• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,114 Views, 5 Comments

Fixing Problems - CAPTAIN YOSHI HD

The rest of the mane seven helps Twilight with her problems.

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Part 1

Spike's small dragon claw knocks on Twilight's door of her bedroom. He's been worried about her for a week after the whole incident at the hospital with Flurry Heart. Twilight's been feeling depressed about it, she's been locked in her room throughout the week. She hasn't been checking with Starlight to see what other great spells she learned, nor she hasn't spent any time with her friends. Spike couldn't wait for Twilight to come out any longer, the depression must end now. "Twilight.", he called.

"Whoever is out there, not now.", Twilight said in her room.

"It's me, Spike.", Spike said. "Can I come in? You've been hiding in this room for a week and I want to see you."

"Alright, Spike, you can come in.", Twilight said. "When I want to be finished talking with you, you must leave when I tell you."

Spike entered the room to see Twilight laying on her bed with bags under her eyes. "Sweet Celestia, Twilight.", he said. "You look so miserable."

"I do.", Twilight said.

"Look, I know how bad you felt when you hardly paid any attention to Flurry Heart while we were doing our errands.", Spike said.

"Yeah, but not only I denied her requests to play with me, I made her cry by yelling at her, because she caused chaos at the hospital.", Twilight said, beginning to sob as a tear went down her left eye. "She nearly got somepony killed. I... feel like I'm a monster."

Spike put a claw on his friend. "You're not a monster, Twilight.", he said. "You tried to keep up with her, but you couldn't. So, you let your anger get the best of you."

"Yeah, but my anger makes me look like a big scary bear, doesn't it?", Twilight said with a tear streaming down her right eye. "I got her stuffed bears. We played bear tag together. And now... I think I showed Flurry Heart how much of a big scary bear I am."

"Twilight!", Spike yelled. "Shut up and listen. I'm trying to help you." He took a deep breath to calm down. "Twilight,... I don't want to make things hard for you. I'm just here to help you out."

"I don't need that right now.", Twilight said, turning away from Spike.

"Twilight, I-", Spike started.

"Spike, I appreciate the help, but I just need to be alone right now.", Twilight said. "Can you please leave?"

Spike sighed and headed for the door. "I'll check on you later, Twilight.", he said. Before he can close the door, Twilight said one last thing to him.

"No, Spike, I... I think it's best if I won't let you do that at all.", Twilight said, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Spike closed the door behind him and laid his back against a wall next it. "What am I going to do?", he asked himself. "If Twilight won't let me help her, then I'll get somepony else to help her. But, who could it be?" He had an idea. "I think the girls might help her. I'll go find them and ask them to make Twilight feel better and forget everything that happened last week."