• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 10,009 Views, 666 Comments

Contest of Rivals - Moon-Lite

It is Sunset's third month at Crystal Prep, physically recovered from the attacks caused by Anon-A-Miss, she now has a new trial to overcome.

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Contest of Rivals: Reason for Celebration

Author's Note:

Hey! Guess what! I got to excited about the story again and decided to write!
So have the first actual chapter of Contest of Rivals~

Contest of Rivals: Reason for Celebration

Sunset grumbled as she stalked through the packed hell that was Crystal Prep Academy’s lunchroom during lunch break. Students could be heard laughing at their compatriots comments, phones emitting various noises as videos played or pictures were taken, or even the hurried scratching of pencil on paper as students rushed to finish homework due the next period. Sunset paid no mind to any of that, her mind instead focussed on trying to think if anything could be done about Principal Cinch’s threat.

“There ya are, Red! Get over here already!”

Indigo Zap’s voice broke Sunset out of her mindless march, causing the teen to walk over to the open spot at the group’s usual lunch table. Sunset was still amazed at how well the last few months had gone. She had reached top of all of her classes, the Shadowbolts had been warming up to Sunset more and more, the Sirens had spent time with her in Equestria, and Twilight had been… well…

“So, Sunset,” The lavender teen asked, hands digging into her bag and pulling out a small, rotund, disc shaped device and held it out towards Sunset, the device giving a slow steady buzzing of some sort. “I still haven’t figured out why Ethyl Mk.2 is acting out like this around you and the sisters. You sure you have no idea why?”

Sunset shrugged as she shook her mane of gold and crimson. She didn’t want to tell Twilight about her hunch that the device was detecting the slowly building magic reserves from the four Equestrians, as absurd as a concept that it was.

“Sorry Twilight, I don’t have a single clue as to why… Ethyl was it?” Twilight’s head nodded like a proud parent as Sunset properly remembered the devices name. “I don’t know why she’s acting up around us.”

Sunset noticed the look from Adagio, the amber teen responding with a knowing shrug. “So how come everyone’s acting so excited? Was there some kind of free desert thing going on or something?”

“All these monkeys are hoping to hear about who made the team for the…” Sour Sweet shuttered as she paused, obviously finding the next pair of words appealing. “Friendship Games. Such a stupid name for a pointless event. CHS has never even given us even a modicum of resistance in anything we have faced them in.”

Sunset nodded at the ponytailed girl’s tirade. She knew Sour Sweet, all of Crystal Prep for that matter, had a hate-on for CHS, seeing them as inferior. Sunset knew that while the average Wondercolt wouldn’t be able to hold a flame to the average Shadowbolt, there were some of the students at CHS that would be able to do well at this school. Academics and athletics aside, Sunset knew that the students at CHS were the same as the average student at Crystal Prep. Cruel, heartless, and only looking out for themselves. She was sure the Sirens would agree, Aria had made some “tasteless” jokes as Adagio put it, mentioning how the Sirens should have come here for their negative energy hunt. Adagio mentioned how surprising it was that the students seemed to be warming up to Sunset, instead of seeing her as a threat or rival, mentioning the fact that Sunset was doing her best to be warm and approachable seemed to be helping.

“Yeah!” Lemon Zest shouted, louder than necessary due to the music blasting from her headphones around her neck. “I don’t know why they keep trying, it’s kinda sad if you ask me.”

“I still don’t know why they call it the,” Sugarcoat monotoned, her fingers doing air quotes, “‘Friendship Games’. There’s no friendship between the two schools, and even less of a game.”

“So why does all the students here dislike CHS so much?” Sunset asked, looking around the table at the various Shadowbolts, “And aren’t these games about strengthening the bonds of camaraderie between the two schools?”

“Hard to have any sort of bond if they never try to improve themselves.” Sunny Flare stated as she paused in eating her pasta.

“Agreed.” Sour Sweet said, “They have yet to prove that they are worth interacting with.”

All around the table the native Shadowbolts confirmed that CHS was viewed as a lesser school, the Sirens shaking their heads when asked since they had no opinions to share.

“I don’t see why we couldn’t at least try being… polite at the very least.” Twilight said quietly, “They may have some neat things to share.”

“What could they share that you don’t already know?” Aria said bluntly, “I mean, the only thing they know that you don’t is how to betray somebody.”

“What happened to no opinion, Aria?” Sunset said, hoping that the Shadowbolts ignored the last sentence that came out of the straightforward Sirens mouth.

Aria shrugged, “You know what I mean, Shimmer. They were the ones to use you after all.” All around the lunch table girls fell silent, watching the fuchsia girl address the amber teen. “Used you to beat us then threw you away. I’m surprised you even still care about that shithole.”

Sunset looked down, her earlier frustrations multiplying as Aria brought up the past, somehow she was still bothered by it even though she had said she was done with that chapter in her life.

“Aria, I’m glad you care about me, but that was the past, alright? Now can we get back to eating?”

Aria gazed at the steely vision of her saviour, before sighing. “Whatever.”

“Attention, all students of Crystal Prep Academy.” Everyone in the lunchroom fell silent as the intercom blared to life from silence. “There is going to be a quick school assembly at the start of the next period. Everyone is to meet in Gym One before heading to their next class. That is all.”

Sunset looked around at all the student’s starting to whisper in hushed voices, looks of excitement starting to take over the throng of teenagers.

“You think she’s finally gonna let us know who’s on the team!” Lemon said, her voice buzzing with barely restrained excitement.

“I hope she makes me Captain!” Indigo said, “After all I am the obvious choice!”

“As if, Specs!” Aria countered, slugging the goggle headed teen in the arm, “We both know that Sunset should run the event. Hell, she could probably destroy that entire school singlehandedly and you know it!”

Twilight looked at Sunset, worried look on her face. “You did tell Cinch that you didn’t want to participate, right?”

Sunset shrugged apathetically. She still hadn’t told anyone about the threats that Principal Cinch had made. She didn’t want to risk it, Twilight had a bright future and Sunset was certain that every university in the world was clamoring to get the genius to study at their campus. Even if she told someone it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Cinch would deny it and there was little to no chance that she could get the devil in Prada shoes to admit her guilt under recording.

“Meh, if I get chosen I’ll participate. What’s the worst that could happen? A being of untold magical power threatening to tear the world apart in the search to understand a power not of this world?”


“I am sure you are all wondering why we host such an impromptu assembly.” Principal Cinch stated after silencing the crowd of students standing before her, “As you are well aware, Canterlot High School shall be hosting the Friendship Games this year, with the event being held next Friday. As a result the school shall be having a holiday, so all students that are not participating shall be allowed to stay home.”

There were quiet murmurs of happiness as the students started to plan their long weekends.

“However there are some students that shall be accompanying the team, so not all of you shall be having an extra free day.”

Some groans escaped the crowd at that comment.

“If you are all done bellyaching, I would like to announce the twelve students that I have handpicked based off of your academic standings to participate as members of the illustrious Team Crystal Prep.”

Everyone fell silent as they stood in wait to see if they would have the glory of smashing CHS.

“Would the following students please come to the stage when your names are called.” Cinch cleared her throat, “Miss Suri Polomare, misters Neon Lights, Royal Pin, and Trenderhoof,” she paused as the students slowly started to snake their ways through the crowd, “Mister Jet Set and Miss Upper Crust, and misses Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat.”

Sunset, Twilight, and the Sirens whooped and clapped as their friends made their way to the stage, even as the students started to look around in confusion. Why were only eleven students called? Didn’t Principal Cinch say there were supposed to be twelve people called up?

“Now while all of these students are indeed the amongst the cream of our crop, but there is one student that rises above all of you.” Cinch started, waiting for the students to calm down and quiet themselves, “I would like to call the Captain for the Friendship Games to the stage, miss Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset put on her best fake smile, even as she simmered with anger inside, as she made her way through the crowd to the front of the stage, ignoring the glares of anger from students who thought they should have made the team. She made her way up the steps, standing back from the edge and doing her best not to take long strides as she came to stop before her fellow teammates. She smiled at the eleven other members, only receiving lazy shrugs, or in the case of her friends, proud nods.

“Now, I want you all to continue to apply yourself, regardless of the fact that you shall not be competing for the glory of Crystal Prep. You are all dismissed.” Cinch turned back around to the twelve teenagers, pausing them with her hand as they started to depart. “You twelve shall be coming with me, we have a lot to discuss and your teachers have been informed that you shall be late.”

They all shared looks of disconcern, shrugging and falling in line behind the older woman.

“What do we have to talk about?” Sugarcoat monotone, her white pigtails bobbing in time with her steps, “You aren’t allowed to talk to us about what the event will contain afterall.”

Cinch refused to respond, Sunset biting back a response of her own at the woman, and the group continued up to the club rooms, Cinch unlocking one with a key and leading the team inside. It was a rather extravagant room, large plush recliners and sofas littered the floor, different sizes of tables with lamps and shelves ran along the walls and in a small group towards the far wall. Bookshelves laden with knowledge sat along one wall, breaking only for a large section with a pull down screen secured to the roof. A bank of computers in one of the far corners, one of them having a cable run all the way to a projector on the roof.

“Woooow…” Lemon Zest had to pick up her jaw of of the floor as she and the rest of the teens looked around in shock at the room. None of them had ever been in here, the door had a sign preventing anyone access that was not permitted by Cinch herself.

“This room shall be available to you all for use after school and on the weekends for private study and self examinations.” Cinch stated as she turned on her heel to regard the group of teenagers. “Sunset shall have access to the key, as well as myself. I expect you all to use this privilege, and to see you all in here whenever you have time to do so.”

With that statement the woman dropped a key into Sunset’s out reached hand, departing and allowing the door to swing shut behind her. Half of the teens shrugged before departing after the Principal, leaving Sunset, Indigo, Sunny, Lemon, Sour, and Sugarcoat alone in the room.

“This place is so awesome!” Indigo shouted as she ran and vaulted herself onto one of the recliners, kicking its leg rest up and she relaxed. “And we have access to this place until further notice? Boss!”

Sour Sweet made her way through the room, running her hands across the mahogany desks and tables. “This is definitely well equipped, it almost doesn’t feel like we are at school, more in a private study.”

“It’s sound proofed.” Lemon stated, tapping her hands against the wall where she could, “Could host some killer parties in here!”

“I hope you mean study parties?” Sunny asked, eyebrow raised, “I sincerely doubt that we would have access here for long if anything unacademic occured in here.”

“These systems are state of the art.” Sugarcoat mentioned as she scrolled through a menu on the system she booted up. “Better even than any of the systems in the computer labs.”

Sunset looked around, regarding the room with a serene sense of appreciation. “I doubt that those six will be here often, will they?”

Indigo let out a harsh bark of laughter, “I always knew you were a genius, Red. Truth be told, I doubt most of us will be here often.”

Sunset rested her hands on her hips. “Really? I figured I could help you all here, maybe help you prepare for your tests?”

That sold it. The other five girls instantly crowded around Sunset, nodding in agreement. They may all have been good students, but Sunset seemed to be on an inhuman level.

“You know what this means, right?” Indigo carried a dangerous tone in her voice.


“Wooo! Paaaar-taaaaay!” Indigo shouted, glee spilling out as the teen thrust her arms up in the air. Sunset sighed as she observed the mess that littered the basement room the teens inhabited. She wasn’t too surprised by the fact that Indigo wanted to host a celebration party, what was surprising was that all five of the Shadowbolts that were invited decided to come.

“Sorry about all this Velvet,” Sunset said, wincing apologetically, “I didn’t think that it would actually happen…”

The mother laughed, patting the teen on the back as she replied, “Don’t worry, Sunset. It’s a great achievement to be selected for the team, let alone as captain!” Velvet pulled Sunset into a deep hug, before continuing. “Now go and relax, I’ll bring down some refreshments.”

The woman disappeared up the stairs, completely ignoring the state of her house as Sonata and Indigo started to roughhouse for control of the first player controller. Sunset was about to break them up when she noticed the head Siren motioning to her, beckoning he unicorn over to a quieter corner of the room.

“Whatcha need, Adagio?” Sunset asked, leaning back against the wall as she regarded the poofy haired girl.

“What’s been eating at you?”

Sunset spluttered, not expecting such a blunt question from the Siren who was more well known for dancing around with words. “What? What are you talking about?”

“The others may not have noticed it, but you’ve been sulking a lot of late. Why?” Sunset could see the worry held in Adagio’s eyes, the concern and worry for a friend. Sunset sighed before she looked around at the room. Sonata and Indigo were playing one of their games again, the crowd all hooting and hollering as the two teens mashed buttons and threw out playful jabs.

“Fine, but not a word to anyone else, got it?” Sunset stated as she put her hands on Adagio’s shoulders. “I can’t afford this to be mentioned to anyone. Not your sisters, not Twilight, Tartarus, not even Princess Celestia can know, alright?”

Adagio nodded, worry starting to bubble to the forefront of her facade. “Whatever it is surely at least I could be of some help? Or do you not trust us yet?”

“I trust you with my life, Adagio. You, your sisters, you are incredibly close to my heart. I was worried when I first saw you back in January, but you’ve done nothing but prove that you have become better people… or went back to being better people?” Sunset shook her head, perplexed by the history of the three Sirens. “I’m still confused about what all happened.”

“I’ll have your club membership card in the mail.” Adagio winked, playful grin on her face, “But seriously Sunset, what’s wrong?”

Sunset looked around the room one last time, making sure that the rest of the group was preoccupied, and as far as she could hear, Velvet was still upstairs milling around in the kitchen. “I didn’t want to participate in the Friendship Games, but I’m being blackmailed my Cinch to participate.”

Mirth shifted to shock. Shock shifted to worry. Worry shifted to fury.

“That…” Adagio started before yelling out an incredibly colourful curse in Equestrian, causing Sonata to cry out from before the television.

“Hey! That’s five for the Curse Jar when we get home, Dagi!”

Giggles broke out from the crowd, all of them laughing at the eldest Sirens new monetary commitment.

“Why?” Adagio said once she calmed herself down to merely shaking in Sunset’s firm grasp.

“Why…?” Sunset wasn’t sure where Adagio was heading with that word, though she could tell how livid the woman was.

“Why have you not told anyone? What sort of blackmail could she have on you?”

Sunset paused as she looked at the crowd, her gaze falling on the lavender skinned girl sitting on the edge and laughing with all the others.

“It’s not blackmail on you… is it?” Adagio said softly, her gaze following Sunset’s to wash over the back of Twilight. “What could she have on Twilight?”

“It’s not what she has… It’s what she can do…” Sunset sighed, her face crestfallen. She remained silent for a few moments before looking up at Adagio. “She’s threatening to put word into any post secondary school we apply to, promising that we would never be accepted by a single one of them. I know I will never have a chance, Tartarus, I’m surprised I even managed to get into CHS and not drug off to be experimented on when it was realized I didn’t belong here.”

Sunset looked to Adagio, seeing her face in a heavy frown. “But that’s not all, is it.”

“She has a future Adagio. I can’t allow it to be taken.” She shook her head slightly as tears started to drip down her face, “She may not be Princess Twilight, but she saved me in her own way. Her and her family, they rescued me from my darkest moment and have helped me rise far above where I ever was before. I can’t risk it.”

Adagio studied the crying girl before her, the weight of understanding washing over her. Slowly she slid forward, out of the firm grip of the much taller teen, and wrapped the girl in a tight embrace.

“Sunset, as you know I have seen a lot of bad. I caused most of it too. Some of it will never be forgivable, me and my sisters know that. Maybe it’s why we’ve tried so hard to make amends since the Battle of the Bands. To try and prove we are not the same people who caused the two worlds to start to fight.” She rubbed a hand slowly up and down the girl’s back as Sunset crushed her fellow Equestrian in a massive hug. “I know why it is that you haven’t told anybody, and while I still think that you should, I understand why you haven’t. I want you to know that I am here for you. Always. And I can promise that Aria and Sonata are the same. You helped fix us Sunset, and while our fix took a lot less time we will do our best to help fix you.”

Sunset shuddered with barely repressed sobs as she held onto Adagio, her face most likely making a mess of the plume of orange curls the girl cultivated.

“If you are done making her motorboat you over there, Shimmer, we could sure use you over here!”

Aria’s callout made the two separate, a blush coming to Adagio’s face as she hurled playful insults at her crass sister, while Sunset started to giggle as she wiped the tears off her face.

“I guess we should join them, huh?” Sunset asked, offering a hand out to her friend, smiling as it was taken. “Thanks, Adagio.”

“No worries. You can pay me back by helping me bury a body after the party.” She winked as she grinned maliciously.

“Your face is all red!” Sonata cried out, pointing at Sunset as the pair joined the rest of their group around the flickering paused screen. “Did she do that thing with her tongue?”

Adagio face palmed as Sunset’s face decided to become more akin to a cherry made of fire. Aria slapped Sonata on the back, laughter tearing through her body at her carefree sisters comment. Indigo, Sunny, Sour, Lemon, and Sugarcoat all stared in shock, mouths agape at the implications they just heard, as Twilight tried to explain the situation.

“I’m sure Sonata didn’t realize what she said!” The teen stuttered as she held her hands up disarmingly, “You know how she can be!”

Slowly everyone shrugged in agreement, causing Sonata to adopt a pout so adorable everyone felt suddenly diabetic.

“Is everyone ready for drinks?” came Velvet’s voice as the matriarch shouted down the stairway, before starting her way down. “I’ve got some different juices, pops, and some water both cold and warm, along with some tea bags for those of you interested.”

She paused as the teens all bolted up, blushes still lying across a few faces, causing Velvet to giggle as she remembered being a teen at the end of high school. “I’ll just leave it on the table over here, just make sure not to spill anything and we should all be fine.” She waved as she left, responding that it was no worries when all the teens thanked her for the refreshments.

“So what does everybody want?” Twilight asked as she walked over to the table, taking the glasses and various jugs of liquids and box of teas off the tray and spreading them across the table. “We got… Apple juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, grapefruit juice, berry medley juice…” she paused in her description giving herself time to catch her breath, before stoically continuing, “cola, cream soda, root beer, lemonade, ice tea, not iced tea, citrus tonic, and a bunch of different teas.” Twilight finished as she opened the ornate wood and metal box, before placing it on the table with the rest of the drinks.

“Oh! Oh oh oh! Pick me!” Sonata started yelling, jumping up and down and waving her arm around.

Twilight giggled at the display. “Yes, Sonata? What would you like?”

“Can you tell me what you have again? You lost me after the juices.” Sonata said with a face so straight that if the girl was capable of lying she would run Las Pegasus bankrupt with her casino runs.

Everyone burst out in laughter as Twilight shook her head. “How about you all come up and pour yourselves what you want?” Twilight turned and poured a tall glass of ice tea before vacating the area as a herd of thirsty teens rushed to slake their dry throats.

“Hey! Don’t take all the cola, Sunny!” Indigo shouted out, reaching over to grab the large bottle from the short haired teens grasp.

“Where’s the cream soda?” Sonata asked as she pushed aside bottles in her search for the bottle of pink heaven.

“Damn! Your mom knows her stuff! She’s got the best root beer available!” Aria complimented as she started to refill her glass before everybody had even poured their first.

Sugarcoat made sure to slink to safety after she poured herself a half glass of cranberry juice, joining Lemon who was guzzling down her citrus tonic.

“She also knows her teas.” Adagio complimented as her bag of some kind of Neighponese green tea started to seep into the warm glass in her hands. “I haven’t had this blend in ages.”

Sunset made sure that everybody had gotten their first glasses, watching as the Sour poured herself a glass of grapefruit juice, before she pounced. “Does anybody want any lemonade?” she asked, watching as all present shook their heads. “Good, cause I ain’t sharin!”

There was a mixture of cheers and gross outcries as Sunset grabbed the pitcher and upended it, slowly draining the entire contents in one long continuous pull, before slamming the pitcher down and let out a loud sigh of pure happiness.

"That's the stuff." She moaned happily.