• Published 21st May 2017
  • 854 Views, 22 Comments

The Good Fight - CoyoteXray

When Sci-Twi has issues with an aggressive suitor, could her best ally be...Photo Finish?

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6. "...with a little help from my friends" part 1

So where would the next confrontation develop? Would she even make it across the vestibule before someone tripped her up, or knocked her down, or worse? She quickened her pace and was finally able to reach the adjoining hallway. But there was no escape from the crush of people around her. She paused a moment and took a couple of deep breaths, and tried to think. There was no way to know for sure if Venture was actually there, but it was a chance she couldn’t take. She had to assume that she was still number one on his target list. And that meant that promises aside, she needed to go, and if it hurt her standing in the a/v club, so be it.

But then she thought about Pip. She had to admit that if Rarity’s suspicions were correct; her night had gotten far more complicated. How did she feel about this? It was flattering, intriguing, and disconcerting all at the same time. Poor timing aside, how could she leave before dealing with the question? She stopped and pondered it for a moment, but the more she thought about, the clearer it became that there was no option. Whatever her feelings, complicated as they were, she owed him at least that much.

She moved on through the multitudes, her head on a swivel, before rounding a corner and finally spotting him. He was doing just what one would expect, setting up a shot with three couples stacked on top of each other trying to get that perfect grouping. As expected, he was wearing an elegant dark blue tux, with the only defect being that someone had stuck a piece of paper on his back that marked him as “Super Doofus.”

Suddenly, a sound caught her ear, and she turned to look. She spotted the black clad figure from before, ducking quickly into the adjoining hallway. In an instant her heart was pounding, and she was looking about for the nearest exit. Then…something touched her shoulder…

She yelped, and turned to meet her attacker, her arms flailing outward in defense. The only thing that faced her was Pip, who recoiled back. The two of them looked at each other for a moment, not sure how to proceed before Pip could speak.

“Well,” he finally said, “I’ll grant you that I should have announced myself. But…what the deuce was that all about?”

Photo raised her head and tried to shake off some of the nervous energy that coursed through her before she looked again to her friend and answered, “Take my advice…do not ask!”

This caused Pip to recoil back even further, and reply sheepishly, “Oh…sorry.” He then took a deep breath and put his arms behind his back, stood up straight, and reported, “Uhmm…Pinkie is here, and demand for our services seems to be decent, in spite of the selfies. You can…of course…join in if you wish, or not, whatever sounds good to you.”

Photo wasn’t sure how to respond. It was obvious that she had overreacted. She took a couple of steps closer to Pip, and replied, “My apologies to you. My friend, in schpite of ze appearance, I do not bite; not even if you were into zuch thingz.” It was then that she noticed his untied tie, draped around his neck. “It appears zhat someone really zhould take care of zhat tie of yourz. Let me help you.”

“Oh…thank you,” he replied, and he grabbed hold of the camera he was wearing and lifted it up over his head to free up the strap. He then wrapped the strap around his hand, and then put his hands, including the camera, behind his back.

Photo then moved closer, and began tying his tie. “You are lucky my friend zhat my papa taught me how to do zhis. Zhough zhey are making a comeback, bow tizes are shtill not as popular as they once were.” Pip went quiet as she worked, but she could feel that he was agitated. His breathing had quickened, and he was biting his lower lip. His eyes though were fixed squarely on her, and…was he blushing?

After a few moments of silence, he finally asked, “I know that it’s a sore subject, but…is anything wrong?”

Photo sighed, and answered, “Only if you have a prooblem with sharing ze danze floor with a znake.”

Pip pondered the question for moment, and then his jaw dropped before he asked, “Venture’s here?” His head went back, and he gritted his teeth and gave an angry hiss. “Oh bloody friggin’ hell,” he continued, “I swear that rat bastard must truly think that the bird of paradise is his personal damn pet.”

Photo gave a harrumph. “I joost wish that ze bird vould take a doomp on his head.”

She tried to continue, but Pip’s chortling to himself stopped her. “Oh pleaze...it vas not zhat funny,” she protested.

“Yes it was,” he replied barely stifling a laugh, “and spot on too. Dear girl, you truly do have a gift for sarcasm.”

Photo smiled at these words, and decided not to reply. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and went back and finally finished her task. “There you are my friend,” she announced, “you look….” She paused, and carefully looked over the person in front of her. She couldn’t quite say what was catching her eye, his sharp tux; his large brown eyes almost lost behind his unruly bangs; or his warm engaging smile. Whatever it was, all she knew for sure was that it was now her turn to blush.

“Ohh...you look,” she tried again, struggling a bit before she finally said the word that she thought most appropriate,”...beautiful.”

“Oh my…uh...thank you," he replied with a nervous chuckle. "Oh...well yes...uh...so do you by the way. Oh...and thank you for not taking too many points off for my laughing at a poop joke.” His reply brought both of them a laugh, which lingered far longer than either expected before they could finally make eye contact again. When she did, she noticed that his smile had faded, and he asked, “So, have I got you in a bind by being here?”

Photo shrugged and answered, “I do not know. It depends on him. Dancez in general are a zore subject for me anyvay, so this joost makes it worze.”

Pip looked at the people passing by, and then gestured to Photo to move towards the wall, and out of the walking path. On arriving, he slung the camera strap back over his head, letting the device settle on his chest before leaning back against the wall, and then asked, “Is there a story there?”

Photo took up position next to him, and answered, “It iz more about dancing than dancez. You may not have guezzed, but I am a 7 year ballet veteran. And I waz not bad, but it vould never be my claim to fame, if you know vhat I mean.”

“What happened?” Pip asked.

“Oh, there waz a photographer verking with us vone day,” Photo answered, “and I was dezperate to make an impression…so I tried something I vas not really good enough to do…and I went vone way…and my ankle vent another way…and zhat waz the end of my dancing.”

Pip’s jaw dropped, and he answered, “Oh damn it all, I’m so sorry.”

“It iz o.k.,” Photo answered,” Vhen I got back, I could not danze, so I worked with the photographer. And I zoon learned zhat I waz much more interested in what happens behind the camera than in front of it, zo it verked out.”

Photo glanced back at Pip, who met her glance with an uncertain smile. “Well, I guess that I got lucky in that regard. We might not have met otherwise.”

Photo was going to respond, but she heard a noise. Apparently Pip heard it too, as the pair turned their heads simultaneously to see a costumed Pinkie standing only a foot away, her face done over in garish makeup and her hair in odd poofy pigtails. She shuffled closer, her large clown shoes barely missing Pip’s feet.

“Vhat?” Photo asked testily.

Pinkie smiled and said, “Well…..I was going to say something about you guys being a really cute couple, which you are by the way….but…I was really going to tell you that I need to take a break to help Rarity restock the concession stand…soooo… someone needs to take over for a little bit cause there’s a lot of couples looking for a camera person…if you know what I mean…o.k.?” She took a step back, and smiled expectantly as she waited for a reply.

Photo wasn’t sure what to say at first, looking at the girl in the rather flamboyant clown suit. But finally Pip broke the silence,” Well, that’s a bit of a buzz kill, isn’t it?”

Photo just sighed, and looked to Pinkie and replied, “Very well…vhutever…juzt do...vhutever…” she said, shooing the other girl away. “Ve will take care of it.”

“Okie dokie lokie,” Pinkie replied with a big smile, “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She gave the pair a wink, and then moved off.

“What exactly wouldn’t she do?” Pip asked, looking clearly puzzled. He then sighed. “Oh well,” he continued, “I guess I can answer the call, since I’m already equipped.”

Photo thought about it for a second, and then caught hold of his hand and turned him towards her. She then rested her hands on his shoulders and said with a smile, “Do not lose heart my friend, ze night is still young.” She pulled off her glasses, and then reached up and slowly brushed her fingers through his bangs while looking him in the eyes and added, “Just make zure you do one zhing for me…”

Pip seemed dumbstruck for moment, but finally asked, “W..what’s that?”

Photo didn’t answer at first, but instead turned him slightly, and reached back and caught hold of the sign on his back, and ripped it off. She brought it around to let him see it, and then crumpled it up. “Vhatch your back,” she answered with a smile, slowly releasing her hold on him. He took a couple of steps back, and smiled broadly as he gave a quick nod, which she returned. He almost collided with another couple, but it didn’t seem to faze him a bit, as he excused himself again, and went about his business, still wearing the same goofy grin.

Photo watched him go, and then looked at the crumpled piece of paper in her hand. She took a moment and untangled it, and read the words again. “I guezz everyone has enemies,” she said to herself before a familiar sound caught her ear. She looked up to see Rarity and Pinkie cutting through the crowd, apparently on their way to one of the storage closets for supplies. Photo began to follow along out of curiosity, pausing only to dispose of the offending label in the nearest garbage can as she went.

Rarity and Pinky had to wade through several clusters of couples as they made their way, and at one point parted company. As they moved, Rarity thought for a second that she had seen the figure in black, but lost track of him quickly in the crowd. Pinkie, working around from the other side, was about to reunite with her friend when someone stuck a foot out and caught the end of her large shoes. The sudden obstruction caused her to pitch over and sent her sprawling onto the gym floor. Rarity heard her friend call out and turned to assist when she felt something blunt suddenly jab her in her back. She managed to turn slightly and saw the clearly defined shape of a firearm before someone yanked her by the hair and growled, “Shut up and keep walking.”

Meanwhile Pinkie was trying to get to her feet, but a boy she didn’t recognize had his hand on her back holding her down. “Hey,” she called out, “What’s the big idea?”

“If you know what’s good for you,” the boy answered, “You’ll stay down.”

And that may have been it, if he hadn’t been witnessed by a dozen other people, including Bulk Biceps, who calmly strode over and asked, “Problem here?”

The smaller boy took a moment to compose himself, and then answered, “Oh…uh…girlfriend tripped.”

This was answered quickly by Pinkie, who brushed his hand aside, got up off the floor, and stomped on his foot. He let out a yelp, and began hobbling away as PInkie yelled, “As if!” She quickly turned away and tried desperately to spot her friend. She caught sight of the black clad figure briefly, with Rarity preceeding him, heading in the direction of the locker rooms, but she wasn’t sure what to do next. That was when Photo finally reached her.

“Pinkie!” Photo shouted, “Vhat happened? Vhere is Rarity?”


“Pinkie…do not yell!” was Photo’s replied as she covered her ears, “I am schtanding right here!”

Photo looked towards the direction Pinkie was pointing and saw Rarity and the black figure disappear down the hall. She watched, and didn’t move. She only shook her head. She couldn’t begin to wrap her mind around it all. What would she do?

“Photo!” Pinkie called, reaching over and shaking the other girl, “What do we do?”

It was only then that Photo could focus. She looked up to the other girl, and replied “Go get Copper! Do you hear me!?! Go…get…Copper! Tell her what happened…and bring her along. Do you understand?”

“Right…got it!” she answered, “Oh hey, I think that Twilight’s brother is here too…”

“Pinkie!” Photo shouted in reply, “Get vone or ze other, but get zhem right now!”

“Oh…right. Wait...” Pinkie replied, “What are you going to do?”

Photo had by now let go of Pinkie and had slowly turned towards the danger. She looked back towards the other girl and answered, “I…I don’t know…probably zomething schtupid.” Pinkie gave Photo a weak smile, and then ran off as quickly as her large shoes would allow.

Photo turned and slowly advanced towards the nearby hallway, her heart pounding and her mouth dry. She had no idea just what awaited her, and no clue how to handle it. “Vhat am I doing?” she thought, “I do not schtep in front of bulletz. I do not run into burning buildingz. In Gottes Namen…vhat am I doing?”

Author's Note:

Thought I'd break the chapter in two, just to move things along.