• Published 11th May 2017
  • 13,677 Views, 740 Comments

Hello From The Other Side - FoxMcCloud7921

Celestia and Luna decide they want to visit Equestria and see what life is like from their point of view. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

...As Long As Luna Gets Her Frap

Author's Note:

So apparently the last chapter got a lot of mixed reviews. :unsuresweetie: I was hoping you’d all understand what was going to happen so I’m not sure why some of you were kinda upset. I’m not going to apologize for it since this is my writing style and these are the kind of things to expect when there’s a comedy tag in a fic.
To those who were upset, I hope this chapter will at least make up for that. I think I got this done so quickly because I felt the need to at least cheer you guys up. I hope it worked. :twilightsmile:
For those who were supportive of that last chapter I miiiggggghhhhtttt be thinking about working on a fic of that but it’s kind of up in the air at the moment. Obviously that first chapter would be tweaked a bit but most of it would be kept intact. Anyway, hope you enjoy this and can forgive me for being such a tease.

Sunset Shimmer and the others had met up at the Sweet Shoppe early in the morning at Twilight’s insistence. Apparently she had news about the current state of Camp Everfree. “Well, I have good news and I have bad news,” Twilight said as they were all enjoying assorted baked goods with some morning coffee.

“Alright, might as well as well give us the good news first,” Sunset replied.

“The good news is that from the dance and donations that were given afterwards, we’ve received over eight thousand dollars,” Twilight replied.

“Awesome!” Rainbow said with a mouthful of scone as pumped her fist.

“And the bad news?” Applejack asked.

“Well…despite our best efforts we still need another couple thousand for Gloria and Timber to be able to pay everything off,” Twilight said sadly.

“Oh dear…” Rarity said.

“Wait…is that literally a couple like two thousand or do you mean more than that?” Pinkie asked.

“Technically its $2,351” Twilight replied.

“That’s still a lot of money…” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, then why didn’t you say so?” Pinkie asked, scratching her head.

“So what can we do?” Sunset asked. “I mean, we could try to ask for more donations but I think everyone who has paid isn’t going to be so willing to give up more…not that we could ask them to anyway.”

“We could always do another runway show…” Rarity suggested.

“No!” both Rainbow and Applejack said quite loudly.

“Hmph, it was only a suggestion…” Rarity muttered.

“Oh I know, we could all try entering one of those sweepstakes where they bring the check to your door!” Pinkie suggested.

“Not a bad idea, but even if we had a chance we wouldn’t get the money til it’s too late,” Twilight said.

Sunset sighed. “I don’t want to give up on this but…I feel like we’re out of options.”

“Well I dunno,” Rainbow said. “I mean, you could always sell that bike of yours and get a good-”

“Absolutely not,” Sunset snapped. “And before you ask it, I’m not writing to Princess Twilight for a loan.”

“Didn’t you say ya got a good exchange rate on them…what’ya call them…bits?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah but that was technically my money,” Sunset asked. “Not that Twilight wouldn’t give it to me I just don’t…feel right about it.”

Suddenly Pinkie’s body and hair twitched slightly. “Whoa, where did that come from?”

“Is that your Pinkie sense again?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, but it hasn’t gone off like that since Everfree I think,” Pinkie said. “Somehow I think nowadays it’s attuned to picking up magical oddities.”

“Oh no…” Sunset groaned. “No offense but I’d really like a break from that please.”

Pinkie twitched. “Well, whatever it is, its getting closer.”

“Well, not like I had anything better to do today,” Rainbow said. “I say bring it on-whuhhhhh…” Rainbow’s eyes suddenly widened and her mouth hung open.

“Darling, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked.

“Is she having a stroke?” Pinkie asked.

Rainbow apparently was looking at the window as she pointed behind them. “You…are not gonna believe this…” The girls looked in her direction and that’s when they saw them.

The two women that walked in certainly looked like Principals Celestia and Luna, but the clothing they wore was…something most people haven’t seen in a very long time. Celestia had gone with a simple look of wearing jeans with a t-shirt and a matching jean jacket. It was Luna however that really got everyone’s attention. She was wearing a blue blouse with a silver-gray skirt, the kind that reflected off sunlight, which showed off her legs along with a pair of high-heels. Both of them entered the building, taking off the shades they were wearing.

“Um…did I miss something here?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah…I had no idea Luna had such nice legs,” Rainbow commented.

“Are you…drooling?” Applejack asked.

“Oh no, did they change today to 80’s Day and no one told me!?” Pinkie almost shrieked.

“I think we’re all missing the picture here,” Sunset deadpanned.

“Indeed, the fashion is totally out of style now,” Rarity said. “But I’ll give them credit for being bold.” Sunset just facepalmed.

Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna were looking around, noticing quickly how everyone was looking at them. “Okay, this is kind of weird…” Celestia said.

“They’re staring at us…” Luna said.

“I’m starting to think maybe these weren’t the best choice of clothes,” Celestia conceded. “Doesn’t matter, just act normal.”

The two of them went to the front counter where Mrs. Cake was standing at the register. “Oh my,” Mrs. Cake chuckled. “Seeing the two of you wearing that takes me back. What can I get you?”

“I got this Tia,” Luna said, who apparently knew the lingo around these parts. “I’d like a frap…”

“A frappucino?” Mrs. Cake asked, looking a little confused.

“A frap…venti…mocha,” Luna said, staring at the board.

“Luna, you don’t need a ‘frap’,” Celestia sighed. “You already had your morning caffeine.”

“Yeah well you don’t need a croissant do you?” Luna replied.

“Um…I can give you two more time if you-”

“Two tall mango teas,” Celestia said quite tersely.

“Ugh, fine,” Luna grumbled.

“Okay…well that’ll be $5.50 then.”

Celestia then realized she made a colossal error. “Um…Mrs. Cake, this is kind of awkward but…do you take bits?”

“Bits?” Mrs. Cake asked. “If you mean change of course, as long as they aren’t pennies, please.”

“How about if they’re gold?” Celestia asked as she pulled out five bits.

The poor woman looked as if she was going to have a heart attack. “Oh my…well…” She glanced around for a moment. “I suppose that could work…its real right.”

“Of course,” Celestia smiled.

“Right, two mango teas it is then.”

The two of them waited at the counter and Celestia looked up at one of the overhanging mirrors and her heart almost stopped. “Luna,” she said quietly. “She’s right behind us.”

“Hmm?” Luna glanced up at the mirror and realized who she was talking about. “Oh…so that’s Sunset Shimmer. She’s a very pretty girl.” She grinned slightly. “Well how about that…? You have an opportunity to go say hello to her.”


Luna looked over to her concerned. “Wait…don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet now?”

“It’s a touchy subject sister,” Celestia whispered. “If she finds out its me, I’m not sure how’d she react. She may think I’m here to take her back or-”

“Or you could just tell her the truth. Hmm…so that’s what the Elements look like as humans. Wait…why is Rainbow Dash staring at me like that?”

Rainbow noticed that Luna noticed her looking and she quickly turned away. “Shit.”

“Okay, what’s going on with you?” Applejack asked.

“It’s nothing!” Rainbow snapped.


“Is it just me…or does something seem off about them?” Sunset asked.

“Well, their attire is off that’s for sure,” Twilight commented.

“Okay, I’m getting to the bottom of this,” Pinkie said as she got up. “I need to know for sure if today’s Tacky Day or 80’s Day.”

“Wait Pinkie-”

“Oh no she’s coming over,” Luna said.

“Hi Principal Celestia, hi Vice-Principal Luna!” Pinkie said as she came between them. “We never see you two come in here!”

“Oh…well…isn’t that something then?” Celestia replied hesitantly.

“But I have to know…is today Throwback Day?” Honestly, they didn’t give it an official name, or at least to Pinkie’s knowledge.

“Oh…well…you know, these clothes have been sitting in the closet for awhile so…” Luna began.

“I know what you mean!” Pinkie said happily. “You two should’ve told me and we could’ve celebrated it together! Oh! Since you’re here, you want to sit with us?”

“Oh that’s a very kind offer Pinkie but we’re kind of in a hurry,” Celestia said somewhat frantically.

“Nonsense sister,” Luna grinned evilly. “We got plenty of time to chat and catch up.”

Celestia wanted to give her the worst glare possible but instead managed a smile in front of Pinkie. “Well…why not?”

“Awesome!” Pinkie practically pushed the two sisters over to the group. “Hey girls, is it alright if these two join us?”

The girls looked to one another. “Um…sure?” Sunset replied as she got up. “I’ll grab a couple chairs.”

It wasn’t that Celestia didn’t want to sit with them, it was that she knew Sunset was a bright pony…person and if anyone could figure her out it’d be Sunset. Still, it was too late now to just run out of the building. Pinkie then went back and got the two their tea.

“Actually Principal Celestia, we’re kind of glad you’re here,” Twilight said as the two sat down in the circle. “We’re having a bit of trouble meeting our goal for paying off Camp Everfree. You think you might have any ideas?”

“Okay Celestia, play this cool,” Celestia told herself. “You’ve been in these situations before and surely you can find an answer…let’s see…” “Well…I suppose I should ask when the deadline is?”

“End of the month,” Applejack said. “We still need over two thousand dollars to break even.”

“That’s a lot of money…”

Luna cleared her throat. “I think I might have a solution?”

“We’re all ears,” Rarity replied.

“Car wash.”

“Huh?” Sunset asked.

“You know…a car wash,” Luna replied. “You know…since there are a lot of cars here.”

“Well…it’s not a bad idea…” Sunset said. “But…”

“Actually I think its perfect,” Rainbow grinned. “Think about it, a bunch of guys seeing all of us in bathing suits washing cars…they’ll pay whatever we charge!”

“Um…I don’t mind wearing a bathing suit but…I think everyone will just be staring at us then,” Fluttershy said.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “That’s the idea Fluttershy.”

“I think maybe if you do that you might want…others of the opposite gender working with you,” Celestia said.

It was silent for a few moments and finally Sunset had to ask. “Principal Celestia, is everything alright?” Celestia seemed to stiffen slightly. “No offense, but you two are acting weird…”

“It’s more her actually,” Luna said matter-of-factly.

“Shut up Luna.”

“I asked for a frap, and she wouldn’t let me get one,” Luna said.

“Every morning you want a frap, you don’t need a frap Luna,” Celestia said sternly.

“But it makes me happy!”

The girls stayed quiet while the bantering continued. “So uh…I like the look Vice-Principal Luna,” Rainbow said casually.

Luna smiled. “Thank you. I had a feeling you did since you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off my skirt…or was it my legs?”

“Um!” Rainbow suddenly blushed red. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Well, I wish we could stay longer girls but we have to get going,” Celestia said, giving Luna a look that told her to go along with it.

“Indeed,” Luna said as she got up. “Sorry we couldn’t be much help with the fundraiser…but the car wash isn’t such a bad idea…”

The two of them waved goodbye before they left the building. “Ya know…looking back at that just now…something did seem kind of off,” Applejack commented.

Sunset didn’t reply. She kept staring at the door with a slight look of suspicion.

“Well that could’ve gone much worse,” Celestia grumbled as she paced around the living room.

“Sister, you’re worrying too much,” Luna assured her. “I know I wasn’t there when it happened but I think you and Sunset need some closure.”

“I know that!” Celestia almost snapped. “I just…I knew one day we’d meet again but I didn’t think under these circumstances. If I’m here, she may feel threatened and I don’t want that. I could explain myself away but she may lose whatever trust she has for me. I think we should go back.”

“Celestia.” She heard the tone in Luna’s voice that told her she was being dead serious now. “First of all, I don’t think she would come to that conclusion so quickly. Even so, it’s better you tell her before she finds out. I didn’t tell you about the Tantabus before right?”

“Right…and I admit I was kind of upset you didn’t come to me straight away about it,” Celestia said softly.

“And I felt terrible. In fact, I felt terrible that I could confide in Twilight Sparkle much easier than you because I felt she understood me better. My point being is, don’t let this eat away at your soul dear sister.” She then smiled slightly. “Besides, you’re supposed to be the open one of the two of us remember?”

Celestia smiled. “Alright…I’m not sure yet how I’m going to do this but…I’ll just tell her whether in a letter or person what’s going on and why I’m here.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The two of them looked towards one another before Celestia went to the door and opened it. Right in front of her stood her former student.

“We need to talk,” Sunset said. Her serious demeanor shifted slightly as a smile formed on her face. “It’s been a long time, Princess.”