• Published 21st May 2017
  • 856 Views, 22 Comments

The Good Fight - CoyoteXray

When Sci-Twi has issues with an aggressive suitor, could her best ally be...Photo Finish?

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7. "...with a little help from my friends" part 2

Photo paused and tried to think the whole thing through. She needed some sort of plan, but she had no idea where to begin. Why else would Rarity have gone off with the mystery man, if it wasn’t by force? But what force, and what could she do about it? And why didn’t anyone else seem to have slightest interest in all this but her? Could she be getting this all wrong?

She took a deep breath, raised her eyes back towards her goal and once more got moving.

“Hey Photo!” came a call from behind her. Photo wheeled about to face Pixel and Violet, who stood before her, each in what looked like their worst clothes possible. “Just what the hell is going on?” Violet asked, “Pinkie is running in circles looking for Copper, saying something about Rarity being in trouble.”

Photo looked about, obviously confused. “Vhat about your dates? Vhy are you alone?” she asked.

Violet just shook her head, and replied, “Don’t ask. Let’s just say dating a jock has some drawbacks. So…could you just tell us what the hell is going on?”

Photo tilted her head back, collected her thoughts, and answered slowly, “I zhink zhat Bold Venture has taken Rarity down ze hall, maybe to ze locker rooms. To do vhat, I do not know. I am going to find out. If you are curious by zome odd chance, you are velcome to accompany me. Oothervise, you are free to schtand back and vatch me get pounded into zhe ground if ZHAT iz your choice! But, vone way or ze other, I am going to find out!”

Photo watched her friend’s reaction, expecting the worst. What she got surprised her. Pixel turned partly away, apparently trying to avoid any eye contact. Violet though crossed her arms and pondered the situation before bringing her hands together in a time out signal. “Do you know for sure that it’s Venture?“ she asked.

Photo shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I am not zertain, but I zhink so.”

Violet then looked to Pixel, and then back towards Photo and answered, “O.k., let’s go find out.”

Photo’s arms dropped to her sides, and she looked almost dumbstruck for a second before a smile slowly grew on her face. Her smile was returned by Violet, who then turned towards Pixel. She seemed to shrink under the gaze of her friends.

“You’re kidding right?” Pixel asked, “Us take on Venture? Are you nuts?”

Violet put her hands on her hips, and gave her friend a stern look and said, “Come on Pix, sisterhood…remember?”

“Well…it’s not going to be quite that easy,” Pixel replied, her body language making her discomfort obvious, “Let’s just say that Venture and I have a…well…bit of a history.”

The other girls both gave her a look of horror. “Oh please…” Violet questioned, clearly blindsided by what she heard, “Don’t tell me you…!”

“What? No…of course not!” Pixel shot back, cutting off her friend. “We haven’t done it! But…I mean…come on…he was new…he didn’t know anybody. I just kinda…well…introduced him to a few…girls. I mean…he seemed o.k….mostly.”

No one answered at first, but Violet crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Photo though moved over and put her hands on Pixel’s shoulders and said, “Pixel, I do not care about what happened before. I need your help now. Vill you help me?”

Pixel thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. Violet then reached out and took Pixel’s hand and led her down towards the hall, while Pixel could only mutter, “Oh, this is going to suck. I just know it.”

Rarity and her nemesis moved down the hallway, moving quickly enough that it was hard to even try and catch the attention of those they passed. Finally they reached the door of the girl’s locker room, he flipped on the light switch and she was pushed inside. She stumbled down the passage until he finally let her go. She instinctively took a moment to try to compose herself before she turned to her attacker. But instantly she saw the gun in her face, and the bearer squeezing the trigger. A noticeable mechanical sound emanated from the weapon and a strong stream of water then hit her in the face, which sent her reeling and clouded her vision.

She struggled for a minute or two, trying to dry her face on her sleeves. By the time her vision cleared, she could make out her enemy holding a cell phone out in front of her, clearly filming the whole scene as she struggled. She moved closer and faced him head on and yelled, “What in blue blazes was that all about!?!”

Venture laughed, and replied, “If you really have to ask, than you’re twice as dippy as I ever imagined.”

“Oh really?” Rarity answered, “Tell me, how do you think that compares with accosting someone out of a crowd at gunpoint just for some stupid stunt? And if Copper sees you with that…thing, she’s going to SHOOT YOU!”

“Oh right…it's not even real!” he answered with his trademark smirk.

Rarity’s jaw practically hit the floor and she clenched up and gave an audible growl before finally she fired back, “SHE’S NOT GOING TO TAKE YOUR WORD FOR IT YOU MORON!!” Rarity paused and threw her arms in the air before continuing. “Next time darling, may I suggest you try picking one that actually looks like a toy, and not like it just came out of my father’s gun safe!” She paused, and brought her hands together, trying to calm down before she continued through gritted teeth, “So… just what did I do exactly to justify this insanity, besides cancel a prom date that neither one of us could have gone on anyway?”

“What the hell else do you need?” he answered, “You really didn’t think that you’d just walk away from all this did you!?!”

“Believe it or not…YES!” Rarity fired back, “What on earth were you expecting!?! After your ludicrous performance this week, I didn’t want to be seen with you anyway! Did you really think that you deserved some sort of reward for terrorizing one of my best friends and making me look like a damn fool?”

“Yeah right,” Venture responded, “you weren’t complaining much when I gave you the chance to play glamor queen at the prom! How else does one explain the way you helped out in all this so called harassment!?!”

“Oh my,” Rarity replied, with more than a bit of sarcasm, “I will grant you that I was seeing only what I wanted to…but I guess if you really want an explanation…how about MY PROM DATE WANTED TO MEET MY FRIEND!!” She then turned and tried to leave, but he quickly blocked her way.

“We’re not through here,” Venture growled, and pushed her back.

The trio had listened outside the door for several minutes.

“Ladies,” Violet said in a loud whisper, “this is not going to get any easier. Let’s go!”

The other two both nodded their heads and moved behind Violet. But they hadn’t moved more than a couple of feet before Pixel signaled and stopped them in their tracks. She then moved into the lead position and quickly pulled out her phone and began punching up something on the screen. The others watched while she completed her task. She then looked back at Photo and pointed to her own face. Photo couldn’t decide what she meant at first, but then it dawned on her, her sunglasses. She reached up and took hold of the bows, and slowly pulled them off. She looked at them for a moment before she put them in her pocket. Not a word was said, but the message was clear. This was probably going to get ugly.

Rarity turned her head and looked at Bold Venture. She then asked in an almost emotionless voice, “And just what exactly do you have in mind sir, because I think that we’ve said enough.”

“Good,” Venture answered in a mocking tone, “Now you’re finally asking the right questions. What do I want you ask?” He turned and took a couple of steps before looking back to her and continuing, “I want an apology.”

“For… what… exactly?” Rarity answered, barely holding herself back.

“Wasting my time,” Venture responded, “this should have been a simple transaction. But you screwed it up.”

“Transaction…?” Rarity growled back, “…what…for…what? The only ‘transaction’ should have been a date for the damn prom. What else did you expect for crying out loud?”

“Oh please,” Venture answered, “Don’t flatter yourself; you’re not that great a catch.”

Rarity was speechless. She could only just stand there, her mouth open, looking like she was on the verge of bursting into tears. It seemed like an eternity before she could respond. “So,” she finally answered, “if I wasn’t the goal, who or what was?”

"Sparkle of course!!” Venture replied, “You know…someone with not nearly as much damn mileage!”

“Mileage…” she said in a small voice. “Mileage?” she repeated, a bit stronger this time. She shook her head in disbelief. “Just what the hell difference would that make? Oh my…oh yes…it makes sense now doesn’t it,” she continued, “and I’m sure that it…probably would never have occurred to you that someone like me might actually be a…” She paused, and her expression hardened, “But that’s not the point, is it? Not when you’re only out for bragging rights. Well, I guess it’s all clear now. Oh yes sir…I did indeed overestimate you. And to think that when this day started, I only thought that you were an unprincipled, sociopathic, self-indulgent vermin. And now…I learn that your also so damn ego challenged that you can’t possibly risk dealing with any girl out there who might actually have a damn clue what she’s doing…”

“Dammit…!!” Venture exclaimed as his hand came out and slapped her across her face, “…SHUT THE HELL UP!!!”

Rarity just stood there for a minute trying somehow to comprehend what had just happened. He had caught her across the left side of her jaw, twisting her head sideways with the blow, and throwing her off balance for a second or two. She took a moment to work her jaw to access the damage. She couldn’t decide at first what hurt more, her face or the muscles in her neck. It took her moment to try to steady herself before she could make eye contact again.

“Now…we’re done,” Venture said with a smirk.

From their position in the adjoining hall, Pixel who stood by the door, keeping the camera of her phone towards the action, while Violet, who was in the rear, looked towards Photo as the debacle played out. It was clear that Photo had seen it all, she had clenched up and her expression was filled with tension as she mumbled under her breath, “No…no…no…no…”

Meanwhile, Rarity stood before her attacker, not bothering to take the time to fix her hair, and answered, “I don’t think this is over quite yet darling, though I think I owe you a thank you. Maybe now I can finally look Twilight Sparkle in the eye again.” She then moved a bit closer, squared herself up, and said, “And as for your little demonstration, let me make one thing clear to you sir. You…hit…like a girl!”

Venture’s expression in a matter of seconds went from shock to white hot anger, and he reared back to deliver a much harder blow, when from out of the hallway burst Photo Finish, who screamed “NO!!” and grabbed onto his arm, making sure to get as much of her weight on it as possible in order to stop him. The other girls quickly followed, positioning themselves between Venture and Rarity.

Rarity was momentarily stunned by what happened, but quickly recovered. She moved a bit sideways towards Photo and stated clearly, “Darling, this was not necessary. I had this under control.”

Photo immediately glared back at her and yelled, “ZHIS… IS NOT CONTROL!!” She then slowly released her grip on Venture’s arm and straightened up.

“Well well,” Venture spoke, “the Queen of the Comeback, and her consort…how nice.” He then looked closer. “Well indeed, the little dictator actually does have eyes.”

For a moment, Photo felt very uncertain about what she had done. Venture was always big, but never as much as he was now. Fortunately, he turned his attention to the others.

“Pixel?” he asked as he noticed the carefully aimed cell phone in her hand, “what are you doing?”

“Oh just...transmitting,” she answered, “y-you wouldn’t believe how great the wi-fi is around here these days.”

Venture turned and advanced on Pixel and asked, “Transmitting what exactly? Are you actually threatening me Pixel?” He only got a few steps closer before Photo blocked his way.

“She did not mean anyzhing!” she answered Venture, “We just vant to leave…nozthing more. Zhis conversation iz over!”

Venture leaned down and looked Photo in the eye, and said, “I don’t know what you think you’re pulling, but your friend isn’t setting up my ass.”

Pixel answered, “Venture…you are y-your…own worst problem. I’m just the…camera person.”

Photo quickly stepped in front of Pixel’s phone camera and said, “I… do not care about any of that. My friendz and I just vant to leave…please.”

Venture went silent, a trace of fear showing in his eyes as he was clearly at a loss. But he smiled again and then folded his arms across his chest and answered, “Oh my…try ‘want’ on for size…just once. Why do you always talk like you have a mouth full of manure?”

Photo took a deep breath, and then looked up at him and answered, “Yez…thank you Mr. Venture for reminding me of my achxent; yes, I had almozt forgotten about it.” She then turned back and began the process of herding her friends in the direction of the door.

As Violet walked past Photo, she said, “He’s trying to get under your skin.” Photo looked up, and nodded.

“So…that’s it?” Venture continued, “no righteous indignation, no flowery speeches, you just think that you’re going to walk out with a trump card…and join up with that little puke boyfriend of yours? Yeah right…I can see why you two got together. I guess we don’t have to wonder who’s going to be on top in that pairing, do we girls? Ah yes…the bitch…and her bitch.”

The girls stopped short, and all but Photo turned back and looked at Venture. “What in the world do you think that you’re accomplishing by doing this? Rarity asked.

Venture smiled, taking note of the direction of Pixels camera and replied, “Just stating my case. I mean, you girls supposedly got me hitting someone, I guess I’m screwed. What else can I do really?” He walked over behind Photo, and grabbed onto her left shoulder. He then extended his right arm and rested the index finger on Photo’s right shoulder. “Since that’s how it has to be…this may be your one great chance there Eva,” he said as his finger began tracing its way across her shoulder from right to left, up under her hair, and across to the other side, “And don’t think that I haven’t noticed that you have almost the exact same eye color as Sparkle. They’re actually almost pretty. But…with the rep that you’re going to have after this…maybe it would be a good idea if WE did the deed. It may be your last chance…” He traced again, stopping under her hair at the zipper of her dress. He then began tracing it down her back, pressing down just enough to feel every curve and contour.

The other girls looked on in horror as they watched Photo clinch up as he did his deed. Her head went down, her eyes closed tight, her teeth clinched, and her breath came out in tortured hisses.

When he had reached the bottom, he let brought his right hand back up and asked, “So…what do you think?”

Photo looked up and saw her friends. The only reaction beyond horror was from Rarity, who shook her head, somehow sensing what Photo’s reaction would be.

Photo turned slowly, and caught hold of Venture’s left hand. “Mr. Venture,” she began, “You...are perfectly free in this country, as you keep reminding me, of schpeaking your mind, even if it is about my imperfect attempts to master the muddled illogical mezz that you can zomehow refer to as a language. And…you are free, as you zay, to criticize my dear friend Pip. I am not vorried, he can very well defend himself. I believe in him, unrezervedly.” She had his hand in both of hers, and she slowly let her left hand drift down to his wrist, while her right hand slowly drifted up towards the ends of his fingers. She then let her fingers move between his until she settled on the middle finger. She then took hold of it, as her other hand took hold of his wrist, and in an instant forced the finger back as hard as she possibly could.

Venture slowly went to his knees as she continued to force the finger back. Finally she said, “But zir, zhere is one thing I vill not tolerate under any zircumstance. You zir…will never…ever…TOUCH ME!!! DO YOU UNDERSHTAND ME!!!”

“I got it…DAMMIT…I GOT IT!!!” Venture practically screamed as the pain got the better of him.

Photo took a quick look to her friends, and then answered slowly and carefully, “Thank you very much.” She then let him go. The pair stayed in the same position for a moment, as if not sure what to do next. Then Venture slowly got back on his feet.

“Photo, let’s get the hell out of here,” Violet implored. Photo turned to look her way, and took her attention off Venture. It was when her head was turning back towards him that he hit her.

The hard blow from his right caught her just below her left eye. Her neck snapped back and she immediately lost her balance, tumbling over backwards till the back of her head bounced off the cement wall behind her. He quickly followed with a left to her midsection, which caught her in the ribs.

“OH SHIT!!!” Violet cried out, and both her and Rarity immediately launched themselves from the comparative safety of the doorway to try to intervene. Already the scene had deteriorated as Venture went for her throat and Photo fought back with anything she had.

“Venture you damn fool, get off of her!” Rarity cried, as both her and Violet pulled with all they had trying to separate the pair. Finally they broke his hold, and seeing Photo had been freed, Rarity cried, “DARLING…GET OUT OF HERE!!!”

Photo laid there for a second, still trying to catch her breath before she scrambled out from under him and got up and ran for the door. Venture, seeing her escape, pulled Rarity in closer, and got his hand on her face, and with all his might shoved her away, breaking her grip on him. He then turned to Violet, grabbed her arm, and threw her across the room before he went in pursuit.

Meanwhile Pixel had reached the hallway when Photo came dashing out. She tried to flag her, but Photo didn’t pause, she just kept running. “Oh crap,” she said to herself. It was then that Venture came through the door. He turned to pursue, but at the last second, Pixel caught his leg in hers and tripped him up.

Venture almost hit the floor, but managed to catch himself. Once he had recovered, he turned quickly to Pixel and grabbed the cell phone that she still had in her hand, and threw it as hard as he could against the wall, where a loud cracking sound announced its demise. He then turned back to Pixel and pointed to her and said, “You’re next you rotten cunt!” before he once more turned and went after his prey.

Pixel, stunned, could only watch him go, but as he left she spotted something shoved in the back of his pants. ‘Oh my God,’ she thought, ‘is that a…’

Meanwhile, Photo had finally gotten back to the auditorium, stumbling her way through the double doors. Her head was throbbing, she could feel the swelling of her left cheek, and her heart was pounding in her chest, but she couldn’t stop.

“FINISH…YOU ROTTEN BITCH…I’M GOING TO KICK YOUR FRIGGIN ASS!!” came the call from behind her as Venture burst through the door. It was only then that Photo realized that there was no music at the moment, and everyone in the room had heard him. Instantly, the area around her cleared, as couples moved swiftly to the side, while some, both male and female, watched intently, waiting for what, she did not know. She heard someone approach from behind her and she instinctively threw her right elbow back in defense, catching whomever it was directly in the face. The stranger quickly fell back, leaving Photo to deal with her other problem.

Venture approached Photo slowly. He knew that he only had a moment to do what he wished before someone intervened. But he would worry about defending his actions later. He had to make an example of her. He continued to approach, a smile growing on his face. But to his surprise, she didn’t retreat. Instead she squared up, and assumed a somewhat shaky version of a fighting stance, apparently readying herself to duke it out.

There was no real logic in Photo’s actions by now. Yes there was fear, plenty of it. But there was also frustration, and anger. She felt like a fox suddenly confronted by a wolf. She knew there was no chance, but she had to try, somehow, to make her adversary pay some sort of a price…

…or at least that was the plan…until she spotted a large adult male appearing over Venture’s shoulder, with bluish hair, and wearing a suit jacket…who upon seeing something she couldn’t…reach for something on his waist…while shouting at the top of his lungs…


Venture stopped short, as the crowd instantly ran for the extreme ends of the building. The words…”Oh shit…” escaped his lips as he saw Copper Top approaching from behind Photo. She was accompanied by Pinkie Pie, whom she quickly pushed aside as she drew her sidearm. Venture peeked back over his shoulder, and saw the man behind him had also drawn on him.

“Venture…I don’t know what the hell you’re doing here, but listen to me!” Copper called out to him, “You will do EXACTLY what I say…no argument!”

“It’s a toy dammit!” Venture answered.

“I DON’T CARE!!” Copper answered, and then looked to her backup. “Where is it!?!” she called out.

“Shoved in the back of his damn pants!” was the reply.

“Alright then…,” Copper continued, “Now listen carefully! Stay exactly where you are! Keep your hands where I can see them!” She paused to check for compliance, and when she was satisfied, she signaled her backup, who slowly worked his way around the perimeter, trying to maintain a consistent sight picture and distance. It seemed to take forever, but finally he was about six feet to her right. She waited to make sure the field of fire was clear and then she nodded to her helper. She then holstered her pistol and brought out her Taser, and took aim at Venture.

Photo retreated back a few steps, and was promptly grabbed around her arms. She tried to fight the strong furry arms around her, until a voice said, “Dammit girl, now you calm yurself, you hear me!” She recognized the voice as Applejack, and she turned her head slightly to see that familiar freckled face, almost lost in the midst of a lion costume of all things. “Now listen here Sugar, I’m not the enemy…I’m the damn cavalry! You got it?” Photo nodded, and let the larger girl pull her out of danger.

“You guys are making a big mistake,” Venture told Copper, “My dad’s going to roast your damn asses.”

“Shut up Venture!” Copper answered, “Now…put your hands on top of your head and interlace your fingers!”

“Oh this is such bullshit!” Venture fired back. “Alright…you want to see this damn thing?!?” he continued as he reached behind his back. He stopped short as a red point of light suddenly appeared on his chest.

“NO!!” Copper shouted back, “HANDS ON YOUR DAMN HEAD!! DO IT NOW!!!”

Venture continued to stand there, considering his options. It’s hard to say what finally got him to change his mind, maybe it was that his thin black clothing wouldn’t stop the probes that would be shot out from Copper’s weapon, or just how many of the people around him were sharing the whole debacle online. But finally he gave in and complied, and slowly the other officer approached. The detective then slowly worked his way around to where he could get control of Venture’s hands, and locked them together with his own. He then holstered his weapon and forced Venture to his knees, and only then removed the “weapon” from Venture’s pants.

“Oh lovely,” he said to Copper, “a damn squirt gun.”

“I told you idiots it was a fake,” Venture said with a smile.

“Oh yes darling,” came a voice from the side. Venture looked and saw Rarity, much closer than she probably should have been, who added, “…and you made that so plain to me when you SHOVED THE DAMN THING INTO MY BACK!!”

“RARITY!!” Copper yelled, while she tried to maintain her aim, “Dammit…would you kindly give me a minute for crying out loud!” Thankfully, Violet quickly came forward, and pulled Rarity to the side as Venture was finally handcuffed. Only then did Copper put her weapon away and approach in order to move Venture out of the room.

Photo was finally released by Applejack. She tried to catch her breath, but as she looked down, she could see how her hands continued to shake. It was then that Venture was escorted towards the door in handcuffs. He didn’t say a word, but instead only stared at her as he passed.

Some part of Photo wanted to get in a good snarky comment as he passed, but she couldn’t find her voice in that moment. All she could say to herself was, "Abschied Mister Venture... und Good Riddance."

She then turned to look around at the crowd, and saw a young gentleman with his head back, obviously nursing a bloody nose, while Fluttershy held a handkerchief pinched over his nostrils. She instantly recognized the victim as Pip, and she turned and slowly approached the pair.

“Oh…here we go…,” Fluttershy said in a quiet voice as she monitored the situation. “I think we’ve gotten it under control. You know…you really should try to be a bit more careful about running into the middle of a fight like that.”

“Uh…yes,” Pip replied, his voice still distorted by his pinched nose, “Thank you…I’ll try to remember that.” He stopped short when he saw Photo and quickly parted company with Fluttershy, pausing only to wipe a last trace of blood away. The poor girl looked almost despondent as she arrived.

“Ohh…” she said in a small voice, “Pip…pleaze tell me zhat I did not do that to you.”

The poor boy just stood there, trying desperately to think of what to say. Finally he answered,” Well...oh blast it, I truly wish that I could. But...actually...I think that since all this happened because I followed the same plan twice in the space of thirty minutes in regards to you…" he sighed before continuing, "and cocked it up both times…so I rather doubt that I’ve got much room to be cross.” Pip smiled and slowly moved towards her, but noticing that she was favoring her right side, he came in on her left and wrapped his arm around her and held her close, while she rested her head on his shoulder.

Author's Note:

Here it is. And my apologies to all law enforcement personnel reading this. The way I described things is almost certainly not the best way to handle this particular situation. And I hope all the German speakers out there can be kind. I had to try twice to get the right translation, and I'm still not sure I did.