turned to the right and walked a few yards. After a few seconds, the Doctor stopped at a door and opened it with the Sonic Screwdriver. They then stepped inside, scaring the the current inhabitant.

“Sorry, just passing through,” the Doctor said as he and Twilight pasted a scared and confused creature. They went through the next door and continued down the hallway.

“So, how long should it take us to get there?” Twilight asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, fifteen minutes or so,” the Doctor stated as they went through another room, this one empty.

“That’s a long time...” Twilight mumbled as they walked into another hallway.

“Or we could take the regular route and be there in an hour?”

“Point taken,” Twilight said, glaring at the Doctor as they walked.

“Oh come now, Twilight,” the Doctor said with a smile as he stopped to open another door. “There’s no reason to be mad.” He pushed open the door and walked in, followed by Twilight.

“Oh, there may be a few reasons to be...” Twilight began but stopped when she ran into the Doctor, who had stopped for some reason.

“Well, this is an unexpected rescue!” a male voice said in front of the Doctor.

“This isn’t a rescue,” the Doctor said in a dry tone of voice. “Just a accidental run in.”

Twilight looked around the Doctor to see a male human dressed in a black overcoat with brass buttons on each side. The man looked down at Twilight and stepped around the Doctor and extended a hand.

“Well, hello there. My names Jack Harkness,” he said with a smile on his face.

“Stop it,” the Doctor warned as he turned to face him.

Jack chuckled at the Doctor’s actions. “Still the same old Doctor, I see.”

“Same goes for you,” the Doctor replied.

Jack turned his head back to Twilight, his hand still extended out in front of himself.

Twilight reached out and shook his hand before saying, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Harkness. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

Jack smiled and began to raise her hoof up his face, “And it’s nice to meet a beautiful creature such as yourself.”

“Jack,” the Doctor warned again, causing Jack to stop his good natured gesture and let her hoof go.

“Now come on, Doctor. It was only a kiss on the hand, nothing more.”

“Still, it’s still you performing it.”

Twilight looked between the two, now slightly confused. “So, do you two actually know each other?”

“Of course,” Jack stated, “I’ve run into him on a few occasions. The first time was when he and...”

“How did you get here, Jack?” the Doctor suddenly asked, trying to change the subject.

Jack looked at him and shrugged. “No idea, one minute I’m helping plan out a new edition to a building, and bang, I’m suddenly back in the 51st century.”

“Did you suspect anything was wrong?” the Doctor asked.

“Well of course, I knew I had been thrown in Time Prison, I just had no way to actually escape.”

The Doctor chuckled, “The great Jack Harkness couldn’t figure out a way to get out of a simple illusion prison cell?”

“Oh shut it,” Jack said crossing his arms, “I didn’t have the little device you have.”

The Doctor held up the Sonic Screwdriver and smirked, “Oh, and I remember you making fun of this little device.”

Twilight, getting tired of the back and forth talk, cleared her throat, getting their attention. “Shouldn’t we be leaving or something?”

“Right!” the Doctor exclaimed as he walked to the door on the opposite side of the room. “Come along, Twilight.”

As Twilight walked after the Doctor, Jack smiled and also followed.

“I’m coming too, Doctor.”

“Yeah, I expected that,” the Doctor said as he opened the door and walked out into the hallway.


“Go!” the Doctor yelled out as he opened the door that lead to the evidence locker, which was a large room.

As Jack and Twilight ran past him and into the room, he stopped Twilight and gave her the Tardis’s key. “Twilight, I want you to find the Tardis and get inside it with Jack.”

“What about you?!” she yelled as she grabbed the key.

“Oh, I’ll be fine. Just going to lead our little friends away from here,” he said as he started to close the door.

“Don’t get yourself killed!” she yelled as she ran off with Jack.

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” the Doctor said as he closed the door and used his Sonic Screwdriver to lock the door.

He turned around to see the three guards running towards him, weapons raised.

The Doctor turned to the right and ran down the hall. After a moment, laser beams started to fly past him, scorching the walls.

He looked around for a door to escape through, but he was no longer in the cell blocks. He was now in the main part of the facility where the workers were stationed. So no cells to run into.

After running for a few yards, he turned down a corridor just as three beams shot past him. But before he could sprint down the hall, he smelt something burning. He stopped and looked down to see a fairly large hole burned through his overcoat.

“Oh come on! This is my favorite coat! You burnt my favorite coat!”

The only reply he got was another beam flying past his head as the three pursuers turned the corner.

The Doctor quickly spun around and resumed running. Luckily, he came to a lone door with the words “Maintenance Room” written above it.

He quickly ran into the room, thankful it wasn’t locked, and slammed it shut, using his Sonic Screwdriver to lock it.

He then turned around and examined the room he was in. As far as he could tell, this room was on of the control rooms that was used to maintain power to most of the building.

Behind him, he could hear the three guards slamming against the door, trying to get in.

The Doctor quickly looked around, looking for a way to escape. But before he could, the door behind him suddenly flew open and the three guards rushed in, their weapons aimed at the Doctor.

The Doctor quickly raised his hands above his head and yelled, “I surrender, I surrender.”

“We have one prisoner in custody, we are now preparing to execute,” the lead one said into his communications device.

“Whoa whoa, I surrendered!” the Doctor yelled.

“That means nothing, you have escaped, meaning you know how to get past our security. The only other course of action is death,” the one on the left stated.

The Doctor lowered his hands, causing them to go on alert. “So, you just kill anyone who escapes, right?”

“That is protocol.”

“Then tell me, what are you going to do with the ones we woke up?” the Doctor asked as he walked about the room, keeping them in his sight.

“They will be put back under, they only awoke due to your intervention.”

“That’s good, very good,” the Doctor said cheerfully, causing the guards to look at each other. “Now, why have a prison like this? Instead of cells, you let them live out their lives in a fake world.” The Doctor leaned over a machine and smiled, “So why is that?”

“We do not have to answer your questions. Now step away from the controls and stand in the center of the room, or we’ll force you to comply.”

The Doctor laughed and looked at them, “Well, before I do that. I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake, two actually.”

“And what would that be?” the lead one asked, keeping his weapon trained on the Doctor.

“Well, for starters, I’m in this room that controls the power for this facility. But that’s not the biggest mistake you made,” the Doctor said as he smiled, “The biggest mistake you’ve made was letting me talk!”

He suddenly brought up the Sonic Screwdriver and pointed it at the controls. Before the three guards could react, electricity shot out of a exposed slot and hit them, effectively knocking them out.

The Doctor quickly towards the door and stepped over them, “Sorry, I know you were only doing your job, but you were in my way.”

He chuckled and quickly ran back the way he had come.


Twilight and Jack walked down the rolls of strange looking ships, looking for the Tardis.

Twilight was memerized by the sight of so many amazing looking ships.

“So, how did you meet the Doctor?” Jack asked from behind Twilight.

“He came to my planet and asked me to come with him,” Twilight said as she scanned for the Tardis.

“That’s it? He didn’t save you or do anything amazing? He just asked?” Jack said, rubbing his chin.

“Yep, he just appeared, thinking something was going to happen. Once he found out that nothing bad was about to happen, he just asked me to join him. I only said yes because he said I could study everything. How was I supposed to pass up a chance to learn something new?”

“Ah, so you’re kind of a nerd?” Jack said in a charming voice.

“Yeah,” Twilight said blushing, trying to stay on track.

“Kind of a bookworm? Loves to study?” he asked again, the same charming tone in his voice.

“Uh-huh. I always love learning new things.”

“Oh really?” Jack asked as he chuckled. “That’s interesting.”

Twilight started to reply, but stopped when her eyes came to a rest on the Tardis.

“Found it!” she exclaimed happily as she ran over to it.

She pulled out the key and used it to open the door on the Tardis. She then walked in, followed by Jack.

Once inside, she ran over to the stairs and ran down to the part of the ship that she used as a room. She ran over to her desk and picked up her notebook. She then began to quickly write down a few things that she’d learn, which was quite a lot for such a small encounter.

Jack was still on the platform that held the controls to the Tardis. “What are you up to, Twilight?”

“Just taking notes,” she replied.

After a few minutes, she finished her note taking and put the notebook down. She then walked back up the stairs and onto the main platform. Once there, she saw Jack examining the controls.

“Ah, I remember my first time in this place. Hasn’t changed at all,” he said as he looked up and smiled at Twilight.

“So what’s your story?” Twilight asked as she walked over to him.

Jack chuckled and leaned back on the railing. “Oh, that’s a long story. I use to be a sort of time agent, but after a while became sort of a con man. That’s how I met the Doctor and Rose, I was trying to con them into buying a medical ship.”

“Who’s Rose? The Doctor mentions her, but won’t answer any of my questions about her.”

“Ah, Rose,” Jack mused, “She was a young girl who traveled with the Doctor. And as far as I can tell, they fell in love with each other. I don’t know the details, but he lost her when she was sent to an alternate dimension.” He then leaned towards her, “If I was you, I wouldn’t mention her to him. It’s kind of a sore spot for him.”

Twilight nodded, “I can tell why. At least I know why he always seems down when he brings her up.” Twilight then began to tap her chin, thinking of something.

Jack looked over at Twilight as she stood there deep in thought. A smile on his face.

“You know, I haven’t seen a creature as beautiful as you in a long time.”

This broke Twilight out of her tranch and caused a blush to form on her face, “Thank you?”

A charming smile broke across Jack’s face. “You know, I love the nerdy type, and...”

“Stop it, Jack,” came a strict voice from the doors of the Tardis.

“Really, Doctor? You always show up at the worst of times,” Jack said with a chuckle as he straightened up.

“That’s what I do,” the Doctor said as he walked into the Tardis, closing the doors behind himself.

“Doctor!” Twilight exclaimed happily, “Did you lose them?”

“Sure did, just gave them a little shock and came back here. I see you already have the ship ready to go, Jack.”

“The least I could do,” Jack said as he crossed his arms.

“Where to now?” Twilight asked with a smile on her face.

“Well,” the Doctor said as he tapped his chin, “I don’t know, we’ll just have to figure that out later. For now, I just have to figure out how they were able to capture us, so it doesn’t happen again.”

“Alright then,” Twilight said as she started walking for the stairs, “Just tell me when you’re ready to chose a place to go.”

“Yeah, just tell us,” Jack said as he started to follow Twilight down the stairs.

“Jack,” the Doctor said, “I’d like you to stay up here and help me.”

Jack stopped and laughed, “Come on, Doctor, just a few minutes so I can ask her...”

“Jack,” the Doctor warned.

“Fine,” Jack said as he turned back around and walked over to the Doctor. “But you owe me.”

The Doctor turned to the controls and smirked, “We’ll see, we’ll see.”


A few hours later, Twilight closed her notebook, happy with what she was able to record in it.

She turned around and looked around the small area that she’d taken up as her own. All that was there was a wardrobe, a small bed, a desk, a floor mirror, and a few odd gadgets the Doctor let her look at. It wasn’t like her room back in Equestria, but it was better in a few aspects.

As she started to head for her bed, she heard the Doctor yell down at her from the main platform.

“What?” she replied, looking up at him as he leaned over the railing.

“Remember when you asked about having your own Sonic Screwdriver?”

A smile began to form on her face, “Yes!”

“Well, I’m just reminding you that you probably won’t be getting one.”

The smile faded at this, replaced by a frown, “Thank you for reminding me, Doctor.”

She then jumped onto her bed and started to get under the covers when she heard the Doctor laugh.

“I’m just messing with you. Here,” he said as he tossed a box down to her, “I was able to get you one, close to the one I have, but not as advanced. More like a beginner’s Sonic Screwdriver, you know, for the kids.”

Twilight caught the box with her magic and brought it towards her, a smile plastered on her face.

“Thank you! Thank you so much, Doctor!” she yelled happily, causing the Doctor to smile.

“I was the one who convinced him!” Jack yelled from behind the Doctor.

“No you weren't,” the Doctor replied. “Enjoy it, Twilight. You’re the first one I’ve ever done this for, don’t betray my trust.”

“I won’t, Doctor! I promise!” she exclaimed as she opened the small box.

“I trust you,” the Doctor said as he stepped away from the railing.

Once the lid of the box was off, Twilight could see what looked to be a Sonic Screwdriver, but it wasn’t the same as the Doctor’s. It looked like his, but it was a little bit smaller and didn’t look as impressive, but he did say it was for the kids. So that must mean it doesn’t have as many features as the Doctor’s. But still, she loved it.

Next to the Sonic Screwdriver was a small pouch, which looked to hold it. The pouch looked like it could strap to her midsection, a great way to carry it without having to hold it with her magic all the time.

She was shaking with excitement at owning her very own Sonic Screwdriver, even if it wasn’t a full operational one.

“I have a Sonic Screwdriver?! I actually have one!” She continued to smile as she tapped on her chin, “Hmmm, I don’t think I’m going to call mine a Sonic Screwdriver. But what should I call it?”

After a moment, she shrugged and put the Sonic Screwdriver in the pouch. “I’ll just figure that out later.”

She placed it on the desk and laid back on the bed, a smile still on her face.

“Thank you again, Doctor!” she yelled out happily.

“Don’t mention it!” he yelled back.

Twilight pulled the covers up over her and rolled over so that she could stare at the pouch which held her new prize.

After a few minutes, she was out.


“That was a nice thing you did,” Jack said as he stood in front of a mirror, looking himself over.

“Yeah, it was,” the Doctor said as he worked on the controls.

Jack smiled slyly and looked at the Doctor, “So, does that mean you like this new companion of yours?”

The Doctor looked up, a serious look on his face. “No, she’s just a friend. Nothing else, nothing less.”

“I can tell,” Jack said with a smirk, “That’s why I have a chance with her...”

“No, you don’t,” the Doctor said sternly, “She’s a smart girl, she knows not to bother with someone like you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Jack asked defensively.

“You know,” the Doctor said simply.

Jack chuckled at this, “Yeah, I know what you mean. But still doesn’t mean I can’t try.”

“Good luck with that,” the Doctor said with a smirk before returning to his work.

Jack turned back to the mirror and smiled, “Just you wait, Doctor. Just you wait.”