• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,114 Views, 5 Comments

Fixing Problems - CAPTAIN YOSHI HD

The rest of the mane seven helps Twilight with her problems.

  • ...

Final Part

Twilight was laying down in her bed, still feeling depressed. Her face was wet from the tears she wiped off. She heard a knock on her door, then she heard it open up. She lifted her head up, still facing away from the door and thinking it was Spike again. "Spike, I thought I told you I needed to be-", she started.

"Twilight, it's us, your friends.", Applejack said.

Twilight turned to see her friends standing at the door. "Girls, what are you doing here?", she asked.

"Spike found us at Sugarcube Corner and he told us about your day with Flurry Heart.", Pinkie said.

Twilight sighed with frustration. "Why that little dragon.", she snorted.

"Don't blame him, Twilight.", Fluttershy said. "He told us to make you feel better, because he didn't want you to be hogged in your room any longer. Apple Bloom misses you, Mr. and Mrs. Cake misses you, Cheerilee misses you, even Owlicious misses you."

The group sat on Twilight's bed. "Can you tell us about what happened with Flurry Heart? Please, Twilight?", Rainbow Dash begged.

"We're not forcing you to talk, Twilight.", Rarity said. "Spike just asked us to help you."

"Besides, I'm your student.", Starlight said. "If you have something on your mind, you have to tell me and your friends."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Okay, girls.", she said. "If you all really think you deserve the truth, I'll spill it. I've been going through a lot of depression lately."

"Spike told us that already.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow!", Fluttershy snorted. "Don't interrupt her."

"My apologies.", Rainbow Dash said.

"I feel depressed, because I hardly paid any attention to Flurry Heart.", Twilight continued.

"We know, you had a hard time paying attention to your niece.", Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash!", Starlight yelled. "What did Fluttershy tell you. Don't interrupt Twilight while she's talking."

"I'm sorry, not matter what she says, it's going to be what Spike said.", Rainbow Dash said. "Go ahead, Twi."

"Flurry Heart caused a big incident at the hospital, lifting things with her magic and getting foals scared, almost hurting them.", Twilight continued.

"That's also what we heard from Spike.", Rainbow Dash said.

"RAINBOW DASH!", Rarity screamed, grabbing the Pegasus by the mane and pulling her close. "WE'RE NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN! WE'RE IN TWILIGHT'S CASTLE! YOU HAVE TO LET HER TALK!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I'll stop talking and listen to Twilight.", Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity let Rainbow Dash's mane go. "SO SIT THERE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!", she screamed. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "I apologize for my anger, Twilight. Go ahead."

"I put every floating thing down with my magic, and every time I put something down, she bring it back up with her magic.", Twilight continued. "Me and Spike looked for the whammy, her snail toy. It helps her calm down. We searched the whole room for it, but it was nowhere to be found. I couldn't do anything else to keep up with her. And do you know what I did?"

"No.", Fluttershy said. "But, we would like to hear it."

"I'll tell you, but none of you might like it.", Twilight said. "I... I..."

"Yes?", the girls said.

"I... I... I....", Twilight started. Her eyes watered up and her lower lip quivered. "I shouted at her!" She fell on her chest and began to cry.

The girls gasped. "Why?", Pinkie asked.

"It was my only choice I had to do.", Twilight bawled. "When I asked to let us down, she doesn't calm down. When Flurry let us down, I yelled at her again and she started to cry. And whenever I get near her, she float away in her bubble."

"Did you apologize?", Rarity asked.

"Yes, everything was better at end.", Twilight said, calming down. Then, the sadness came back a little. "But, when she left with Cadence and Shining Armor, I started thinking whether it's my fault that I caused Flurry Heart to get upset with me or not."

Applejack and Fluttershy walked over to Twilight to comfort her by putting their hooves on her back. "It's not your fault, Sugarcube.", the farmer said.

"I think it is, girls.", Twilight sobbed.

"Twilight, it's not.", Fluttershy said.

"It probably is my darn fault.", Twilight sobbed again.

"Twilight, we're telling you, it's not.", Applejack said.

"It's my fault, girls.", Twilight said. "When I yelled at her, the sick foals and nurse watched me do it. They're probably going to spread rumors that I'm a foal abuser."

"Twilight, do not say that.", Pinkie said. "There's no way they'll do that."

"But, what if they do.", Twilight sobbed. "Everypony's going to hate me and never wanting to talk to me anymore."

"Twilight, look.", Rarity said, grabbing Twilight's face. "Everypony's not going to hate you, you know that you had to take control of Flurry Heart. Besides, she forgave you after all that. There's no need to hate yourself for that anymore."

Twilight wiped a tear from her face. "Thanks, girls.", she said. "I don't know what I'll be without you... or my niece."

"Yeah.", Starlight said. "You know, Twilight. This might give you the feels. You're kind of like a sister to us."

Twilight gasped with joy. "You think so.", she said.

"Of course, Twilight.", Starlight said. "Even if you done something that was a mistake. We still love you, no matter what.

Twilight pulled the girls closer with her magic for a group hug. "Thank you so much, girls.", she said. "And I love you all too."

Comments ( 1 )

I'm sure that Flurry Heart still loves her Aunt Twilight.

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