• Published 11th May 2017
  • 13,669 Views, 740 Comments

Hello From The Other Side - FoxMcCloud7921

Celestia and Luna decide they want to visit Equestria and see what life is like from their point of view. What could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Annnnnd We're Stuck

Princess Celestia wasn’t sure if she was more surprised by how good a driver Sunset was or the car she drove. “This car looks expensive,” she commented as she sat in the passenger seat while Luna sat in the back.

“It…wasn’t cheap,” Sunset said as she took a right towards the school.

“You know, I was wondering what happened to the money in the Treasury,” Celestia commented with a small smirk. “Quite a bit of it was missing after you left.”


“Well as long as you’re happy with it,” Celestia said contently. “And I hope you have good insurance.”

Once they finally reached the parking lot, the three of them got out and made their way towards the statue. “You know Sunset,” Luna began. “It’s not too late. Now is a good time as any if you wish to come back to visit Equestria.”

Sunset froze in her tracks. The idea had come to her plenty of times in the past, especially whenever she passed by the portal. Her one obstacle was finally out of the way so why was she still hesitating? “I want to, I really do,” she said, looking to both princesses. “It’s just…well I wouldn’t feel good about leaving my friends behind. I’d have to let them know personally.”

“We understand,” Celestia nodded. She went over and gave her former student a hug. “I’m sure it’s been said before but I will say it again: you are always welcome to come visit.”

“I promise you won’t have to wait long,” Sunset smiled. “I could always come later tonight too you know.”

“I think we’d like that,” Luna said. “After all, there’s much more we’d like to know about this place.” She then hesitated, not sure how to say her goodbyes. Sunset grinned slightly as she went up and gave Luna a hug as well, much to her surprise. “I guess this is goodbye for now…” she added, blushing a bit in embarrassment.

Celestia turned around towards the portal. “I suppose it’s time for us-” She stopped and her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Something’s wrong…”

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked.

“I knew my powers would be diminished coming here but…I can still make out the magical currents around the portal.” And something was definitely off. She went up to the portal and reached out with her hand, only to touch solid granite. “It’s as I feared,” Celestia said gravely. “The portal has been closed.”

“What!?” Luna and Sunset both yelled.

“But this doesn’t make any sense,” Sunset said as she went up and put her hands against the side of the statue. “Why would it stop working like that?”

“Luna, you can sense it too correct?” Celestia asked.

“Yes…it’s very faint but…”

Celestia nodded. “That’s the problem. Luna and I are perceptive towards magical currents, just like Discord can detect magical imbalances, and this portal should be overflowing with magical current. It’s almost as if the other side has been cut off.”

“You mean in Equestria,” Sunset confirmed. “Maybe she took the portal she has offline? She told me the one in the Crystal Empire only opens every thirty moons.”

“Perhaps…” Celestia said. “Wait…” She then backed up slightly. “Something’s coming…”

The three of them backed away as the portal began to glow red again. “That’s definitely never happened before…” Sunset commented.

The three of them braced themselves for whatever was about to come through. Five seconds later, as something finally did come through, Sunset could only stare in surprise. “Twilight?”

Princess Twilight groaned as she got up to her feet slowly, rubbing her head. “Sunset? Is that-?” She looked towards Celestia and Luna and her expression suddenly soured. “Oh. Hello Princesses.”

It wasn’t long before two more people came through the portal and it was hard for Sunset to believe she was seeing double. The two women opened their eyes and looked around. “Are we home?” Vice-Principal Luna asked.

“Oh thank goodness,” Principal Celestia sighed in relief. “That trip was worse than the first time.”

“Wait a minute,” Sunset said. She was thankful the two pairs of women weren’t wearing similar outfits. “How did you guys get back here? I thought the portal was closed.”

Twilight jumped slightly as her words brought her back to reality. “Oh no!” She went back up to the portal and just as she feared, it was closed once again. “This is really bad!”

“Twilight, what’s going on?” Sunset asked.

Twilight suddenly laughed bitterly. “What’s going on? Oh I’ll tell you what’s going on.” She turned around and the anger on her face caused Sunset to flinch. “Princess Celestia and Luna thought it would be such a great idea to switch places with their counterparts here just so they could go sightseeing. Normally I wouldn’t have an issue with that but they didn’t feel the need to tell me!” She glared at the two princesses and Sunset was surprised to see the two of them hanging their heads.

“And now because of this great idea we’re all now stuck here and Equestria has three of their leaders missing!” Twilight spat. “Let’s not forget the fact that now there’s no one formally in charge of Canterlot and no one to raise the sun and moon! But hey, it was worth it right!?”

“Twilight…” Sunset said.

“No, she’s right Sunset,” Princess Celestia said. She looked at her other former student. “It was irresponsible of me to do this without you knowing. If there’s anyone solely to blame, it is me. I truly am sorry Twilight…”

Twilight’s mask crumbled and her face drooped as she let out a sigh. “No, don’t be sorry, I just really needed to let that out. Now’s not the time for us to be bickering though.” She leaned against the wall and thought for a moment. “There’s a slight time difference between worlds so even if it takes awhile to get back, we may still get home just in time…”

“I just want to know why the portal stopped working,” Sunset asked. “And how did you two get through anyway?”

“The portal opened by itself and it sucked us in,” Twilight said. “It’s never done that before… but as for why it’s not working I may know why.”

“Well, we’re certainly all ears,” Luna said.

“Sunset, do you have paper and pen?” Twilight asked. “This might be easier to explain on paper.”

“Sure.” Sunset went through her bag and got out a notebook and pen and handed it to her.

“Thank you.” Twilight took the pen and drew a straight line with two dots at the end marked A and B. Everyone gathered around and watched her. “Okay, let’s pretend dot A is Equestria and dot B is this world. The line is represented as the portal between these two worlds. More specifically, dot A is the mirror in the Crystal Empire.” She drew two small circles above and below the line. “Now let’s say hypothetically there were two other dimensions and they shared some resemblances just like here and Equestria. Let’s say a connection is made via these two dimensions.” She then drew a line connecting the two circles. “Now do you see the issue here?”

“The lines intersect,” Celestia said.

“Exactly. Again, this is just a theory but I think somehow these two streams as we’re going to call them crossed and what happens when you run into an intersection?”

“Oh I see what you’re saying,” Sunset said. “So its possible something may have gotten caught in the intersection and wounded up here instead of where they were supposed to go.”

“So why did the portal close then?” Princess Luna asked.

Twilight looked down in embarrassment. “Actually…that’s my fault. When I created my portal I installed a…well I guess you could call it a safety feature, in case something like this happened. As I said, the connection is a straight line between points. If something disturbs that connection, it becomes severed to prevent anyone else from coming through.”

“Oh I see,” Luna said. “The foreign object coming through is like a contagion and the portal runs a quarantine procedure which is only lifted when the foreign object is eradicated.”

“That’s…one way to put it, yes,” Twilight replied.

“If that’s true, then how did you three manage to get through to this side?” Princess Celestia asked.

“That I’m not so sure of,” Twilight replied, looking puzzled. “It’s possible since I’m the Element of Magic I was able to…‘override the protocol’ as Luna would put it.”

“Okay, so we need to find out who came through the portal and find a way to send them back,” Sunset said. “Shouldn’t be too difficult right?” She got weird looks in response.

“Well, it’s partly our fault that we got you all in this mess,” Celestia said. “So we’ll help anyway we can.”

“We’re most appreciative of that,” Princess Celestia nodded. “So…where to look first?”

Suddenly, they heard the sound of sirens. “I’d say that’s a good place to start,” Luna said.

With six people now, Sunset’s car was a little cramped inside but they managed to get into downtown without much incident. They parked nearby a department store which was currently surrounded by police cars.

There was a small group of people outside witnessing the entire scene as the six of them went over to look for themselves. “What happened?” Twilight asked.

“Shoplifting,” a man said. “Apparently some crazy woman came in and stole a whole bunch of stuff like fertilizer and all that. The cashier said the woman knocked him out but get this: he says she did it with her hair. The guy must’ve really gotten knocked out or something…”

The group glanced at one another and then Sunset gestured for them to go over by one of the walkway benches. “Sounds like we found our person,” Sunset said.

“He said the woman used her hair to knock the guy out?” Twilight asked. She thought for a moment and her eyes widened. “Oh no…”

“What, what is it?” Sunset asked. “You know who it is?”

“Well…I think,” Twilight said. “But it’s kind of hard to believe.”

“Twilight, after what’s been going on for the last couple months I don’t think you even need to say that,” Sunset deadpanned.

“Ain’t that the truth…” Celestia muttered.

“Alright well, a while ago in Equestria, the girls and I traveled to this world inside a comic book. We became a group of ponies known as the Power Ponies.”

“Oh yeah, I remember seeing those comics back then,” Sunset nodded.

“Anyway, we faced off against a villain known as the Mane-iac who fits that exact description the cashier made.”

“Crazy and has magical hair,” Princess Celestia said. “Yep, that sounds like something that would be written in Equestria…”

“Wait a minute, so you’re saying this person escaped from a comic book and somehow managed to end up here?” Princess Luna asked.

“I don’t think so necessarily,” Twilight said. “The events that took place in that world were based on the comic book that Spike had. Who’s to say there isn’t a dimension where a place like Maretropolis actually exists?”

“So we’re going against a supervillain,” Sunset groaned. “Well, I can’t say it’s the weirdest foe we’ve ever faced. Should we gather up the girls?”

“I think so,” Twilight replied. “We need to find out what the Mane-iac is up to and fast.”

Once they managed to gather up all the girls (after of course they switched cars since Twilight was having a hard time being scrunched up next to her mentor and her mentor’s counterpart) and meeting back at Celestia and Luna’s house, it took a bit to get everyone back on track due to the girls finding out that that Celestia and Luna were actually royalty. Rarity was the worst of them all. “You have no idea what a honor this is,” Rarity said who had taken Princess Celestia’s hands into hers. “We’re very thankful to have a friend like Twilight.”

“W-Well we’re just glad she’s been able to help,” Princess Celestia said, smiling awkwardly.

Rainbow thought this was the coolest thing ever while thankfully Fluttershy and Applejack were a little more controlled in their reactions. Twilight was definitely intrigued. “So…they’re like goddesses in your world?” she asked her counterpart.

“To some…yes,” Princess Twilight grimaced. “But please don’t treat them that way.”

And Pinkie…well she acted in the most appropriate Pinkie way. “Oh my gosh this is amazing! It’s like you two are twins…wait does that mean you’re quadruplets? Does that even happen like that at birth? Who cares, we should totally have a big counterpart party! Ooh Twilight, why don’t you invite us from the other side as well!?”

“No!” Princess Twilight said sharply. “Can we please get back on track?”

Sunset managed to explain everything that had happened and surprisingly the girls found this much harder to believe. “So let me get this straight darling,” Rarity said. “You’re saying some woman in major need of a hair salon came from a world full of superheroes and somehow managed to get caught between dimensions and ended up here and that’s why you three are now stuck here?”

“Pretty much,” Princess Twilight replied.

“That’s awesome!” Rainbow asked. “I can’t believe the Mane-iac is here! I’d totally ask for her autograph if she wasn’t trying to kill me.”

“So this Rainbow Dash likes comics I take it?” Princess Luna asked.

“Pft, you kidding, I have a full drawer of comics!” Rainbow bragged.

“Wait a minute, you call me an egghead for reading history books but it’s okay for you to have comics!?” Twilight almost snapped.

“First of all, history books are boring.”

“Well, Ah’ve heard crazier things happen and lately all it’s ever been is crazy,” Applejack commented. “So what’re we gonna do then?”

“Rainbow can probably back me up on this but obviously the woman is psychotic, meaning she takes pleasure in chaos,” Princess Twilight said. “Huh…reminds me of someone else I know…” “Apparently she stole some stuff from a department store. Fertilizer, pieces of metal, stuff like that.”

“Oh well that’s easy to figure out,” Rainbow said. “She’s building a bomb.”

“A bomb!?” Everyone cried out.

“Well, it makes sense,” Applejack added. “Fertilizer is probably the cheapest and least suspicious product to buy but whoa nelly is it explosive.”

“A-And you want us to deal with this?” Fluttershy asked. “Shouldn’t we call the police?”

“I doubt they’d believe us,” Sunset said. “And when you mention the world ‘bomb’ in a sentence sure it gets their attention but if we have no proof of such a thing we’ll be in serious trouble.”

“I also think if we did that it would tip her off,” Princess Twilight said. “She doesn’t know about us, although she may think we’re the Power Ponies in human form if she happens to recognize us.”

“Then all we need to do is find out where she’s going to strike,” Luna said. “Is there anything going on tonight?”

“Oh, the Canterlot Orchestra is performing tonight at the downtown concert hall,” Pinkie said casually. “Seven o’clock if I’m not mistaken. Oh, and Octavia’s going to be there too!”

“Makes sense,” Rainbow said. “She’d target a place with a large amount of people in it.”

“Okay, it’s worth a shot,” Princess Twilight said. “I don’t know if we’ll be able to get in but I have a plan. Rarity, you wouldn’t by chance have any dresses perfect for the occasion would you?”

“Do you even have to ask darling?” Rarity winked.

“Okay, we have about three hours. We’ll head over to Rarity’s and I’ll go into detail how we’ll stop the Mane-iac. Any questions?”

There were none and the girls headed back to their cars and headed back to Rarity’s house. Before Rarity left however, she was then stopped by Celestia and Luna. “Rarity, I was just thinking,” Celestia said. “I’m not saying Twilight’s plan won’t work but I think Luna and I have come up with a plan B just in case.” She then whispered her plan into Rarity’s ear.

“Oh my…well if you think that’s wise then I’m more than happy to help.” Rarity’s eyes suddenly glittered. “And I know just the person who can help us.”

Author's Note:

The plot thickens. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion you may have had.

Edit: I fixed that major issue.