• Published 11th May 2017
  • 13,646 Views, 740 Comments

Hello From The Other Side - FoxMcCloud7921

Celestia and Luna decide they want to visit Equestria and see what life is like from their point of view. What could possibly go wrong?

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Haha! The Killstreak Has Been Doubled!


It was oddly quiet in the castle, not a sound could be heard except for the occasional sound of hoof steps outside or a nearby door opening or closing. Celestia and Luna were sitting in their places, keeping quiet as the day slowly dragged on. “It sure is quiet…” Luna said.

“Mhm…” Celestia replied.

“Surely this can’t be a typical day for them,” Luna groaned. “I’m getting bored already…”

“Oh no no no, this was your idea so you’re going to suffer through it just like me,” Celestia said sternly. She then smiled. “Besides, you should be happy: you’re officially royalty now.”

Suddenly a sinister look crept onto Luna’s face. “That’s right…and anyone has to do anything we say…”

“That’s…not what I meant…”

“Guards!” Luna suddenly yelled. Immediately about four guards rushed into the room. “Wow…that was quick…”

“What is wrong Your Majesties?” one of the guards asked urgently.

“Oh…nothing,” Luna said casually. “I was…testing your reaction time and I was most pleased.”

The guards glanced at one another confused. “So…you do not need us?”

“Actually, yes we do,” Luna said gleefully.

“No we don’t,” Celestia glared at her.

“Don’t be a buzzkill Tia…” Luna then cleared her throat. “As Princess, I now command the four of you…to make a pony pyramid…oh wait we need more than four of you don’t we?”

“U-Um…” The guards now looked even more confused and slightly concerned.

“Luna, this is ridiculous,” Celestia sighed.

“No it isn’t! They will gladly do whatever We command,” Luna said. “Now then…gather more guards and make that pyramid!”

One of the other guards had the courage to speak up. “But…Princess…”

“Do it!” The guards suddenly flinched and one slowly went out to call in more guards.

Within the next ten minutes, the Royal Guard had ended up making quite a large pyramid while Celestia could only look on in sympathy and embarrassment. “Hmm…now I’m entertained! Very well, you can all return to your posts now.” It was well-timed that she said that because the pyramid collapsed, though thankfully there weren’t any major injuries, mostly their pride. They were more than happy to leave.

“Luna,” Celestia said, her voice low but there was definitely anger in her voice. “First of all we’re trying to blend in, and second, we’re not here to damage property, including the Royal Guard.”

“Oh come now, they obviously enjoyed it,” Luna said as she got up and took a walk around the throne room. It was then she noticed the stained glass windows and what they depicted. “Wow…look at this. This artwork is amazing.”

Celestia went over and stood next to her sister, looking at the different windows. “I see…so our counterparts have saved this world a number of times then.” They moved onto the next one. “So…these must be the Elements of Harmony in action.”

“So…that’s Twilight and the others from this world?” Luna asked.

“I think it’s all starting to come together now, why those five are so important,” Celestia nodded.

“Wait…but who is that?” Luna asked. She looked down upon her body and looked back to the glass. “It…kind of looks like me…well, Princess me…”

Celestia studied the glass more and realized what it was depicting. “Oh dear…”

“She went evil at one point, didn’t she?” Luna asked. She then sighed. “That explains a lot then…”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Celestia said. “Yes you can be…intimidating at times but I know you better than anyone and you’ve always been a good person…even through our teen years.”

Luna smiled slightly. “Yes I admit it was…interesting wasn’t it?”

They continued on. “There’s that creature again,” Celestia said. “I wonder what it could be…”

“A draconequus,” Luna said quickly. Upon getting a look from her sister she said, “What? Unlike you, I actually enjoyed reading mythology in school.”

“It’s…kind of weird-looking,” Celestia said.

“Weird-looking!? Your words are enough to shatter my heart, Celestia.”

The two ponies looked around. “What was that?” Celestia asked.

“Oh come now, you should recognize a grand entrance when you see one!” Suddenly, the draconequus from the glass popped out and stood in front of them, now about four feet tall. “…You know, I never was a fan of going two-dimensional.” It snapped its claw and suddenly became three-dimensional. “Hellloooo my favorite two alicorns!” he said, giving them a hug. “Actually, I should say three because Cadance has to put up with an Empire and a foal.” He then paused as a look of suspicion crept onto his face. “Wait a minute…” He then pulled away and looked at the two of them skeptically. “Something’s off here…” He suddenly disappeared and then the two alicorns were hooked up to some sort of EKG-like device while the draconequus was wearing a lab coat and taking notes from a computer screen. “Hm…yes, your magical field is slightly different…but only slightly so obviously you two aren’t changelings…nope without you two are definitely Celestia and Luna…but you two aren’t princesses are you?”

“…What is going on?” Luna asked meekly.

“…Oh! My apologies!” He snapped his fingers and the equipment disappeared. “I am Discord, Lord of Chaos at your service. I am the “weird-looking” thing you just saw.”

“I…um…” Celestia looked embarrassed.

Discord suddenly laughed. “Oh look at you, blushing! I tell you, it takes a lot to make the real Celestia blush, not that I’m saying you aren’t real but I think perhaps you should help clear this up.”

The two sisters looked at one another. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt,” Luna said.

After the two had explained themselves, Discord looked quite amused. “So those two decided to take a little vacation without me. What a bunch of naughty fillies! Oh well, I suppose everypony needs a vacation every once in a while. I’ve been trying to arrange a vacation for Fluttershy and I-”

“Wait…you know Fluttershy?” Celestia asked.

“But of course!” The glee on his face was obvious. “We’re quite the BFFs you know. I’m so proud she finally got that animal sanctuary up and fulfilled her dream. But anyway…I suppose Tia and Lulu gave you a tour of the castle?”

“Yes, but unfortunately, we haven’t much to do,” Luna said.

“Oh that’s too bad,” Discord said. “I mean, being the Lord of Chaos means I can practically do anything, fulfill any desire I want personally. But it would be nice to have somepony to do it with.”

“Wait…what do you mean?” Luna asked, taking the bait.

Discord looked more than happy to explain. “Why, if we wanted to go to some tropical island, we could go there in a snap. Or create an entire world all for ourselves, hypothetically.”

“So like roleplaying?” Luna asked again, excitement now in her voice.

“Well…if you want to put it that way yes,” Discord replied.

“I want in!” Luna said.

“Oh splendid!” Discord said. “Your destination is my command!” He snapped his fingers once more and both he and Luna disappeared.

Celestia blinked for a few moments. “Um…okay…I guess I’ll just stay here and…hold down the fort…by myself…” She then sighed deeply but then noticed something as she sniffed the air. “Is that…?” She then got up. “Is that a bakery I smell? I know the smell of bundt cake like the back of my hand…hoof.” She gleefully took off, following the smell in front of her.


Meanwhile, Celestia was exploring her room, checking out the closet and seeing what was inside. The attire wasn’t much different from what was seen in Equestria, but unlike there, clothing apparently was a necessity. After glancing through everything, her attention returned to the laptop on the desk.

Celestia went over to it and tapped one of the keys, causing the screen to light up. To her surprise, it seemed that the computer was already logged into. “Hmm…this doesn’t seem too complicated.” She quickly learned that the large square below the keyboard was what moved the small pointer on the screen and upon pushing on it selected one of the icons on the screen. “I can imagine if we actually had this technology in Equestria…”

After another ten minutes of meddling with the computer, Celestia was on her way to discovering the internet. She wasn’t sure where they got the name “Google” from but it appeared to be a search engine, as they called it. What was it Twilight said to look for? Cute animal videos? It couldn’t hurt.

“Into a brand new world we go…” Celestia murmured as she typed in animal videos. The results were quick and the whole screen lined up with videos, ranging from dogs to cats to…seals? She clicked on the link and barely ten seconds into the video she started laughing. If people spent their days watching these kinds of videos, it couldn’t be so bad.

About half an hour later of video watching, Celestia finally stopped due to the pain in her stomach from laughing. She paused for a moment and realized she hadn’t heard anything from Luna. “Luna?” she called out, but there was no response.

She got up and went outside of her room, looking down the hallway. It was then she could hear what sounded like a constant barrage of explosions and they were all coming from Luna’s room. “Luna, what are you doing in there?” Still there was no response.

Celestia sighed and went up to the door and knocked gently. “Luna, seriously, what’s going on in there?”

There was no immediate response but she did hear her sister say, “They’re coming in hot people! Don’t let them get through that shield!” Celestia rolled her eyes and opened the door. It was then she saw her sister sitting on a beanbag chair on the floor, her eyes glued to the television screen with a headset on as well as a controller in her hands.

“Luna what in the world…” Celestia could only watch as the scene on the screen depicted space with a large group of ships in the background as well as many smaller ships involved in dogfights.

Luna quickly tapped a button on her headset. “Sorry sister, I’m a bit busy at the moment keeping the rebel scum from getting through that shield!” She tapped her headset once again. “Take out those Y-Wings, they’re targeting the shield generator!”

A slight smile crept onto Celestia’s face. Of all things, it had to be video games. Then again, Luna was always the more adventurous and the more imaginative of the two. She saw a shelf of what appeared to be games and she went through them. “Battlefront…Battlefield…Mass Effect…Prey…yep this definitely sounds like Luna alright.”

“Haha!” Luna suddenly yelled. “Your skills are no match to mine noob!”

“…Definitely like Luna.” Celestia waited until the match was over, which ended quickly apparently thanks to Luna’s efforts. “Sister, I know you’re enjoying yourself but perhaps we should take some time and see the outside world…like now.”

Luna sighed. “Do we have to?”

“I promise only a few hours…besides wouldn’t you want to try out the cuisine here?”

“Hmm…well its not often we get to eat junk food,” Luna said. “Very well, but can I change into something else? This attire seems…weird for me.”

“You and I both,” Celestia nodded. “Alright, we’ll meet at the door in ten minutes?”


Celestia went back to her room and went through the closet once more. “I’m sure she won’t mind if I borrow something for a little bit,” Celestia thought. She then saw something that caught her eye. “Hmm…that could work.”

Ten minutes later, the two of them were at the door and could only stare at one another. “…What?” Luna asked. “This feels a lot more comfortable.”

“Oh no, I’m not judging,” Celestia said. “This outfit was way back in the closet but a lot of women wear this attire right?”

“I would think so,” Luna said. She then adjusted her skirt slightly. “I guess women here like to show their legs a lot…”

Author's Note:

So where did Luna go? And what the hell are those two wearing?

Find out next time! :trollestia: