• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 10,009 Views, 666 Comments

Contest of Rivals - Moon-Lite

It is Sunset's third month at Crystal Prep, physically recovered from the attacks caused by Anon-A-Miss, she now has a new trial to overcome.

  • ...

Contest of Rivals: An Awkward Lunch

Author's Note:

Boom! Another chapter!

I just had to stay up and get this one done, I'm really feeling the desire to tell this story~
Hope you all like the (not so) calm before the storm~! >;'D

Contest of Rivals: An Awkward Lunch


“You weren’t kidding…” Twilight whispered as she took in the cafeteria of Canterlot High School. It was pretty generic for a high school cafeteria with Granny Smith manned the counter solo like normal, probably thankful for the lighter load than normal. The tables may have been in the same locations roughly as Sunset remembered them, but they were different, looking worn and dirty? The paint had started to peel on some of them, seeming to be caused by gashes it looked like when she managed to peek a closer look. The normally vibrant walls, full of colour and silly images were bare and empty, the colour seeming dead.

“What happened in here?” Sonata asked as she looked around, sorrowful frown on her normally upbeat features. “This place is like, a total dump from what I remember.”

“You and me both…” Sunset muttered before she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around, greeted by a slate grey girl with long coal hair.

“That is probably because of the general moral of the populace of this school, sadly.” Octavia said as she came to stand with Sunset and the Shadowbolts,Bon Bon, Lyra, and Vinyl joining them, causing Lemon Zest to start freaking out to be in close proximity to her idol once more.

“Down, girl!” Sour Sweet chided playfully, flicking Lemon’s nose with a delicate forefinger and causing the girl to recoil and cover her stinging feature.

“What the hell, Sour?” She groaned, her voice nasally for a moment. “Why’d you do that?”

“In all honesty,” Lyra started, shrugging nonchalantly. “The school has gone to shit since that assembly a few months back. Everybody is still upset at one another over Anon-A-Miss.”

“But still…” Sunset said as she paused and look around. “Aren’t Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna trying to do anything?”

“Try as they might, but they aren’t making any progress.” Bon Bon replied, the pink and blue haired confectioner stepping forward with a solemn smile. “Everybody is still taking it pretty hard and no one is listening to Principal Celestia or Vice Principal Luna, causing them to stress out more and try to think of something that could be done.

“I think that it would be best to drop the subject, loves.” Octavia said, looking at Vinyl who had an absolute truckload of lunch tray’s in her pale alabaster arms. “Vinyl was nice enough to grab us all trays while we dallied, and I suggest we get in line while there is still food to get.”

“Dibs on any tacos!” Sonata shouted in glee as she dashed towards the line of students waiting for food, but not before grabbing a tray from Vinyl on her way. Everyone shared a small chuckle before they each grabbed a tray from the encumbered DJ, Lemon Zest still shaking as she received hers.

“So does Granny Smith still serve-” Sunset started before she was cut off.

“Oh you know it!” Lyra said, receiving a high five from her friend in response.

“Dare we ask what they are talking about?” Sugarcoat monotoned, receiving a shrug and a chuckle from Bon Bon.

“Those two both adore some kind of specialty salad that Granny Smith makes for just a select few people.” The confectioner stated, walking with the rest of the group before gathering with Sonata, who had already laden her tray in preparation for tacos.

“Hiya!” Sonata greeted Granny Smith cheerfully. “Do you have any tacos?”

The elderly woman dropped her ladle in shock at seeing the bubbly Siren, before looking and noticing the other two as well as Sunset, her eyes pausing as she studied the amber teen.

“Hi, Granny Smith. I hope you are doing well?” Sunset greeted the woman with a nod. “Don’t worry about us, we just wanted to stop by and get some food before you ran out.”

The woman gulped and nodded. She had heard about Sunset being proven innocent from Applejack, had been the one to dole out punishment to Apple Bloom upon the younger teen being found out to be part of Anon-A-Miss. Last she heard Sunset had been ignoring Applejack and her friends. Ladle recovered she turned and looked at Sonata.

“Er, tacos, wazzit?” Her gravelly voice asked, Sonata’s head reaching near light speed as she nodded. “An’ what would ya, er, like on it?”

“Everything and anything!” Sonata near shouted, which would have been deafening if Sunset had slid a hand over the over enthusiastic girl’s mouth to muffle her.

“So, er, Sunset…” Twilight started, shifting nervously as she started her request of the former Wondercolt. “What do you recommend?”

“You know, there are four actual students here, and three additional former students, yet you ask me?” Sunset giggles as Twilight devolves into a blush.

“Well, you have eaten with us before.” Sunny Flare said, noticing Granny Smith starting to return with Sonata’s nirvana. “So you would be a good judge on what to recommend.”

“Well so have the Sisters!” She added, starting to worried about what to recommend. “I make worse suggestions than I give speeches.” She added, hoping to deter everyone from asking her opinions.

“Well what about this ‘special salad thing’?” Indigo asked, doing finger quotes when she brought up the salad.

“What!?” Lyra shouted out ahead of Sunset. “How do you know about that!?” Her eyes shot to Bon Bon who blushed and tried to whistle innocently. “Bon Bon? How could you!” She ran to the front of the line. “Granny! Give me my usual!” She called out, standing and saluting the elderly woman who merely chuckled at the mint haired lyrist.

“Care to explain, Shimmer?” Aria asked, shit eating grin on her face as she balanced her tray on one hip. “It’s not something with meat is it?”

Adagio gave an exaggerated fake gasp as she jumped in on Aria’s playful jab. “It’s not something with horse meat, is it?”

Sunset blanched at the comment, tray nearly leaving numb fingers, before she shook her head. “Oh gross! Gods, you two! I am not a can-” She blushed as she stopped her comment. “You know I am a vegetarian!”

“Why not try something with a little meat then?” Aria chided. “What are you, chicken?”

“I am not!” Sunset, her face becoming as red as her hair. “I don’t want to eat meat alright? Especially if it could end up being horse somehow!” She gave a disgusted face and shook her wild mane of hair. “The mere thought makes me want to vomit!”

“I’d suggest not saying that out loud, love.” Octavia pointed out, her hand pointing over to behind Sunset. “And I suggest you give Granny Smith your order.”

“Whoops!” Sunset spun around, blush still tracing across her face. “Sorry Granny Smith! Um, would it be possible to get-”

“Yer usual..?” The elderly food maker muttered softly, sadness pouring from her eyes as she looked at the teen.

“Er, yes please…” Sunset nodded, handing over her tray as the woman took it in both hands with a weary smile.

“So what is this special salad?” Sour Sweet asked, standing close to the team captain that had eliminated her.

“Oh, just a mix of spinach, lettuce, and fruits, like blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, chunks of orange, and the most important part,” Sunset’s mouth nearly started leaking when she remembered the best part of her special salad. “Strawberries!”

“What’s so special about all that?” Indigo asked, unimpressed at the description.

“It sounds like a steak salad without the steak.” Lemon Zest added.

“Here ya are, Sunset…”

Granny Smith had returned, causing Sunset to turn around one last time to regard the woman, sad smile on her face as she handed Sunset the tray laden with her special salad, as well as a special treat.

“Is that…?” Sunset looked down at the cup full of what looked to be powdered strawberries.

“Fresh from Sweet Apple Acres…” The woman said softly, releasing the tray into Sunset’s hands. “Ah’m glad to see yer doin well…”

“Thanks, Granny Smith.” Sunset said with a reflective smile. “I hope the harvest goes well this year.” She added before standing aside and letting the others order.

“So where should we sit?” Sunny Flare asked, peering at the packed yet empty tables.

“Over here!” Came Sonata’s voice, leading the large group of teens towards the far wall.

“These ones were empty for some reason.” She said as shrugged, mouth full of taco. “Dunno why though.”

Adagio looked at Sunset, who froze mid step, with a knowing look. Sunset gulped before she walked on. “Yeah, er… it sure is… strange…” She uttered softly before taking a seat, the large group taking their usual seating pattern at the end of the table, leaving Bon Bon, Lyra, Octavia, and Vinyl to take seats beside them.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, noticing how uncomfortable Sunset, Adagio, Aria and the Wondercolts seemed. “Is something wrong with these seats?”

“Well…” Bon Bon started, before being cut off.

“That’s where we usually sit.”

Everyone seat turned their gazes to the sky blue girl that seemed to be addressing them, save for Sunset who merely remained focused on her salad.

“Isn’t that right, Sunset?” asked Rainbow Dash, the athlete seeming quite down as she looked at the former Wondercolt.

“Why don’t you meanies sit somewhere else, huh?” Sonata said, standing up as taco dribbled from her mouth. “We got here first!”

“Relax, Sonata.” Sunset said, doing her best to placate the taco loving Siren. “Why don’t you five sit down beside them?” Sunset asked, motioning to the Orchestra group with a sorry smile.

“We, er, mighty appreciate it, shugahcube.” Applejack said as she tipped her hat, moving around the table and sitting down beside Bon Bon. Rarity took her seat beside the farmer, smiling sadly at the confectioner and the lyrist beside her.

“Whatever.” Rainbow shrugged as she sat down heavily beside Octavia, the refined girl grimacing as the food on the rainbow crowned girl’s plate threatened to slosh over onto her own. Fluttershy took the seat to the immediate right, Pinkie Pie beside her. The party planner’s hair a mess of curls and straight bangs.

Everyone sat in silence, no one wanting to be the one to start talking.

“Look, if nobody is gonna start, I frakin will!” Indigo said aloud, her hands slamming down onto the table. “You five are lucky that Sunset told us not to attack any of you, ya know that?”

“What are ya implyin?” Rainbow said cooly, eyebrow arching into her mess of bangs.

“I’m sayin that you five should be lucky that Sunset is civil enough to agree to let you whores sit with us!” Indigo spat.

“Hey!” Rainbow shouted, shooting to her feet. “Watch your mouth, bitch!”

Twilight started to slink down, not wanting to be witness to this burgeoning violence.

Not even five minutes and they are already at one another’s throats, rather pathetic, don’t you agree?

Now is not the time for you.

Isn’t it? It seems like someone strong of will is needed here to corral these weaklings~

I’m the weak one… Still having to put up with you…

So let me loose~ Let me show them what true power is~

“Stop!” Sunset stood up, looking between the two teens who seemed ready to jump onto the table and trade fisticuffs. “These Games are supposed to be about our two schools coming together in camaraderie, to build friendships between two separate groups of people! So why must you fight!?”

The two bullheaded girls paused as they watched tears start to well in Sunset’s aquamarine eyes, before glancing at one another one more time.

“She was the one who started it…” Rainbow muttered, crossing her arms.

“I. Don’t. Care!” Sunset stated, leaning on the table to make sure her tears didn’t drip onto her precious salad. “Hatred is the path that everyone at this school followed, and I refuse to have it be the path that me and my friends take!”

And who are your friends~?


“Both of you, apologize for disrupting lunch.”

The two teens looked at each other and muttered half hearted apologies before sitting down and starting to dig back into their respective lunches.

“I guess that will do…” Sunset said as she wiped away tears before sitting down and starting to eat again, the bliss of her special salad spreading across her taste buds.

Silence started again for a few moments before Applejack cleared her throat, startling everyone at the table.

“That was a pretty amazin shot, Sunset.” Applejack complemented, gaining nods and grinds from the Shadowbolts at the table.

“Pretty badash ya mean.” Rainbow added, half chewed food spraying from her mouth as Rarity cried out. “Heh, shorry Raresh!” She said sheepishly as she swallowed her mouthful.

“You were more like a superhero than a mortal, dear.” Rarity added once she picked herself clean. Pinkie and Fluttershy nodding in agreement as Sunset blushed and rubbed the back of her head.

“Er, thanks, girls.” she said, humbly accepting the praise from the various Rainbooms as she paused from eating her salad.

The two groups remained relatively silent as they finished, the two teams not wanting to do something to upset Sunset.

“If We could have your attentions, please!” Luna called out from the entrance to the cafeteria. “If you would please finish up your lunches before meeting outside in front of the school, we shall discuss the next event!”

Teens shot up and started rushing to various garbage cans, tossing away residue and stacking the trays on top before hurrying out of the venue, obviously more interested in getting away from one another rather than watching the next event.

“Dean Cadence? What are you doing here?” Twilight asked as the woman happened to be passing by.

“Oh, Twilight, hi!” The woman greeted before looking over the other girls, trepidation in her body language as she passed over the Rainbooms. “Principal Cinch just asked me to go grab something from the bus for her before the next event. See you all there!” She waved as she continued on her way.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am ready to get my Game on!” Indigo shouted, bolting from her seat towards a trash can to deposit her leftover.

“I guess that’s our que to head off then.” Sugarcoat muttered, standing up and heading towards the exit herself.

Each of the teens hurried to finish off the last of their food before hurrying to join the rest of the students who were already outside. Eventually only Sunset and Adagio remained, Sunset finishing off her cup of sugar frosted strawberries while Adagio watched.

“Er, shouldn’t you be outside?” She asked the Siren, trying her best to ignore the studying look she was receiving.

“When did it start to grow stronger?” She asked bluntly, causing Sunset to sigh.

“Oh right, you three can see my corrupted magic…” Sunset said. “Don’t worry, it shouldn't cause too many issues.”

“Except for the issues it’s already causing.” Adagio sighed as she looked around the empty room. “Look, Sunset, I know you think this is nothing major, but talking from over two thousand years of experience? I think you need to take this more seriously. I’ve watched as this… let’s call it ‘darkness’, alright?” Sunset nodded as Adagio continued.

“This darkness has been growing, ever since we first met again at Crystal Prep, I have seen it grow in strength. Tartarus, I’ve even seen it grow exponentially over the last week!” Her arms flew out to her side as she talked in hushed murmurs about the obviously touchy subject. “Even today, it’s been slowly creeping around you more and more!”

Sunset finished swallowing the last crystal encrusted fruit, relishing the sweetness before having to dive into the bitter subject. “Well the voice has been talking to me a lot more of late.”

“Voice?” Adagio asked, one eyebrow peaked.

“Yeah. The voice is the ‘darkness’ as you put it.” Sunset stated with accompanying finger quotes. “She’s a manifestation of the corruption of my magic from the night of the Fall Formal, when the Element of Magic sensed my darkness and corrupted me, turning me into a raging she-daemon with an alternative take on my lunatic plans.”

“You’re rather… calm about this all.” Adagio commented, returning to studying the girl. “Doesn’t it seem odd that you more or less have to argue with yourself?”

Sunset shrugged. “In all honesty, I would love it to be gone but I’m not sure how. With the Magic of Friendship potentially gone from from this world, I don’t know how else it could be purified once more, or even if it would work.”

“Why note bring it up to Twilight?” the lead siren asked, head tilted at her friend.

“Twilight? Are you nuts Adagio?” Sunset chuckled. “She would probably try to cut me open and study how I tick if she learned about magic.”

“As true as that is, I was referring to the Royal one.”

“Oh.” Sunset blushed as she realized what the Siren had meant. “I don’t want to worry her. She’s already done so much for me, I don’t want to impose on her once more.”

“Then I’ll ask her next time we meet. I’ll let her know what is happening since you are too scared to.” Adagio stated as she stood up, departing before Sunset could respond.

“Horseapples.” Sunset said as stood up herself, departing the now empty cafeteria and heading towards the front school grounds.

“And We are telling you, sister, that it is not that easy!”

Sunset paused as she heard Luna’s voice come around a nearby corner.

“Well what do you suggest then, Lulu?” Celestia asked back. “I’ve done all I could, but none of these teens will stop being angry for even one moment! I’m at my wit’s end!”

“Principal Celestia? Vice Principal Luna?” Sunset called out as she rounded the corner on the two educators. “What’s wrong?”

“Sunset!? Why are you here? You should be outside!” Luna asked in shock, backpedaling into her sister.

“I just finished eating and was heading there, but overheard you two talking.” She said as she held up her hands disarmingly. “I guess Lyra was right about the school being a mess, huh?”

The two women shared glances, before Celestia sighed and looked at the former student. “Not a word of this leaves here, alright?” She asked of Sunset, the unicorn nodding. “The only reason I tell you is because of everything that has happened, but if word of this comes out, it could mean the end for us.”

“I get it.” Sunset said, nodding once again. “I promise I just want to try and make the Games a more positive experience for everyone.”

The two sisters shared one last look before Luna beckoned Sunset closer. “The students are unwilling to forgive one another for the secrets that were shared during that debacle, though we wish it was more that they were disappointed in one another for scapegoating you.”

Sunset nodded as Celestia continued on after her sister. “We laid down punishments on all students after the assembly, which only further angered the students.”

“No internet on school computers, phones were to be handed in to the homeroom teacher at the start of the day and only to be recovered at the end of the day, extracurricular activities were all cancelled.” Luna added.

“Except for these Games.” Sunset said. “Why?”

“Because,” Celestia gave a dark chuckle. “The students have been such a hassle that I just wanted to punish them, to break their days.” Sunset’s mouth shot open in shock, this was more of Luna’s gig!

“We had personally hoped that the senior year would rally together and put aside the past in an attempt to give an actual challenge to the team from Crystal Prep Academy.” Luna said, silencing the teen in front of the two.

“So I’m guessing the absolute beating they are getting isn’t helping.” Sunset muttered, chuckling grimly.

“They are all looking forward to going home after this event.” Celestia said, her hands curling into fists. “I just want to yell at them, attempt to make them realize how utterly stupid they are acting! But no, instead the school board wants Luna and me removed, saying we have failed our job as Principals!”

“What?” Sunset asked in horror. “How could they justify that?”

“You probably heard that we had to hire security for the three ringleaders of Anon-A-Miss a day after they returned to school?” Luna asked, to which Sunset replied with a sad nod. “Well in addition to all that, they blame us for the whole thing! They say we were responsible for it because we allowed students to use MyStable at school!”

“Really? But that’s ludicrous!” Sunset whispered harshly, starting to feel a slight pang of remorse for the two women. She knew how of how many times they tried to apologize for their actions, and Sunset had forgiven them much sooner than others. They had all the reason to potentially feel betrayed if Sunset were indeed Anon-A-Miss, but how could they be faulted for students using that social media platform?

“Not stupid enough of a reason for the idiots on the school board.” Growled Celestia. “Look, I honestly don’t give a crap about these Games as far as results are concerned. I knew we were gonna lose, and that was before I found out you were gonna be the captain of the team.”

“For now, we two sisters play the gracious hosts, attempting to welcome the students of a rival school.” Luna added with a nod. “Even as our own students do naught but bicker and fight. But enough of this, you should head out and meet with your team. The last event is about to start.”

“You mean the third, right?” Sunset asked humbly.

“You know that is a dream from another world, Sunset.” Celestia chided playfully, shooing the girl away. “We will be right behind.”

Sunset nodded before waving farewell to the two women, the both of them having far more on their plates than they should.

But maybe it is right that they are punished for their failures~

Seriously? How could they know about Anon-A-Miss? Celestia can barely use her phone, let alone a computer, and Luna doesn’t seem the type to use social media.

Would probably go around ‘role playing’ as xi_Nightmare_Moon_ix~

… Really? I knew you sucked, but that was lame.

Do you deny it?

I don’t know why you would insist that Luna would become some kind of variant on Nightmare Moon in this world.

Fine, lie to yourself. It doesn’t matter to me~

The only lie here is you.

You would call yourself a lie?

If you think yourself to be a part of me, you are the delusional one here.

Oooh, Pony girl has a horn, huh?

Just be happy that there is little magic in this world, or else I would rid myself of you in an instant.

You think that you could be cleansed of your real self? Honey, stop being so delusional~

Sunset pushed the front doors open, making steady steps down the risers before stopping on the landing.

“There ya are, Red!” Indigo Zap called out. “I was worried about ya!”

“What took so long?” Sunny Flare asked, worry seeming to break through her stone like facade.

“Just had to finish enjoying that food,” Sunset joked, smiling and wishing the Games would end already so she could deal with this damned voice. “Those strawberries are to die for!”

“I’ll take your word for it, though I would hope that you wouldn’t actually die for something as simple as mere strawberries.” Sunny responded.

“Hey, it would probably take a literal sun crashing into this monster to end Sunset!” Indigo snarked, clapping a hand onto Sunset’s shoulders. “I mean, have you seen the guns on her? Seriously though, don’t you think about going and dying on me… I need someone awesome like you in my life as a role model!”

“Heh, I won’t be dying anytime soon.”