• Published 21st May 2017
  • 858 Views, 22 Comments

The Good Fight - CoyoteXray

When Sci-Twi has issues with an aggressive suitor, could her best ally be...Photo Finish?

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2. Stepping Forward

‘It had been a productive meeting up until now’ Photo Finish thought. ‘How did it turn into this?’

The clamor in the room was about to drive her nuts as Pinkie argued with Bulk Biceps, and Lyra debated with Pip, and twelve other conversations resounded off the walls. It was time to end the insanity.

“ACHTUNG!!” she shouted while slamming down the gavel in her hand. Unfortunately, the head of the gavel hit so hard that it instantly snapped off and flew back and ricochet off the white board behind her. Photo turned to watch the debacle, then turned back and lowered her head to the podium and groaned. That was so not what she had in mind.

But it had the effect she wanted as the group finally focused its attention back on her, if only to get in a good laugh, and a round of applause. She took a cautious peak and noted that everyone in the room seemed thoroughly amused, with the possible exception of Pip, who may or may not have been hiding a smile, but actually looked more concerned than anything.

Miss Cheerilee finally stood up and moved to the front of the group and called out, “Alright everyone, let’s try to stay focused here!” With that the room went quiet again.

“Photo,” Pinkie Pie asked, “Why didn’t you tell her how much we like doing play by play? I mean…you gotta do something to pass the time at those soccer games. They are sooo boring, they’re almost as bad as baseball.”

“Are you nuts?” Lyra responded, “Soccer is not boring!”

“And baseball isn’t boring either, if you actually pay attention to what’s happening,” Thunderlane added.

“Shtop!” Photo chimed in before dispute could restart, “Zhere waz no room for debate! Zhe soccer coach zaid that the chatter was distracting. I am zorry, but there waz no argument to make; she wantz to see the game and hear the players…zhat'z it.”

“Awww…”, came the response from at least three of the crowd.

Photo took a long deep breath, and continued, “Now, I believe, from looking at the zignup sheets, zhat we have all of our upcooming events covered, except the Morp. Zomebody needs to help out Mr Pip, and I have been assured zhat though everyone wantz to cover zhe prom, even those who are not eligible, that the morp iz not just the prom’z poor unvanted stepchild. Zo…Anyvone…?”

Photo paused and waited. “Anyvone at all…?” she tried again.

Pinkie raised her hand. Photo tried to ignore Pinkie, but after what seemed to her to be an eternity of waiting for anyone else, she groaned and finally pointed to Pinkie and said, “Yes Miss Pie, you want to voolunteer?”

“Uh yeah,” Pinkie replied, “but…can I bring a date?”

“A date?” Photo answered with an accompanying groan, “But zhat...zhat would be totally unprofessional and inappropriate…”

“And the answer is yes, yes you may Miss Pie,” Miss Cheerilee chimed in, and then added, "Let's now forget that it is a dance Miss Finish."

Photo looked to her advisor with resignation, then lowered her head, reset her thoughts, and continued, “Zo, vell...indeed. Anyone elze?”

“Excuse me darling for chiming in,” Rarity answered, her hand raised, “but I can’t help but wonder…what are YOU doing on Saturday night?”

Photo recoiled back. “Me?” she asked, “Vell…our advisor is louking for advice on new equipment to request as part of next yearz grant application. I have rezearch to do and…”

Photo stopped short as she saw her advisor wagging her head.

“But…?” she tried to continue. But Miss Cheerilee just kept wagging her head.

She threw her head back and gave a frustrated sigh. “Fine…it is zettled,” Photo continued, “Is zhere anything else?” Getting no response, she rapped the broken handle on the podium and announced, “Meeting adjourned.”

The group dispersed quickly, with only Rarity pausing before her friend as she passed.

“Oh you’ll love it darling. It’s not as glamourous as prom, but last year’s was a lot of fun. And...uh, can we talk later?”

“Oh...uh...yez, of course,” Photo replied. She stood back and watched the others go, and when the last one left, she turned to her advisor.

“Vell, with all due respect, why did you set me up for zhe morp? I waz not lying when I said that I had research to do; as I recall, you actually azked me to do it. Vhat is the reason here?”

“Well,” Miss Cheerilee replied, “You have been working rather hard recently. I figured that you needed the distraction. That and there is the problem of just what you do get accomplished. You do all the scheduling, and a lot of the behind the scenes work. But the others don’t see that most of the time. I just thought that maybe you should…well, come out the shadows as it were.”

Photo gave another long sigh, and looked up at the ceiling.

“And another little pointer Photo, before you break another one of my gavels,” Miss Cheerilee continued, “You might have chosen to at least argue the whole play by play thing. You do wonderful work for the club, and a lot of that is due to the fact that you consider what you do to be your calling in life. But you have to remember that most of the others do this as a hobby, and because they think that it’s fun. And they might not continue if we lose the fun part of the job.” She reached over and patted Photo on the shoulder, “Just a little food for thought.”

Photo looked down and pondered the idea for a moment, and then raised her head and answered, “Of course.” She then turned around walked back to retrieve her book bag, and gave a wave to the teacher as she went for the door.

“Have a good day dear!” Miss Cheerilee called as Photo left the room.

“HEY PHOTO!” came the call the moment cleared the doorway.

Photo shrieked, and dropped her bag as she lurched forward with the unexpected noise. She turned about to find the source, and as expected found Pinkie Pie behind her. “Miss Pie…DO NOT DO THAT!” she yelled. She paused to catch her breath before she bent down and retrieved her bag, and continued, “Do you not have something better to do…like go to a class…or anything?”

“Well, not really,” Pinkie replied, “Not for a few minutes at least. I was just wondering if you had told Sunset Shimmer about what happened this morning.”

Photo looked away and palmed her forehead for a moment before answering. “I do not want to think about thiz morning. It…it is a dead issue to me now. Besidez it zeems that everyone I meet today knows all about it. They shtop me in the hallways and tell me everything…over and over again. Of course, their observant nature doez not echtend to whoever it waz who mezzed up my locker. But hey, who am I to question oother peoplez priorities!?!”

“But you’ve got to tell Sunset,” Pinkie protested, “It sounds as if Bold Venture was being a real jerk. And you know how sensitive Twi is. She got majorly bullied back at Chrystal Prep. We just can’t let that happen here.”

Photo folded her arms across her chest, leveled her gaze at Pinkie, and replied “Miss Pie, I like Twilight Schparkle. She seems very nice, if also a bit goofy. But I am not actually her friend. You and the otherz are. You should be the onez who come to her rescue, not me. I am not the type to schtep in front of zhe boollet, or run into ze burning building. It is just not me, o.k.?”

“Photo,” Pinkie replied, “You don’t have to be ‘the type’. You just have to be someone who cares.”

Photo looked away, and closed her eyes. She took a couple of deep breaths and pondered things for a moment before finally asking in a tired voice, “Alright…alright…do you know where Soonset Schimmer is right now?”

The pair plodded down the hallway for what seemed to Photo like an eternity.

“Urghh, I so hate this renovation schtuf," she said more to herself than anyone else, “I mean really, vhy did they put the science labs so far away? Are they afraid zhat zhey will bloo up the place or zomething?”

“Uh, well, I think someone did raise that as an issue,” Pinkie replied, “but just think of it as a great opportunity to talk. I mean I really don’t know that much about you. You know like what your favorite color is; or when’s your birthday; or why you always wear those glasses; or why you like photography so much…

“Not now Pinkie…” Photo replied.

“…Or where you were born; or whether you like German more than English; or what your favorite flavor of birthday cake is…oh wow I guess I’m stuck on the birthday thing today huh…” Pinkie continued.

“Schtop it Pinkie!” Photo warned.

“…or what your favorite band is; and if you have a boyfriend…” Pinkie answered.

Photo covered her ears, and began chanting “La la la la la…I am not listening to ze Pinkie girl…but she iz shtill talking…why iz zhe shtill talking…”

Suddenly, Pinkie went silent, and Photo turned to find Applejack and Rarity had joined them, and that Applejack had her hand over Pinkie’s mouth, and two fingers over her own mouth.

Pinkie carefully removed Applejack’s hand and said, “Oh, I’m talking too much. Sorry…”

“Works every time”, Applejack said with a smile.

“Now darling,” Rarity said to Photo, “what in the world is going on between you and Bold Venture? And since when did you start picking fights?”

Photo’s jaw dropped, and she shook her head in amazement. “Picking fightz?” she answered, “Vhat are you talking about? I vaz not looking for a fight. He waz being a jerk to your friend Tvilight, and I culled him out.”

“But…I don’t understand,” Rarity answered, “that is certainly not what he told me. Are you sure that you didn’t inadvertently say something wrong. You do have a talent for being…how shall I say it…undiplomatic at times.”

Photo gave an angry growl, and was going to reply when another girl approached.

“Hey gals,” Sunset Shimmer, “What’s up?”

And then she looked closer at the stranger in their midst.

“Ohhh…,” she said with a nervous laugh, “…hey Photo. Great to see you…sorta. Wow…we haven’t talked since that little incident…with the camera…in the locker room.”

“Oh yes,” Photo replied, “Indeed. And thank you Mizz Schimmer for taking the time to remind me that I really do have a good reazon not to like you.” She finished her statement with a smile, which was promptly answered by a sharp elbow in the ribs from Rarity.

“So,” Sunset continued, “What brings all of you out here to this neck of the woods?”

“Well, Photo here needed to talk to you about Twilight,” Pinkie answered.

“Oh please….” Rarity interjected, “I can’t believe that there’s a real problem here. Supposedly, Twilight is having some sort of issue with Bold Venture. But I’m sure that someone here…” she said looking at Photo, who gave her an angry glare, “…is just exaggerating the issue.”

“Exaggerating?” Photo answered, “He waz all in her face and practically shtanding in her zhoes!”

“Hmm,” Applejack added, “I can imagine Twi getting into a spot like that. She is a little on the quiet side. And she really aint one to be rude…even when she should be.”

“Oh…I can’t believe this. It just doesn’t sound like my friend,” Rarity protested, “I mean…he’s just been such a sweet heart, especially when he asked me to the prom. And Sunset, really…you were with Twilight at lunch. Did she say anything about this?”

Sunset had a troubled look on her face, and thought about it for a moment or two before replying, “Well…not really. But, that’s not really unusual for her. She doesn’t always give clues as to when she’s having problems. She’s a bit odd that way.” She paused and sighed, “I guess I’d better talk to her.”

“Ohhh…I can not believe this,” Rarity answered, “Why in the world wouldn’t she tell you?”

Sunset didn’t answer, but Applejack just shook her head. “Rars, I don’t figure that there’s any great mystery here. It may just be good old fashioned pride. I mean yeah, this place can be kinda harsh at times, but it’s nuthin compared to Chrystal Prep. If the poor thing doesn’t feel that she can handle this place…then, well...”

The group walked together awhile, finally stopping outside an otherwise unremarkable door twenty feet further down the hallway. It was plain, except for the number at the top, and a handwritten sign taped midway up proclaiming ”Mad Scientist At Work”.

“Ohhh…”, Rarity said, “That is a terrible thing to post. I just have to wonder who would do such a thing?”

Sunset raised her hand.

“Uh well,” she explained, “it’s my way of reminding myself not to just walk in too casually. You never know just what she’s doing in there.”

She knocked on the door.

“Hey Twi…sweety, it’s me,” she announced, “can we come in?”

There was a sound of clattering glass, and furniture being moved, before finally a quiet voice was heard.
“Oh…uh…of course...j-just...uh... don’t freak out, alright?”

"Hmmm," Applejack pondered out loud, "now that sure don't inspire a heap of confidence."

Sunset gestured to the others to wait as she turned the door handle and cautiously entered the room.

The others looked around warily, not sure what to expect next…when all of a sudden Sunset burst back through the door. She immediately grabbed the edge of the door and slammed it shut, throwing her shoulder onto the wood surface like her very life depended on it. She then screamed at the top of her lungs “TWILIGHT SPARKLE, WHAT IN TARTARUS DID YOU DO!!!”

From, inside came a small voice saying “Sunny…aw com’on, I’m already having a really rotten day. I…well…I had a little accident.”


“Sunny,” Twilight answered, “I'm well aware that I’ve got a rat tail! Please…I need your help!”


There was quiet for a moment, and then a clearly audible frustrated sigh before Twilight’s voice was heard, “Uh...well…don’t.”

“BINGO!!” Sunset yelled back.

“Sunny…I really don’t think that it’s as bad as it looks,” Twilight replied.

“Urghh…Twi, nothing is as bad as this looks!” Sunset replied.

The other girls looked at each other uncomfortably, not sure exactly what to do. Photo Finish though walked up to Sunset and put her hand on the other girls shoulder, and said, “A quick qwestion before you zay ze wrong thing to your girl. Miss Schimmer…you being an imaginative person, tell me, is a rat tail the wurst potential malfungktion you can pozzibly imagine, given what you know of majik? ”

“Are you kidding?” Sunset shot back, “Really! What could possibly be worse than a damn…” She paused, suddenly lost in thought, and then grimaced and said, "Oh eww...I just thought of something worse.”

She let go of the door. It immediately flew open, and Twilight Sparkle tumbled out into the hallway. The group reacted with a collective gasp. She literally had a rat tail poking out from under her skirt.

Twilight hurriedly stood up and looked Sunset in the eye. Clearly embarrassed, she said, “Uh...thank you.”

Sunset folded her arms in front of her and replied “You're welcome, I think.” Then she put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder and said, “Come on, let’s go try and figure out what you did. And you can tell me about your day. And please actually tell me about your day, o.k.?”

The pair turned towards the door and walked into the lab, while the group outside started to move on. This lasted for but a moment before a loud thud came out of the room, accompanied by the rattling of glass wear.

“Owwww!” Sunset was heard to yell as the group moved back to the open doorway to see Sunset Shimmer face first on the floor, with Twilight standing alongside.

“Awww…Twilight…what’s on the damn floor!?!” she yelled.

“Well…chocolate milk. I had a pint on the counter. You knocked it over when you ran out the first time,” Twilight answered.

Sunset got up on her knees, and tried to examine the problem. The watchers outside couldn’t see for sure, but the implication was that the front of her shirt was stuck to her skin. “Oh…this is so gross,” Sunset was heard saying as her friends moved in to help.

Photo Finish watched the debacle from the outside, trying hard to stop laughing as she slowly moved away.

“Hey Photo!” came the call almost as soon as she turned her back on the scene. She slowly whirled about and saw Pinkie once again standing within inches of her.

She groaned at the sight and took a step back before asking, “Vhat? V-Vhat do you vant exactly? The message is sent, the girls are talking, all iz right with the vorld.”

“Well, I just wanted to say thanks,” Pinkie replied. She came over to Photo, wrapped her arms around the smaller girl and hugged her tightly.

Photo had to wince a bit as Pinkie’s hug got a bit too tight, but as she slowly released her she answered with a furious blush “Uh…vell, y-you are velcome.”

Pinkie then turned back to help Sunset, while Photo watched. After she disappeared inside the lab, Photo stood there for a second smiling, and then took a deep breath, turned, and made her way down the hallway to her last class of the day.

Photo slowly made adjustments to the background lighting until she finally got what she was looking for. She leaned back in her chair, and smiled at the result. As she did, Pip looked over her shoulder.

“Wow,” he said in a hushed voice, “that is bloody brilliant.”

“Zhank you,” Photo replied, “It is all fairly elementary, but it is still eazy to mezz up if you don’t do it right.”

“Well, it helps that Twilight Sparkle doesn’t need much touchup,” Pip answered, “I do wonder though why does she still wear her hair like that?”

“I am not zertain,” Photo replied, “It may just be zhat she doezn’t want to rizk it when she’s in her new lab. Did I tell you about the zign on the door? Hummph…one must wonder if we haven’t brought the next Dr. Frankenstein to our midzt.” She chuckled a bit to herself at the thought.

“Oh well indeed,” Pip replied, “How did everything go with Sunset and friends? Were there any problems?”

“Uh…no… no not really,” Photo replied, trying not to encourage too much discussion, “It was juzt average.”

The conversation went quiet after that as the pair finished up. Photo up loaded the file, and then plugged a flash drive into the port on the front of the computer and initiated the file download.

“My…I wasn’t sure that anyone still used flash drives,” Pip said with a smile.

Photo turned her head, and gave him a dirty look, maybe. ‘Who can tell’ he thought.

“Give me a minute here, and I vill be done,” Photo said in a hushed voice, “Zen I can zheck my postings.”

Once she had what she wanted, she closed the program and moved over to the web. Pip moved off and began packing up his books. He was pretty much finished and was closing up his backpack when he looked over and saw that Photo had her
eyes glued to the screen, her body tensing up as she read over the messages she had gotten.

“Uhmm…well, everything all right in social media?” he asked.

“Oh…of course…zimply fabulous…a relatively benign message from yourz truly…and it was benign, has been answered…mostly by friends apparently of a zertain someone, and you would not believe zhe colorful language. Apparently they came in on Miss Rarity’s account, and you would be impressed at the many times the b word is used against youz truly. It is astounding…truly astounding,” Photo answered, the stress in her voice clearly evident.

She shut the computer down, slowly stood up from her chair, and began packing up her things. Pip didn’t dare move as she picked up her pack and slung it over her back. That only left her chair, and she stood before it for a moment before she grabbed onto it with both hands and threw it against the adjoining cabinet as hard as she could.

“Pip,” she said barely holding herself back, “Ah yez, zhis morning...my mistake. I know now vhat I should have done…I SHOULD HAVE KIZZED THE ROTTEN ZNAKE!!!”

She then turned quickly and stormed out of the room before the librarian could react. It was only then that Pip jumped up and quickly straightened out the chair, taking a moment to examine the cabinet. It had a small dent in the facing from catching the chair leg. He did his best to conceal the damage, just in time for the librarian’s assistant to come and look. She paced around the perimeter, and finally stopped in front of Pip and asked, “Bad day?”

Pip shrugged his shoulders and replied “That's my best guess.”

“Uh huh…” came the reply.

When she had gone, Pip restarted the computer and after a few minutes, was able to find Photo’s post. He was surprised at first, it was by her standards quite tame, merely speaking of having an interesting morning. It was answered by her friend Rarity, and any number of others piggybacked on her comment. Most of the names were unfamiliar to him, and some were obvious aliases. And then there were two comments from other members of the a/v club, with language that was even worse than what was reported.

“Oh bloody freakin' hell,” he said to himself, “Has everyone gone certifiably mad?”

He threw his head back, and tried to figure out what to do next. He was tempted to join the conversation, but he didn’t think that anything he would say would help.

“I’m sorry dearheart,” he said mostly to himself, “but it would appear that even snakes have friends.” He looked down again at the screen, puzzling over his options.

Author's Note: