• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 10,013 Views, 666 Comments

Contest of Rivals - Moon-Lite

It is Sunset's third month at Crystal Prep, physically recovered from the attacks caused by Anon-A-Miss, she now has a new trial to overcome.

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Contest of Rivals: Dealing with Loss Part 1

Author's Note:

Decided to change things, add a little bit more to this arc before it ends~

Prepare for a bunch of brief, One-Shot style "chapters"

Contest of Rivals: Dealing with Loss Part 1

One week later

“Okay, so I want you all to remain calm.” Said the girl said, her hands running through her yellow streaked hair. “Especially you, Twilight.”

The lavender girl was shaking and bouncing about in the basement of her house. “How could I possibly remain calm!?” She asked stepping from one foot to the other. “We are about to meet another sentient species, from another plane of existence no less!”

“Maybe it would be best if you composed yourself, Twily.” Shining Armour said, his voice not nearly tired sounding as he appeared. It had been a week of nonstop work for him and Cadence, his fiance having been instated as acting head of Crystal Prep Academy with the arrest of Abacus Cinch. Teachers that were loyal to Cinch refused to work under Cadence so the two of them had to rush to get upstanding substitutes to cover those classes for the rest of the year.

“Shiny is right, dear.” Night Light said, resting a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “I think we should contain our exuberance at such an amazing prospect.”

The girl pouted at her father, drawing a chuckle from Principal Cadence, the woman finally able to walk on her own without crutches after she suffered damage to her legs from the assault of The Friendship Games.

The newspaper had a heyday with the event, twisting the name rightfully to ‘The Friendship Tragedy!’, and spent the week hounding the hospital trying to get an interview from Cadence.

“Bah! You are all killjoys!” Twilight harrumphed as she crossed her arms, staring at the young woman before her. “Can we get on with this? I want to prove these meanies wrong!”

“You stole my phrase!” Sonata shouted indignantly, her cheeks puffing out adorably as everyone broke into slight chuckles.

“Relax, Sony.” Aria said, slapping her boisterous sister on the back gently. “I’m sure Sparks meant nothing wrong.”

A small cough silenced the the people in the room. “If you are all ready now, I’m going to ask our guest to come on in.” She lifted a notebook emblazoned with a 2 toned sun, scrawling something in it, then smiling when it gave a small purple glow and vibrated a moment later. She turned herself towards the large stand alone mirror that had been drug into the basement, taking a small step back and waiting.


Everyone gave small cries of shock when a lavender skinned girl with long dark purple hair with dual toned magenta streaks running down it fell through the portal, the girl giving a small shriek when she pitched forward through the mirror and tripping onto the ground in a graceless pile.

“I swear I will never be able get through the portal without tripping!” the girl said as she stood up, rubbing the small scuff on her forehead.

“T...Twilight?” Velvet asked in shock, staring at the duplicate of her daughter that stood before her. She was clad in a purple skirt the colour of her hair, with a baby blue blouse that had a red ribbon tied around the collar.

“Yes mom?” The girl responded, standing at attention as the woman addressed her. “Er, sorry… Force of habit.” She chuckled sheepishly as she blushed in embarrassment. “Oh boy, where do I start?”

“Start by introducing yourself.”

Twilight nodded in response to the girl beside her. “You’re probably right. Alright then!” She turned and smiled to the people gathered ahead of her. “The resemblance is uncanny…” She muttered, before she shook her head. “Right! My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I come from the land of Equestria.” She bowed as she finished her introduction, before looking at the gaping mouths of the people standing before her. “This will be a lot to take in I guess?” Twilight said with a silly smile. “Don’t worry, it’s not anything complicated.”

“Listening to a double of my sister call herself a Princess and say she comes from another world isn’t supposed to be complicated?” Shining Armour asked.

“Oh BBBFF, I am certain you will be able to handle this.” Twilight giggled as she watched her not-brother step back in shock at being addressed by her sister’s pet nickname for him. “Looks like I also use that moniker here to, huh?”

“Here too?” The human Twilight asked. “You mean that…”

“Yup! My brother, Prince Shining Armour, is married to Princess Cadence, and I do indeed call him BBBFF.” She said with a silly giggle. “Speaking of Cadence…” She peered over at the cerise skinned woman. “I want to check one other thing…” She took a step forward.

“Sunshine, Sunshine!”

“L-ladybugs… Awake…?” Cadence replied in shock. Was this really Twilight from another world?

“Looks like I was right!” Twilight giggled as she stepped back. “Okay, enough fooling around. Time for the reason I came here.” She nodded as she beckoned Aria and Sonata to stand with her. “Myself, Sonata, Aria, Adagio, and Sunset Shimmer are all from the world of Equestria. It is a world that is a parallel of your own, filled with magic and dragons and other such things that you all relegate to legends.”

She watched as the group before her took a moment to think about what they had just heard. “The most important difference in this world is that it is not inhabited by Humans, instead the most prominent race is that of Equines, or Ponies as we call ourselves.”


Princess Twilight looked with a smile at the outburst her human counterpart just had.

“Yes, Ponies. Sonata is a Pegasus, Aria is an Earth Pony, and Adagio a unicorn.”

“What about yourself?” Night Light asked, Twilight pleased to see her father was ever the inquisitive soul, even in another world.

“I am what we call an Alicorn.” She said, noticing the confused looks on everyone present. “Think of me as a combination of three races.”

“And you can use magic?” Human Twilight asked.

“Yes! I can actually give you a demonstration, if you would all like?” Princess Twilight asked, wearing a big smile at the idea of showing magic to those who had never seen it before.

“Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes! Oh please, yes!” The other Twilight begged, throwing herself onto her knees before her other dimensional self.

“Velvet, if I may call you that?” Princess Twilight asked of her mother not-mother, receiving a nod. “Is it alright if I gave a brief demonstration? I promise it won’t be anything destructive.”

“Please mom!? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeeeeaaasse!?”

Velvet laughed at her daughter’s reaction. “Go ahead Twilight, I trust you not to destroy this house.”

Princess Twilight nodded before she started to explain what she was going to do.