• Published 10th Jul 2012
  • 7,598 Views, 275 Comments

Doctor Who: Adventures with Twilight Sparkle - Kickass222urmom

The Doctor and Twilight Sparkle travel across time and space, going on many crazy adventures.

  • ...

Deadly Cargo

Chapter Five

"For the last time, Doctor! I didn't sleep with any of them," Jack exclaimed as the Doctor pushed him and Twilight back onto the Tardis.

"Yeah! I didn't know they had a law against breaking and entering!" Twilight protested as she and Jack were pushed into the Tardis by an annoyed Doctor.

The Doctor shook his head and turned to look out the doors of the Tardis and at the large angry crowd of villagers. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My friends tend to get a little adventurous when left alone."

"Get out of here!" one of the angry villagers yelled as they threw a bottle at the Doctor.

The Doctor ducked as it flew past him and into the Tardis. He then quickly stood up and grabbed the edges of the doors. "I see we're not welcome here anymore, so we'll..." He quickly pulled the doors shut as the crowd began to move forward.

The Doctor turned around to face his two companions and glared. He looked at Jack and sighed, "Really, Jack? You couldn't have just listened to me and stayed away from that young couples daughter?"

Jack just shrugged, but reconsidered his answer when the Doctor gave him a hard stare. "I... Fine, I'm sorry, Doctor. But you have to admit, I did look good running from that crowd."

The Doctor rolled his eyes and looked at Twilight. "Come on, Twilight, breaking into someones house? Really?"

Twilight smiled sheepishly, "I had a reason, he said he had a rare book that no one else had. But he wouldn't let me see it, I had to break into his house to see the book!"

"But did you have to stay there and read it till he got back?" the Doctor asked, rubbing his face with both hands.

"Well, I wasn't going to stay, but when I saw the book, I just had to read a little of it. And before I know it, I had read half the book and he had already came back. How was I suppose to know he didn't like others coming into his house unannounced?!"

"It's common sense, Twilight!" the Doctor exclaimed as he walked past them and up the ramp. "What am I going to do with you two? This is the fifth planet this week that you two have misbehaved on!"

"Misbehaved?" Jack repeated with raised eyebrows.

The Doctor looked at him and nodded, "Yes! Misbehaved! You two are like children when it comes to following the rules or listening to what I tell you! So yes, you both misbehave! A lot!"

"Sorry," Twilight said in a low voice, kicking her hoof against the metal floor.

The Doctor sighed and began to look over the controls of the Tardis. "It's okay, Twilight. Just learn to listen. That goes for you to, Jack."

Jack chuckled walked up the ramp to lean against the railing.

Twilight smiled and started to walk up the ramp, but was thrown to the ground when the Tardis suddenly started to rock back and forth violently.

"Doctor! What's going on?!" Jack yelled as he fell against the controls.

The Doctor grabbed hold of the monitor and tried to work the controls, but was unable to due to the rocking of the Tardis.

"Doctor?!" Twilight screamed out as she held onto one of the rails, trying not to slide around.

"Speak to us, Doctor!" Jack yelled, holding onto the lower part of the control panel.

"The Tardis, it's failing!" the Doctor responded as he grabbed hold of a leaver and pulled.

"It's what?!" Jack and Twilight both yelled out at the same time.

"It's being forced to temporarily shut down!"

But, before anyone could respond, the Tardis came to a sudden stop. A second later, the lights dimmed and the controls shut off.

"No, no no!" the Doctor yelled as he ran around the control panel, trying to start it up again.

"What happened?" Twilight asked as she slowly stood back up.

The Doctor typed a few commands into the keyboard, but nothing happened. "Someone or something cut the power."

"But how's that possible?" Jack questioned as he rubbed his neck.

"I don't know..." the Doctor answered as he started at the blank screens of the Tardis.

Twilight looked back at the doors. "Where are we?"

"We could be anywhere," the Doctor said glumly as he walked past her and down the ramp. "We could be on a dieing planet, next to an exploding star, or stuck in time. There's no limit to where we could be, but it can't be good.

"What about the Tardis? Is it alright?" Jack asked as he readjusted his jacket and followed after the Doctor, who was now standing in front of the doors.

"It's fine. It's only in hibernation mode, which only last about four hours. Well, if we're lucky."

"If we're lucky? What do you mean?" Twilight questioned as she stepped in between the Doctor and Jack.

The Doctor looked down at her with an worried expression. "A Tardis's hibernation mode can last for over a thousand years." After Twilight gasped, he continued, "But, that's only on rare occasions, the hibernation mode usually only last a couple of hours."

"Well, lets hope for the four hours," Jack said with a smile as he grabbed the handle on the door.

"What are you doing?" the Doctor asked as he stared at Jack.

"I'm opening the door," Jack responded, giving the Doctor a questioning look.

"But, I always open the door when we land in an unknown location."

Jack laughed and opened the door, "Well, it's my turn, Doctor."

The Doctor shook his head and walked out the door, followed by the others.

“Huh, what do you know?” the Doctor muttered as they stepped out of the Tardis and into a storage room of sorts. “Another ship? This kind of thing is beginning to get repetitive.”

“What are you talking about, Doctor?” Twilight asked, looking around with wide eyes.

The Doctor shrugged and walked over to a crate. “Oh, this sort of thing usually happens to me.”

“I could have guessed that,” Jack said as he picked up a small box.

The Doctor started to stroll over to another box, but something caught his eye. A large, grey cylinder shaped container.

“Interesting,” the Doctor muttered as he started to approach the container.

But before he could get near it, a bulkhead at the end of the room opened and three humans charged in, all dressed in normal clothes and each held a small handgun in their hand.

“Don’t move!” the one in the front, a female, commanded.

“We mean you no harm,” the Doctor said in a calm voice as he and the others raised their hands above their heads.

The woman in the front pulled a small device off of her belt and held it to her mouth. “We have the bandits at gunpoint in the main storage unit. What do you want us to do with them?”

“Dispose of them, show them what happens when they try to raid my ship!” a angry voice said through the communications device.

“Dispose of...” the Doctor repeated. His eyes then widened as he realized what that meant. “No no no! We’re not bandits, we’re just regular old travelers who are having engine problems!”

The woman kept her weapon trained on the Doctor as she looked at Jack and Twilight. “You sure about that? Because your friend over there looks like a bandit.”

The Doctor looked over at Jack, who just smiled, and shook his head, “Him? He was just born that way.”

“And the horse?” she asked, eyeing Twilight.

“Companion?” the Doctor said as he tried to think of something to say for Twilight.

“If you’re not the bandits who are attacking us, who are you?”

“I’m the Doctor,” the Doctor replied before nodding his head at the other two, “And those are my friends, Jack and Twilight.”

“Hey,” Jack said in a charming voice as he winked at the woman.

“Nice to meet you,” Twilight said in a unsure voice.

“Then how did you...” the woman started to say, but was interrupted as the ship shook violently.

“Ma’am! They’re at it again!” the man to the left of the woman yelled as he tried to stay upright.

“You three!” the woman yelled, pointing at the Doctor and his friends, “Come with us, now!”

The Doctor nodded and motioned for the others to follow as well.


“Who are you?” the man in front of them asked as they stood in the control room of the ship. “How did you get on my ship?”

“Well,” the Doctor said as he rubbed his chin, “We’re just travelers, nothing to big. We were just flying around when our ship was shut down, which caused us to have to board your ship.”

“Ah,” the man in front of them said as he bit his bottom lip. “That was probably my fault.”

The Doctor looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Your fault? How so?”

“Well, as you can tell, we’re being attacked by another ship, which we presume are bandits after our cargo. We were trying to disable their ship, but the signal we sent out was cut short, as if it just disappeared. Then all of a sudden, we get a warning that we had intruders in the cargo hold.”

“So that’s what happened,” the Doctor said as he nodded. “Makes sense. That signal of yours must have somehow hit my ship instead of the other. But how is that possible?”

“We may have been in the way?” Twilight offered as she thought of what could have happened.

“There’s no way we could have been,” the Doctor said as he sighed.

“Listen,” the man said, “I’m sorry for disabling your ship. After we deal with those bandits, we’ll see what we can do to help you.”

“Thank you, but we’ll be fine in a few hours,” the Doctor replied happily.

“What’s your name?” Twilight suddenly asked, straying from the current topic.

“Liles, captain of this ship.” He then pointed to the woman, the one they first met. “This is Lynda, she’s the one in charge of security for this ship.”

“How many people are on this ship?” Jack asked.

“Five,” Lynda replied, “That’s all we need to run this ship, since it practically flies itself.”

The Doctor nodded and looked at the monitors. A second later, he looked back at Liles. “What kind of cargo are you carrying? Anything those bandits would find valuable?”

Liles thought for a second before answering. “We’re mainly just carrying common goods, but we do have one piece of cargo that they could be after.”

“Which is?” Jack asked, waving his hand for affect.

“I don’t really know. The company that contracted us only said it was a highly valuable product that needs to be delivered to the Marko Labs as soon as possible.”

“Marko Labs? Oh, this can’t be good,” the Doctor said to himself as he thought for a second.

“What’s the Marko Labs, Doctor?” Twilight asked as she looked up at him.

“It’s a company that specializes in advanced alien technology, and based at the center of the universe,” Jack answered instead of the Doctor.

“Yes, but what could...” the Doctor began, but was stopped when the ship jerked to the side. Seconds later, a loud alarm started to go off.

Lynda instantly turned around and starting looking over the monitors. “Sir! They’ve breached our hull and are now inside the ship!”

“Damn it!” Liles yelled as he turned and started typing away at the consuls.

“I count three hostiles moving around in the storage unit, and another moving towards the engines!” Lynda yelled as she reached for her gun.

Liles grabbed his communications device and started to yell into it. “Mark! I need you and your brother to go to the engine room. We have hostiles on the ship!”

“On it!” Mark replied a second later.

“You three,” Liles said as he pointed at the Doctor and his companions. “You can either help or stay here.”

“We’ll help,” Jack responded as he pulled out his revolver.

“Yeah!” Twilight exclaimed in a tough voice.

“No, you’re staying here,” the Doctor said in a commanding voice.

Twilight started to reply, but stopped when she saw the look in his eyes. “Fine...”

“Good,” Liles said as he grabbed his weapon. “Now come along, we don’t want them to do any damage to the ship!”


The three cloaked men moved down the corridor, not even bothering to keep their guard up.

They passed by a few storage rooms, but passed them by as if they were nothing.

After a few more more corridors, they came to a stop next to a bulkhead that lead into one of the storage units. The man in the front pulled out a small device and held it to the door. After a second, the door rolled to the side, allowing them to enter.

Upon entering, the man smiled and pulled back his cloak, revealing a strangely tattooed face.

He looked to his two comrades and gave a simple order. “Protect.”

The two men simply turned to face the open bulkhead and raised their weapons.

Meanwhile, the other man walked past all the boxes and other containers until he came to one shaped like a cylinder.

“At last, my lord,” he said in a monotone voice. He held up his device and started releasing the internal locks of the container. A smile appeared on his face as he heard his lord on the inside start to awake.

But, before he could fully finish his work, he heard yelling and gunshots behind him. Seconds later, he heard two bodies hit the floor.

“Good job, Lynda!” he heard a man say as they started to walk into the room.

“Whoa whoa! There’s another!” another male voice said.

“I got him!” a woman yelled.

“Don’t shoot him!” a man yelled.

The tattooed man smiled. He recognized that voice from recordings. The voice of the most feared creature in the universe. The Doctor.

The man reached into his cloak and pulled out a small weapon. He then turned around and fired three beams of energy. One of the beams struck the woman in the side while the others went astray.

“Lynda!” the other man yelled as he raised his weapon.

The tattooed man aimed his weapon at him and yelled, “For the Brotherhood of the Da...”

He was suddenly cut off as two bullets slammed into his chest, killing him before he had the chance to hit the floor.

“Aww, Jack!” the Doctor yelled out as Jack lowered his pistol, “You didn’t have to kill him!”

Jack sighed and put his revolver back in its holster, “I had to, he was about to shoot Liles.”

The Doctor looked at Liles, who was helping Lynda stand up. “You should be moving her.”

“I’m fine,” Lynda insisted as she allowed Liles to stand her up, “It only grazed my side a little. Nothing a few bandages couldn’t fix.”

The Doctor nodded and looked at the three men, who now laid dead on the floor of the cargo room.

“Who were they, Doctor?” Jack asked as he knelt down next to one of them.

“I don’t know,” the Doctor replied, “But they certainly weren’t bandits.”

“How can you tell?” Liles asked as he held Lynda up.

“Because, didn’t you hear what he was yelling before he was shot? The Brotherhood of something, something that starts with Da, but what?”

“Liles?” came a voice over the ship's intercom.

“What?” Liles replied.

“We took care of the bandit, but he was able to mess with the engines. I think you’ll need to send down Raft to take a look at it.”

“Alright, I’ll radio him to get down there.”

“Good, we’ll just head back to the bridge.”

Liles sighed and put his communications device to his mouth and said, “Raft, I need you to get to the engine room and check on the engines.”

After a few seconds pause, a reply came through, “Alright, Liles, I’m already close to them, but I’m going to need my PDA. Could you get someone to bring it to me? It’s on my consul in the bridge.”

“Sure, just get down there fast.” Liles looked at the Doctor and asked, “Your friend Twilight is still in the bridge, do you think she could take his PDA to him?”

“I suppose so,” the Doctor replied as he continued to look over the tattooed man.

“Good.” Liles began to speak into the device again, “Twilight? Are you still in the bridge?”

“Uhhh, yes,” she replied, sounding confused.

“Good, I need you to go over to the large desk in the corner of the room and grab the PDA.”

After a minute's pause, she replied, “Okay, I think I found it.”

“Alright, I need you to take that to the engine room. Just follow the signs and you’ll be there in no time.”

“Ummm, okay.”

Liles put the device back on his belt and sat Lynda down on a box. He then began to help her with her wound.

Meanwhile, the Doctor and Jack stood in front of the cylinder, trying to figure out what they were after.


Twilight walked down the corridor, the PDA held in front of her. She twisted her head from side to side as she looked at each sign, following the directions on each one.

After a few more turns, she came to a sign that stated that the engine room was only a few doors down.

So after a few seconds of reading the signs above the bulkheads, she came to one that read “ENGINES”.

She used her magic to open the door and stepped in. Once inside, she was taken back by the mass amount of machinery that stood around the room.

She started to walk towards one, but she heard something move off to her right. She quickly turned in that direction, only to be met by a young looking human male.

“Wow, didn’t mean to startle you,” he said as he walked forward, “Did you bring me my PDA?”

Twilight nodded and raised it up to him, allowing him to take it from her magical grasp.

He turned it on and typed in a few things before smiling at her, “Thanks, I’m useless without this thing.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked as she slowly looked around the room, amazed by the design of the engines.

“This?” he asked as he held it up, “It’s a PDA, Personal Data Assistant. I use it to connect to the engines mainframe and to the rest of the ship.”

“Interesting,” Twilight said with a smile as she looked back at him.

“Sure is.” He then turned around and strolled over to one of the consuls and typed in a few commands.

Twilight, curious as to what he was doing, walked over to stand beside him.

Raft pulled out a small wire from his PDA and connected it to the side of the consul. He then began to type a few commands into it, watching as diagrams popped up and displayed data.

“Ah, that’s an easy fix,” he mumbled as he examined the damages displayed on his PDA.

“What is?” Twilight asked, trying to stand up to see the screen.

Raft, noticing her trying to see, held the PDA down for her and explained, “The only damage is a fried circuit, nothing a replacement couldn’t fix.”

“A fried circuit? So, who ever did this was just trying to stop the ship? Not destroy it?” she mused as she looked at the diagram of the engines.

“Exactly, they wanted the ship to be stationary. That’s a new tactic for bandits,” Raft said with a smile as he looked at Twilight, “You’re a smart one, huh? What race are you?”

“Uh,” Twilight thought for a second before saying, “Equine.”

“Interesting,” he said as he held out his hand for her, “I’m Raft, a human, which is obvious.”

Twilight smiled and shook his hand, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, but please, just call me Twilight, or Ms. Sparkle, but not Mrs. Sparkle, that’s getting a bit annoying.”

Raft laughed at her introduction and slowly let go of her hoof, “Well, it’s nice to met you, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled and nodded before asking, “Could you tell me what year it is?”

Raft raised an eyebrow, “Why do you ask? Do you not know?”

Twilight shook her head no as an answer.

He chuckled before answering, “Well, I can’t remember the exact data since I don’t see it as important to keep up with, but it’s the 54th century.”

“I had a feeling it was in the fifties,” Twilight said as she continued to smile up at Raft.

Raft smiled back and looked back at the screen, “Let’s get back to work, shall we? This ship isn’t going to repair itself.” Then, after a second's pause, he added, “And after we’re done here, maybe I could treat you to a nice dinner in the lunch bay?”

Twilight nodded and looked away to hide her blush, “I-I would like that.”

Raft grinned and pulled the cord out of the consul and put it back in his PDA. “Come on, let's hurry up and fix that circuit.”

Twilight nodded and followed him as he started walking over to one of the engines.


“What is that sound?” the Doctor asked aloud as he held his ear against the cylinder, listening to the metallic clanking that was coming from within.

“What ever it is, those guys really wanted it,” Jack said as he stood over the tattooed man's body.

“Yes, but what is inside?” the Doctor said as he leaned back and looked over the smooth container.

“I don’t know,” Liles answered as he finished bandaging Lynda’s wound. “We were never told what was inside, only to deliver it.”

“Makes sense, seeing as you can’t fully trust the delivery man,” the Doctor said as he walked around the cylinder.

“Hey, we’re a trusted transport company!” Lynda exclaimed as she slowly stood back up. “It’s just a few clients are a little too paranoid about their products.”

“Understandable,” Jack said as he leaned against one of the larger containers. “Some companies make products that no other company can, which can be bad for business if the other company starts producing the same product.”

“But this isn’t a product made by some company,” the Doctor said as he stopped his examination of the container. “There is a living creature inside there.”

Everyone looked at him, surprised at what he had said.

“And judging by amount of security they put on it,” he mused as he rubbed his chin, “It’s dangerous.”

“What could it be then?” Liles asked as he walked over to the Doctor, “If it wasn’t made by a company, and is some kind of life form, what is it?”

“I think we’re about to find out,” the Doctor said in a low voice as a loud click was heard, followed by a hissing sound as the container started to swing open.

“Oh no...” Jack said as he stood up straight, looking into the container with wide eyes.

“No, it can’t be,” the Doctor said in a shocked voice.

“What is that thing?!” Liles said in a voice full of panic as he raised his weapon.

The creature inside the container began to roll out while exclaiming, “Exterminate! Exterminate!”

“Dalek’s,” the Doctor stated as the single Dalek came to a stop just outside of the container.

“Nobody move,” the Doctor instructed as he stood in front of the Dalek.

Behind him, Lynda slowly reached for her gun. But as soon as the Dalek looked at her, she quickly pulled it out of its holster and raised it to aim at the Dalek.

“Exterminate!” it screeched as it shot a beam at her, killing her instantly.

“Lynda!” Liles yelled as he turned to watch his friend fall to the ground.

“Change of plans,” the Doctor said as the Dalek looked back at him. “Run!”


Mark and his brother Daniel stood outside the door to the bridge, trying to open it. But it was locked from the inside somehow.

“Damn it!” Daniel exclaimed as he hit the keypad.

“Let me try,” Mark said as he pushed Daniel out of the way and started typing in the password. But it remained locked.

He continued to type in the password as the sounds of rapid footsteps were heard coming down the corridor.

A second later, Liles and two other men came around the corner and sprinted towards them.

“Ah, good,” Mark said as he stepped away from the keypad, “Liles, the password isn’t working.”

“What?!” Liles yelled as he started typing on the keypad, only to have it show a red light.

“Let me try,” the Doctor said as he pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and held it to the keypad.

“Where’s Lynda?” Mark asked as he noticed the absence of the only female on the ship.

“She... she didn’t make it,” Liles answered as he looked down the empty corridor, the sounds of the Dalek getting closer.

“What?! What happened?” Daniel asked in a confused voice. “Did a bandit get her?”

“No, it was something else... something worse.” He then sighed and looked at Mark, “Once that door is open, I want you to radio the closest planet, ask for emergency clearance to land.”

“On it,” Mark replied as he stood in front of the bulkhead, ready to run in once it opens.

After a few seconds, the keypads light turned green, signalling the door was unlocked. The Doctor smiled proudly and hit the button to open it.

As soon as the door rolled to the side, Mark stepped in, but was stopped as he say something standing in the middle of the room.

Before he could say anything, a beam shot out and hit him in the chest, right where the heart was.

“Mark!” Daniel and Liles yelled as everyone looked into the room to see a cloaked man, same as the ones from the cargo unit.

“You didn’t have to do that!” the Doctor yelled as he stepped past everyone else and into the room.

“Oh, but I did,” the man said as he pulled back his cloak, revealing tattoos all over his head. “For our lord wouldn’t like it if we let you land this ship.”

“Your lord?” Jack asked as he and the others also stepped into the room.

The man smiled, keeping his weapon trained on them.

“Who are you?” the Doctor demanded as he stepped closer.

“We are the Brotherhood of the Daleks!” the man yelled in a proud voice.

“I should have known,” the Doctor said, mentally kicking himself for missing the obvious.

“And now,” the man said, looking past them, “My lord shall deal with you.”

They all turned around to see the Dalek sitting in the doorway, not moving.

The tattooed man quickly walked around the others and bowed down before the Dalek, not caring about the people behind him. “My lord, I am here to serve you.”

The Dalek looked down at him and did nothing for a few moments. “Your presence is unneeded!”

Before the man could respond, the Dalek shot him with a beam, killing him without a seconds hesitation.

The Doctor, now clearly angry, stepped forward, “He was loyal to you! He was on your side! Why did you kill him?! You Dalek’s are all the same! Stupid!”

“He was useless in his current state,” the Dalek stated coldly.

The Doctor shook his head and glared at the monster in front of him, “Where are the rest of you? You Dalek’s usually travel together. Or are you really the last of your kind?”

“I’m defective,” the Dalek stated, “Imperfect, flawed, useless to the empire.”

“Ah, so I finally come across a outcast of the Dalek’s? This is a first. Tell me, how are you defective?”

“I have a small amount of emotions left. Making me useless to the empire!” It screeched, clearly angry.

“How do you still have emotions?” the Doctor asked, surprised to find a dalek who still had emotions.

“That is unknown!” It answered.

“Then why did you just kill him!” the Doctor yelled, pointing at the body of the tattooed man.

“Because, I deemed it necessary.”

“Emotions, and you still kill without a thought. That’s so typical of you Daleks,” the Doctor said coldly.

“It is my goal to help the empire! Even if I was thrown out!”

“This is strange,” Jack mumbled, staring at the Dalek with interest.

“If you were thrown out, let me help you,” the Doctor offered. “I can take you to any planet you want, just stop this senseless killing.”

“Your offer is invalid, and declined!” the Dalek screeched as it rolled forward, causing everyone to back up. “You will be exterminated!”


“I think we have some salads, but I’d have to check the freezers,” Raft said as he and Twilight walked back to the bridge to pick up to keycard to the Cafeteria.

“If you don’t, I think I can eat something else. As long as it’s not meat,” she replied, a smile on her face.

“Of course,” Raft chuckled as they turned the corner leading to the bridge. But upon seeing the open door and the body of Mark laying on the ground, they stopped.

Twilight’s eyes widened at the sight of the body, but before she could say anything, she heard something in the room yell something.

Raft pulled out his pistol and ran over to stand beside the open door. Twilight quickly joined him.

Inside, she saw a creature of some kind rolling towards the Doctor and the others. It had just finished yelling something about declining an offer.

“You will be exterminated!” it yelled as it came to a stop.

Twilight gasped, and was about to run in when the Doctor looked past the creature and saw her.

“Wait!” the Doctor yelled out, holding up his hands, “You can’t kill us!”

“Explain!” the creature commanded.

The Doctor sighed in relief and waved his hands around the room, “You can’t kill us, who will fly this ship? A Dalek sure can’t, seeing as this is a human made ship and not a Dalek ship.”

“But, Doctor,” Liles whispered, “This ship flies itself.”

The Doctor hushed him and continued, “You’ll need us alive to get anywhere.”

“Scans show this ship runs on autopilot! A crew is unnecessary!”

“Eh, it was worth a shot,” the Doctor said as he ran a hand through his hair. “But! You still can’t kill us!”

“Explain! If this reason is invalid, you will be exterminated!”

“Well,” the Doctor began, “If the gravity shields suddenly went down, you’d be floating around uselessly. Like you were being levitated off the ground and thrown into a wall. You wouldn’t want that, now would you?” The Doctor then winked at Twilight.

It took her a second, but what the meaning of the Doctor’s words finally hit her.

She focused her magic on the Dalek, trying to figure out how to grasp it.

“Scans show the gravity field around this ship is sufficient. Your reason proves to be invalid, you will be...”

Before it could finish, it was lifted off the ground and thrown into one of the clear walls, leaving a dent.

“Run, now!” the Doctor ordered as everyone in the room ran out the door.

The Dalek slowly looked around the room, and rolled over to the control panel.

“What is that thing?” Twilight yelled she followed after the others as they ran down the corridor.

“A Dalek! A creature of pure hatred and bent on destruction!” Jack yelled back, keeping pace with the Doctor.

“Just a normal day problem,” the Doctor yelled as they turned another corner.

“Normal?!” Liles exclaimed, “This is a normal day problem?!”

“Well, every other day it is,” the Doctor replied.

They continued down the corridor till they arrived at the living area, which held the crews rooms.

“Through here!” Liles yelled as they ran through the door and into the room that served as the intersection between rooms.

The Doctor turned around and pressed a button to close the bulkhead, he then used his Sonic Screwdriver to lock the it.

While everyone was catching their breath, Daniel asked, “How do we stop that thing?!”

“Well, they have a shield around them that will stop almost any kind of damage. And seeing as this is a cargo ship, I see no clear solution,” the Doctor answered, looking around the room.

“Damn it!” Liles cursed as he kicked the wall.

“Do you know of anything we can use to stop it?” Twilight asked Raft as he looked at his PDA.

He looked up at her and shook his head, “No. I can’t think of anything at the moment.”

Liles sighed, but suddenly turned around, a determined look on his face. “Doctor, can you kill a Dalek by electrocuting it?”

“Possibly, but I don’t recommend killing it. There’s other solutions to this problem.”

Liles gave him a strange look, “But, Doctor, that thing has killed...”

Suddenly, the bulkhead slide open and the Dalek rolled in. Without giving any kind of warning, it shot Daniel in the back. As it turned its weapon to the Doctor, Jack stepped in front of him, taking the beam in the chest.

“Jack!” Twilight screamed as she watched him fall to the ground. She turned to the Dalek and gave it a hate filled glare. Her horn flare as she lifted it up and slammed it against the ceiling. She then threw it through one of the doors that lead into a bedroom.

After that, Twilight turned to Jack, tears in her eyes. But when she saw him stand up and rub his chest, she became happy and angry at the same time. “How are you still alive?!”

“I can’t die,” he chuckled before looking at Daniel’s body. “Poor guy, shot in the back...”

The Doctor walked over to the room which the Dalek had been thrown into and stepped in.

Upon entering the room, the Doctor saw the Dalek laying on the ground, its casing slightly damaged and some sort of liquid running out of the cracks.

“The almighty Dalek, defeated by a small pony,” the Doctor said in a calm voice as he knelt down in front of it, the others just walking into the room.

“A Dalek can not be defeated!” it yelled as it rotates its head around trying to look around the room, but unable to due to it being on its side.

“When will you Dalek’s learn to admit defeat?” the Doctor said in a low voice.

“I am not defeated! I still have the codes to the fail safe system!”

“What?” the Doctor asked, confused.

“Oh no,” Liles exclaimed as he heard this.

“I have not lost, you are the ones who have lost!” it yelled as it made a clicking sound. Suddenly, the ships alarms started going off, and red lights started flashing.

“What have you done?!” the Doctor demanded angrily.

“I triggered the fail safe program! This ship will be destroyed! You see, Dalek’s do not lose!”

“But you’ll be destroyed too!” the Doctor reasoned, hoping that it would reconsider its actions.

“I’m an acceptable lose to the empire!” it screeched.

“But you’re no longer part of the empire! You’re an outcast!”

“I am loyal to the empire!” it yelled, not changing its mind.

“Gah!” the Doctor exclaimed, pulling out the Tardis’s key. He turned to Twilight and tossed it to her, “Twilight, get everyone to the Tardis, we’re leaving!”

She smiled and nodded.

But, before she could turn around, the Dalek yelled, “Dalek’s always win!”

It rotated its weapon to aim at Twilight.

The Doctor’s eyes widened as he realized what it was about to do. “No!” he yelled as he reached for the Dalek’s weapon. But before he could grab it, it fired and a scream was heard behind him.

He gritted his teeth and grabbed hold of the Dalek’s long weapon and forced it to point upward.

He then slowly turned around, frightened at what he may see, and gasped in surprise and shock.

Raft stood on his knees in front of Twilight, a blank look on his face. He then slowly fell forward, having taken the beam for Twilight.

Twilight looked at his body in shock, tears in her eyes.

The Doctor turned back to the Dalek and growled, “You Dalek’s are nothing but monsters! Killing anything you please!”

“We are the superior race! We decide who lives and who dies!”

“Oh yeah?! Well I’m a Time Lord, I’m forced to make that decision all the time! It’s a decision no one should be able to make, but I’m forced to!” the Doctor yelled, his anger clear in his voice. “And right now, I’m making that decision again! I hope you enjoy your demise!”

The Doctor held his Sonic Screwdriver to the Dalek and locked its head in place.

He then stood up and turned to the others. Jack and Liles stood over Twilight as she cried, both with sad looks on their faces.

“Let’s go, before we all die,” the Doctor said in a voice that held no emotion.

“But my ship...” Liles said as he looked up at the Doctor.

“Forget the ship, think of your own life instead,” the Doctor said coldly. “Back to the Tardis everyone.”

Jack nodded and began to walk out, followed by Liles. However, Twilight stayed where she was.

The Doctor knelt down next to her and looked at her with sad eyes, “Come on, Twilight. We’re running out of time.”

“He was so nice...” Twilight said after a few seconds of trying to come up with something to say.

“I know what its like, but this isn’t the place or time to mourn.”

Twilight let out a cry and hugged the Doctor, crying into his shoulder, “That should have been me! Not him!”

“It’s okay,” the Doctor reassured as he patted her back, “He did what he thought was best. Now please, we have to go.”

Twilight leaned back and nodded as she wiped her face.

“That a girl!” the Doctor exclaimed as he stood up and ran out of the room. Followed by Twilight.


“This thing is remarkable!” Liles said in awe as he looked around the inside of the Tardis.

“We’ll drop you off on the nearest planet, is that okay?” the Doctor asked as he worked on the controls of the Tardis.

“Sure,” Liles said as he looked around in amazement.

Meanwhile, Twilight sat on the floor while Jack stood over her.

“Listen, Twilight,” he started in a remorseful voice, “I’m sorry about what happened. I should have jumped in front of you instead, he was just faster than me...”

“It’s okay,” Twilight answered in a low voice.

“You sure?”

“Yes,” she replied as she smiled sadly up at him. “I just don’t like seeing others die... especially when they do it for me...”

“What? Something like this has happened before?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

“... No, but I still don’t like it.”

Jack nodded and walked up the ramp till he was next to the Doctor.

“Is she okay?” the Doctor asked as he typed in a few commands.

“She’ll be fine, I think,” Jack said, glancing over at Twilight, who was now talking to Liles.

“I think she will be,” the Doctor replied as he looked away from the screen and looked at Twilight.

He then sighed and looked back at the consuls, “Poor girl, she’s seen so much death today.”

“Maybe a little vacation will do her some good,” Jack offered.

“Maybe,” the Doctor replied. “We’ll see after we drop off Liles.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jack said as he looked at Twilight again, “Lets just keep an eye on her.”

“Don’t worry, I can handle what ever she does. Just you stay out of it, I don’t need you hitting on her right now.”

“Come on, Doctor!” Jack said with a smile, “At least let me try.”

“No,” the Doctor replied.

“Well you’re no fun,” Jack said as he crossed his arms.

“That’s my job, Jack,” the Doctor remarked as he pulled the last leaver.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” Jack said as the sounds of the Tardis filled the air. He then added under his breath, “That didn’t stop you falling for Rose.”

“What?” the Doctor asked, hearing Jack say something.

“Nothing, Doctor,” Jack quickly said.

“Uh-huh,” the Doctor said suspiciously as he went back to work.

Jack wiped his hand across his face and sighed with relief, glad the Doctor didn’t hear him.

Comments ( 55 )

lol why does twilight keep getting hit on by humans?:rainbowlaugh:

The Brotherhood of Da... you make that sound when you hit 'E' in the first level of Fallout 3 sometimes! That means... they must worship Fallout 3! I am undeniably correct.

you're now slot number 17 on my read later list. Expect feedback in 1-2 weeks.

:yay: Another chapter, and dang hope Twi feels better soon. Though death is something you don't easily get over.

Jack, you should be REALLY glad the doctor didn't hear you.

972392 They're all secretly bronies! (Shush its a secret!) :derpytongue2:

972584 If I heard that as the Doctor... :flutterrage: .

The Brotherhood thing was a bit obvious (though when I doubted myself, I thought of Davros.) More Daleks! [and Jack (maybe the Torchwood team, K-9 and Master?, since Jack hasn't met him yet.)]

Quick question, has Jack experienced Children of Earth or Miracle Day yet?

Yes, maybe. I'll have to check the time line.:rainbowlaugh:


"locked its head in place"
Daleks, being small starfish-like slug things, don't technically have heads. The dome on their armor suits (where the eyestalk is attached) is not part of their body. A better word would be "helmet," but that's not quite right, either... Hmmm.

974944 The dome atop the Dalek's form.

Hey, I noticed a couple grammatical errors. Firstly, when they saw the dude opening the Daleks case, he said 'Don't shot him.' Correctly would be don't shoot* him. I can't remember the other...hmmm...laziness to much.

... Damn, guys. I can completely understand each of those mistakes, but both at once? Is there a synchronized screw-up contest going on somewhere?

... The TARDIS? Failing? But it runs on the universe... is it parallel world o'clock already?

Heh. Jack wants to open the door. I like it when the Doctor clings to silly things nobody even knew were routine. That's good.

... is this ship under attack by the Dread Pirate Harkness or something?

I can hear Twilight's "tough voice". It's adorable.

... is this ship under attack by the Brotherhood of Dada or something?

He chuckled before answering, “Well, I can’t remember the exact data since I don’t see it as important to keep up with, but it’s the 54th century.”

“I had a feeling it was in the fifties,” Twilight said as she continued to smile up at Raft.

That's a pair of interesting perspectives. Twilight's getting up on this... although she did have a bit of a hint since Jack knew Marko Labs and he's from the fifty-first century.

... whoa, Twilight just agreed to a date with a human. That's interesting. (I'm not going to bother questioning the idea that people are attracted to Twilight Sparkle. If you do, you haven't been on this website very long.)

That's not Mr. Nobody.

And it's not exactly friendly to its subordinates, either. You have to wonder where a "Brotherhood of the Daleks" even came from.

... a flawed Dalek. An outcast. And not like the Cult of Skaro, either- an actual outcast. A Dalek the Daleks didn't want. Interesting. (Also if the Doctor says this is his first outcast Dalek, I guess he hasn't met hybrid!Sec yet. So does that make these stories pre-Martha? And yet Jack didn't know the Doctor knew about his immortality until Utopia, which comes after Daleks in Manhattan. Continuity glitch...)

So we are dealing with an immortal Jack. Good to know. On the minus side, we've lost forty percent of our supporting cast. And now I sound like I'm narrating Star Trek.

... Sixty percent. Shit.

I like the outcast's misguided loyalty to the empire. It's very emotional- a good reminder of exactly what the Daleks thought was wrong with it. On the minus side, though, unless its dialogue was meant to be notably nonstandard for a Dalek as well, you need to work on writing the Dalek voice.

Doctor, this ship is these guys' livelihood. I know you've only got two of them left, but you could at least try to disable this failsafe thing.

Huh. Interesting approach to the last-minute escape scenario- not even devoting a line or two to depicting the presumably nasty doom we just walked away from. And now... huh, Twilight. Has this happened before?

Okay, I may have messed up a little bit on the Dalek part, :twilightblush:

This is set after Martha and Donna, but as of this moment, I have no exact point. Maybe before the specials, or between them. I'll have to catch up first.

Actually he stated in the episode he knew as soon as he came back because of Rose. So he knew he just didnt tell... Spoilers

Crap! Just read Raft and Twi gonna have food later, but now daleks. so that means Raft's gonna die! NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:raritycry::raritydespair:

*reads more
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_RageFace.png Why was I right?! Why do I always have to be right?

979986 Yeah, that's why I said Jack didn't know the Doctor knew until Utopia.

I read the Dalek's dialogue in a Dalek's voice :twilightblush:

For an extinct race, those Daleks sure do get around.

And the plural for Dalek is Daleks. Dalek's is possessive.

What's better then Doctor Who and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic? both of them together!!! :pinkiehappy: :rainbowwild: :rainbowdetermined2:

Great Chapter!:pinkiehappy: I always love Dalek episodes. :twilightsmile:

How did I know it was the Daleks. Well a Dalek, and how did I know he would finish the "Da" with an "lek"? I must be psychic.

“Yes,” she replied as she smiled sadly up at him. “I just don’t like seeing others die... especially when they do it for me...”

“What? Something like this has happened before?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

“... No, but I still don’t like it.”

Could that have been a possible reference to LTD? :duck:


no, no you cannot. EVER.

No, not intentionally :rainbowlaugh: Actually, I never caught that until you mentioned it.

:rainbowlaugh: Very true XD

Why does no one ever shoot the Dalek's eye or eye stalk, or does that not work anymore.
And you better make Jack a permanent companion in this

Teh epicness level it's! !over9000! (click the button

Will there be more? It was pretty fun to read and it shouldn`t end like this

1209997 No, never. I didn't get a playstation until after those games had been out a while.

.............boo....................................OK BYE.

Finally a Doctor Who crossover that I can enjoy that doesn't feature the ponied Doctor Whooves.

No. That's just what they're expecting.

YES DAVID I missed you! This was an awesome start to a story! :pinkiehappy:

My only complaint is that the Dalek's voice should have been in traditional Dalek caps lock and hyphens. LI-KE TH-IS! EX-TERM-IN-ATE!

You are still gonna continue this right?:trixieshiftright:

Please update!~

Are you ever going to give us a hint of what is up with this story?

2699364 And it would totally be Twilight who would do that sort of thing. :rainbowlaugh:

loving it soo far n_n

I miss Russell T Davis. Your fan fic is awesome I can't wait for more.

5053757 Been two years since he posted a new chapter...I think it's dead

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